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Trying to Get Myself Arrested

11 March: Gomez.  9:30 Club, Washington, D.C. 

If concerts are judged on the basis of how wasted I get, then this was the concert of the year. 

As, previously explained: post Brit-pop, Northern Blokes having a good time singing great blues influenced pop songs. 

Since Gomez played the 9:30 last spring, they've gone from strength to strength.  An confident follow-up to "Bring It On" called "Liquid Skin".  And, as evident from this night, plenty of touring to hone their already distinctive sound. 

Some scratchy, guitar band led off.  "Boring, get off."  We arrived late after several pints at Biddy Mulligan's.  My first thought - beer.  Second - heck, they've sold out this place.  Back in '99, with my mate from the Danish Embassy, the 9:30 was about two-thirds full.  Gomez put in a professional, if workmanlike set.  This time round, we got much more of a show.  Lots of flashy lights, silvery white, object things against a black backdrop, smoke machines ... and another beer please. 

My memory of the set list is pretty sketchy.  I do remember "Arrested" cause I sang along.  I think "Piccadilly thingy" was in there at some stage.  "Another Sierra. pleazsh"  er, yeah well sod it.  D'yawannadrink? 

Who cares, we were grooving along.  "Sierra, G."  (G buying a round!)  This was a fab Brit night out, I was on vacation and lagered up.  "Taferthebeermate..." 

"Ing-er-land, Ing-er-land, Ing-er-land"  Oh dear, did I really strike up the infamous footie chant? 

There was a cab ride home and a night about which I remember little.  And the less said about my head and stomach on Sunday the better. 

Great gig!


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