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The Fishing Race... 2005

"Rivers and the inhabitants of the watery elements are made for wise men to contemplate and for fools to pass by without consideration..."
~Izaac Walton


League Table...
John Harrison..21
Paul Harrison...21
Neil Harrison..20
Mark Harrison..18
Kate Harrison...9
Neil Worthington.7
Hazel Harrison...7
Dan Worthington.6
Jack Harrison...6
Neil Higson.....5
Louise Harrison...4 for link to fish

2003 results
2004 results

So, we're getting better...! 2004's winning score of 23 different species was a massive improvement on 2003's winning score of 16.

So what will it take to catch the winning score in 2005. Over 30 now...? Maybe more...? Who knows, as a guide though the fish below are species that we have already caught between us over recent years...

Mackerel, Ballan Wrasse, Dogfish, Black Bream, Whiting, Garfish, Bass, Plaice, Dab, Launce, Flounder, Turbot, Cod, Pollock, Coalfish, Gurnard, Bull Huss, Rockling, Pouting, Tope, Carp, Tench, Pike, Roach, Rudd, Perch, Crucian Carp, Bleak, Chub, Dace, Barbel, Ruffe, Eel, Gudgeon, Bream, Salmon, Grayling, Trout, Mullet...

That's 39 then, all of them caught already. Is it possible to catch 40 species or more...? And what species of fish would it take to break the magic "40". Would it be Blue Shark or Thornback Ray. Maybe even a Trigger fish, as they're being caught off North Wales each year now.

Catch a marlin like the one here though and who cares what everyone else catches... the beer's are on you...!!! e-mail/pics to