Globe Mfg. Company

Tool Makers of
Middletown, Connecticut


Tools Made: Wrenches, plane irons, etc. See trade card.

Working Dates: 1849-85. Incorporated 1849. Decertified 1905. Ref. 64 Page 510.


          Austin Baldwin built the Globe Manufacturing Company. Tools made at this company were under the Baldwin and Globe marks. They made plane irons and wrenches. Their trade card listed many different tools and hardware including King's washer cutters and lathes. The factory was built on Forest and Wadsworth Streets upstream from the Starr Manufacturing Co. on the Arrowmammett River. This location is probably the old Middletown Tool Co. works. Map C.


From Ref. 14 Page 100.

"Globe Manufacturing Company.

      The buildings of this company are situated on the West River, on the road leading to Rockfall. The goods manufactured at this establishment include builders' hardware and an extra fine quality of edge tools, said to be equal in temper and finish to any imported goods in the market. The company was organized in 1849 under the general State law. The officers are: G. F. Davis, of Hartford, president; Frederick S. Work, secretary and treasurer; T. K. Work, general manager. The main building is 225 by 40 feet, one story high, with an extension 60 by 38 feet, three stories high, and another 36 by 24 feet, two stories high. In addition to these are the galvanizing room and a large brick office and packing room. To run these extensive works requires about 140-horse power and about 75 skilled operatives."

     In the 1885-86 city directory Clarence P. Bonfoey is listed as manager and Work is not with the Company.

     An 1877 map of Middletown by O. H. Bailey & Co. had an ad by Globe.

The Globe Manufacturing Co.

Manufacturing General

Hardware and Edge Tools,

Including the

Baldwin Plane Irons

In great variety. Also the

Henshaw Patent Harness snap,

ship hook, &c., &c.

See Baldwin Tool CO. , Middletown Tool CO. and Arrowmammett Works.

              Globe1.jpg (8633 bytes)                       Globe2.jpg (31520 bytes)

    The wrench has an Eagle on one side and the "GLOBE MFG. CO

                                                                                 MIDDLETOWN" on the other.

  Globe4.jpg (7759 bytes)    Globe3.jpg (5365 bytes)

                    Plow plane iron stamped

                    "GLOBE MFG. CO




Two examples of Globe/Baldwin plane blades.


Globe6.jpg (30514 bytes)

Plane irons marked "GLOBE MF’G CO.





The Middlesex Mfg. CO. mark on their plane iron is similar to the mark on the right. View here.


Globe8.jpg (9415 bytes)

Drawknife marked "GLOBE MFG. CO.

                                    MIDDLETOWN, CT."

The mark on chisels is the same as the drawknife.


AD for the Globe MFG. CO. from the 12 April 1883 issue of THE IRON AGE magazine.


Globe9.jpg (140275 bytes)


Patents issued or assigned to this company or one of its owners. See ref. 24 for additional Connecticut patents.

Name                                       Pat. No                     Item                             Issue Date

Henshaw J. R.                          21,879                      Snap hook                    10/26/1858

Henshaw J. R.                          28,669                      Snap hook                     6/12/1860

Jackson C. E.                           156,333                    Snap hook                     6/6/1875


Globe7.jpg (22984 bytes)


The card in the picture has the following information:

The Globe Manuf'g Co.,

Successors to the Middletown Tool Co.

Manufactures of

Hardware and Plane Makers Supplies,

including, in great variety, the well-known


Henshaw's Patent, Jackson's Patent Buckle, German, Baby, and Hammock or

Boat Snaps, Henshaw's Patent Gaff-Topsail Self-Mousing Ship Hooks,

Penny's and King & Smith's Washer Cutters, Favorite

Pocket Wrenches, Excelsior Lathes,

&c., &c., &c.


    The Globe Trade Card list Henshaw’s patented harness snap. In the patent papers it is called a self-mousing hook. It is the only patent issued to Henshaw in Ref. 24. However, there are some gaps in the ref. So new information might be found someday. The Jackson patent is the only one close to what is in the Globe card.

Henry Pennie, of Buffalo, N.Y. Patented washer cutter. Patent number 25,348.

Globe11.jpg (150305 bytes)




SEP. 6TH 1859"


1883 Ad.


1882 Bill of Sale.


References: 3, 4, 12, 14, 24, 61, 64    Back Home

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