Michael's Sting Page *Your Sting Resource*
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The man we call Sting is one of the most popular and charasmatic Pro-Wrestlers in the history of the sport. Long the "Franchise" performer in WCW, Sting is the only major WCW star who has faithfully remained with the company since its formation and not spent a significant period of time with another promotion.

Sting, who's real name is Steve Borden, was born in Omaha, Nebraska. He would later move to Venice Beach, California, and make his home there. Like many Wrestling icons, Steve Borden started out small-time, but in just a few years, he would rocket to stardom.


While training for the Mr. America contest in 1985, Steve Borden met up with a man by the name of Jim Hellwig and the pair toyed with the idea of entering pro-wrestling. Later the pair would find a manager willing to give them a shot in Rick Bassman. Hellwig and Borden, using the names Rock and Flash respectively, along with another pair of wrestlers made their debut later that year after some training under Red Bastien. The group, called Powerteam USA, was raw, but popular. However, both Borden and Hellwig wanted to find better competition and ended up moving to the Mid-South area on their own. Renaming themselves the "Freedom Fighters", the pair won their debut match against Jerry Bryant and Lou Winston in less than 3 minutes.


As they continued on into 1986 their popularity grew. The pair renamed themselves once more, calling themselves "The Blade Runners", and Borden would take on a different wrestling alias, calling himself "Sting". Along with the new names, came a new look. Steve and Jim began to paint their faces with black designs. They donned black mouthpieces, and also dyed their hair. This is where Sting developed his blonde buzzcut, which he would retain for many years. Soon, Jim Hellwig would depart the team in order to Wrestle solo. He was replaced by Eddie Gilbert. The Mid-South conference would later re-dub itself the UWF, and in August, the Blade Runners would capture the Tag Team titles from the Fantastics, in a match in Tulsa, Oklahoma. By December, Sting was teaming with future star, Rick Steiner.


The pair would wrestle successfully until a loss in Febuary of 1987 to Terry Taylor and Chris Adams in Fort Worth, Texas. However, the team would go on to recapture the title from Taylor and Adams in April.

However, soon thereafter, Rick Steiner and Sting would break up their tag-team, and begin to feud. They then left the UWF for the larger NWA, where they continued their feuding. There he made an alliance with the Fabulous Freebirds, who would escalate the feud against Steiner. The feud would continue to escalate, and Rick Steiner would be aided in his efforts against Sting by Larry Zbyszco and Eddie Gilbert. This would culminate in a match in December of '87 at Starrcade, where Sting and the Freebirds went on to victory against Steiner, Zbyszco, and Gilbert.


Sting, who's popularity is on the rise, begins the year by teaming with Nikita Koloff, and would end up winning the Crockett Cup tag team tournament while teamed with up-and-coming Lex Luger.


1989 would be a huge year for Sting. His stardom was blossoming, and he would go on to defeat Butch Reed at the Chi-Town Rumble at the UIC Pavillion in Chicago, IL on Feb. 20th. On March 31st, he would go on to victory against Mike Rotundo in Atlanta, and in doing so he would win the NWA TV title. On the 7th of May, Sting would notch a victory against the Iron Sheik at the Music City Showdown at Municipal Auditorium in Nashville, TN...and on June 14 he defeats Bill Irwin at Clash of Champions VII: Guts and Glory at Ft. Bragg in Fayettville, NC.

Then...the real fun begins as Sting aligns himself with "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair.

On July 21, Sting Loses to The Great Muta via a reverse decsion, when the instant replay showed that Muta's shoulder was up at the count of two...and thus Sting also looses the NWA TV Title. This controversial decision would lead to a rematch of sorts at Fall Brawl '89 at the Carolina Colesieum in Columbia, SC. Sting and Flair went on to defeat Dick Slater & The Great Muta in this huge match.

It wasn't over yet, however, as Muta would team up with Terry Funk in a thuderdome cage match at Halloween Havoc '89 at the Philadelphia Civic Center in Philadelphia, PA. The team of Flair and Sting once again proved victorious against all comers.

Then, trouble began when Sting won the Ironman competiton at Starrcade '89, pinning Ric Flair in the finals. Sting thus gained a shot at Ric Flair's NWA title. In order to avoid giving Sting the shot, Flair invited him into the Four Horsemen, but Sting still wanted the shot.


On Feb. 6, 1990, the Horsemen kicked Sting out of the group. Later the same night, Sting injured his knee trying to climb a cage to get at Flair. That injury would require surgery and keep Sting out for four months.

However...Sting would get his due.

Later in that year, July 7, 1990, Sting came back from the injury to defeat Ric Flair for the NWA World title at the Great American Bash '90 in Baltimore in one of the greatest Pro-Wrestling matches of all time. Sting immediately became the focus of the fans; he had comics written about him, his merchandise became top-sellers, and he sold out arenas everywhere. In short, Sting became the man!

But, Flair held a grudge, and it wasn't over. Throughout the year, Sting would be plagued by the 4 Horsemen and a strange, new threat. The man called "The Black Scorpion". In the words of Xavier Doom (of Xavier Doom's Slayground)..."The Scorpion said he was from Sting's past -- that he wanted revenge on Sting. He'd attack Sting now and again. Sting would chase him, and The Scorpion would disappear into thin air. And when the Scorpion would evade Sting, a deep, dark voice would boom over the public address system to mock Sting and laugh. The voice was that of head booker Ole Anderon, who came up with The Black Scorpion idea. The whole thing was embarrassing and stupid. Various clues were dropped about The Scorpion's identity. The Scorpion said he once teamed with Sting. He mentioned California and Tulsa. The truth was that even head booker Anderson didn't know who The Scorpion would turn out to be. And this was his idea. Several men were stuck in the costume in the months that it took for this angle to play out. Apparently, Anderson wanted The Angel of Death to be The Black Scorpion. One problem: The Angel of Death wasn't under contract to WCW, and never came to take the role. Anderson struggled to resolve the storyline as Starrcade '90 approached. And Ole Anderson was under serious pressure: the main event at Starrcade was a match that put Sting's world title on the line against The Black Scorpion's mask. Desperate, Anderson was saved by Ric Flair. Flair agreed to play The Black Scorpion on the condition that he would take the world title from Sting a few weeks after Starrcade. So, the pay-per-view came, Flair did the job, and two weeks later, he was world champ for the seventh time. This embarrassment could have been avoided if Anderson would have forgotten about the stupid masks and smoke crap, and simply built a credible storyline leading to a Sting-Flair match at Starrcade."

During all this "Black Scorpion" nonsense, Sting was slated for an NWA Title shot in October. Before the match, the Horsemen tied Sting up in the locker-room, and had Barry Windham dress like Sting to job to Sid Vicious for the title. When the truth is found out, the match was restarted, and Sting went on to defeat Vicious.


In fallout from the whole Black Scorpion debacle, Sting looses the NWA title to Flair at the Meadowlands Arena in East Rutherford, NJ. In the interim, the NWA would become part of a new organization, WCW. Then, on May 19th, he and Luger lose to the Steiners after Nikita Koloff hits Sting with chain-loaded Russian sickle. The two begin to feud.

In August, Sting went on to defeat "Stunning" Steve Austin in the finals of the WCW US title tournament in Atlanta, GA. In November, Sting lost the US title to Rick Rude, after WCW champion Lex Luger injures Sting's leg earlier in the night in Savannah, GA. This marks the turning point of a huge fued between two of WCW's biggest stars.

Sting and Luger matched up at Starrcade 1991 in a battlebowl match in which the looser would be the one who went over the top rope. After a pitched battle, and despite the aid of Luger;s manager, Harley Race, Sting sent Luger to the floor and won battlebowl.


The fued continued on into the year, and at Superbrawl '92 in Milwaukee, WI, Sting once again went on to defeat the World Title holder Lex Luger, thus winning the World Title once again. Luger dominated much of the match, but then Sting took over. Sting hit Luger with everything and eventually won the title with a flying bodypress off the top rope. However, Sting would loose the title in a match against Big Van Vader on July 12th in Albany, GA. A fued with Jake Roberts begins soon afterwards. This cuminates in an incident on August 2nd in which Jake Roberts attacks Sting and delivers the DDT finisher to Sting...twice. Sting is taken to a local hospital.

This culminates in a coal miners glove match at Halloween Havoc '92 at the Philidelphia Civic Center in Philadelphia, PA. Roberts tries to get his snake to bite Sting, but Jake ends up getting bit....Sting goes on to win. WCW banned all animals from ringside after that incident.

In November, Sting and Rick Steiner reunite to feud with Catus Jack & Abdula the Butcher, and on the 18th, Sting battled Rick Rude at Clash of Champions XXI at the Macon Coliseum in Macon, GA. Sting went on to win by decision. In December, Sting wins "The King of Cable" tournament on the 28th, pinning Big Van Vader. The two eliminated each other earlier in the night, when they made it to the Battlebowl battle royal.


On January 13th, Sting, with Dustin Rhodes and a late-coming partner Catus Jack, defeats Barry Windham, Big Van Vader, and Paul Orndorff in a thundercage match at Clash of Chmapions XXII at the Mecca in Milwaukee, WI. In February, Sting starts to tag with Catus Jack in his battles with Harley Race's stable...long a thorn in the side of the Stinger. On February 21st, he looses in a "White Castle of Fear" strap match to Vader at Super Brawl III at the civic center in Ashville, NC. However, Sting would make a comeback against his old nemesis, and on March 11th, Sting wins the WCW World title from Vader in London, England.

But, a mere 6 days later, Sting looses the title to Vader. Thus begins a period of troubles for the Stinger.

On June 17th, he loses with partners Dustin Rhodes & Davey Boy Smith against Vader, Rick Rude, & Sid Vicious at the Clash of Champions at the Scope in Norfolk, VA.

The next year would begin another upswing.


At Clash of the Champions, on January 27, 1994: Sting and Ric Flair take on Vader and Rick Rude - Sting and Flair Win. At SuperBrawl, on February 20, 1994, Sting, Brian Pillman, and Dustin Rhodes challenge Paul Orndorff, "Stunning" Steve Austin, and Rick Rude - Sting's team wins once more.

WCW held their first ever Spring Stampede PPV that year, and Sting was involved in a fued with WCW International champ Ric Rude ( By this time, The international title is actually the NWA World Title ). Rude would not give Sting a shot at the belt until a young woman asked Rude for an autograph during a TV taping. What Rude actually signed was a contract to face Sting at the Stampede on April 17th. And there, Sting won the WCW International title. However, he looses the title shortly thereafter...and the title is declared vacant.

At Slamboree, on May 22, 1994 Sting battles Big Van Vader yet again for the vacant ( NWA ) international title, and Sting is victorious yet again.

Also around the same time, Hulk Hogan was signing to compete in WCW and he wanted the World title. So in June of 94 at the Clash of Champions, WCW unified the WCW World and International ( NWA ) titles when Sting met Ric Flair. Flair cheated his way to victory over his rival Sting that night, and Sting disappeared from the title picture for about a year.

Though not in the hunt for a title belt, Sting did manage to win the one and only "King of Cable" tournament at Starrcade in 94 with one of his few pinfall victories over Big Van Vader.


Sting begins to team up with Randy "The Macho Man" Savage, who had recently signed with WCW. On February 19th, the team of Sting and Savage defeat Big Bubba and Avalanche at SuperBrawl V in Baltimore, MD. Sting's feud with Bubba continues, and on May 21st, Sting defeats Big Bubba at Slambouree '95 in St. Petersberg, FL

Soon thereafter, the U.S. title was declared vacant and once again a tournament would determine a new champion. Sting gained the right to wear the U.S. title again by defeating Meng at the Great American Bash on June 18th, in a memorable match of Power and Martial arts skills against Sting's speed and unpredictable style. He would battle Meng once more a month later on July 16th, at Bash at the Beach in Huntington Beach, FL and would once more prove victorious.

Sting would continue to hold the U.S. title until October when he was upset by Japanese sensation Kensuke Sasaki.

At Halloween Havoc, on October 29, 1995, Sting and Ric Flair took on Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman. Sting and Flair Win by DQ when Flair turned on Sting after being tagged in. This led to World War III, on November 26, 1995 when Sting took on Ric. Flair. Sting won the match, but fails to win title in the battle royal

Down but not out, Sting rebounded and gained revenge on Sasake in December at Starrcade 1995. Though the title was not up for grabs, pride was as WCW faces new Japan in the World series of Wrestling, a best-of-seven between WCW stars and new Japan stars. Sting won the deciding seventh match over Sasake, thus claiming WCW as the best Wrestling in the world. Sting also battled in a triangle match between Sting, Luger and Flair. Sting lost the match to Flair.


1996 would prove to be a transition year for the Stinger. He would enter the year as the blonde haired hero everyone loved but end it with a new look and his loyalty under heavy scrutiny. In January of 1996, Sting won the World tag team titles with his buddy Lex Luger by defeating the Bluebloods at Clash of Champions 32 in Las Vegas, NV.

Then on February 11th, Sting and Luger defeated the Harlem Heat at SuperBrawl '96 in St. Petersberg, FL. At the time, Luger was on the fence between face and heel. Fans told Sting not to trust him, but he did. It was the first time when fans were not fully supporting of the Stinger's actions, and their doubts were hard for him to deal with.

It would get even harder later in that year.

On March 24th, Luger deserted him before their match with the Road Warriors at Uncensored in Tupelo, MS, but Sting kept the tag belts with the aid of Booker T of Harlem Heat.

Sting ended this comparatively easy period by defeating Steven Regal at The Great American Bash on June 16th.

Luger then began to wise up, and just in time, because on May 28, Scott Hall reared his head on Nitro. Sting was the first one to meet his challenge head on. At Bash at the Beach on July 7 three men of WCW, Sting, Luger and Macho Man, fought Hall and Nash, the Outsiders.

The 3rd man siding with the Outsiders remained a mystery throught the match, and speculation was rampant about that man's identity. Things took a turn when Hulk Hogan strolled down the walkway, and the announcers thought that the tide had turned towards WCW's favor. However, Heenan wondered who's side Hogan was on, and he turned out to be right. Hogan leg-dropped the prone Macho Man, and sided with the Outsiders.

That night the New World Order was born.

Sting focused his attention on Hogan and the rest of the nWo in several inconclusive matches.

On August 11th, Sting and Luger lose to Kevin Nash & Scott Hall after the referee Nick Patrick made a quick 3 count, at hog Wild in Sturgus, SD. Then on the 15th, Sting and Luger would lose the WCW Tag Titles in a triangle match to the Harlem Heat at Clash of Champions 33 in Denver, CO. The Steiners also lost the match.

The nWo grew in size in the weeks following Bash at the Beach. They convinced the Giant to join the nWo and then one week before Fall Brawl where WCW would meet the nWo in the War Games Main Event, the nWo pulled another surprise.

Lex Luger was wrestling a match that night when Nick Patrick ran out and told Luger that Sting needed his help. Luger ran outside and looked for Sting, then "Sting" came out of the nWo's Limo and viciously attacked Luger.

The nWo had recruited an impostor Sting ( aka Cobra ) to fake out Luger. Even when the real Sting tried to explain it to Luger, his friend wouldn't hear it. All this took place right before War Games. Sting was so upset, he refused to help WCW at first. And the nWo took advantage of Sting's indecisiveness. The team of Lex Luger, Ric Flair, and Arn Anderson was without Sting to start the match, and was at a decided disadavantage against Hollywood Hogan, The Outsiders, and the impostor Sting. The nWo cme out strong, laying waste to WCW's forces, until the true Sting burst down the runway and entered the cage. He single-handedly turned the tide, destroying the nWo. It looked like WCW would win until distrust reared its ugly head. After battling tooth-and-nail to bring victory back to the WCW camp, his teammates refused to tag him and woould not trust him. Furious, Sting leaves his teammates to fend for themselves. Without Sting, the WCW team then falls to the nWo.

The following night on Nitro, Sting came out and addressed the crowd for the last time. He said that fans booed him and fans cheered him, but he didn't care anymore. If no one will trust him, then they can "Stick it!" He declared himself a "free agent" and departed in disgust.

Then a few days later, Sting would speak for the last time in over a year. The nWo fake Sting was wrestling when the real Sting came out dressed in a black overcoat and black and white facepaint. Sting attacked the fake, laying him out. Out came the nWo to offer him a chance to join. Sting politely said "The only thing is for sure about the Stinger, is nothing's for sure". Then he disappeared for several weeks...leading many to speculate that Sting had secretly retired.

However, the truth was even stranger than the fiction.

After a few weeks, Sting returned...his hair was longer, and his face was now completely covered in white paint trimmed with angry black slashes around his eyes and mouth. He was no longer the boisterous, high-flying fan-favorite. Now he was a dark, shadowy, brooding figure who lurked in the darkness.

In the following months, Sting would pop his head in whenever someone was talking about him. Jeff Jarrett insulted him, and he paid for it. So did Rick Steiner, Jim Duggan, and Lex Luger. His entrances varied greatly...at times he'd drop from the rafters on a cable. Other times he would emerge from the crowd. And sometimes, he'd even emerge from under the ring. These attacks led everyone to believe that Sting was part of the nWo.


When Macho Man Randy Savage showed up in January, Sting sided with him. Macho then joined the nWo and everyone thought Sting was next. It even got to the point of Hogan giving Sting a hug on Nitro and claiming he had joined, but Sting didn't hug back. Then on March 17, at Uncensored, the questions were finally answered.

The nWo won a special challenge match against two other teams that night, and as they celebrated, Sting dropped from the rafters on a cable. Thinking Sting was there to congratulate them, nWo members entered the ring, where they were met with a baseball bat! Sting dropped all of them and pointed the black bat right at Hogan, who he then dropped as well. Sting had clearly aligned himself against the nWo.

Sting would continue to appear throught the year, thwarting the nWo at every turn with various stunts and tricks ( including Sting dummies and multiple men in Sting costumes and masks ). Fans would scream and chant "we want Sting" at every single WCW event hoping he would rapel down from the ceiling and electrify the crowd. By fall of '97, Sting was arguably the most popular wrestler in North America.

He became such a sharp thorn in their side that the match of the century was finally made possible.

p> Monday Nitro, August 18, 1997: After offering Sting several matches, JJ Dillon tells Sting that he must tell WCW what he wants. Sting grabs a fan's sign that reads "Hulk vs. Sting"

A match between Hollywood Hogan and Sting was signed for Starrcade 1997.

The 16,000 seat arena in Washington DC, The MCI center, was sold out within a mere three days.

It was assumed that Sting, a true icon of WCW who had never wrestled anywhere else for an appreciable period of time, would defeat evil Hogan.

But Hogan balked.

He had complete creative control in his contract, and he refused to put Sting over cleanly, despite the fact that everyone wanted to see it. So Starcade came (pulling a huge 1.8 PPV buyrate to see the main event) and before everyone's eyes, the mighty Sting entered the match and had Hogan pound on him nearly from the opening bell. Hogan hit his 'mighty legdrop' and referee Nick Patrick counted 1...2....3! Sting had been defeated!

But then Bret Hart came to the ring and accused Patrick of making a fast count ( But it wasn't a fast count. The whole thing was a huge botch-up.) Hart punched Patrick anyways and the match resumed, with Sting eventually getting the scorpion deathlock on Hogan and Hogan submitting. But as the ring was filled with Sting's friends he responded by climbing the ringposts and ending his silence with his trademark Stinger screams, the truth was that Hogan had already dispelled the myth of the unbeatable Sting.

The next night, the title was declared vacant by J.J. Dillon. And Sting would then speak for the first time in months. He pointed his bat at Dillon and said "You got no guts!"...then, he pressed the bat to Hogan's neck and followed up saying "And you...you're a Dead Man!"


Sting would win the rematch at Superbrawl with another screwy ending, thanks to Randy Savage. But by then all the heat that he had built over the past YEAR was gone. Hogan continued to be booked ahead of Sting.

Sting's first title defense against Scott Hall at Uncensored '98 wasn't even the main event. Hogan's cage match with Savage was. Savage went on to beat Sting at Spring Stampede on April 19th, due to the interferences of Miss Liz (who was stinger splashed by Sting after hitting him with a chair) and Kevin Nash, and would drop the belt to Hogan the next night before undergoing surgery on his knee. ( The Savior Sting was dead, but Hollywood survived unscathed and went on to headline most of WCW's PPVs this year while Sting has never competed in a PPV main event since. )

On the April 22nd Thunder from Columbia, SC, Sting goes on to defeat Big Poppa Pump ( Scott Steiner ) via DQ, and ends up getting on the mic at the end and ranting for a while before challenging Nash and Hall at Slamboree for the WCW World Tag Team titles..

On the Monday/Tuesday Nitro ( 04/27-28/98 )at the Scope in Norfolk, Virginia... Sting, the Giant, and "The Total Package" Lex Luger take on Konnan, Brian Adams, and Big Poppa Pump and win via a countout after Adams decides to leave.

Sting was hit with a bit of a dilema, when his tag team partner, the Giant, joined NWO Hollywood one week before the pay per view. He and Giant went on to win the match at Slamboree and become the new Tag Team champions, after Scott Hall turned on his own partner, and bared his true colors, black and white.

Sting was then asked to join NWO Hollywood and stand united with his partner. But Sting was a wanted man, as he was sought by NWO Wolfpac as well. We waited for a few weeks to see where Sting would go.

On the May 25th NITRO from Roberts Stadium in Evansville, IN. In the main event, Lex Luger and Sting take on the Giant and the nWo Sting. After defeating the nWo pair, the Wolfpac comes out, offering Sting a Wolfpac shirt. The program ends with no descision made. ( After the show ended, Sting evidently put the Wolfpac shirt on to a huge crowd pop. )

With three options at hand, he dropped from the rafters on the June 1st NITRO, wearing the white and black shirt of

NWO Hollywood. He stepped forward to embrace Hulk Hogan, only to pull back and clothesline him down to the ring floor. He ripped off the black and white NWO shirt to reveal his true decision....a red and black Wolfpac NWO shirt. Soon afterwards, Sting's black-and-white facepaint became black-and-red. Also, his demeanor changed...he was no longer the silent, dark avenger. Sting was now boisterous and loud...resembling his old self.

With Sting and his tag team partner on opposing sides, they set up a match for The Great American Bash that would put Sting and his partner, the Giant, against one another, in a winner takes both belts and chooses a partner match. Sting walked away victorious after unleashing 5 Scorpion Deathdrops and several Stinger Splashes upon his huge foe, and the following night on Nitro, announced his new tag team partner to be none other then Wolfpac leader, Kevin Nash. They defended the belts well together, with Lex Luger filling in for Nash occasionally when he was not available. On Monday, July 20th, at Monday Night Nitro, Kevin Nash and Sting lost their tag team belts to the Giant and Scott Hall, with some assistance and interference by Bret Hart.

Sting was named to become part of team Wolfpac at PPV Fall Brawl War Games, and ended up being punked from behind by Hogan when the leader of the Black and White NWO entered the cage prematurely, and used the slapjack (carried by Stevie Ray) to smack the heads of all the other wrestlers, including Bret Hart. It took two blows from the foreign object to lay Sting low, but in the end only Stevie Ray and Hogan were left standing. Then, the Warrior appeared and chased Hogan out of the cage. Hogan grabbed the keys and locked the cage, seemingly trapping the Warrior inside. However, Warrior kicked the cage open and chased down Hogan again, but the pair was restrained by security. At that point, the still-woozy DDP arose and applied the Diamond-Cutter to Stevie Ray for the pin and the victory. Thus, DDP gained the title shot against the seemingly unbeatable phenom, Goldberg at the next PPV.

However, on the September 14th Edition of Monday Nitro, Sting himself went head-to-head with WCW Champ Goldberg. Though I knew that there was no way that the WCW would drop Goldberg yet, as they had spent far too much time building him up to have Sting beat him, especially when the huge match between Diamond Dallas Page and the reigning World Champ was scheduled for the next PPV, Halloween Havoc.

However, I was pleasantly surprised by the match, which I figured would be another squash by the over-hyped Goldberg. Shockingly, the match was a good one, with momentum seesawing back and forth for a while until Goldberg rammed himself into a turnbuckle post in an attempt to spear Sting, who sidestepped nicely. Sting then took advantage of Goldberg's discombobulated state and managed to get the champ locked in the Scorpion Deathlock. Though Goldberg was attempting to fight off the submission hold, Sting reasserted the Deathlock and clamped down on the champ. It was at that time that Hollywood Hogan decided to intervene in the match, kicking Sting in the head. When Sting fell, Goldberg rose up and speared the woozy Sting. He then applied his jackhammer finisher for the pin. Then, Hogan climbed into the ring and attacked the Champ himself. Suddenly, Bret Hart ran (limped) to the ring and drove Hogan off. Goldberg then went to Sting and helped the former WCW champ to his feet.

Good sportsmanship, and a good match...even if Sting did loose.

Sting was betrayed by Brett Hart ( who had supposedly turned to side with Sting ) shortly thereafter during a match against Hollywood Hogan. In fact, the entire Wolfpac was laid waste that night. The result of this betrayal was quick revenge.

On the following NITRO, the Wolfpac was in revenge mode. They went backstange and took on the entire nWo roster. The continued through the building until Sting found Brett Hart. Sting and Hart locked horns until seperated by WCW security. However...it wasn't over yet.

The Wolfpac attacked again, and Sting himself took a forklift and overturned the nWo limo.

That night, Hart and Sting were schedueled for a match. But Hart turned tail and walked backstage after his into. Sting pursued and the two fought backstage, with the outcome becoming undecided.

A tag match pitting the Warrior and Sting against Hart and Hogan became a melee' when the nWo stormed the ring. Sting cleaned house with two baseball bats.

Later still, Hart and Sting battled again and the match ended when Sting Deathlocked Hart, who grabbed the ropes. When Sting refused to release his foe, the nWo came out to seperate the two. The Wolfpac emerged and the two groups battled until the Black and White nWo was repelled. Sting and Hart were then slated to fight at Halloween havoc.

The night came and after a grueling match, Sting overshot Hart attempting a Stinger Splash, knocking himself unconcious in the process. Hart took advantage, Striking the prone Sting several times with Sting's own baseball bat. Sting was rushed to the hospital, and afterwards remained in seclusion.


Finally...on March 29th, 1999 Sting reappeared...again wearing the black-and-white facepaint. His intentions...a mystery.

But the next Nitro during the main event Sting droped down from the rafters and landed outside the ring. Climbing into the ring with his black bat, he circled the ring a couple of times before pointing to a large screen. The "Macho Man" Randy Savage's voice was heard as we watched a message appear on the screen:..."Sunday, April 11th, on Pay Per View. The following men will meet for the WCW World Heavyweight Title in a 4 Corners Match : Ric Flair, Diamond Dallas Page, Hollywood Hogan, and the Man they call Sting. The rules are simple : the man that gets the pinfall becomes the WCW World Heavyweight Champion. And last, but not least, there will be a winner...and I will referee."

Spring Stampede was a big upset to me because who would have ever thought the "Macho Man" Randy Savage would help DDP win his first WCW World Heavywieght Title. Hogan was also taken out of the match, because of DDP doing the Figure Four on the ring post.

Sting came out on the April 13th Nitro and challenged DDP to a title match. Flair wasn't too pleased with that and a screaming match between Flair and the Stinger ensued. The outcome of the argument was a match between Flair and Sting to be held later that night. And what a match it was! Poor old Flair got his butt kicked by one fired up Stinger! The new Sting has his three previous identities all folded into one - the blonde brat, the crow look and the wolfpac sting's cockiness.

On April 26th Nitro, Sting finally completed his new look with the gold! DDP did not really plan on defending his title against Sting but he agreed. It was schelduled to be at top of the hour which was at 9:00 pm on Nitro. This match was also a long match, Sting and DDP pulled out everything they had. From pieldrivers to low blows and even verticle suplexes. But at the end Sting reversed the Diamond Cutter into the "Scorpion Deathdrop" and got the 1...2...3...

Later that night Sting was challenged to a Four Way Dance between Kevin Nash, DDP, and Goldberg. He also was to defend his title the same night. But Sting unfortally did not come out vitorious.What is the shortest World Heavyweight title reign in WCW?

Nitro, July 19th, Sting vs Ric Flair for Presidency of WCW. At first, Flair exuded arrogance, since the assigned referee was Charles Robinson. But before the bell, Sting Death Dropped the partial official (which made it impossible to disqualify him) and then focused his attack on The Nature Boy. Flair tried every dirty trick from his vast arsenal, but couldn't quell the fire within WCW's franchise player. Sting scored a superplex, but was pulled out of the ring before a three-count could be administered. When Sting exited to clobber the Enforcer, Sid made a surprise appearance and walloped the painted warrior. Flair seemed to have the match in hand and locked in the Figure-Four leglock. Miraculously, Sting not only recovered, but turned over and reversed the submission hold. Sting was back and seemingly invincible. But referee Mickey J was pulled into a Stinger Splash and knocked unconscious. During the officials absence, Anderson and Asya tried to interfere -- only to feel the wrath of the Stinger. Sting locked in the Scorpion Deathlock -- Bischoff ran from the commentating booth and gave the match to Sting. Post-match, Sid returned to finish the job. The big man cleared Sting from the ring and power-bombed Bischoff. Enter Hogan. The Vicious One cleared out.

Later that night during Hollywood Hogan and Sid's World Title match, Nash's appearance forced the official to throw out the bout, but that didn't stop the action. As Nash attacked Hogan, Sting aided Hogan and evened the odds. Then Rick Steiner cemented suspicions about his allegiance with Nash by entering the fray. But that was only the beginning. Just when the action seemed wild beyond belief, Goldberg returned to in-ring action, attacking Nash, Sid and Steiner. Rockford nearly exploded as Sting, Hogan and Goldberg stood together in the ring.

The next week on Nitro, Hogan came out for an interview with Mean Gene. He talked about the mystery partner tag team match later on, but then challenged Kevin Nash to come out and face him right then. The Wolfpac music started, and out came Kevin Nash, but he was not alone. Accompanying him was Rick Steiner and Sid Vicious, making this an obvious three on one advantage for the Nash. Hogan, not backing down, told Nash to come on in, and the brawl ensued. It wasn’t long however, before Steiner and Sid joined the ruckus as they beat down Hollywood, kicking him unmercifully. Moments later, the crowd erupted as Sting ran in to make the save, chasing off the three big men. Nash told Hogan that he has his own partner and said the Hulkster better have his ready as well. Sting and Hogan stared each other down before The Stinger left the ring, leaving Hogan to wonder if Sting was the man he needed.

In the back, Mean Gene stood outside Hollywood Hogan’s dressing room, trying to find out who his partner would be in the big match later in the night. Sting stormed by and went into the Hulkster’s dressing room.

Sting came to the ring and said as President, he had a lot of decisions to make. He said there was a guy in the back who wanted him as a tag team partner. He asked the crowd what they thought and they responded with arousing cheers. At this point, Hollywood Hogan came to the ring. Hogan told Sting that he knew there was a lot of history between the two of them. Hollywood gave Sting his word that he would not stab him in the back. Sting responded by saying that he would team with the Hulkster, but if he crosses the new President, he would get him.

Sting came to the ring and said as President, he had a lot of decisions to make. He said there was a guy in the back who wanted him as a tag team partner. He asked the crowd what they thought and they responded with arousing cheers. At this point, Hollywood Hogan came to the ring. Hogan told Sting that he knew there was a lot of history between the two of them. Hollywood gave Sting his word that he would not stab him in the back. Sting responded by saying that he would team with the Hulkster, but if he crosses the new President, he would get him.

Who would have ever dreamed that Sting and Hogan would be on the same side and work together as a team? After stuffing Sid’s mouth with his bandana, Hogan punched the big man several times but was met with a painful inverted atomic drop. Hogan, limping noticeably, took it to Sid while Nash and Sting fought on the other side of the ring. A double clothesline off the top rope by Hogan to Sid and Sting to Nash stunned the big guys and made the two that much more dangerous. Nash gave Sting a pair of snake eyes he won’t soon forget but Sting revived and cleared the ring of Big Sexy then scoopslammed Sid Vicious. Sid’s massive knees to Sting’s chest painfully thwarted a body press by Sting. Although Sting and Hogan acted like a cohesive team, Hogan was knocked off the ring apron and a desperate Sting was left with no one to tag in when he finally got the opportunity. Despite this, Hogan made his way back up and sting finally was able to make the tag. As the four men broke loose in the ring again, Sting accidentally splashed the referee between himself and Sid while splashing Sid. Enter Rick Steiner, the new bully on the block, who attacked Sting with a steel chair. Steiner then tripped Hogan from the ring apron, allowing Nash to slam his former nWo ally with a chair. Nash jumped on Hogan for the pin and, the ref, who was just beginning to stir and saw none of the interference, counted the pinfall and awarded the win to Nash and Vicious. Goldberg quickly ran in to aid Sting and Hogan but was immediately and brutally attacked by Steiner who swung the metal chair, hitting Goldberg several times in the back and legs, as Nitro went off the air.

The following week on Nitro when being interviewed by Gene Okerlund, Sting expressed his dissatisfaction with last week's attack from Kevin Nash, Rick Steiner and Sid Vicious. He challenged Vicious and Steiner to a tag match and called out to Goldberg to be his partner. At the end of the first hour, Sting returns to the ring and asks Goldberg for his answer about the tag match.

Backstage, Goldberg prepared to join Sting, but was attacked my Vicious (with a snow shovel) and Steiner. They locked him in a room and as Sting ran back for the save, he was attacked by the thugs too. Steiner and Vicious dragged Sting back to the ring, but the WCW President still had some fight left. Steiner and Vicious did overwhelm Sting, but Goldberg escaped the locked room and made the save. The match was still scheduled for later that evening.

August 9th Nitro, when Tony Schiavone made his return to the commentating booth alongside Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, they announced that Sting had returned control of the promotion to WCW, and JJ Dillon had already appointed Dusty Rhodes head of the championship committee. Later on as Hogan was making his way out to the ring for an interview with Mene Gene, the World Champ was attacked by Nash, Sid Vicious and the DFG. Nash's new posse pummeled Hogan until Sting and Goldberg made the save. An outraged Hogan told Nash that if Big Sexy could beat him, he would retire from wrestling. Sting upped the ante even more. The former WCW President challenged Nash put up his career at Sturgis as well. Nash agreed that all six men would fight in the Nitro main event. Kevin Nash, Sid Vicious and Rick Steiner vs. Goldberg, Sting and Hollywood Hogan.

Fans cheered for Sting and Goldberg, but they exploded when Hulk Hogan, adorned in red-and-yellow, made his glorious return. Hogan ran roughshod over all three of his opponents, while Goldberg and Sting gave their support. Hogan eventually tagged Goldberg, who delivered his own brand of total domination. Nash's team finally saw an advantage when Sting's joined the fray. The Painted One seemed invincible, too, but was derailed when Vicious countered an off-the-top splash by raising his knees. But Team Sexy's momentum was short-lived. Sting rebounded with a fury of splashes, Goldberg speared the DFG and Hogan delivered chair shots to both Sid and Nash. Stinger won the match after executing the Scorpion Deathlock on Nash.

At Road Wild in the battle between The Millenium Man and The Franchise, neither man backed down. Sting battled back from an awesome display of power by Vicious to rock the big man with consecutive Stinger Splashes. The third time was not the charm, however, as Vicious caught Sting with his giant hand and laid him out with a monstrous chokeslam.

During the Rey Mysterio Jr and Lenny (with Lodi) match the next Nitro, Sid returned and crushed all the competitors. Sting ran in for the save, but could only slow down the Vicious One. Hogan made the assist and accepted Sid's challenge for later in the evening. Hogan then stunned the Colorado Springs crowd with a challenge of his own. If Hogan could retain the belt that evening, he would fight Sting at next week's Nitro.

Later that night when Hogan and Sid battled, the DFG arrived. Sid and Steiner pummeled Hogan, until Sting made the save. Vicious went over the top rope, and Steiner ended up suffering the wrath of Hogan. Confused, referee Charles Robinson counted the pin on the TV Champion.

Whilst being interveiwed at the following Nitro, Sting said that tonight would be a huge night for him because Hulk Hogan offered him a title shot last week. Lex Luger came to the ring, showing his face for the first time in many weeks. The two embraced and Luger said he was nearly ready to come back to the ring after his injury and he was there as a show of support for Sting in his World Heavyweight Title match. Calling Sting the true franchise, Luger said he had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach about the yellow-and-red-clad Hogan and warned Sting that Hogan may be up to his usual antics. Sting retaliated by saying that the Hulkster was giving him a shot and he was going to take it, despite Luger's reservations about Hogan.

Later that night saw the World Heavyweight title match between Sting and Hogan. Shaking hands in a show of mutual respect, the two superstars locked up and all respect went out the window. A shoving match soon ensued and the two got down to business. Hogan twisted Sting's arm, Sting twisted Hogan's arm. The two traded moves like the consummate professionals they are, in the most technical match up of the evening. Hogan whipped Sting into the corner then slammed him to the mat. Not to be outdone, Sting chopped, punched, and kicked his way to a scoopslam. Hogan cornered Sting then threw The Stinger outside and threw him from pillar to post. Sting, however, slammed Hogan into the announcers' table. Hogan returned the favor. Back in the ring, Hogan threw an elbow but failed to connect as Sting rallied and garnered a two-count. Clutching the champ in a rear chinlock, Sting was relentless in his quest for the gold. Hogan could take no more, or so it seemed, as his hand was raised twice and fell twice. The third time, he rallied and went after the challenger with renewed strength. Flattening Sting, Hogan went for his legdrop but Sting rolled out of the way, and Stinger splashed Hogan. Sid and Rick Steiner jumped into the ring and attacked both men. Goldberg then ran into the ring with Lex Luger in tow and the four men ran off the two pests. Hogan and Sting shook hands and embraced afterwards as Hogan offered Sting another shot at the title and Sting accepted.

Fall Brawl, September 12th was Sting's shot for the WCW World Title against Hulk Hogan. Both men shook hands prior to the match. Bret Hart arrived to wish both men well in the bout. Early on, Hogan reminded the crowd of his Hollywood days, biting Sting in the corner. Sting fought back, nailing Hogan with a high cross body for a two count. Sting put Hogan in position for the Stinger Splash, and hit two before missing the third. Hogan began to "Hulk Up," hitting Sting with the big boot. Diamond Dallas Page ran in and KO'd the referee, then hit Hogan with the Diamond Cutter. Bret Hart ran in, taking out DDP. Sid Vicious would then run in, only to be hit with the Hogan boot. Lex Luger charged the ring with a baseball bat but he was hit with the boot also. The bat fell into the hands of Sting who contemplated his next action. Sting shocked the world, hitting Hogan with the bat, then locking in the Scorpion Deathlock. Referee Charles Robinson ran in and called Hogan out, giving the World Title to Sting! Sting and Luger walked out of the ring arm and arm, having duped Hulk Hogan and the world <

Sunday, Ocotber 24th was Halloween Havoc, where Sting was to face Hogan for a return match with the World Heavyweight title on the line. The music for The Hulkster played, but Hogan didn't come out. Heenan and Schiavone speculated as to where he could be. Finally, his music stopped and the WCW Champion's started. The Stinger made his way to the ring, belt in hand, ready for a fight. Hogan's music started again, but still no Hulkster. Finally Hogan came out, only not in wrestling attire, but in street clothes. Hogan whispered something to Sting and layed down in the ring, volunteering himself to be pinned by the champion.

After the match that followed his, Sting's music played and the WCW Heavyweight Champion made his way to the ring. He said he came to Vegas for a fight and challenged anyone in the back to come out and take him on in a non-title match later that night.

Sting came to the ring, waiting for someone to answer his challenge. Goldberg's music played and out walked the newly crowned U.S. Champion, ready to fight. The two fought on the announcer's table, which seemed to have been used as a battleground more than the ring throughout the night. In the ring, Sting delivered three Stinger Splashes to a fallen Goldberg. As Sting leapfrogged over Goldberg, he came off the ropes and was met with a spear. One Jackhammer later, and the phenom known as Goldberg made it 2-2 on the night, capturing the WCW Heavyweight crown. After the bout, Sting delivered a Scorpion Death Drop on referee Charles Robinson after Robinson awarded Goldberg with the belt. Since it was supposed to be a non-title match, what would happen the next night on Nitro?

Monday Nitro opened up with a furious Sting, looking for J.J. Dillon. He entered the arena without his makeup, and made his way to the ring. He called out J.J. Dillon, in search of clarification for the world title situation. Sting claimed the title was not on the line at Havoc in his unscheduled match with Goldberg, and demanded his belt back. Dillon then informed Sting he is no longer the champion, because he assaulted a WCW official. Dillon said the title is up for grabs, and will be decided in a 32-man tournament leading up to Mayhem on November 21. Sting took his displeasure out on Dillon, putting him in the Scorpion Deathlock. Goldberg came to the rescue, and the two were soon separated by WCW officials.

Backstage, The Total Package tried to send Sting flowers, but Sting refused; in another room, TTP told Elizabeth to formulate a new plan. Later on, TTP and Elizabeth took a stack of brownies from catering and plied a few with laxatives.

Backstage, a delivery boy tried to bring brownies to Sting, but was stopped by Duggan. Hacksaw confiscated the goodies and took them for himself.

21st of November saw the WCW pay per view 'Mayhem' live from Toronto, Canada. During his interview, Sting told Mean Gene that he was ready for Bret Hart but if it weren't for the "Powers That Be," the tournament wouldn't be taking place to begin with.

In their WCW Title Tournament Semi-Final Match, Bret entered the ring with a Wayne Gretzky jersey on, honoring The Great One, who would be inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame the next day. The match started as a slugfest, with neither man gaining the sure advantage. The fans were totally behind their fellow countryman and showed their disdain for Sting as he shot a cheap low blow on The Hitman. The fight took to the broadcast table and Tony and The Brain headed for higher ground. The referee went down and The Total Package and Elizabeth entered the ring, attacking Sting with the baseball bat. Hart got up and saved The Stinger, putting Package in the Sharpshooter. The referee Mickey Jay got up and disqualified Sting for outside interference. Bret, not wanting to win that way, requested that the match be restarted. The referee agreed, and the match was back on. Sting captured Hart in the Scorpion Deathlock, but miraculously, Bret reversed it into a Sharpshooter and Sting tapped out, surrendering his chance at the WCW gold. After the match, Sting called Hart back in the ring and shook his hand.

After what had happened at Mayhem, the next night on Nitro, TTP told Liz that she would be facing Meng that night on Nitro. Liz replied by locking herself inside a study shark cage for protection. Elizabeth begged Sting for help, but he refused.

Pre-match, a forklift delivered Elizabeth right into the ring. Meng watched curiously, and then began shaking the cage. But, when TTP tried to give the Tongan the key, Meng turned on the Package and delivered the Death Grip. Meng then began bending back the bars of the cage. Elizabeth seemed to be doomed. And then Sting arrived. The Painted One beat Meng with his bat, freed Elizabeth and walked back to the dressing room.

Later on when Mike Tenay was interviewing him, Meng spoke for the first time in years. He challenged Sting to a no-disqualification match – and even invited The Painted One to bring the bat.

Mike Tenay later interview Sting and Sting said "he wasn't looking for a fight," but he was happy to teach Meng a lesson. Enter Elizabeth. The First Lady of Wrestling offered her managerial services to Sting, but the Painted One wasn't biting.

A short time later backstage, Sting approached the ring. During the match, Elizabeth came to ringside. Meng throttled the Stinger before the opening bell, but the Tongan Warrior couldn't maintain the advantage. After clotheslining Meng from the ring, Sting scored several Stinger Splashes. Enter The Total Package. Elizabeth wanted to mace Meng, but her charge stopped her and managed to distract The Painted One. Meng used the distraction to apply the Tongan Death Grip.

The following week on Nitro, it was announced that Sting was scheduled to face Jeff Jarret and Chris Benoit in a three-way dance – the winner would be the number one contender after Starrcade.

Backstage, Chavo tried to talk to Sting about his three-way dance, but the interview was interrupted by Elizabeth. The First Lady of wrestling begged for help, but The Painted One couldn't be bothered.

The Three-way Dance (winner becomes the No. 1 contender after Starrcade) was up next. Since the first man to gain a pinfall would be declared the winner, all three of these superstars were fighting at a feverish pace. Sting, Jarrett and Benoit all managed to compromise their opponents, but no one could score a clean three count.

That's when things got a bit kooky. Elizabeth and TTP nailed Sting with a chair, Jarrett whacked Benoit with a guitar and Dustin Runnels – arriving from the stands – smacked Double-J with the ring bell. The result: An unconscious Benoit pinned an unconscious Jarrett for the win.

In the arena, TTP carried Elizabeth to the mud pit that was set up for a match later that night. The Package's manager slapped his face; he responded by dumping her into the mud. TTP took off his suit, while Elizabeth wallowed in the filth. Before the Package could enter the mud, Sting decided to give him a surprise assist. The Painted One not only dumped his former friend into the mud, he dumped his expensive clothes into the mess as well. Sting then escorted Elizabeth to the back.

The following Sunday at Starrcade, Elizabeth's contract and freedom were on the line in this heated match up. Sting needed to win the match in order for Liz to be freed from the narcissistic Package. Before the match, Sting handed Liz "heavy duty" spray and told her to throw the spray she was bringing to the ring out. That would prove very telling as the match went on. As the heated match continued, Liz stepped onto the ring apron, helping Sting to beat the Package and gain her freedom. Jumping in the ring, Liz took the mace that he had given Liz and, as she once again turned on Sting and went to spray mace in his eyes, silly string squirted out, leaving Liz exposed as the traitor she is. Having successfully fended off a mace attack, Sting went after The Package with ferocity, until Liz entered with a baseball bat. Convincing Liz to drop the bat, Sting went back to his defense, but as soon as his back was turned, Liz slammed the bat across the face of Sting who turned just in time to receive the crushing blow. The Total Package destroyed Sting with the bat and vicious kicks as referees and medical personnel attended to the seriously injured Stinger. Elizabeth proved one thing tonight; she truly belongs with the Total Package.


At SuperBrawl 2000, as Hulk Hogan defeated The Total Package with the leg drop, he then suffered an attack from Ric Flair. Enter Sting. The black-and-white knight, missing since Starrcade '99, saved Hogan from Ex-Luger's black bat and rekindled his friendship with the Hulkster.

Feb 28th's Nitro, during Buff and the Package's match, both men battled in and out of the ring, taking the fight onto the announcer's table. In the ring, Package applied a variation of the camel clutch, taking the steam out of Bagwell. Buff Daddy came back, taking TTP down with a swinging neckbreaker. As he went for the pin, Liz put Package's foot on the rope, saving the match. Enter Ric Flair. Package and the Nature Boy beat on Buff until Sting charged the ring, making the save with the black bat in hand.

The following Wednesday on Thunder, backstage, Sting told The Total Package that he is back and will destroy him at Uncensored.

At Uncensored 2000, everyone who suffered a broken arm at the hands of Team Package was at ringside as a lumberjack, as well as others, including Head of Security, Doug Dellinger for the Sting vs TTP macth. Package tried to apologize to everyone for breaking their arms, but they would hear nothing of the sort. Sting hit the ring and the match was on. Package was finally thrown to the floor and, as the crowd roared, revenge was the order of the day. Soon it was Sting who was sent to the floor, and he too felt the wrath of the plaster. Tank Abbot headed to ringside and cold cocked Doug Dellinger before leaving. At this time, the lumberjacks abruptly left the ringside area and Package and Sting were left alone ... except for Vampiro, who stayed in position as the lone lumberjack. Ric Flair and Elizabeth came to ringside and The Nature Boy entered the fight, attacking The Stinger. Sting quickly turned the tide on the 14-time champion until TTP made the move on his distracted opponent. Liz hit Sting with the bat, and he barely kicked out as Package went for the cover. Vampiro took hold of the bat and whacked Package with it, setting Sting up for the Scorpion Death Drop and the win over The Total Package. After the match, Sting also passed the torch to Vampiro, embracing him in a show of thanks for watching his back.

Sting took on Sid Vicious in the WCW World Title Tournament match. Sting was on fire early, landing a Stinger Splash in the corner on the "master and ruler of the world." The action spilled to the floor, with big Sid taking control in the all-important title contention match. Sid wore Sting down with a rear chin lock, trying anything to take the victory. With both men down after a double clothesline, The Wall made his way to ringside, table in hand. He set it up outside the ring the ring and made his way in with a steel chair. He hit Sid across the back and brought him to the floor, where he chokeslammed him through the table. The referee counted Vicious out, and Sting won the match via count out.

Sting was then involved in another World Title Tournament match but this time it was against DDP. After both men entered the ring, Jeff Jarrett joined Schiavone and Hudson at the announcer's table. Sting took out the big guns early, delivering two huge splashes in the corner on DDP. Page came back, but was sent to the floor; just in time to see Jarrett making a move toward Kimberly. He spun Jarrett around and slugged him, as the referee tried to break up the fight. While all this was going on, Vampiro hit the ring and dropped his "brother in paint" Sting with the Nail In The Coffin. DDP slid back in and one Diamond Cutter later, he was on his way to Spring Stampede for a shot at the WCW World Title. The Chosen One snuck in and swung the guitar at Page. He ducked, and Kimberly took the full shot over the head with the six stringer.

In his U.S. Tournament Qualification Match Sting took on The Villanos. All three Villanos attacked the Stinger at the beginning of the bout, but he fought back against the "loco luchadors." He scored the pin on Villanos one and two, but three jumped him from behind, knocking down referee Charles Robinson in the process. The Villano delivered a low blow and went to the outside, retrieving a guitar from under the ring. He blasted Sting with the guitar and unmasked, showing everyone what lengths The Chosen One would go to gain total control in WCW. DDP entered and leveled Jarrett with a Cutter, placing Sting on top for the win.

At Spring Stampede, Sting was part of a tournament to see which last two men would battle for the US Heavyweight Title. In his first match, he took on Booker. The Stinger had the Chicago fans fully behind him as he faced off against the former Harlem Heat member, Booker. Tempers flared early and the fight took to the ringside area, where Sting and Booker threw each other onto various crewmembers. Back inside, Booker took over on his painted foe, slowing him down with a front facelock. After an axe kick to the back of the head, Sting barely kicked out of a pinfall attempt. Both men turned up the heat, trying to put the other away. After an amazing exchange, Sting leveled Booker with the Scorpion Death Drop, sending him on in the US Tournament. After the match, Booker called The Stinger back into the ring, offering his congratulations.

After winning the opportunity to progress in the tournament, he took on the man who won their part of the tourny, Vampiro. Sting was fired up as he looked to gain the ultimate revenge on his former "brother in paint." The Stinger gave Vamp a lashing, using the entire ring and ringside area as his battlefield. Vampiro kicked out at two after a big splash from the top. Vamp gained control, wearing Sting down with fast, power moves. Vampiro went to the top, but Sting stepped aside, sending him crashing to the canvas. After a Scorpion Death Drop, The Stinger applied the Deathlock, taking the match by submission.

Before his third and final match of the night, the Stinger told Steiner and The New Blood in an interview with Mene Gene that they couldn't run from The Millionaire's Club. In the US Title Tournament Final, Sting battled against the big bad booty daddy himselt, Scott Steiner. Both men were former US Champions, and knew the prestige that came with the title. Poppa Pump jaw jacked with the fans as he powered the Stinger around the squared circle. Steiner went to the top after Sting, but was pushed down to the mat. Sting drove in with a splash, but referee Billy Silverman was caught between the two. Another splash was delivered and Sting was on his way to victory. As he set up for a third, Vampiro ripped through the canvas from underneath, pulling the Stinger into the hole. As the world waited, Vamp re emerged, pushing a bloody Sting back onto the mat. Steiner woke up the referee and cinched on the Recliner, winning the US Title by submission.

Sting dropped from the rafters and, after treating Vampiro to a solid beating, the Dark Angel was drenched in red liquid from the sky. Vampiro then called in the New Blood. Bischoff and Russo's selection of new superstars reattached Sting to his repelling wire and hung the battered warrior over the fans.

On May 1st's Nitro, from out in a graveyard, Vampiro challenged Sting to fight him on his turf. Out in the graveyard, Sting searched around in the dark for Vampiro. Vampiro lured Sting on a chase through the darkness. Vamp attacked from behind with a shovel and beat Sting down repeatedly. When Sting asked Vampiro who he was, he said he was a monster and shattered a tombstone over the Stinger's head. He fell backwards into an open grave, where Vamp dumped a wheelbarrow of dirt onto him. As Vamp walked away, Sting's hand appeared out of the grave.

At Slamboree 2000, Vampiro charged Sting as he came down the ramp, missing a flying leg lariat. The two fought all over the ringside area, as The Stinger delivered a DDT on the floor. Inside, Vamp low bridged Sting, turning the tide of this extremely intense match. The dark angel grabbed a lead pipe from under the ring, beating Sting repeatedly with it. Sting stopped a huracanrana from the top by going low and dropping Vamp down with a powerbomb. He used the pipe, and destroyed Vampiro with two Scorpion Death Drops for the 1-2-3 win. Even after the pin, Sting continued his assault, smashing the gothic one in the head with the lead pipe.

On Thunder when Mike Tenay interviewed him, Mike asked Sting about his problems with Vampiro and the similarities between the two athletes. But, when Tenay began discussing the Human Torch Match, WCW's Avenging Angel became visibly agitated. During the interview, the lights went out. A burning curtain illuminated the set and infuriated Sting.

At the Great American Bash, the fans eagerly awaited Sting's arrival for the Human Torch Match against Vampiro. Sting appeared atop the Nitro Vision with a lit torch, telling Vampiro that if he wanted the torch, he would have to climb up and get it. Vamp was visibly upset, blaming Mark Madden for not telling him ahead of time. The former brothers in paint locked horns in the ring, throwing each other from one corner to the other. Vamp got a gas can and poured gasoline all over Sting as the two made their way to the stage and the Nitro Vision. As the two climbed up the scaffolding, about ten feet up, Sting fell backwards to the stage below. He got up and climbed the fixture after Vampiro. They fought high atop the arena, back and forth until the dark angel grabbed the torch and set Sting on fire. The Stinger stumbled around, before free falling from the top to the stage below in an incredible moment. Stagehands and medical personnel surrounded Sting, putting out the flames as they wheeled him away for immediate attention.

Vamp said he has no excuses and shows no remorse for anything he has done. The Demon emerged from the casket, seemingly under a spell. As Asya tried to pull her fiancŽ out of the ring, the dark angel told Demon to choke her down, which he did. The lights flickered in the arena and a man in a long trench coat and black mask on tore Demon and Vampiro apart, delivering a pair of Stinger splashes and a Scorpion Deathdrop.

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