Song Parodies

Here is where I post my lovely song parodies written by me and my bestfriends. Please keep in mind as you read these that 1)These are MY opinions. Not yours. Last I checked I was entitled to one of those. 2)I don't actually have anything against most of these people. "You Need to Lose Weight" was written back in a time where Nicky packed on a few extra pounds. Since then he has lost much weight and I have a new found respect for the guy. I even like him a little bit. But the parody is still funny. As for the others a)Amanda Latona: this parody was written back when my bestfriend Brandy was having a 'hard time' accepting AJ's relationship with Amanda. I however see nothing wrong with the woman and I wrote it in an attempt to make my bestfriend happy. And it's funny. b)NSYNC: ok. Truth be told, I don't like those guys. I never have. Unless you count the momentary lapse of sanity when I was an actual Justin Timberlake fan. (shudder) But If this parody offends you. Lo siento, I'm sorry. Go away then. And finally c)Cristina Aguilera. Sorry but I don't like her much either. It isn't because of her lack of talent because she actually has a pretty voice, but it's because I don't like the way she presents herself. But that is a whole other story in itself. Now that you understand my reasoning and such enjoy the parodies and hate mail, you were warned.

You Need to Lose Weight
Playin Strip Poka