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Name Sofi (pronounced like Sophie)
Sex Female
Age Bishen
Colour White
Type Terran
Magical Object White Lightning Shard
Breath Weapon White Lightning
Mate Lunibre
Parents Unknown
Bondmate B'Elanna

Sofi is a rare white Bishel Dragon who was the prize for a contest called The Fight for the White Egg. To learn more about these White Dragon's or the contest go to the Bishen Realm.

Sofi's name came from the middle name of B'Elanna's Mother whose full name was Sandy Sophia Vawntika. B'Elanna decided to take her Mother's middle name and change it just a little to make it be Sofi.

Also, Sofi has been found to be quite sweet, but she does not like strangers and tends to hide when anybody new comes around the mansion. She has already made it clear that she does not wish to be friends with Mary or Heath at all. And she finds Anak to be a complete bother. The only person that she ever spends anytime with is B’Elanna, but who knows? Perhaps that will one day change and she will open up to another.

Often Sofi can be found reading a book, watching a movie, listening to some music or something of the sort or she is found calmly thinking and contemplating over things. A few times B'Elanna has caught her writing up poems or dreaming about some far off place she most likely made up or read about in a book. Also, usually if B'Elanna can't find Sofi she goes to the Garden and there she is. Sofi seems to love the Garden perhaps it is because of her being a Terran.

All in all Sofi is generally a sweet, kind, loving white Bishel Dragon though sometimes she can have a bit of a temper and has become angry before, but Sofi isn't really the type to get angry a lot, just once in a while, and she tends not to stay angry for very long.

Above is Sofi's Magical Object, the White Lightning Shard. With it she can has the breath weapon of White Lightning. Also it gives her the ability to create silence and stillness all around her. She was told to use her gifts with temperance and wisdom which she has decided she shall do just that.

Recently something that Sofi thought would never happen to her has happened! Sofi now has a mate, a wonderful Golden Divine male named Lunibre!

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