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12:30 a.m. - July 15th, 2002

Hey all,

This is the first entry, and hopefully won't be one of the last, that I type for this site. I have big intentions for this place, and hopefully most will be aspired to. If all goes well, I might even set up my own domain, which would undoubtedly be the bomb.

However, I won't know if this joint is actually being read or if I'm the only one who knows this place even exists, except for the fruitcakes on my buddy list and my immediate family members (i.e. my mom). Unconvinced? I just received this I.M. minutes ago......

Aaron says: help me dan i'm sourrned by lesbins

Dan says: again?

Aaron says: yte

Aaron says: yesa

Aaron says: yes*

Aaron says: OW



Aaron says: ow sammy is two

Aaron says: oh well

Don't worry if you have no fucking clue what just transpired...... I believe that was the point...... But anyway...... don't feel bad for me, because not only is it a waste of time and energy, I generally make my life out to be much worse than it actually is, but then again you have no idea of how bad it really is. Confused? Good. Because that means you can't feel good or bad about me (get used to the ranting, because that's what this site is mostly based upon).

Don't expect crazy-assed graphics and awe-inspiring sermons, simply because my HTML knowledge is limited and my attention span sucks, as you can tell by me veering off the subject completely...... What my point is, or was, is/was that you people who witness and observe the goings on, on this site need to let me know whether or not I am wasting my time or I actually have something here of value. Please. So e-mail me at to dis me, applaud me, or give me more spam that I don't need.

Okay, now that that shit is out of the way, please bear with me as I slowly compile links to this site and other worthwhile downloads, news stories, pictures, and rants and so on...... Except there is one catch...... to make sure you, the viewer, will look at this site at least once every few days, I will delete certain files, so that you can't come back to it and just look at it in the "archives" (even though the real reason is that I am too cheap to pay for extra space on Angelfire), so grab this stuff while you can.

Okay, I am fuckin' tired now, and I really need to get some sleep. Forgive my excessive swearing, but anyone who is too young to be hearing it can't understand anything I'm saying anyway, and anyone whom is overly sensitive too it needs to get a fuckin' shrink! I told you this site was full of ranting!

Okay, I really need to get to bed now, so I can update this site when I awaken and so I can crank my newly burnt CD "Rage Against the Machine" by Rage Against the Machine. One of the few quality bands out there. Unfortunately they had to break-up, but a decade of staying together as a band is a worthy accomplishment in it's own. I know I couldn't stand being with three other guys non-stop for 3,652 days. I would go nuts...... and so would they. That band was original, wrote great lyrics, had a message to say, and most importantly composed some outstanding songs. Mad props to them. Look for them to fill up a vast amount of my music section.

Have a good day/night, folks.
