Every now and then, Indy Pro Central feels a lil funky fresh and wants to chat with some established people in the business... Except we love to ask 6 questions instead of packing a bunch of boring and cuttin' round the bush detours... Checkout who've we chatted with...

Anthony Gundacker and Shark Boy chatted over some interesting topics... The two discuss Michael Lockwoods death, His start in the business... and even a DEATH DEFYING ROAD STORY?? Read it by CLICKING HERE
Once again.. Not exactly following our 6 question policy.. But great read nonetheless... JOSH PROHIBITION sat down with James Hinson... Read it by CLICKING HERE

Another Hinson great... Bull Miller and James Hinson chatted about IWA and other stuff... Check it out by CLICKING HERE
James Hinson and Indy great, J-Rocc shoot the breeze.. The two discuss J-Roccs favorite matches, accomplishments and how he broke into the business.. Great read... CLICK HERE TO READ THE INTERVIEW

Okay.. well maybe this is more than 6 questions... But what the hey? IPC spoke with one of the top Indy Stars in the business... MDOGG20 ... check it out by CLICKING HERE

International Superstar Low Ki sat down with IPC while nursing a broken jaw suffered over seas... Hear what the "bald bomber" had to say when he chatted with Anthony Gundacker... CLICK HERE TO READ LOW KI'S IPC INTERVIEW

Indy Star Adam Firestorm found the time to chat with Indy Pro Central and had some interesting words to share... Including two awesome road stories...CLICK HERE TO READ ADAM'S IPC INTERVIEW

We chatted with former WCW and WWE star... LASH LEROUX..... As DDP would say... This one is for all muh favorite Cajun Crazies.... Check it out... GREAT READ!!