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Under the light of a sleepy moon. I like that. What? I don't know. Don't know what? Well, practically about everything, I feel alone in this eternal world and nobody is ever listening. So what shall I do, nobody is around that I would be able to talk to. Of course those who are around never even give me a glance at least that’s the way it seems. Father is always away from home, and Mother died when I was young. So whom am I supposed to get advice from, the door? A book? Don't ask why I put the stupid door just go with it. I live in a ghastly large mansion with one butler who also serves as my guardian and one little maid/cook. They are okay, though can be quite, bothersome at times.

A young woman about 14 years old sighed as she shut the book she had been writing in and set it down on the crystal little round table. Placing the pencil beside it she looked around at the room she was in, it was the library as usual. The gigantic library on the second floor of the Vawntika’s mansion. The library was filled with thousands of books as most libraries were, some of the books very old while some were quite new. Sighing for a second time the 14 year old rose up and went down the mahogany stair case into the large living room where a white grand piano was playing a Beethoven song all by itself.

On a couch sat a man with light dusty colored brown hair and friendly hazel eyes. He glanced up from a book he was reading and looked at the girl, "Hello Miss. B'Elanna, may I get you anything?" He asked with a bit of an accent in his voice.

"No, don't worry Erik, I'm fine." B'Elanna replied, also having an accent only hers being more pronounced than his. Erik was the Vawntika’s Butler, though most just called him by his first name, "Is Father still away? When did he say he'd be back?"

"In about a month I'm afraid." Erik said sighing.

"You know what? I'm glad that I'm supposedly home schooled; I hated going to learn about things with other people around. They were way too noisy for their own good." B'Elanna said and flopped down on the couch beside Erik.

"Yes, yes. I know, you've said that a thousand times. Miss. I'm a genius and I know it."

"Hmm, well I'm going to go riding since it is such a wonderful day." She said and got up to go out to the stables.

"Just be careful." Erik yelled after her as she closed the door, he sighed wondering if she had even heard a word he had bellowed to her.

Surprisingly the door opened again and B'Elanna poked in her head, "I will." Then she was gone.

A large door that went into the kitchen then opened and out popped Mary the maid and also the cook of the household, "Well, I guess Miss. Lanna is going out again? Ya know I always wonder what she's thinkin' up in her head."

Erik glanced up at Mary, "I do the same thing. A genius yes, but what is she tinkering on in her laboratory? I wish I knew."

"Ya, me too."

B'Elanna looked at her image in the reflection of a mirror, she had changed into her riding clothes and pulled her dark brown hair back into a ponytail. Her almost black eyes were filled with sadness from her Father leaving so often and being gone for such long lengths of time, but it wasn't just that. There were other things. "Well, now to get the tack." She said and headed off to where it was.

After getting everything she could possibly need, she opened the door to a black and white Paint mares stall. She put on the halter and led her out, "So how are you today Precious?" B'Elanna actually enjoyed talking to the horses, she wasn't sure if they could understand her or not yet she didn't feel that it was important.

In a little while she was off, flying on the back of Precious not thinking of anything except how free she feels at the moment. When riding she forgot about her inventions, her Father being away, her Mother having died when she was little, everything. All that mattered was the wind in her face and the sound of hooves beating against the grassy fields. She knew exactly where she was going, a small lake far up in the high mountain peaks that surrounded her home. The Vawntika mansion was conveniently located at the very least 10 miles away from any and all civilization; giant mountains and wonderful grassy fields surrounded it. B’Elanna had to admit it was gorgeous there, and very peaceful. She enjoyed living with only the Butler, two maids, and horses that didn’t really count being that they never actually talked to you.

Finally she reached the lake and Precious was still up for more, it was quite a ways from the house to the lake, but the small Paint mare was an endurance horse always up for more.

B’Elanna sat on Precious and gazed out at the tranquil waters of the small lake, it was beautiful up in the mountains, simply amazing. The 14 year old genius watched for a second as a fish ate a bug that was sitting on the water then she turned her attention to other things, just taking time to relax. B’Elanna didn’t know how much time she had spent there until her watch beeped sounding that it had been an hour. “Great. Well, I suppose I should get back. Shoot and I was having such a good time. Off to work again.” She said and quickly turned the black and white horse around and headed back to the stables.

Slowly the almost black eyed young woman made her way up the stairs and to her laboratory after grabbing a snack in the kitchen. For about 2 years she had gotten this crazy idea to create a machine that could teleport you to different dimensions, and ever since she was a little girl she believed that Heaven was a different dimension just one that you go to after you die. So she has been working to try and go there so that she could see her Mother perhaps even bring her Mother back. She never told anybody about it for fear they’d think that she was insane and had to be locked up. “I’ll get it one day.” She muttered as she punched in the code so that the large metal door opened and let her in.

B’Elanna walked over to one of the many computer’s and began to punch in codes, working frantically she continued her long quest to go to different dimensions. “I’m coming to visit you Mother and you’re coming back with me. You must! One day, you’ll see. You shall finally be back here with me. We can talk just like old times, laugh at each others jokes.” B'Elanna felt a tear crawl down her cheek as she brought up old memories. The tear fell onto the keyboard and for a moment she stopped typing in the formulas, she looked at the tear for a couple seconds then went back to her typing. She began to loose track of time, and before she knew it, it turned out to be going on 11:00 at night. “I need to eat something and then get to bed. I must keep healthy if I’m going to ever get to Mother.” But even after giving herself words of advice she didn’t rise up from the chair and continued to type. Her heart kept saying that she must find her Mother, absolutely must. And her brain although tired, agreed. That night like so many others she fell asleep in her Lab and woke up the next morning feeling sore from falling out of her chair and onto the hard floor where she ended up sleeping.

She checked the time and found it to be past breakfast, “Great.” She muttered miserably, “Missed breakfast and there is no doubt Erik is beside himself with worry about me since I spent another night cooped up in my Lab.” Grumbling some more she exited her Laboratory and went down the stairs to the kitchen to look for something to eat for breakfast.

“Fell asleep in that Lab of yours again? How many times have I told you that you shouldn’t do that?” B’Elanna looked up at Erik from eating a Blueberry Muffin at the large table in the grand dining room.

“I know, it’s not good. But I’ve just got a lot more to work on, plus I made a breakthrough! I can’t stop now, I just can’t!” She said and found herself getting more and more excited that she was almost at the stage were she would start to build her Dimensional Teleporter.

“I wish I could order you to stop all of this inventing stuff that you are doing, then maybe you could lead a normal life. It just seems that ever since your Mother died,..”

But he didn’t get to finish because B’Elanna had leaped out of her chair and growled at him, “It will never be normal around here until Mother is back here!” With that said and done she stormed out of the dining room and up to her Lab, letting the metal door slam behind her she locked it and made sure that she didn’t stop working hardly at all.

Downstairs in the dining room Mary and Erik sighed, both knowing that their little Mistress would not be leaving her Lab anytime soon. All they could do is hope she’d be okay.

Erik turned to Mary, "I wish she would just be her old self again. Calm, peaceful, kind. Not so, well, like this."

Mary just nodded in agreement and said, "Well, perhaps one day. One day she might have something happen that will make her become her old self again."

B’Elanna muttered to herself as she punched in the last code, very last, that she thought she needed. “Time for manufacturing.” She said and set up the computers, ready to get them building her Teleporter.

The first thing she made sure she had was the watch that would allow her to hide the Teleporter if she must from other people whomever they might be. Perhaps an Angel wanting to visit a relative or something else like that. Also it would allow her to access it’s whereabouts know matter what. After she had that safely stripped onto her wrist she began the harder part. The part in which all of her hard work would hopefully pay off and allow her to finally reach her main goal. To go to the Dimension of Heaven and bring her Mother back with her to life. Then suddenly and unexpectedly a single thought crossed her mind, ‘What if it doesn’t work? What if she can’t bring her mother back with her?’ Quickly she shrugged the thought off brutally pushing it from her mind, she mustn’t think that way. She must think positively, “I will get Mother back.” She said, absolutely sure of herself.

Two weeks later B’Elanna found herself not sleeping as much as she had used to, not eating as much as she had used to. But she still every once in a while had found time to sit down and eat up a good book, just to refresh her mind that seemed to throb from the pain of so little sleep and not enough to eat. It at times seemed to start to turn against her, making her think things that she didn’t want to think. Like maybe not getting her Mother back or Father showing up and sending her to the loony bin.

Erik had been increasingly worried about B’Elanna and was almost to the point where the next time she came out of her Lab he would grab her and tie her up demanding that she stayed away from whatever it was she was working on and Mary was almost ready to help him accomplish that task, but they decided to wait a bit longer hoping desperately that B’Elanna would come to her senses.

“Stupid machine! Blast you! What do you mean that the stimulation failed! Not again!” B’Elanna wanted to kick the machine, but she restrained herself from doing so and just shook her head and sighed, “Fine then bring out the Teleporter and let me have a look. It shouldn’t be failing this many times, I should have gotten it by now!” Suddenly she sneezed and then let out a cough. “Don’t tell me that I’m catching a cold, I’d better not be!”

Outside the Laboratory door Erik sat on the floor, trying to listen to what B’Elanna was saying but it was know use. He couldn't hear a word that the young lady might have been muttering beyond the door. “I hope you know what you’re doing in there B’Elanna. All I can say right now is that you’d better not end up blowing yourself up, you’re like the little sister that I’ve never had.”

Mary walked up to Erik and looked down at him, “Don’t worry, she’s smart like her Mother. You know that she misses Mistress Sandy Vawntika more than any of us, she just hasn’t gotten over it yet.”

“Isn’t somebody supposed to get over it as the years go on? It’s been 8 years since then!”

Mary sighed, “It seems that Mistress B’Elanna hasn’t gotten over it, it seems to me that she has gotten worse and worse over the years. Maybe we should try and get her some help.”

“I feel we must. But you know how she doesn’t like people that much. Especially people trying to help her like that, it’s her Father in her.”

“I know, but I fear that this is for the best. If we don’t do something then she may very well end up so sick that nobody can help her. It is time she let all of this go and went on with her life.”

“Then let’s go.”

Two hours later Erik and Mary arrived at the fifth office for people who specialized in cases such as B’Elanna. The others they had both agreed where unacceptable. Opening the door to the black car Erik stepped out and so did Mary, they walked into the main office. Erik explained to the secretary that they were there to speak with Ms. Salinson about something and that yes they did have an appointment.

“Please, have a seat over there while I get in touch with Ms. Salinson I think she will be quite happy to help you. It is what she lives for.”

Erik rolled his eyes, “Well, that’s great.” He said in a bit of a rude tone, but he sat down and waited for Ms. Salinson to come out so that they would be able to talk together along with Mary about B’Elanna and what they should do about the little problem.

“Oh hello there, you must be Erik Trinigal and Mary Susiyan. Welcome my name is Ms. Salinson.” Said a lady who had walked out the door off to one side. She smiled at them happily and tucked a piece of her blond hair behind her ear; her bright blue eyes seemed to dance as she looked at them both.

Mary stood up along with Erik and said, “Yes, that is us.”

“Wonderful! Well, why don’t we just step into my office and we can talk about, who was it? Breanna?”

“Actually that’s B’Elanna.” Erik said, not really liking Ms. Salinson that much. He was ready to leave right then and there if it hadn’t been for Mary seeming to like the lady.

They went through the door that Ms. Salinson had came out of and found themselves in a little office. There was a desk and in front of the desk were two cushioned chairs. Ms. Salinson went and sat behind the desk, “Oh please have a seat and we can get to talking about Breanna.” She said motioning to the chairs in front of the desk.

Mary sat down first, “Ms. Salinson we are here to discuss problems about B’Elanna not about a Breanna.”

“Right whatever the child’s name is let’s get on with it now, I don’t really want to miss my lunch break.” She said while checking her watch.

Erik didn’t sit down, “All right that’s it I’m outta here.” He spun around to leave but in midstep stopped.

“Erik! Sit down! We need to talk to this lady about B’Elanna and we are going to whether it kills you or not! Now sit!”

Erik turned to look at Mary then looked at Ms. Salinson, he slumped down a bit and walked lazily over to the chair that was left for him. He pulled it out and flopped down into it then he looked at Mary again who smiled at him and turned back to Ms. Salinson. ‘Great.’ Erik thought, ‘I’m going to be stuck here talking to some lady about B’Elanna who doesn’t even know B’Elanna’s name. Oh this is not the lady we are getting.'

Two hours later Erik and Mary walked out of the office they were both very happy to get out of there. While the two walked to the car they shared a glance that could only mean one thing. Ms. Salinson was off the list. “Who do we have next?” Erik asked Mary as she got in the driver’s seat because she kept complaining that it was her turn to drive.

“We are down to our last one, Mr. Peter.” She said and started up the car.

“Mr. Peter eh? Well, here goes nothing. But honestly Mary do you really think that somebody can just waltz right into B’Elanna’s home and try to talk to her? She’s not the chatty people person type. You know as much as I do that she only talks to the horses down at the stables and us. So please just tell me if you really think this is going to work.”

Mary stopped for a moment then looked Erik straight in the eye, “It has to work, B’Elanna won’t talk to us about this matter, she may talk to the horses about it but I’m pretty sure they don’t help her that much. Who else does she have? Her Father is away all the time. And this whole matter is probably over her Mother who is dead. She stays cooped up in that Laboratory all the time working on who knows what comes out only to eat and use the restroom, rides the horse a little every once in a while sometimes reads in the library. But rarely! Now, that is not a great life to be leading if you ask me. She needs somebody that she can really talk to. Let’s go. What is the address to Mr. Peter’s office?”

Erik sighed and grabbed a piece of paper that had the names of the people on it. Every single one scratched off, now he scratched off Ms. Salinson and looked at Mr. Peter, “He’s at 365 Trinak Lane.”

“Good,” Mary said backing out of the parking spot, “Now let’s go!”

Meanwhile back at the Vawntika’s mansion B’Elanna kicked and screamed at the circle shaped object with sliding plastic doors and metal computer equipment off to one side. “Blasted thing! Work darn you! Work! We’ve been over the formulas and equations fifty billion times! I think you should at least be working properly by now!” Just then B’Elanna’s stomach let out a huge growl and all she did was look down at the floor, “Blast! I’d better go get something to eat, maybe that’ll help me think straight and get that infernal piece of junk operating!”

B’Elanna quickly went downstairs and into the kitchen, “Mary?” B’Elanna asked, but she didn’t get a response, “Hello?” It was then that she spotted a note on the counter. It read:

Dear B’Elanna,

Erik and I have gone off to town in search of something. We’ll probably be gone for quite a while so if you get hungry feel free to fix yourself up something. Don’t worry you’ll be fine. I know you can cook on your own.

Love, Mary and Erik

B’Elanna read the note again, “In search of what? Oh well, what is there here? Let’s see, oh crud. I don’t want to cook anything.” Then she spotted a box of cereal, “That’ll work. She said and grabbed the cereal box, a bowl and some milk.

After eating all the cereal B’Elanna cared to she bounded back up to her Laboratory and continued to work on the Dimensional Teleporter.

Back in town however Erik himself was also beginning to get hungry, “Are we there yet?”

“Oh please, you sound just like a little kid and yes we are here. Mr. Peter’s office. I hope this will work.”

15 minutes later they both found themselves talking to a young man with dirty blond hair and light brown eyes. Mr. Peter also seemed to know what he was talking about and in know time what-so-ever they ended up scheduling a meeting where Mr. Peter would come out to the mansion and hopefully he and B’Elanna would be able to sit down to talk.

Both Erik and Mary left happy, though Erik still had his doubts Mary seemed confident in the whole situation.

B’Elanna fell asleep before Erik and Mary had gotten home. She was lying on the floor of the Laboratory, completely zonked out. The good news was she was really close to being finished with the Dimensional Teleporter, the bad news; she had to test it still.

B’Elanna smiled as she slept and dreamt about her life being the way it was when she was a mere child. Peaceful, tranquil, and relaxing. That was the way she liked it, not busy all of the time. But in B’Elanna’s eyes the only way she could get back that peaceful way of life would be to get back her Mother. To her it seemed that everything was always that calm way in life when her Mother was around, but since her Mother had left it had all gone down from there.

Erik walked into the mansion along with Mary and they quickly shut the down behind them, knowing very well where B’Elanna was they went off to bed trying not to worry about their young Mistress.

B’Elanna woke up later and when she checked the clock she found it to be 1:37 in the morning. “Great.” She muttered and exited out from her Lab. “Guess I can go to the library, see if there is anything hiding in there that I haven’t read yet. But first I’m going to go to my actual room and change into some pajamas.”

After stopping by her oddly neat room for a girl her age and changing into comfortable pajamas, she made her way to the huge library in the mansion. B’Elanna browsed through the hundreds, thousands of books. Finally she found a very interesting looking book, though it was a bit dusty. “Mystical Creatures: Dragons” B’Elanna read aloud as she looked at the books cover. Climbing down from the ladder she went to a deep red colored sofa switched on the light on a little table next to it and sat down beginning to read. B’Elanna read for as long as she could before she eventually fell asleep yet again. Though she had learned many things about the creatures called Dragons and found that she was becoming more and more interested in them.

The next morning Erik walked by the open door to the library and found B’Elanna laying on the sofa in there holding an old dusty book in her hands. He took it from her, “Dragons?” He questioned to himself. “What on Earth does she want to know about Dragon’s for? Oh well, maybe just a interest.” Then he bent over B’Elanna, “Hey, wake up will you?”

B’Elanna’s eyes flittered once, then twice. She groaned and looked up at Erik, “Huh? Erik?”

“Good morning.” He said with a smile on his face, “Didn’t sleep in the Lab again I see. Well, the library’s not much better but a start to say the least.”

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