Claim To Famer Exclaimer:
Some of the
views and opinions the author Todd Ivey The
Universal God once held are no longer true as he chews gum and stares
off into space. Except this one. P.S. Ms Kidman you could have thanked me
for the Spago's Napkin Chateau Marmot Halloween birthday I gave you on Sunset
Blvd. sincewhen
Disney rereleases "The Black Hole " On Imax you and I ourkidz will
tra la la to the premiere!!!!!!!!!!!!
Darkness In All Its Nudity Show
Em Whatcha Got Sonic From "Mojo Distortion" Other
Eeeeeeeeeeeeediot Sights
Known as Ahhhh PopSecret... Purchase
a CD by Those Darn Kidz (New Release!!!)
After the Simpsons, head for the
ain't no Jerky Boy (too much make-up) Love
Attacks LFP, Inc.
Ziggy Starfuck'd
............. Hollywood
No Suicide
We Know What You're
Up To<<<<<<------
[[ Hey, check out my new movie page, sucka.]]