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288 South Hamilton Road   Columbus, Ohio 43213
(614)759-7700     1-800-838-3233     (614)759-7747 fax

The following is a partial list of companies that have hired our graduates.

  • American Electric Power
  • Smart Pipes
  • Barr Engineering
  • Doctors Hospital
  • Nationwide Insurance
  • LANTec, Inc.
  • American Heart Association
  • Rimrock Corporation
  • Cass Information Systems
  • The Limited
  • Innovative Designs
  • Grant/Riverside
  • National City
  • DFAS
  • Siemens
  • Bank One
  • Computel
  • Mount Carmel
  • PC Direct
  • OSU East
  • UPS

Graduate Placement / Career Advising
The school maintains an active Placement Office to assist students and graduates to attain positions on technology-based and business-oriented fields. While enrolled in school, students are contacted by the Placement Staff who assist and advise students seeking employment. Students are actively encouraged to take advantage of the school's placement services and facilities while still in school and immediately following graduation. The first step is to allow the placement office to release information, including resumes, academic transcripts, and references to prospective employers.

While the school can neither guarantee employment nor assure students of income opportunities, the placement office can greatly aid in the career search process. TEC provides a warranty to all employers interested in hiring one of our graduates. The warranty assures technical competency of a graduate. If a student fails to demonstrate the necessary competency, TEC will retrain them free of charge.

Part-Time Employment Assistance
TEC will help students find part-time jobs while they are attending school. The majority of students work part-time to help meet living expenses through their earnings. Students are encouraged to refer to the school's listing of part-time employment positions available. This employment-assistance service begins on the first day of classes.
Since employment depends on local business conditions, TEC cannot guarantee jobs. However, many of our students have been able to find part-time employment within their specialized field while a student at TEC.

TEC does provide housing for students. Student's interested should notify their admission representative. Housing is arranged for the student only, not for the student's family.