Every driver has driven down the street and slowed down to look at a serious accident, but what lessons can be learned from them? The accident happened suddenly one morning right after this bus dropped the kids off at school. The driver of a late model Ranger pickup came around the corner
and appeared to glide over the center lane, but why,
what would make an individual drive head on into a large school bus.
A simple thing every driver always looks over, the lack of sleep. The driver of the Ranger had attempted to move from the Florida area to West Virginia all in one day and through out the night.
Still driving the next morning he fell asleep at the wheel just minutes from the house and lost his life. It shouldn't of happened, it should never happen, but it does everyday all over the World. Morning, Day, or Night it happens and there are some simple steps to take to ensure you don't fall asleep. First, get enough rest the night before. Second don't push it to far. Third, know when to say when! Please protect yourself on the road, get sleep!