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Personal Messages to Robert Lavelle

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When I first set up this page, I included a Personal Message to the spammer on the first page.  Since he has undoubtably seen this site, read the message and ignored it, I decided there is no reason to keep it on the first page, which just keeps getting longer and longer.  So the following is the full text of that original message:

Personal Note to Robert Lavelle:

If you're reading this now, I would like for you to visit the above sites.  Notice how they do not believe your theory; instead they mock you, calling you a "crackpot", "nutball", "religious looney" and other less than complementary things.  Don't you realize that your spam campaign is failing?  You are not convincing people!  You are just a big nuisance to the online community, and your emails have just brought more mockery on Christianity and the name of Jesus, whom you claim to follow.

You are not having a positive effect, but a negative one.  Your email campaign has backfired.  Just give it up before you are caught.

I'm not trying to "censor" you; I know you want to be heard.  Why don't you do what most other people do:  just promote your idea on your web site?  Your site could get a lot more exposure if you submit it to every search engine you can...join a few web rings...get like-minded people to link to your site.  This is the acceptable way to promote your beliefs online!  You've got to realize that most netizens hate spam, so your email campaign is doomed to be counterproductive.

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On 22 Oct 1999, Lavelle left the following post on the message board for this site:
Subject: space moves like this O /\ + \/ O

: i am right
: u r wrong
: the end is near
: buy your flashlights
: quickly
: very quickly
: ^ is bottled water
: @ is flashlight
: * kings crown

He also posted an email address.  I sent the following "Open Letter" to that address, and posted a copy on the board as a reply to the above message:
Posted by Moderator on October 22, 1999 at 19:34:55:

In Reply to: space moves like this O /\ + \/ O posted by RL on October 22, 1999 at 11:54:02:

Dear Mr. Lavelle;

I assume for the moment that this is indeed your message, which means that you have found the "Stop Robert Lavelle Page".

I wonder whether you read the Personal Note to you which I posted on the first page.  I really want you to be aware of how others have responded to your spam campaign.  Lots of people are upset with you, and are even bashing the Bible and Christianity because of the emails.

I'm sure you don't want this any more than I do (I am, by the way, a Christian).  Though I disagree with your understanding of the end times, I recognize your right to disseminate your views on the Internet.  After all, you do have freedom of speech.

But if you spam people constantly, they will get angry.  That is not the best way to get your message across.  It is also illegal, particularly in foreign countries, and the Bible says that Christians should obey the law (Romans 13:1-7).  Perhaps you did not know that spamming is illegal; I don't think you would want to do anything that is against the law.

As I said on the index page, you have another option:  just promote your idea on your web site! Submit it to every search engine, join a few web rings, get people to link to your site; there are so many ways to get more hits!  This is the acceptable, *legal* way to promote your beliefs online.

Like I said, most netizens hate spam, so your email campaign is doomed to be counterproductive.  If only you could read the anger and pain in emails sent to me by other people who receive your spam.  Please stop the emails, Robert; it's not helping your cause.  It's *not* bringing glory to Jesus Christ!

As far as the warning about flashlights and bottled water, though I don't believe any major catastrophe will occur come New Years, I am currently prepared for any weather emergency anyway, with a stash of cans and emergency supplies in the basement.  Thank you for the warning anyway! :-)

Please consider my words, spoken with Christian love and concern.

In Christ,

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Well, that evidently hasn't moved him either, since the spam continues.  I kind of knew he wouldn't listen.  I just wanted to give it a shot, and also to give him fair warning.  "Just give it up before you are caught" was no idle threat; there are netizens out there looking for him with the intent to sue!  If he continues sending spam until he is caught, he only makes it worse for himself.

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