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B’Elanna sighed as she slowly walked down the stairs and towards the living room. It was a bright early morning and the sun was streaming through an open window. In the distance B’Elanna could hear the horses whinny amongst themselves. In the living room Erik sat on the couch reading what looked like a newspaper. When he heard B’Elanna soft footsteps gradually coming closer to him he stopped reading and turned to look at her, “Good morning,” he said, “And what is the young Mistress up to today?”

“Nothing.” B’Elanna said and sat down next to him. “Later I think I should go check on the contest. See if they have chosen a winner.”

Erik nodded and went back to his newspaper, “Mary is in the kitchen cooking up some breakfast. She says it’ll be done in a bit. How about after you eat you can go check on what is happening at the Bishen Realm?”

Now it was B’Elanna to nod, “Yes that sounds like a plan. So what is she making? Her famous pancakes or is it the waffles this time?”

“Hmm. I don’t know. I think she is purposely wanting to keep me out of the kitchen.”

“Oh really why?”

Erik sighed and slumped down a bit. He folded up the newspaper and tossed it onto the coffee table. “Well, a certain cooking lesson kind of went up in smoke. I don’t think she trusts me anymore.”

“You cooking? With an oven and everything? Who would trust you?” B’Elanna smiled, “Oh come on you know that I’m kidding.”

“B’Elanna? Would it be possible for me to come along with you to the Bishen Realm when you go? Please?”

“Sure. I mean why wouldn’t you be able to go? I think there should be plenty of room in the Dimensional Teleporter for both of us. No problem.”

“Really? Thanks.” Erik grinned and reminded B’Elanna of a little boy that just got neat toy for his birthday or something like that.

“Okay you two out there, come on in breakfast is ready. But Erik if you even try to make something or touch anything in my kitchen I’ll have your head I will!” Mary said. Her head slipped back behind the kitchen door and Erik gulped as both he and B’Elanna stood to go into the kitchen.

“Wow Mary that was great. Now I guess Erik and I shall get going right about now.” B’Elanna said as she set her plate next to the sink.

“Okay Miss B’Elanna, but you and Erik had better be careful and come back here in one piece.”

“Oh come on Mary,” Erik said getting his two cents in, “We’ll be fine, I promise you that. Besides we are only going to check on what is happening at the Bishen Realm and then we will be right back. Are you sure you don’t want to come though?”

“Me? Go to a different Dimension? Oh no! I don’t think I like the idea of all this Dimension stuff. No, not me.”

B’Elanna shrugged then said goodbye and went up to her Lab which was in the process of being remodeled. She had the Teleporter off to one side, but everything else was either being rearranged a different way or put someplace else. “Okay Erik climb on in there. I’ll activate the sequence then we shall be off.” Erik did as B’Elanna instructed and soon the computer was counting down the seconds until finally it reached one and both the butler and genius were in the other Dimension.

“Are we there? What happened?”

“Yes Erik we are here. And if I’m not mistaken, which I rarely am, the Bishen Realm is right over that way.” B’Elanna said and started off in that direction.

“Are you just going to leave this thing right here?” Erik said stepping out of the Teleporter to follow B’Elanna.

“Sure, why not? It’ll be fine.” She said back to the butler and then they were both started off to the Bishen Realm.

B’Elanna sighed and tried not to cry as she looked at the spot where her Mother had appeared somehow to talk to her. The dark eyed young lady could still not figure out how it was possible, how that it had happened. The only conclusion she had come to was that with Bishel Dragon’s anything was possible.

“Is this it? This is the Bishen Realm?”

“Yes Erik this is the Bishen Realm, now all I have to do is find Indyana. Oh there she is.”

“Hello Indyana, I’m just here to check on the contest.” B’Elanna said walking up to Indyana. Erik followed looking at the many wonders of the Realm.

“Oh good you came. Well the contest is over and, well, perhaps you should follow me.”

B’Elanna nodded and then remembered Erik, “Oh by the way. This is Erik, he is my guardian and butler. He wanted to come with me to see the Bishen Realm.”

Indyana and Erik said hello to each other and then they proceeded to go inside the Bishen Realm.

Inside B’Elanna saw the Kailan hovering before what looked to be the white Bishel Dragon Egg. He saw B’Elanna and seemed to smile at her, *Ah, you have come. I knew that you’d be here soon enough. The contest has come to an end, and the winner has been chosen.*

Then Indyana stepped up near him and said, “You’ve won! We have chosen your home to be the new home of the White Bishel Dragon. Go on take the egg you’re it’s bondmate.”

B’Elanna was at a lose for words, she did not know what to say. Slowly she reached for the small white egg with blue spots here and there on it. Beside her Erik also was not knowing what he should say. Finally the butler broke the silence and said, “Well, what are you going to name it?”

B’Elanna held the egg close to her and looked up at him, tears of happiness and joy were threatening to pour down the sides of her cheeks. Almost as if in slow motion her mouth moved and in barely a whisper she said, “What was my Mother’s middle name?”

Erik wanted to get B’Elanna a tissue, but instead he answered her question, “Well you Mother’s middle name was Sophia if I’m not mistaken. Yup, her name was Sandy Sophia Vawntika.”

B’Elanna smiled, “Then I shall name her Sofi. A slight alteration from my Mother’s middle name and it shall be spelled S-o-f-i, instead of the classis S-o-p-h-i-e.”

Erik nodded, but then a question came up so he asked it, “Okay that seems to fit, but how do you know that this egg is a female? I mean you said that the blue ones were female and green were male. This one is neither, it is white! How do you know?”

“I just do Erik, I just do.”

Beside them Indyana and the Kailan were both smiling, “Well, Sofi her name is then.” Indyana said.

B’Elanna smiled at Indyana, “Wow. I don’t really know what to say except, thank you. I guess Erik and I should get going, I’m pretty sure that if we spend a lot of time here Mary will be scared something happened to us.”

Indyana nodded and then Erik and B’Elanna who still held on to the white egg departed from the Bishen Realm back to where the Dimensional Teleporter was.

B’Elanna quietly walked down the stairs and into the living room, she went over to a small area to insert some music into a CD player. The music started to play and soon the house was filled with the songs written by Beethoven. Erik lazily walked out of his room and yawned, he turned to go into the living room and found B’Elanna sitting in front of the CD player that was off to one side. They had installed that a while back before she had received the white egg. Throughout the house were speakers so that wherever you go you could here the music.

“Hello there B’Elanna, what are you up to this wonderous morning? Playing a little music?” Erik asked as he walked over to the dark haired genius.

B’Elanna looked up at him and sighed, “Just playing some music and thinking. I hope I didn’t bother you, if I did I’m sorry.”

“Oh no, you didn’t bother me. Besides it was time for me to wake up anyway. So where’s Sofi?”

“Well she’s still an egg as you know, so she would probably be in the same place she always has been.”

Erik nodded and grinned, “Yup, suppose so. So what were ya thinking about?”

“Don’t know. My Father is supposed to be visiting soon and I suppose I was thinking about that. I really don’t want to see him again and I hope that he either can’t come or does come and stays for about an hour. Now that Sofi is here I don’t want her to hatch and then he shows up. She is a white, they don’t like a lot of people. I don’t think it would be best for him to show up.”

“Well this is also his mansion not just yours, he does have the right to come here whenever he wants.” Erik said, not completely telling the truth. In truth the mansion was B’Elanna’s and her’s alone, Sandy had left all of her possession’s and her fortune to B’Elanna, but that hadn’t been revealed to either B’Elanna nor her Father just yet.

B’Elanna sighed, “I suppose you’re right as usual. I just want the best for Sofi.”

“I know. Now if you don’t mind me I’m going to go get the mail.” Erik said and after B’Elanna nodded that she had heard him he went off to the mail box while B’Elanna went back upstairs to where Sofi was. She left the music on and hoped that she wasn’t bothering Mary, but in a couple of seconds she heard a soft clatter of kitchen pots and realized that Mary was already up cooking breakfast. B’Elanna sat next to where the white egg was and slowly reached out a hand to touch the surface of it. Feeling the warmth of the egg B’Elanna smiled, ‘One day she shall hatch, what type she shall be I will not know until the day she is a Shrape, but I think I can wait to find out. I just want the best for you my dear Sofi.’ Sighing B’Elanna withdrew her hand and sat beside the egg for a while before going down to the kitchen to see if Mary possibly needed any help in preparing breakfast.

A while later Erik returned from gathering the mail, which much to his dismay there hadn’t been any. So as the three sat down to eat breakfast Erik complained about his painfully walking down to the mailbox for no reason whatsoever.

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