Baldwin Tool Company

Tool Makers of
Middletown, Connecticut


Tools Made: Plane, plane irons.

Working Dates: 1836-60. Organized 1853.

     Made wooden planes under the Arrowmammett Works name. Owned by Austin Baldwin. Also, owned the Arrowmammett Works. See maps below.   Plane irons made there have the Baldwin Tool Co. logo. The company was sold to Globe Mfg. Co., some blades have both logos. Also, Starr Mfg. Co. made irons for them.  Born June 11, 1807 in Albany, NY. Died ay 28, 1866.

     An 1851 map Ref. 40, shows the factory buildings located near the junction of Forest and Wadsworth Street. See maps A & C. This is up stream from the Starr Mill pond. I went to the area and found traces of a  factory, (see below) but there were many in that area. The Arrowmammett Works factory was located on Jackson Street

     Baldwin lived at 388 Washington Street. The house was built in 1835 but has been demolished.

See Arrowmammett Works ,   Globe Mfg. Co. and Starr Mfg. Co.

               Baldwin2.jpg (18739 bytes)                               Baldwin3.jpg (76994 bytes)

Mark                                                       Mark

           " BALDWIN                                          "BALDWIN TOOL Co

 TOOL CO."                                                BUTCHERS

                                               Mark on the plow plane irons.                                           CAST - STEEL"

                                                                           Mark on a plane iron


The Certificate is for 11shares in the Baldwin Tool Company, dated 1856, issued to E.W.N. Starr. Provided by the Middlesex County Historical Society.

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Gentlemen's Tool Box

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Paper label on a Gentlemen's Tool Box

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Listed in the Arrowmammett Works 1857 catalog as a Number 607 Gent's Tool Chest. Made of Black Walnut.  Cost $9.00.

It contained:

1 Single Jack Plane        1 Mallet         1 Double Smooth Plane         1 Saw         1 Pair Compasses         2 Chisels         2 Gimlets        

1 Gouge        1 Knife         1 Screwdriver         1 Pair Pinchers         2 Brad Awls         1 Nail Hammer         1 Saw File         1 Tack Hammer

1 Half Round File        1 Gauge         1 Oil Stone         1 Rule

Nails, Screws, Tacks, Brads, &.


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I took these pictures in September, 2000. There is not much left of the building. Some brick work and the water channel. It is possible that this factory was used by Baldwin Tol Co. , Globe and Middletown Tool Co at various times.

Building1.jpg (86988 bytes)    Building2.jpg (85590 bytes)

Building3.jpg (82619 bytes)    Building4.jpg (75760 bytes)

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References:  3, 4, 11, 31, 40.    Back Home

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