Arrowmammett Works

Tool Makers of
Middletown, Connecticut


Tools Made: Woodworking Planes, Plane Irons, Saws, Chisels, Brad Awl and Scribe Awl Handles, Chalk Spools, Mallets, Bung Starts, Gents and Boys Tool Chests, Marking, Cutting, Panel and Slitting Gauges, Turning Web Saws, Bench and Hand Screws.

     The Arrowmammett Manufacturing Company was incorporated on 28 May 1828. It was a manufacturer of cotton, wool, hemp and flax. It is listed by the above name in the index of Special acts of the state of Connecticut, index v.1-18 (1922) and as the Arrowmamet Manufacturing Company in V1 of the reference.

Working Dates: 1836-60.

     Owned by Austin Baldwin, born 11 June 1807 in Albany N.Y. died 28 May 1886. Named after the Arrowmammett river (now the Coginchaug) also known as the Arrowanna river. The company was sold to Globe Mfg. Co. in 1857. There were a number of tool makers in this area including Middletown Tool CO., Starr Mfg. Co. and Tidgewell & Co., Grower & Young, and Libby & Jordan.  See Baldwin Tool Co. and Globe Mfg. Co.

     The factory was located on Jackson Street. See map A. Near a bridge over the river. The bridge and factory are gone. Austin Baldwins' house was on the Nw corner of Jackson and Washington Streets. The house has since been demolished.

The planes can be marked with seven different marks.

See Baldwin Tool Co and Globe Mfg. Co. .

 Arrowmammett1.jpg (31974 bytes)                          Arrowmammett2.jpg (31163 bytes)

                             "A" Imprint                                                                                       "B" Imprint

Arrowmammett3.jpg (11314 bytes)     Arrowmammett4.jpg (33304 bytes)                

                            "C" Imprint                                                                                               "D" Imprint      

  Arrowmammett5.jpg (21887 bytes)                    

                 Two blade sash molding plane            


Below is a plow plane with a complete set of irons.

Arrowmammett9.jpg (85282 bytes)


     The A, B and D marks read "ARROWMAMMETT WORKS MIDDLETOWN ", C mark reads "ARROWMAMMETT WORKS".   There are three additional marks. See ref. 31. They are the A, B and D marks with the A mark from A & E. Baldwin. This company made planes in New York from 1830 to 1841. This company was founded by Austin Baldwin and his half brother Eldridge. It is possible that the Arrowmammett planes were sold by Eldridge at the New York location. Name recognition might have played a role in the double stamp since A. & E. were in business earlier.

   Below is a portion of an 1851 Middletown map. The factory buildings are on the (now) Coginchaug River. On the map it is the Little River. Austin Baldwin's house is on the corner of Jackson and Washington Streets.



This is an original 1858 catalog.


Arrowmammett6.jpg (18161 bytes)                                             Arrowmammett7.jpg (20459 bytes)

    You can view a PDF copy of the catalog On Toolemera .

    To the right is a note from the catalog with the names and addresses of some of their customers. The front is in ink and the back pencil. The spelling is mostly very readable. It reads:

Edson Lovett & Wellington     No 117

Horton, Hall & Co.                 No 114

Butler & Sise                           No 120

Treadwell & Co.                      No 118  Milk Street

Caulender & Leains                No   166 Congress

Charles Scudder & Co.           No 71 Federal

Carter, Stratton & Co.            No 74      "

Smith Brothers & Co.             No  102    "

A. J. Wilkinson & Co.              2 Washington

J. West & Co                           5 Dock Sq

Chs. Brooks & Darling           6 " "

M. C. Warner                         9 " "

Johnson & Saunders              21 " "

W. H. Barnes                         42 Union St

On the back side of the note in pencil

Horton & Hall

want plane irons $5.00

want price list

Edson Lovett & Wellington

want price list may

want 1 or 2 dz plane irons

H. G. Wells & Co want

price list

The above-named companies are all located in Boston MA. This information is from the 1850 business directory for Boston.

References:  3, 4, 14, 32, 60.    Back Home

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