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The next morning Heath woke up to hear B’Elanna’s voice coming from the music room, he got around quickly then went up to investigate. He tried his best to keep quiet and out of site and that’s when he saw Sofi again. She was stretched out on the floor next to B’Elanna listening to music. Then he heard her voice in his head again, *What shall I do today?* She asked.

“Are you asking me Sofi?” B'Elanna asked.

*Nobody in particular, I wish to accomplish something today though I am unsure of what.*

“Want to go outside again? Perhaps we could take a horse up to the lake in the mountains and sit or read a book or something. You might like it up there.”

*That actually sounds fun, but a horse?*

“We could hike or in your case slither up if you prefer.”

*Well the horse sounds okay, but will it talk to me in anyway? Can it talk to me? Is it like Mary or Heath? What I’m trying to say is, I actually don’t know what I’m trying to say.*

“I think I do, and Sofi there is no reason at all to be afraid of a horse. I’d probably take Precious and if she saw you I guarantee she wouldn’t get scared. She’s just that kind of horse.”

*Okay. Do you mind if I take a few things?*

B’Elanna shook her head, “I don’t mind, just please don’t pack that much.”

*I won’t.*

Heath watched as B’Elanna got up and he went quickly to hide in a different room to think about things. He watched as the door slid shut behind him then he looked around the room, many computers were scattered here and there along with something odd looking in a corner. Heath shrugged and began to think things over, “Sofi, what is Sofi? A snake type thing? Maybe I will find out more if I follow them up to the lake.” Heath nodded and decided to leave before they did.

“Are you ready yet Sofi?” B’Elanna asked walking up the stairs to see Sofi slowly dragging a small jean backpack along. “Need a little help there?” B’Elanna asked and without waiting for a response picked up Sofi and the backpack.

*Oh thank you, I believe I was having a bit of trouble with that infernal thing. I tried not to pack a lot, but I did manage to find a few lightweight books to take and a couple other items.*

“So are you ready?”

*I believe so.*

“Okay then, let’s go.” B’Elanna said and started out for the stables where Precious was already saddled and ready to go.

When they got to the stables B’Elanna was sure to put her backpack on and then she set Sofi on a table and got on Precious. “Come on Precious we have to pick up Sofi.” But when they got to the table Sofi was looking quite puzzled.

*How exactly am I supposed to get on this creature? Where do I stay?*

B’Elanna laughed and held out her hand and Sofi slid up her arm, “Just pick a place.”

Sofi blinked a couple times then slid back to where the backpack was, she proceeded to opened up the zipper and slid in. B’Elanna was now the puzzled one, but then Sofi’s head poked out of the backpack and she said, *I believe this shall work.*

“Um, okay.” B’Elanna said to Sofi then started up the trail to the lake.

Halfway to the lake Sofi found herself beginning to get a bit bored, *This is a dreadfully long ride don’t you think?*

“We can go faster if you want, but it might be a bumpy if we do.” B’Elanna said back to Sofi.

*I think I can stand it being a bit bumpy.*

B’Elanna grinned, “If you say so.” And she nudged Precious into a trot. In the backpack Sofi found that it was more than a bit bumpy for her.

*Don’t like! Don’t like one bit!* B’Elanna tried not to laugh as she made Precious slow into a walk again.

“I thought you said you could stand it being a bit bumpy?”

*That was NOT just a bit bumpy! That was really bumpy!* Sofi spat out.

B’Elanna raised an eyebrow, “Well excuse me, it was your idea.”

*Oh, I’m sorry. I just really did not enjoy that. I think I’m going to be sick.*

“Hang in there Sofi, we are almost to the lake and if you want we could even hike up farther to the caves!”

*Perhaps.* Sofi replied grumbling.

“We’re here!” B’Elanna said happily as the lake came into view.

*It’s about time.*

“Oh would you quit being such a grump? Lighten up a bit Sofi.” With that B’Elanna got of the horse and went to find a place to put her while Sofi continued to grumble in the backpack. B’Elanna then set the backpack down and looked at it waiting for Sofi to come out of it, but Sofi didn’t and B’Elanna sighed. “Oh come on Sofi.”

*Fine, I shall get out of this infernal backpack, but do not expect me to be a happy Wyrm.*

B’Elanna shook her head then went out to sit on a rock a couple feet out from the shore. She watched as Sofi slid around the sand beach of the lake, the little white Wyrm went to where the wet sand was and then laid her head down and watched the very edge of the water. B’Elanna couldn’t help but wonder what Sofi was doing. It stayed silent for a couple of minutes until Sofi lifted her head and looked all around her then she said, *Are there any creatures in this lake?*

B’Elanna looked at her and nodded, “Yup, fish. At least I think there is fish and that’s about all I think.”

Sofi nodded her little head then picked up a small stick in her mouth then she started to draw pictures in the sand. After the stick broke in half she sighed and laid down again, but she only got up once more and stared into the sky. *The clouds are beautiful.* She stated, *With some, I can make out pictures. They glide so slowly across the sky and then they are gone only to be shortly replaced by more. It is peaceful.*

B’Elanna looked towards the sky as Sofi was and nodded, “Yes they are beautiful. That one over there kind of looks like you a bit. And I agree it is peaceful.”

Sofi looked in the direction that B’Elanna was pointing and spotted the cloud then she looked back at B’Elanna, *I see a small resemblance, but might I ask you a question?*

“You just did.”

Sofi looked down at the sand for a few seconds and then back to B’Elanna, *Quite correct, I did. Then may I ask you a question after this one?* B’Elanna nodded, *I have learned much about you and your kind of species since I have hatched, but correct me if I’m wrong aren’t you supposed to have parents with you? I know about your Mother, but don’t you have a Father?*

“I have a Father, yet I don’t have a Father.”

*I do not understand.*

“My Father may be my Father, but he does not act like a Father and I never see him so I might as well not have a Father.*

*Then you are an orphan.* B’Elanna didn’t know what to say about that so she just shrugged. *You have lost your Mother and one of your closest friends, but now, you’re afraid of losing me too aren’t you?* Sofi looked at B’Elanna curiously, *You won’t lose me.* She said firmly and smacked her small tail against the sand. Sofi rose her head up as high as she could and gazed up at the sky, *You do know that they are both watching you. You must know that.* B’Elanna nodded. *That is good.* Then Sofi slithered away from the edge of the lake and over towards the forest. B’Elanna watched as Sofi seemed to rummage around the forest looking for something, but then she appeared with a small rock in her mouth. B’Elanna continued to watch as she placed the rock in the wet sand inches away from the water. Slowly Sofi used her nose and moved the sand so that it was pressing up against the sides of the white rock. Then she went and grabbed more rocks out of the forest.

“Um Sofi? What exactly are you doing?”

*I am building something, do not bother to ask me what, for not even I know that. It is simply something coming from the corner of my mind.*

“Okay then.”

Sofi stopped building after a while and B’Elanna looked at a small spiral form of white rocks. Sofi sighed and looked at her spiral oddly then she began to sing or so it seemed. Instead of hearing Sofi talk in her mind as she usually did she heard music flooding her mind almost as if Sofi had a song stuck in her head and now it had come seeping out. It was a lively melody and Sofi’s tail twitched back in forth to the rhythm. She stopped suddenly then and looked about the forest frantically. Sofi thought for a few moments whether or not to sound an alarm, but then sniffed the air and decided to wait. She found herself wanting to slither off and hide, but something told her not to. ‘Somebody is out there.’ She thought to herself, ‘Watching B’Elanna and I, but why? It is obvious that who ever it is won’t hurt us, but what do they want?’

“Sofi? Is something wrong?” B’Elanna asked.

Sofi took one final glance all around the forest then said, *No, nothing is wrong I just thought I heard something, but I was wrong.*

In the shadows Heath watched as Sofi looked around and for a second he thought that for sure he would be caught, but he wasn’t and he let out a long sigh because of it. Immediately he wished he hadn’t because Sofi’s head darted right around and her onyx eyes locked with his deep blue ones. She glared at him for a few seconds and then shot to where B’Elanna was slowly trudging through the water to the shore. *B’Elanna! We must leave at once!*

“What? Why?”

*Questions shall be answered later, but it is very important that we leave as fast as that creature you call Precious can go.*

“Even if it’s bumpy?”

*Yes, but we must leave now!* Sofi said trying to direct her telepathy only to B’Elanna.

“Okay Sofi, if you say so.” But before the words were fully out of B’Elanna’s mouth Sofi was already in the backpack.

*Hurry! Please you must hurry!* Sofi said as she watched B’Elanna walk to Precious. B’Elanna didn’t know what had gotten into Sofi, but she sped up and got Precious then carefully put on the backpack with Sofi in it.

*No, no! Faster!* Sofi almost yelled as Precious continued at a walk.

B’Elanna sighed and decided to go along with whatever Sofi was doing and asked Precious to trot, but after she did Sofi said, *It that as fast as she can go?* B’Elanna nudged Precious into a canter then and they went back to the stables.

When arriving at the stables B’Elanna gave Sofi a completely confused look and said, “Just what has gotten into you?” She asked then turned away from Sofi who was sitting on a small upside down bucket near Precious and B’Elanna. “What was that all about?” B’Elanna continued to ask while she went to put back the saddle and bridle in the tack room.

*I apologize that I didn’t tell you sooner, but somebody was watching us up there.*

B’Elanna looked a bit shocked, but then said, “Do you know who?”

*Yes I think so, but I don’t want to say who I think it was just yet.*

B’Elanna sighed and rubbed her head then she reached for a brush. As she brushed Precious she sighed again, “Okay Sofi I’ll go along with all of this.”

*You do believe me don’t you?*

“Of course I do, I’m just trying to think of who it could have been since you won’t tell me just yet who you think it was.”

‘I don’t think I know who it was I know who it was.’ Sofi thought to herself, but stayed quiet.

Later that day Sofi was once again in the Library reading and at the same time thinking about why Heath was watching them when they went to the lake. *Well he could have just been up there at the same time as us and spotted us but was to afraid to say hello.* Sofi thought about this possibility for a few seconds then shook her head and stared down at a picture in the book she had been reading. *Perhaps he, no, no. That can't be right. Maybe he is really a murderer and he was going to kill us and then run off with some Vawntika antiques, but he didn’t get me so I caught him somehow and I am totally getting off track.* Sofi sighed again and shook her head back and forth for a long time. *Wait.* She thought, *He doesn’t know about me does he? Well he saw me that’s for certain. Hmm. What if he saw me before and he followed us to, find out more about me! He’s curious! That must be it. Though, what to do now?* Sofi laid her head down on her book and sighed. *Great, now I have this Heath guy watching me. What do I do now? I don’t want to tell B’Elanna, somehow I want to take care of this myself.* Sofi got up and went to the Lab, *I think I have an idea.*

Heath lazily walked past the Lab and towards the stairs, but just before he was past the Lab the doors opened up and he heard that certain soft beautiful voice in his head again, *Come here.*

Heath didn’t know if he should go into the Lab though after debating it he walked in. “Whose there?”

*You were watching in the forest.*

“Is this Sofi?”

*Yes I am Sofi. And first of all I must say that if you make any effort to get to me or harm me or anything. You’ll be in trouble.*

Heath smirked, “Don’t worry I won’t hurt you. You’re B’Elanna’s pet snake, er, type thing.”

*I. Am. Not. A. Snake.*

“Well then what are you?”

*Wouldn’t you love to know?* Sofi kept trying to find out if he really did want to know about her.

“Actually I would like to know.”

*I thought so, that was why you were watching us wasn’t it? Yes it was, then I shall tell you. I am a white Bishel Dragon. Currently a Wyrm.* Sofi said trying her best to stay calm and not flee out of the Lab to hide.

“A Bishel Dragon? Wyrm?” Heath asked lifting one eyebrow. Then he asked, “Where are you?”

*That does not concern you, do you have any questions that I might be able or rather would want to answer?*

“Okay little Dragon, I’ll go along with this.” Heath was about to say more, but Sofi interrupted.

*Of course you will because this is the only way you will gain any information about Bishel Dragon’s or about me.*

Heath growled and Sofi found herself getting more than a tad bit frightened, but she couldn’t let him know that. “What?” Heath began, but Sofi yet again cut him off.

*You see that machine in the corner, yes that one. That is a Dimensional Teleporter, if you want you can go to the Bishen Realm.* Sofi said the whole time hoping that this was a good idea, what if he got in the Bishen Realm and chaos broke out because of it. It would all be her fault. ‘No, I have a feeling that he is supposed to find out about this though my feeling might be wrong I must take that chance.’ *Do you want to go there?*

Heath shrugged, “Yeah sure.”

*Then go.*

“How?” Heath asked walking over to the Dimensional Teleporter.

*Oh yes, I forgot that I must tell you how to do that.*

“Yeah, yeah. But first, where exactly will I be going?”

*To a shining realm, with everlasting beauty, tis called the Bishen Realm.*


*Are you really that dense? Don’t you listen? The place you are going is called the Bishen Realm.*

“Oh right. Whatever. So how do you work this infernal thing?” Heath asked getting a bit irritated.

Sofi sighed, ‘This was a bad idea, but I can’t stop now.’ She thought and proceeded to tell him how to work the Dimensional Teleporter and most importantly, how to get back afterwards. ‘Perhaps I should find a way to secretly watch what he’s doing. I hope he doesn’t hurt anybody, or anything.’ She thought as she dreadfully watched him start up the process to go to the Bishen Realm the computer droned out the number’s till he left and then he was gone. Sofi was scared half to death of what might happen, ‘I hope I was right about doing this. Oh dear, I think I’m going to have a heart attack or something of the sort.’ Sofi took a few deep breaths from her hiding place and waited, waited for Heath to come back.

Heath was a bit dazed at suddenly appearing in a different world, he stumbled around for a few seconds then got a glimpse of something moving in a tree. “Hello?” He called up into the tree.

*Who are you!?* Whatever it was demanded, *Answer now!*

Heath’s eyes widened at the demand, but he said, “My name is Heath, who are you?”

*That is none of your business.*

“Are you a Bishel Dragon?” Heath asked out of curiousity, he wondered if this might be another like Sofi.

*No, I am not a Bishel Dragon, but I know of them.*

“Seems everybody does, everybody except me.”

*You said your name was Heath? Goodness, I’ve been waiting for you for some time now. I thought you’d never come, please sit dear boy, sit.*

Heath was puzzled beyond belief that something all of a sudden said that he had been waiting for him. *Sit boy! I said sit!* Heath remained standing, *Fine! Stand for all I care! I knew you’d be a stubborn one. Anyway allow me to introduce myself. My name is Atoa, I am, well, let’s just say a spirit of sorts eh? Anywho, I hear that you come from the home where Sofi lives. Yes, boy, don’t be surprised I know of Sofi. I know of everything. Now I have a question for you. Do you know of your past?*

Heath shook his head and narrowed his eyes, he didn’t like this conversations path. He past was not to be discussed, “No I don’t, and I don’t care about it.”

*You don’t?* The voice seemed amused, *Oh yes you do care about it. You have never known your past or anything about you have you? No, you haven’t, but yes, you do want to know about it.*

“Maybe I do want to, so what?”

*Then you need to go and find out about your past.*

“What? You’re confusing, I don’t want to go out and find out about my past.”

*I don’t care if you do or you don’t, the thing is that you must.*


*You must.* The creature or spirit as he said continued to talk to Heath, but then he told him of the Bishel Dragon’s which he seemed most interested in.

Back at the Mansion Sofi waited for what seemed like hours for her, she spent her times thinking of whether or not she just released a monster on the Bishen Realm. Right as she was starting to think she’d never see Heath again, which to her didn’t seem that bad, he appeared back in Dimensional Teleporter. “Thank you Sofi, rarely will I say thank you, but I must thank you. Now if you would please tell me where B’Elanna is.”

*You are quite welcome, I hope that now you will leave me alone forever? Please?*

“Yes, I will.”

Sofi let out a long sigh, *That is a relief, B’Elanna is, well I’m unsure where she is.*

“Okay.” He said and bolted out of the Lab leaving Sofi practically leaping for joy that she didn’t have to worry about him anymore.

*I think I must go to the Garden and try to relax. I wonder why he wanted to see B’Elanna?* Sofi shrugged it off though and went to the Garden to relax on her way she decided to grab a good book to read.


B’Elanna lifted her head up from staring at the dirt ground while sitting on a bucket in the stables, “Heath?”

“I know that I haven’t really ever talked to you or anything, but I must tell you. I must leave.”

“Excuse me? Leave? Why?”

“You were given a file about me right? Well in that file there isn’t anything about my past because nobody not even myself, knows about my past. I wanted to tell you that I must leave, I want to learn about my past.”

“Um, okay. Where will you go?”

“B’Elanna, I know about the Bishel Dragon’s, I know about Sofi. She knew that I wanted to learn about her or rather learn what she was so she sent me to the Bishen Realm. There I met this well he was very much like an old guy, but I couldn’t see him, he told me that I must find out my past. It’s very important he said, for some reason I feel that I must do as he says.”

B’Elanna stared at Heath for several minutes it seemed then she said, “Right, well isn’t this shocking news. I’m going to half to have a little chat with Sofi over this one. Anyway you can go, I will help you though. If you were told that you must learn about your past while in the Bishen Realm where it seems practically anything can happen, then I will help you. I just wish that I had full access to the Vawntika fortune.”

“You do.” Heath and B’Elanna turned around quickly to see Mary standing in the entrance to the stables.

“What did you say Mary?” B’Elanna asked.

“You do have full access to the Vawntika fortune, your Mother left all the money, the Mansion, everything to you in the event of her death. But the real person in charge of it until you were of age was Erik. Your Father doesn’t know any of this, naturally he thinks he has complete control over everything.”

B’Elanna looked ready to faint, “Oh, okay.” She said then fell off of her bucket she was sitting on. “Ow. Um, why didn’t you tell me this before?”

Mary looked down at her feet then back up at B’Elanna, “Well Erik and I were planning on keeping the whole thing a secret for now, but now that he’s gone, I felt I must let you know.”

Two days later.

*Today is the day that Heath is leaving isn’t it?* Sofi asked from her small hiding place in the tall grass, *He will be leaving on that motorcycle you got him. Complete with all of the new gizmo’s and gadget’s you thought necessary for him to have.*

B’Elanna nodded, *Yep, you know what Sofi, he’s not that bad. Though, I know you still don’t like to be around him, or anybody else for that matter, at all.”

Sofi sighed and turned her attention towards a bug hopping along the ground, *Right, it’s not them though, it’s me.* She said carefully watching as the bug leaped from grass stem to grass stem. B’Elanna got up from the bench and carefully walked out to where Sofi was laying in the grass.

“Do you want me to tell him goodbye for you?”

*Yes, but I have a feeling we will see him again besides you installed that camera computer thing on his motorcycle didn’t you? So you could call him up or he could call you if anything happened? Then you gave him a cell phone is it?*

B’Elanna sat down next to Sofi who still had her attention on the small bug, “Yes, I gave him those things. Also some spending money and such. I hope he finds what he’s looking for.”

*Oh he will, at least I’m pretty sure that he will.* Sofi said, then froze and remained still. B’Elanna turned to see what Sofi was being so still about and saw that the little bug she had been watching was now on her nose. *Interesting.* She said looking closely at the bug, then she simply shook her head a bit and the bug jumped off to go elsewhere.

“You know what? Now the only person you have to worry about is Mary.”

*Yes I suppose so. Oh I do hope that cook or maid doesn’t bother me. You know I just started the most interesting book, it has to do with this man and he..* But Sofi was interrupted by Mary calling out that Heath was ready to leave. *Oh bother, well I suppose you’d best wish him goodbye and good luck.*

B’Elanna sighed as she got up, “Yup, I’ll tell him that you say goodbye also.”

*Thank you.* Sofi said and watched as B’Elanna walked around the Mansion towards the front of the driveway where Heath waited.

“Are you sure you just want to take the motorcycle and nothing else? I mean, couldn’t you take a truck or car?” Mary asked, but Heath just scratched his silver hair.

“Nope, don’t want to take a truck.” He said and watched as B’Elanna troted over.

“Well, I guess this is goodbye then.” B’Elanna said, “Oh and Sofi also wanted me to tell you that she says goodbye.”

Heath nodded, “Goodbye then. Thanks for everything, don’t worry I’ll be back again and I’ll call or write.”

“Bye.” B’Elanna said and then Heath started up his motorcycle and went off down the driveway.

Upstairs Sofi watched out a window as the silver haired, blue eyed young man sped off to find out about his past. *Good luck Heath.* She said and smiled as he turned left from the driveway.

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