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    The Latest On Sting!

    Sting Appears On The Final Nitro On TNT...

    Sting Comes Back to the final installment of WCW Monday Nitro on TNT. Sting was called by Ric Flair to wrestle him for the last time. Flair mentioned Sting as his greatest opponent. Ric Flair and Sting wrestled in the main event on the most anticipated night in pro wrestling history. Ric Flair pulled his old self by low blows to Sting. But he was no match for the Stinger.

    The show's biggest story was an announcement by Vince McMahon, who told the world he had purchased World Championship Wrestling. Vince, however, got the biggest surprise of all when his own son, Shane, appeared on Nitro and announced to the world that a McMahon did indeed buy WCW -- that McMahon being Shane himself.

    What will happen to WCW, under the ownership of Shane McMahon. What will happen to the wrestlers contracts including Sting. Will just have to wait and see.

    Credit To: WCW.com

    Sting d. The Nature Boy Ric Flair
    Sting and Flair locked horns once again, ready to relive history for WCW fans in attendance and around the world. Flair showed respect for Sting's strength, backing into the corner after a press slam. The dirtiest player in the game got The Stinger close enough to land a low blow, just out of referee Charles Robinson's sight. Ric landed stinging chops to Sting's chest, but the fans got the seven-time champion back in the game. Flair locked on his trademark figure four leglock, wearing down the painted warrior's legs. Sting came to his feet and applied the Scorpion Death Lock for the win. Flair and Sting embraced after the match, showing the tremendous respect they had for each other.

    Click Here for news.

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    If you wan't to Contact Me, You can email Me at VENOMESSTING@aol.com

    © Copyright 2000-2001 Michael's Sting Page & MSP Designs. All images are copyrighted and may NOT be taken or legal action will be taken.

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    5/17/01 ...Updates:The BattleZone Site Wars is over and Michael's Sting Page won Best Sting Site 'Honorable Mention'. Thanks to everyone who voted for me.

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    This is not an official site for Sting and no money is being made off this site. I am NOT Sting, nor do I know him personaly. Michael's Sting Page is a fan dedication to Sting and is NOT his official website. All multimedia including images, sounds, videos, or anything that represents Sting is property of WCW, World Championship Wrestling and Time Warner.

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