Live from the Boston Garden, it's the 1993 Survivor Series!
Commentators: Vince McMahon & Bobby Heenan
Originally, Randy Savage wasn't on the card. See, it was Mr. Perfect who was supposed to be there, but according to Razor, he "tagged out" before the match. From what I understand, his back was giving him problems. Now, a little history for the match. Razor & IRS are feuding over the IC Title, which Razor holds, but Razor beat Martel weeks before this to win the vacant title. Meanwhile, Perfect was feuding with Diesal, but he's out, and Savage is in. Savage is involved in a heated feud with Crush. With that said, here we go.
The match gets heated when Adam Bomb is in. He gets covered by Razor, and Martel tries to make the save. Razor moves, and Martel hits him with an elbow. Bomb is pissed, and so is his manager Harvey Wippleman. Harvey gets inside, and Martel hits him! All the heels get in, and begin to argue, while IRS tries to keep them together. It's mentioned that the heels had a miscommunication prior to the event. After a while of seeing Razor inside, Savage is tagged in, and he eliminates Diesal following a Flying Elbow. IRS comes in, and he sets him up for an elbow, too, until he sees Crush walk down. Savage runs out of the ring, and tries to go after him, but his teammates won't let him. Still, Savage is counted out. So it's even with three guys per team. IRS is eliminated next, following a Razor's Edge. A big brawl erupts, with the ref turning his attention away. IRS comes in and nails Razor with his brief case, and Razor ends up outside, and getting counted out. 2 on 2. You have a veteran like Martel, and then big Adam Bomb against the two little guys, the Kid and Marty Jannetty. They work on
Kid for a while, before Kid catches Martel with a sunset flip pinning combination, to eliminate him. Kid tags Jannetty right after, as Adam Bomb charges. Jannetty immediately hits a sunset flip on Bomb, to score the win for his team, at 25:57. The Kid & Jannetty survive. ***1/2
The Royal Knights are individually named Blue Knight, Red Knight, & Black Knight. The identities of the Knights are Greg Valentine, Barry Horowitz, & Jeff Gaylord, in case anyone was wondering. Bruce Hart is currently a teacher, and Keith is a fireman. The first elimination comes when Owen Hart hits the Black Knight with a missle dropkick. For a long time, Michaels & the Knights work on Keith's arm. Finally, Keith makes the tag to Bret. Bret locks in the Sharpshooter on the Red Knight, and he taps. So it's 4 on 2. Outside, Stu tries to heal Keith's hurt arm. Shawn is outside, and goes after Stu. Stu ends up nailing Shawn in the face! Back inside, Owen and the Blue Knight fight. Owen locks in the Sharpshooter! And Blue Knight taps out, meaning the Harts have the 4 on 1 advantage. Shawn works the Harts pretty well, until
Bret tags in Owen. Owen hits a belly-to-belly. Bret Hart is on the middle of the ring apron, basically away from Bruce & Keith. Owen and Shawn do an Irish whip reverse sequence, and Owen ends up bumping into Bret, who goes flying off the apron and into the guard rail. Nice spot. Keith, Bruce, and Stu all check on Bret, and Owen is yelling at him, with his back turned to Shawn. Shawn rolls Owen up for the pin. Owen's officially eliminated. Owen is pissed off and yells at Bret as he leaves to the back. Everyone's still with Bret. While this happens, Bobby Heenan sneaks some water to Shawn, and Ray Combs, who's on commentary for this match complains. Shawn fights with all three Harts for a few minutes, until Bret gets the tag again. Shawn decides to run away, so he's counted out at 30:57. Three of the Harts survive. Bret, Bruce, & Keith all celebrate inside, when Owen comes out. Owen pulls Bret off the second turnbuckle and starts to argue with him. The brothers try to hold him back, but Owen is pissed off! Bret is upset and leaves, as Stu tries to talk to Owen. All of the Harts, except Owen, leave. Owen celebrates in the ring, as he's booed out of the building. Match is important for historical reasons. ***1/2
Good match with many nearfalls. Very different from 1993 WWF, as hurricanranas and alot more quick moves
seem to show up. Funny moment... Ricky Morton is thrown over the top rope, and since this is SMW titles, Robert Gibson assumes that it's a DQ, as he raises his arms in victory. However, it's not, since they're in the WWF. Morton covers Tom Pritchard inside, and the ref's back is turned. Cornette gives his tennis racket to Jimmy Del Ray, and he hits Morton with it from the top rope. Pritchard makes the cover, to win the SMW Tag Titles, at 12:40. Good match. ***
No one knows who the Doinks are, except for one... the real Doink. Or is it? First, the Bushwackers come out with Doink facepaint and the green wig on. Okay, so one more left, right? No... Men on a Mission come out with the masks! Hey, where's Doink? That's lame, not even having the real Doink in. Anyway, this match is terrible, as it's supposed to be comical, but nowhere near. There's food in there, scooters, and other crap! Bananas!Samu is first out, and then Booger, who's been eating a banana, goes for a sitdown splash, but misses. He's eliminated following a pin. Mo starts riding a scooter inside, when he's not even the legal man! He's yelling, "Toot! Toot!" or something. Then the worst elimination. Fatu is in, fending off one of the Bushwackers, when he slips on the banana peel!
He's out, now! Bam Bam comes in and dominates, until all four Doinks pile on top of him to score the win, not to mention fill the people with joy knowing that it's finally over, at 8:34. Such a terrible match for so many reasons. -****
Going into the PPV, Luger and Yokozuna have been feuding all through the summer, and up to here. Ludvig Borga took out Luger & the Steiner's original partner, Tatanka before the event, so they replaced him with Undertaker. Luger than took out Quebecer Pierre, so Crush came in. Now, onto the match...
Scott Steiner and Jacques start things off, and it's soon Rick Steiner and Yokozuna in. Rick nails Yoko to the outside, and Yoko soon tags in Borga. Rick heads up top, and goes for a crossbody, but Borga counters it, and rolls him up for the 1-2-3. So, Rick Steiner is out. Crush comes in and slamsScott to the floor (DQ!). Suddenly, Randy Savage tries to get down there. Referees restrain him. Savage keeps trying to get down there, and finally, Crush runs down, and gets counted out. 3 on 3. Inside, Scott's back in. We've yet to see Luger or Undertaker. Jacques piledrives Scott, for a two-count. Scott comes back with a slam, and tags in Luger. Luger hits a second rope elbow on Jacques, and pins him. Jacques is out... yes, after a move like that. But then again, Survivor Series matches are different from normal matches. In SS matches, you're more likely to get pinned from a DDT or powerslam. Anyway, back to the match. Scott and Yokozuna are in. Yoko hits a leg drop, and pins Scott. Luger comes in, and renews his feud with Yoko. Yoko misses a charge, and finally, Undertaker is tagged. Crowd pops. Taker hits his jumping DDT, but Yoko comes back with a belly-to-belly. Yoko hits the Banzai Drop, just like that. If wrestling was real, I wonder what Luger would've been thinking there... ("I picked this guy? Wait, I'm Lex Luger... I withdraw my comment.") Yoko decides to go for another Banzai, but Taker moves before Yoko connects! They fight to the outside, where Yoko rams
" ALIGN=bottom>Taker's head against the steel steps. Taker no-sells, and Yoko is scared straight. They're both counted out, leaving Luger and Borga. Borga dominates with suplexes and slams, for two. Double clothesline, and both guys are out. Cornette distracts the ref, and Fuji gives Borga his salt bucket. Borga uses it, but only two! Luger comes back with a DDT, and powerslam. Finally, Luger his the forearm, and gets the win, at 27:58. Luger survives! Match was okay... **3/4
Recommended... just fast forward through the Doink match
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