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That nice Billy Mahonie review 
  The Big Dig.  Billy Mahonie.  Too Pure.  Pure94CD 

According to, the boys hitherto played pop.  It took a listen to stuff outta Chicago (I guess Tortoise and maybe Aerial M) to turn Billy on to that post-rock thang.  The Big Dig, BM's first full lengther, checks all the post-rock boxes.  So no vocals here, just interplaying complex ethnic rhythms, picked out repetitious guitar figures, wide open landscapes, musical pointillism, layered structures, ambient tendencies, er shoe gazing.  However, Bill's nifty rat-run down this potential cul-de-sac is saved by pop sensibilities.  So the songs are more song like than instrumental.  They don't tell a story, a shame.  But there's structure and an up beat feel that avoids the potential of driving up their collective back sides. 

The Big Dig - my recollection is that the Panama Canal was the Big Dig, but whatever - is dug big by me.  A nice debut and I hope wider and greater vistas to be explored.  It is due to be released in the US 22 February on Beggars Banquet.  A US tour is in the works for later this year. 

Once again, thanks for the e-mails, Bill (actually Howard, Gavin and Hywell). 

Re-reading this, I realise that this is a totally rubbish review - though the record is good.  I promise to do better.


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