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Artwork of the Past






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Artwork of the Future

Creatures of Edrel

Here are some random non-spoilery doodles and story based artwork.  All current art on display is by Dracavia unless marked otherwise.

Harry Potter

Just a sketch of Harry at school, out of uniform.

Nicole & Sethopher

A little post-coital glow.

Harry & Draco

Harry and Draco being cuddly, set sometime after Harry no-longer has his scar.


A large night dwelling feline species found in the grasslands bordering Kalimdor and Ashenvale. Check the Creatures page for more info.

Reubi Cats

Drawn by Dragonsbane

Reubi Cats are cheetah like creatures. Check the Creatures page for more info.


An early rendering of Morwen, I don't like the scan quality, and a number of changes were made to her final appearance later on.

Kain's House - Ground Floor

A layout as of about the beginning of October.

Kain's House - 1st Floor

A layout with Fiammetta and Kain & Lucius' rooms marked.

Harry and Draco... Sort of

Dracavia got bored one day and found a candy-bar doll-maker online. This was the end result. Not half bad for using a program only intended for making girl dolls, if she says so herself, which she does ;)



This site was last updated 09/19/05