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B’Elanna had just arrived back home and after learning all she could about Bishel Dragon’s her head was spinning. As she looked around in her Lab she sighed. “You know what?” She said asking nobody in particular, “I think I should get rid of all of this stuff. Put something else in here. I’ll keep the Dimensional Teleporter of course, but I don’t really need this Lab anymore. I just want to take it slow now. I’ve seen my Mother she’s okay, and she wants me to try and get this Bishel Dragon which I promised I would try. So I don’t really need a Laboratory any more.” B’Elanna stopped for a minute before walking out the door taking one last look at the Lab she had slaved away in to try and find her Mother.

The dark haired genious rushed down the stairs as quick as she could go to find Erik, “Erik! Erik! Where are you?” The Butler appeared of the side of a hallway looking startled and confused.

“Yes? B’Elanna what is it?” He asked, but B’Elanna didn’t say anything just through her arms around him and hugged him. He looked at her startled but then hugged her back.

“She still thinks of you as her brother and she misses you.” B’Elanna muttered still hugging Erik.

“What?” Erik asked as B’Elanna stopped hugging him and stepped back.

“Mother. She still thinks of you as her brother and she misses you. She told me so.”

“B’Elanna your Mother,..” But before he could say anymore B’Elanna interrupted.

“Please, just go get Mary then go sit in the living room. I’ll be there in a few minutes feel free to get drinks and something to eat. This might take a while.” She said then walked off.

Erik just stood there for a few seconds then quickly went to get Mary. Somehow he knew that B’Elanna had something very important to tell them.

“Erik? What’s this all about? You say B’Elanna has something important to tell us?” Mary asked as they sat on the couch. In front of it the coffee table had been pushed off to the side and a larger table with many things on it was now there with a chair behind it.

“We shall find out soon.” He said to Mary and they continued to wait for B’Elanna who surprisingly poked her head out from the kitchen. With her she had some drinks and snacks which Erik had forgot she said they might want to get.

She set them down on the tables beside the couch and said, “Sorry to have kept you waiting like that. Here are some drinks and snacks for you. I’m not that sure how long this will take.” After saying that she walked behind the large table and sat in the chair. “Well, to start with. Um, where do I start? Erik. You remember that Dimensional Teleporter that you said I shouldn’t be messing with such things? Well,...” And so B’Elanna slowly began to tell them everything. Everything right up to seeing her Mother, the Dragon’s, the contest, and most important, the chance of a Bishel Dragon coming to live with them.

Pausing B’Elanna took a long sip of her water that she had set near her table, “Um, so any questions? Well, before I begin to tell you about the Dragon’s more?” B’Elanna asked. Erik was casually listening to the whole story while snacking on some chips, but Mary was staring at B’Elanna with her mouth hanging open.

Finally Mary moved to look at Erik then she looked back at B’Elanna, “D, Dddr, Dragon’s?”

Immediately B’Elanna caught the fear in Mary’s voice, “Don’t worry Mary. They aren’t mean and don’t kill people or breath fire. Well, unless that’s their Breath Weapon, but just let me explain. They are called Bishel Dragon’s, well or Bishen. When you first get a Bishel Dragon they are an egg, when they hatch they are legless and wingless in this state they are called Wryms. Whenever legs and/or wings appear they are growing into their Shrape stage of growth. By the way, these Bishel grow to be about the size of a dog. Normally there are three types of Bishel Dragon’s, Terran, Marine, and Arboreal. Terran’s have four legs and no wings. Marine’s don’t have legs or wings. Arboreal’s have wings, but no legs. Sometimes there are hybrids resulting in, well Jarod a green Bishel Dragon for example has two front legs and wings, but no back legs. That is one example of a hybrid.”

Erik finished a chip he was munching on and asked, “So a Bishel with four legs and wings would also be a hybrid?” Mary stared at him in disbelief, she just couldn’t get why he was taking this so easy.

“Exactly right Erik. Now there are also three basic or common colors for Bishel Dragon’s. They are green, blue, and red.” B’Elanna went on to explain about those three colors, “Then there are the three known mutations, Moonstone, Ice Shard, and White. There may be more mutations out there, but I didn’t see any of them in the records that I read.” She explained the first two with ease, but then decided to take it slow with the last. The one color that she might be able to get, and if she did get it she definately would need Mary and Erik to know about them. “Okay now. Whites. Well, they’re daydreams, idealists, um, and poets. They like, no, no, love solitude and creativity. They also love books, movies, music, etc. Though keep in mind they aren’t really that friendly and like to live alone in solitude or with a select few.” B’Elanna glanced down at her notes before continuing to tell Mary and Erik about Whites. When she was finished Mary looked ready to faint, but Erik was still casually munching away.

“So you might get a White Bishel Dragon?” He asked rising up from his seat to look at some of the things B’Elanna had lain out on the table. Pictures of reds, blues, greens. Terrans, Marines, Arboreals.

B’Elanna also stood up, “Yup, I’m trying to see if I can get one it's a contest. Mother wanted me to try.”

Erik nodded and continued to look at the pictures keeping his head bent down. Then the Vawntika Butler lifted a picture up to his face to look at closer. B’Elanna couldn’t see his face and didn’t have any idea what he might be thinking, “Well, what did you have in mind to try and get ready for this Dragon if we are chosen to be his or her new family?” Then he set the picture back onto the table and B’Elanna saw her guardian smiling which in turn made her smile also. Suddenly both of them heard a thud sound and turned to see Mary had fallen to the floor passed out. B’Elanna and Erik rushed to her side both deciding that they’d better wait until tomorrow to begin working out the plans. The contest was to find the best home for the White and B’Elanna Vawntika was going to try as hard as she could to do just that. Make the her home the best place for the growing Dragon.

B’Elanna woke up early the next morning and went down to meet Erik in the living room. They had planned to meet that early to get started on things. They had also decided to let Mary sleep and not wake her up so early. B’Elanna was a bit surprised when she saw Erik already waiting for her in the living room. “Sorry I’m late.” She said quietly.

Erik nodded, “You ready? I’ve got breakfasts and lunches packed. If Mary wakes up, I left her a note.” B’Elanna gave him a quizical look, “Going up to the highest points of the mountains we can reach remember? And the lake? Hello? Are you really that tired?”

“Huh? No, I’m fine really I just forgot for a second that we were going riding up in the mountains and by the lake.”

“Arboreal’s like mountains, high structures, trees, things like that. So we were going to look around up there, and the lake because of Marine’s and water. Now let’s go. I’ve already got the horses saddled.” Sure enough when B’Elanna went down to the stables Precious was waiting patiently for her.

Erik looked at the peaceful lake along with B’Elanna then he noticed a clearing off to one side, “We could always build a small cabin right there.” He said pointing towards the cabin, then he glanced at B’Elanna who was deep in thought. She nodded at him telling him that she had indeed heard what he had said. “Well, ready to go up into the mountains? I think we should leave the horses here though. That way we could go up farther and see more of what is up those high mountains.”

Again B’Elanna nodded and she got off Precious, “Good idea. I’m glad there are trails going almost to the tops of those mountains of ours.”

B’Elanna walked in front of Erik on the way up the mountains much to his dismay, he complained that she might get hurt if she went first but B’Elanna just wouldn’t listen to a word of it. “Look at these caves!” B’Elanna said to Erik, “Perfect! Nice and quiet. Solitude.”

Erik nodded and soon the two headed back to the mansion. They arrived back at a little past noon. As they walked up to the door they noticed Mary behind the house working like crazy in the large gardens B’Elanna’s Mother had once taken care of, but now Mary did instead. “What are you doing back there Mary?”

The cook poked her head up and the dirt stopped flying everywhere, “Got your note! Arboreals and Marines. What about those Terrans? Nature right? Plants? Gardens? Peaceful, quiet, nice gardens? Thought I’d get to work.”

B’Elanna grinned and went to help. Erik watched her go and said, “I’ll be inside seeing what I can do in there.”

“Kay!” B’Elanna said and quickly got to work with Mary.

A couple hours later B’Elanna and Mary entered the mansion smiling. Erik quickly bolted up from the couch, “B’Elanna!”

“What?!” She asked a bit alarmed.

“Books, movies and music! Whites like books, movies and music right? Well, we’ve got books, not really extremely up-to-date, but we need to get some more. Movies? Well, we’ve got a large practically movie theater in here that you never use, but for movies we don’t have that many. Tons of channels with movies on, but still we might want to get some. Music? Oh yeah we’ve got plenty of that, though I don’t think it would hurt to get some more.”

“Oh.” B’Elanna said acting like it wasn’t that big of a deal.

“Oh? Is that all you have to say?” Erik questioned onward.

“Well can’t you just pick some up tomorrow at the city? Or something? Please?”

Erik seemed to think about this for a moment or two, but then he said, “Nope, not unless you come with me.”

“What?! You know that I don’t like to be around people that much! I can’t go!”

“Well that’s the only way that we will be getting this stuff.”

“Then we are ordering it from, uh, the internet! Yeah!”

Erik just shook his head, “Nope, I won’t let you do that. This is the only way we are getting these things for the Dragon.”

B’Elanna seemed to be having a fight going on in her head. Finally she said, “I will go.”

“Good, we will leave first thing tomorrow after breakfast.”

Mary looked from B’Elanna to Erik, “Well if you don’t mind me I don’t think I will be joining you on this little trip to the city. I think I’ll just work on the gardens some more. Maybe even do a few other things or something.”

Eventually the three had all figured it out and B’Elanna went to bed, not completely sure if she was ready for the trip the following day.

B’Elanna woke up early just like she was supposed to that next day, she got around and ate breakfast. And as she climbed into the vehicle with Erik she sighed making the butler turn to her, “Oh come on already. It won’t be that bad. All we are doing is a little shopping and then we can come right back.”

B’Elanna didn’t say anything and as they took off for the city she sighed yet again.

B’Elanna flew around the store in a frantic somewhat nervous attitude, she grabbed all sorts of books and movies and music. By the time she thought she was done Erik thought that she might have bought everything in the book, music, and movie store. Turns out that he wasn’t far off when he thought that.

B’Elanna packed everything she had bought for the Dragon into the car and amazingly it all fit. “Wow,” she said buckling up her seatbelt, “I’m glad that went fairly well.”

Erik just nodded and they went back to the mansion.

When they got back there Mary was leaping up and down as she dragged both of them out behind the mansion to look at her gardens. And what glorious gardens they were, filled with all sorts of tree’s native to that area and flowers. Stone benches for places to sit. Even a little swing to lay in and just swing while reading a book perhaps, but what B’Elanna found most wonderous was the fountain that Mary had set up in the center of the garden. A tall wonderous fountain with water shooting out from the top and making a soothing sound. Off in the distance a bird chirped. “What do you think B’Elanna?” Mary asked.

“I think it’s great Mary. Thank you.”

Mary nodded and the three quickly shuffled into the house to put away everything B’Elanna had bought. “Um, okay I guess I’ll put away the music, Mary could you put away the books? Thanks. And B’Elanna that leaves you the movies to put away in that little theater, well it seems, of ours.” Erik said and grabbed the many bags filled with all sorts of different kinds of music. Mary did the same with a few bags of books before Erik quickly said he’d help her with those. B’Elanna sighed and grabbed a few bags filled with movies and made her way up the stairs.

“We need to get an elevator or something for this stuff.” She heard Mary complain as they went up the stairs. Mary went off to the library, Erik to the little room filled with musical items and B’Elanna to the movie room.

B’Elanna sighed as she started to put the movies all up on the shelves surrounding the room. In the front was the very large screen television and a ways away from it a comfortable couch with a small table on each side of it.

Finally after what seemed like hours she had almost all of the shelves filled with movies which she had even gone to the trouble of putting them in alphabetical order. With a peaceful sigh she laid down on the couch in the movie room and soon went to sleep.

Erik peeked in the movie room to see how B’Elanna was doing, he wasn’t the least bit surprised to see that she was done, “Oh alphabetical order even.” He muttered. Then he saw B’Elanna asleep on the couch. “Oops better not wake her up.”

That night when B'Elanna was in bed she couldn't help but wonder if the White Dragon might be coming to her home.

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