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The Fishing Race... 2005

"Three-fourths of the Earth's surface is water, and one-fourth is land. It is quite clear that the good Lord intended us to spend triple the amount of time fishing as taking care of the lawn..."
~Chuck Clark


League Table...
John Harrison..21
Paul Harrison...21
Neil Harrison..20
Mark Harrison..18
Kate Harrison...8
Neil Worthington.7
Hazel Harrison...7
Dan Worthington.6
Jack Harrison...6
Neil Higson.....5
Louise Harrison...4 for link to fish

2003 results
2004 results

Just a few simple rules and guidelines to follow...

1. Fishing starts on the 1st January and finishes on 31st December.
2. Exclusions - fish caught in garden ponds, fish tanks or rock pools do not qualify. Also in the interest of fairness fish caught overseas and in non UK waters do not also count. As a recognition of their lack in sporting value mini species from the sea do not count. Freshwater mini species such as minnows & sticlebacks do not count either.
3. All other fish count... Freshwater - from lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, PAAS waters, lochs, etc. All Saltwater & Gamefish too.
4. Boats and shore fishing are both allowed.
5. Proof of capture. Without mentioning any names, we all know about the fellow who only caught big tench when he was fishing on his own so proof of capture is a must. Fish must either be witnessed by a fellow competitor or ideally a picture taken of fish and angler, or identifying item of tackle, which can then be uploaded to the web site.
6. In the event of a tie a one-off fish in, venue agreeable to all parties, will take place with the highest number of species deciding the winner.

So... forget those dreams of Blue-Fin Tuna and Big Sharks, sort out your tackle, dig out that camera, get down Adlington canal and start catching those gudgeon.

As in 2004 a trophy will be jointly purchased and presented to "The Ultimate Fisherman - 2005." e-mail/pics to