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4:21 p.m. - May 13th, 2003

Hey people,

I am starving my ass off. Probably should eat something, but I am unsure as to what to eat. Partial laziness, partial knowing that if I go into the kitchen to get something to eat, my mom will ramble on non-stop about her various affairs.

I have been making the bus on time astoundingly a lot lately. Probably jinxing myself, but even though I was extremely tired this morning I was out a good three minutes before the bus came along.

Before school started I was in the cafeteria with Alex, 'cuz she wanted to get some Fruit Loops and we were having one of our many aimless pondering conversations about nothing (Seinfeldian in other words), and Alex commented on how segregated the cafeteria was. There was one long table that stretched the length of the room and every seat occupied was taken by a black person. Then I commented on how all the blacks were all in one area, not just that table. In front of us was the national wrestling champ, Obe Blanc who gave a hearty glare at me for my commentary, like he was expecting an apology for what I said. How come people become so offensive if their race is brought up? I didn't say anything demeaning in the least, in fact it was more of a social commentary on how segregated Lely really is, even though our school staff goes on about how integrated we are. Nation Square is where all the popular people hang out. Black people are on the right side and the white people are on the left. To the left of nation square is where the "freaks" or "misfits" sit , which is where I am at in the morning's with Alex. On the right side are where the non-surfer Marconians sit. Then around the Trojan sundial is where the upperclassmen sit who are a step-down in popularity but still well-known. Then a little past the Trojan sundial is the wall where all the surfer's hang out. Upstairs above the office, are basically all white kids. There is the track table, the nerd table, the car table, the party girl table, the athletic girl table, and then two tables of white kids (one of which I used to sit at). Upstairs above Nation Square is where all the mexican girls sit. Then inside, the big hall is where all the ghetto people hang out. A good third of our school hangs out right there. Now that I've pointed out the segregation, I will continue on the rant about Obe. I find it ludicrous to even suggest that I should apologize for merely pointing out the segregation abound in the whole of Lely High School. I wasn't condoning blacks, that it was a good thing that they were segregated "away from the other races", I was pointing out how it was so weird that we group each other into these cliques. People say that there is a lot more racial tolerance nowadays, but while no doubt there is, I think a lot of it is just buried and people aren't so open about it now. I still think racial tolerance is very alive and prominant, but because you can't not hire someone simply by their skin color (there are tons of other examples as well), I believe people are just a lot quieter about their beliefs.

In Probability and Statistics, Frito was talking to Jesus about Jesus' veganism. Why is it that people always ask if someone eats meat and when the answer is no, they follow it up with "Well, do you eat fish?" Since when is fish not a meat? How can anyone consider themselves a vegetarian or vegan if they eat fish? I find it very inspirational when someone is so strict with their diet that they are a vegan or vegetarian. However, I don't see how you can't be starving all the time as a result of this (you can tell I'm still hungry). I know if I don't get any meat in me (sounds extremely wrong), I end up feeling nauseous and can't perform ordinary tasks very well. My energy is much lower as well. I have considered vegetarianism, being that animals are treated so cruelly and inhumanely when slaughtered, as well as the thought that if the entire world just lived on things grown from the land, there would be no world hunger. Think of how much food is given to our livestock in order to get a hamburger out of them, while we could have saved so much time and money, as well as food in the process. However, humans were meant to be omnivores, not just herbivores or carnivores. So, that's one reason why I choose to meat. The other, simply because I like it and it's much easier to deal with.

In Criminal Justice today, we did absolutely nothing as usual. Alysia had to turn the TV onto CMT and listen to that crap. How can anyone like that music? While the music is just plain awful, what is even worse are the music videos that accompany the songs. They have the worst themes. One was of all these different people getting ready for a date trying to make themselves attractive. Looking in a mirror. Putting on a shirt or lipstick. That's all it was. Why do they make such lousy music videos nowadays? They all seem so plastic and fake. Too clean. Like the new dramas on TV. I think it's because of the reality programs on TV, and they try to make it look like them. They fail miserably.

Tomorrow, I've got to make up my test in government that I failed miserably. The reason why I got such a bad grade on it, was because I completely forgot that we had one due that day (it was a take home test), and Jorel conviently had all of the answers to the test some kid had given him. So in exchange for me writing an essay to go along with the test for him, I'd get all the answers except I had to change two. Apparently, Mr. Pricer changes the answers however on every test, so I got a 60. Really, I only got a 20, but he liked my essay so much he gave me 40 points for it. Dominique took the same answers from Jorel, so basically it was an obvious cheatfest. All three of us with basically identical scores and answers... We're lucky he's letting us retake the test.

All this damn tutoring that I'm getting from Mrs. Homolka better pay off. I am managing to get my homework done early however, which is a very good thing. As much as I have a grudge against her, for screwing me over that one test, I have to agree that she has been of enormous help during lunch. She has so many groupies though, it's unsettling. Like there are these two girls who are always in her room during lunch who do nothing but talk to her and cut her hair and screw around on her computer... Very odd. And I thought I had no life...

In Creative Writing I had to write a play that we had to perform. Oscar was too lazy to do it, and Traci doesn't do jack, so it fell upon me to do he honors. It worked out much better than expected. I did it on a teenage boy who just moved from Indiana to Broolyn, and in a matter of weeks he changes from a good boy, to this wigga in a gang. The conflict being between him and his parents. They, being concerned with what he has become, and he is all happy and everything that he is finally in a clique where he belongs. Someone dies in it and he and his gang are the main culprits. However serious this play sounds, it definitely was anything but. The humor coming from the wigga's sudden change from being an innocent boy, to a full-fledged gangsta. I was the gangsta of course, Oscar being the dad and Tracey was the mom and the narrator. First time I was actually comfortable acting in front of a big group of people (only 35 or so, but that's still a considerable size). The class thought it was hysterical (including Ashleigh, who is damn fine), so that made my day. Also, Tyler and Zach thought it was great in Criminal Justice. So I was pleased. I'm usually too afraid to share something that I find amusing that I have written, simply because of the fact everyone else may not find it very funny at all (I felt bad for Alex who ran into that situation today with her play). It's amazing how much more open and comfortable I am with myself around other people (as well as around myself) now, compared to the beginning of this year.


11:42 p.m. - May 7th, 2003

Hey people,

I haven't been able to write in here forever because of lame ass Internet Explorer. It freezes up after a few words I write when I start to put in a new entry. Anyway, I am using Netscape. Netscape sucks ass and Internet Explorer is better than it any day, but I have to use it now in order to be able to edit this site.

I didn't go to school today, I slept in. It's all my clock's fault once again. That was the reason why I slept in the last time I missed school. The time on my clock read, 6:17 a.m. and my mom came in and said that breakfast was ready. I thought to myself, "What a struggler, it's 6:17 in the morning and she has just gotten breakfast ready. How would I possibly be able to make the bus in time?" In any case, the real time was 6:02 a.m and I some how switched the time on my clock instead of my alarm. But, I needed the sleep anyway.

I went to tennis today, for the first time since Friday. I played surprisingly well, especially considering this is only the third time I've played in the past two and a half weeks. Not many people were there. Just the regulars basically. Tye was miraculously there. For some reason, he really wanted my screenname. He's a pretty cool guy. He always gives me shit and stuff, but he's just kidding around. A lot of people don't like him because he acts so arrogant.

Speaking of arrogance, Michelle informed me that a ton of people thought I was arrogant, which is pretty laughable.

1. My self-confidence isn't very high in the first place.

2. Out of the people who she named, only one of them has ever talked to me.

3. It's Michelle and she probably influenced them into thinking it because she's a manip. She's a fucking bitch anyway, you should have heard what her friend thought of me (yet another person who has only seen me, but has never talked to me).
