McCOY: "By Golly, Jim, I'm beginning to think I can cure a rainy day." 'Devil in the Dark'

McCoy: "He's dead, Jim" 'The Enemy Within' concerning the state of the dogs health.

SCOTTY: "And if my mother had wheels, she'd be a waggon" about the Excelsior in 'ST:III Search for Spock'

KHAN: "Revenge is a dish best served cold" 'ST:II Wrath of Khan.

NO ONE "Beam me up, Scotty"-- no one ever says this-- they say "Scotty, two to beam up" or "Ready to beam up" or lots of similar things, but never actually that phrase.

KIRK: "I was born in Iowa, I just work in outer space." 'ST:IV The Voyage Home.

KIRK to PICARD: "I was out saving the galaxy when your grandfather was still in diapers." & "I suppose the situation is critical and the odds are against us?" 'ST:VII Generations'


KIRK: "Checkov. I know you. You started it didn't you."


SCOTTY: " Before they went to warp I transported the whole kit and caboodle to their engine room where they'll be no tribble at all."


Chekov: One parsec, sir. Close enough to smell thm.
Spock: That is not logical, Ensign. Odors can not travel through the vacuum of space.
Chekov: I was making a little joke, sir.
Spock: It was extremely little, Ensign.


Kirk (to Baris and Darvin): I have never questioned either the orders or the intelligence of any representative of the Federation.......until now.


Scotty: When are you going to get off your milk diet, lad?
Chekov: This is Vodka.
Scotty: Where I come from, that's soda pop. *indicates own glass* Now this is a drink for a man.
Chekov: Scotch? A little old lady from Leningrad invented it.


Korax: We like the Enterprise - we really do.....that sagging old rust bucket is designed like a garbage scow! Half the quadrant knows it - that's why they're learning to speak Klingonese!
Scotty: Laddy, don't you think you should rephrase that?
Korax: You're right - I should....I didn't mean that the Enterprise should be hauling garbage.....I meant it should be hauled away AS garbage.


Scotty: Well Captain, the Klingons called you a .....tin-plated, overbearing, swaggering dictator with delusions of Godhood.
Kirk: Was that all?
Scotty: No sir. They also compared you to a Denebian Slime Devil.....
Kirk: I see.
Scotty: And then they said you were a -
Kirk: I get the picture, Mr. Scott.
Scotty: Yes sir.
Kirk: And after they said all this that's when you started the fight....?
Scotty: No sir.
Kirk: No......?
Scotty: No sir, I didn't. You told us to avoid trouble.
Kirk: Oh.
Scotty: And I didn't see that it was worth fightin' about. After all, we're big enough to take a few insults...aren't we?
Kirk: *Nods slowly* Mr. Scott, just what was it that they said that made the fight break out?
Scotty: They called the Enterprise a garbage scow, sir.
Kirk: I see and that's when you hit the Kligon?
Scotty: Yes sir.
Kirk: You hit the Klingon because he insulted the Enterprise.....? Not because he....?
Scotty: Well Captain - this was a matter of pride!


McCoy: Spock, I don't know much about Tribbles, yet, but I've found out one thing about them. I like them better than I do you.
Spock: They do, indeed, have at least one redeeming factor. *pointed, at McCoy* They do not talk too much.


McCoy: The nearest I can figure out is that they're born pregnant. It seems to be a great time-saver.....
Kirk: really?
McCoy: From all I can find out, they seem to be bi-sexual, reproducing at will. And they have a lot of will.


Kirk: I regard the project as extremely important, Mr. Baris. It is you I regard lightly.

CHARLIE: He had a mean look. I had to freeze him. I like happy looks. 'Charlie X'

SULU: Fair Maiden.
UHURA: Sorry, neither. ' The Naked Time'

BAILEY (After Sulu corrects him that there is less than 8 minutes left.): OH, he's starting a countdown. 'The Corbomite Maneuver'

PIKE (to the head Talosian): You want me to test my theory out on your head? 'The Menagerie pt2'/ 'The Cage'

SPOCK (to Trelane): I object to you. I object to intellect without discipline. I object to power without constructive purpose. 'The Squire of Gothos'

SPOCK (after McCoy accuses him of being the most cold-blooded person he has ever met) Why thank you, Doctor. 'Court-Martial'

McCOY (to Khan who has a knife at his throat): It would be most effective if would cut the carotid artery just under the left ear 'Space Seed'

KIRK (to the Organians): You are stopping us! You! 'Errand of Mercy'

LAZARUS (after falling of a cliff face, McCoy asks him about his head): Aches. 'The Alternative Factor'

SPOCK (to Edith Keeler): I am endeavouring, ma'am to construct a mnemonic memory circuit using stone knives and bearskins. 'City on the edge of forever'

PALAMAS (after he chooses Apollo): Well I'm sure that is very flattering but I must get on with my work. 'Who mourns for Adonais'

SPOCK (after asked if he thought Kirk was capable of the flawless logic required to defeat Nomad): No, Sir. 'The Changeling'

SPOCK (comment on the witches curse): Very bad poetry, Sir. 'Catspaw'

KIRK (after competency hearing): Maybe you'd like to relieve Dr. McCoy 'The deadly years'

SCOTTY: But I don't suppose there would be any harm in looking over diagrams of it. 'Return to Tomorrow.

KIRK (explaining his fight): I'm stimulating him. 'By any other name'

KANG: For the present, only a fool fights in a burning house. 'Day of the Dove'

KIRK: I guess we weren't sufficiently entertaining. 'Plato's Stepchildren'.

SCOTT: It may not be scientific, but if Mr. Spock thinks it happens, then it must be logical. 'Turnabout Intruder'

McCoy: I'm a doctor, not a mechanic. THE DOOMSDAY MACHINE

Kirk: Scotty, you've earned your pay for the week. THE DOOMSDAY MACHINE


Q (to worf): I can't disappear anymore than you could win a beauty contest. DEJA Q

Worf (his idea of small talk): Good tea, nice house.

Riker: Yes absolutely, i do indeed concur, wholeheartedly. (telling the computer that he agreed with aborting autodestruct! WHERE SILENCE HAS LEASE.

Remmick: You don't like me do you?
Worf: Is it required, Sir. COMING OF AGE

Data: Could you please continue the 'petty bickering'. HAVEN (ahhhh every ship/SG team should have a Data!!)

Beverley: Lt. I would like to discuss your memory block-out.
Worf: I still don't remember having one! LONELY AMONG US

WORF to PICARD: "If you were any other man, I would kill you where you stand!" 'ST:VIII First Contact.'

PICARD: "Let's see what's out there." 'Encounter at Farpoint.'

PICARD: "The sky's the limit!" & "I should have done this a long time ago" during the final Poker game in 'All Good things.'

PICARD: "Make it so" Numerous occasions.

PICARD: "Engage!" Numerous occasions.

PICARD: "Tea, Earl Grey, hot." Numerous occasions.

PICARD: "They invade our space and we fall back. They assimilate entire worlds and we fall back. Not again! The line must be drawn here - this far, no further!" 'ST:VIII First Contact.'

PICARD: "Let's make sure history never forget's the name Enterprise." 'Yesterday's Enterprise.'

PICARD to LA FORGE: "When I left this ship it was in one piece. I would appreciate you returning it to me in the same condtion." 'Arsenal of Freedom'

PICARD to RIKER: "Very well. He's an Admiral. I'm a Captain-- I cannot force you to disobey his orders. Therefore I will have to remain in the dark on this mission, I will just have to trust that you will not let Pressman put this ship at unnecessary risk. And if I find that this trust has been misplaced then I will have to re-evaluate the command structure of this ship. Dismissed!" 'The Pegasus'

WORF to PICARD: "I did not play with toys!" 'Ship in a Bottle'

WORF: "Sir, I am not a merry man!" 'Q-Pid.'

WORF: "Assimilate this!" 'ST:VIII First Contact.'

WORF: "Today is a good day to die." Numerous occasions.

RIKER to WORF: "A suprise party! I hate suprise parties! I would never do that to you." 'Parallels.'

WORF to WESLEY: "Men do not roar - women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects and claw at you." 'The Dauphin'

Not forgetting WESLEY's best ever line "Captain, we are receiving 285,000 hails!" 'Parallels.'

Q to WORF: "Oh, very clever, Worf. Eat any good books lately?" Q Who?

PICARD: "I find it hard to believe that you're here to do us a favour."
Q: " You're quite right, I wouldn't." 'True Q'

CAPTAIN JELLICO: "....and get that fish out of the ready room!" 'Chain of Command pt1.'

DATA: "Felus Cattus is yor taxonomic nomenclature, An endomorphic quadruped, carnivorus by nature...." from 'Ode to Spot' in 'Quality of Life.'

A KLINGON to RIKER eating Gak'h worms: "Maybe I can get one of the females to breastfeed you" 'A Matter of Honour.'

SHELBY to RIKER: "You are in my way!" 'Best of Both Worlds pt1.

RIKER: "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships called Enterprise." 'Contagion'

WORF to VASH: "Nice legs... for a human" 'Q-Pid'

WORF drinking Prune juice for the first time, to GUINAN: "A Warriors drink!" 'Yesterday's Enterprise'

GEORDI to SCOTTY describing a beverage from under the counter: "It's green!" 'Relics'

RIKER to TROY: "I hate to be indiscreet but who is the father?" 'The Child'

An inebriated DATA: "There was a young lady from Venus, Whose body was shaped like a..." 'The Naked Now'

DATA with the emotion chip, to PICARD: "I was just hoping you were going to ask me that, Captain. I just love to scan for lifeforms...." 'ST:VII Generations'

DATA: "I am not less prefect than Lor!"

Picard: Do you know what I'd like to do if there weren't so many people around?
Phillipa: Break a chair across my teeth? THE MEASURE OF A MAN

Phillipa (to Picard): It brings a sense of order and stability to my universe to know you're still a pompous ass.......and a damn sexy man. THE MEASURE OF A MAN

Phillipa: Data is a toaster. THE MEASURE OF A MAN

Data: I would prefer not to answer that question.
Picard: Under the circumstances, I don't think Tasha would mind.
Data: She was special to me, sir. We were...intimate. THE MEASURE OF A MAN

Picard: Your Honor, Starfleet was founded to seek out new life. Well there it sits! THE MEASURE OF A MAN

Riker: You are a wise man, my friend.
Data: Not yet, sir. But with your help, I am learning. THE MEASURE OF A MAN


Julian: This apartment, my clothes, weapons, even my valia (sp??) were provided to me by my Government.
Garak: I think I joined the wrong intelligence service. OUR MAN BASHIR

Julian: I think I'm in a coma. DISTANT VOICES

Garak (talking to Julian): To think, after all this time, all our lunches together, you still don't trust me. There's hope for you yet, Doctor. DISTANT VOICES

O'Brien: Well the truth is he's an extraordinary person......a real sense of honour and integrity, great sense of humour, warm, caring....you sure he's not gonna read this. DR. BASHIR, I PRESUME. okay I have to admit I like that one for more than just it's humour content.....after Danny darling, Julian is my favourite person in the whole entire universe (well this week!)

O'Brien: You mean this program is going to include all of his personal likes and dislikes?
Zimmerman: That is why we bother to choose a human template in the first place.
O'Brien: Wow think of it Julian, if this thing works you'll be able to irritate hundreds of people you've never even met. DR. BASHIR, I PRESUME

Ezri: I'm going back to the Destiny to be an assistant councillor.
Quark: You're a therapist?!!?!?
Ezri: Why does everyone sound so surprised when I tell them that?
Qurak: It's just....ummm....you're so young! AFTERIMAGE

Sisko: All I have to worry about are the Klingons, the Dominion and the Maquis. I feel like I'm on vacation.

Okay the following are from the episode TAKE ME OUT TO THE HOLOSUITE, which I thought was absolutely hysterical but some of the Worf ones won't make sense unless you remember that we are only talking about a base ball game here!!

Sisko: As from now on you're batting, pitching and first base coach.
O'Brien: Great....which one is first base.


Sisko: All right niners, let's here some chatter.
Cassidy: Hey batter, batter, batter, batter.
Leeta: Here batter, batter, batter, batter
Ezri: Hey batter, batter, batter, batter
Worf: Death to the opposition!


Nog: What should I do?
Worf: Find him and kill him!


Sisko: Maybe someday you can teach me how to bunt?
Rom: sure.....what's a bunt?


And the grande finale....oh btw I couldn't remember the name of the Vulcan captain, so he's gonna just be called Vulcan.....no offence to anyone who's a fan of his...hey it might happen, us scifi fans are insane....did you know that Morn has never spoken a word but he has his OWN fan club...bizarre...but now I'm just babbling and I did promise to stop doing that so..the grande finale

Vulcan: This is a typical human reaction based on emotionalism and illogic.
Sisko:UUHhh, did I hear irritant in that voice?
Vulcan: Certainly not.
Julian: That sounded positively defensive to me.
O'Brien: With a hint of anger.
Quark: And just a touch of jealously.
Cassidy: And a lot of bitterness.
Ezri: Are you always this emotional?
Vulcan: I refuse to engage in this human game of taunting!
Ezri: Human? Did I forget to wear my spots today?
Quark: All that intelligence and he doesn't even know what a human looks like!!
All laugh!

Sisko: We're Starfleet officers and that means we don't put civilians at risk or even potentially at risk. Sometimes that means we lose the battle and sometimes are lives. But if you can't handle that you shouldn't be wearing the uniform. (I'm not sure about this one....it may be very wrong!)

VASH: "I want you out of my life. You are arrogant, overbearing, and you think you know everything."

Q: "But I do know everything" 'Q-Less'

Q: "Maybe I could drop in sometime"

VASH: "God, I hope not." 'Q-Less'

Q to SISKO: "You hit me! Picard never hit me!" 'Q-Less'

After BASHIR tells GARAK the story of the boy who cried Wolf in 'Improbable cause':

BASHIR: "No one's going to believe you, even when you are telling the truth."

GARAK: "Are you sure thats the point Doctor!"

BASHIR puzzled: "Of course! What else could it be?"

GARAK: "That you should never tell the same lie twice!"

Julian: "If you're not a spy ... maybe you're an outcast."

Garak: "Or maybe I'm an outcast spy."

Julian"How can you be both?"

Garak: "I never said I was either." PROFIT AND LOSS

Garak: "I am no more a spy than you are --"

Julian: "-- a doctor." CARDASSIANS

Garak: "Doctor, did anyone ever tell you that you are an infuriating pest?"

Julian: "Chief O'Brien, all the time, and I don't pay any attention to him, either." THE WIRE

Garak: "I must say, Doctor, this is more than I *ever* wanted to know about your fantasy life." OUR MAN BASHIR

"What you call genocide, I call a day's work." Marritza pretending to be Gul Darheel DUET

Odo: "Procreation does not require changing how you smell, or writing bad poetry, or sacrificing various plants to serve as tokens of affection." THE FORSAKEN

Quark: "There's nothing wrong with a good delusion; I sell them upstairs to dozens of people every day." THE PASSENGER

"I am a teacher. My responsibility is to expose my students to knowledge, not hide it from them." Keiko O'Brien, IN THE HANDS OF THE PROPHETS

"Stupidity is no excuse." RULES OF ACQUISTIONS

Sisko: "The trouble is EARTH. On Earth, there is no poverty, no crime, no war. You look out the window of Starfleet Headquarters and you see Paradise -- well, it's easy to be a *saint* in Paradise." THE MAQUIS PT2

ODO: "My own very adequate memory not being good enough for Starfleet, I am pleased to put my voice to this official record of this day. Everything's under control. End log." NECESSARY EVIL

Odo: "That's a rather personal question."

Dax: "Sorry, but after seven lifetimes, the impersonal questions aren't much fun any more." SHADOW PLAY

Garak: "You know what the sad part is, Constable? I'm really a very GOOD tailor." THE DIE IS CAST

Sisko: "Beets are a very misunderstood vegetable." EQUILIBRIUM

Julian: "And you know what all those games taught me? That I'm a poor substitute for your *wife*."

Miles: "I coulda told you that 60 games ago." FASCINATION

Miles: "Oh, I'm perfectly healthy, except that I have this disgusting cyst on the back of my neck. Now, either I paint a nose, eyes and mouth on it and pretend I've got two heads, or you take it off."

Julian: "Well ... I'll get you some paint." BAR ASSOCIATION

Enabran Tain: "Always burn your bridges behind you; you never know who might be trying to follow." IMPROBABLE CAUSE

Julian: "There is no cure and I was so arrogant I thought I could find one in a *week*."

Jadzia: "Maybe it was arrogant to think that -- but it's even more arrogant to think there is no cure just because *you* couldn't find it." THE QUICKENING

Omet'iklan: "I am First Omet'iklan, and I am dead. As of this moment, we are all dead. We go into battle to reclaim our lives. This we do gladly, for we are Jem'Hadar. Remember, victory is life."

Miles: "I am Chief Miles Edward O'Brien. I'm very much alive, and I intend to *stay* that way." TO THE DEATH

Odo: "Doctor, if a Klingon *were* to kill me, I'd expect nothing less than an entire opera on the subject." THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR

Kira: "Shakaar's not the father."

Dukat: "Then who is?"

Kira: "Chief O'Brien." APOCALYPSE RISING

Nog: "You wouldn't last a week at the Academy."

Jake: "You're right. I'd die of embarrassment wearing those pajamas." THE ASCENT

Odo: "I am *happy*, Quark. Can't you just accept it?"

Quark: "No. It doesn't fit. If you're happy, there's something very wrong in the world." THE BEGOTTEN

Garak: "This would make a wonderful interrogation chamber. Tight quarters, no air, bad lighting, random electric shocks ... it's perfect." BY INFERNO'S LIGHT

Sisko: "Anyone who's been in battle would recognize himself in this -- most of us wouldn't care to admit it. It takes courage to look inside yourself, and even more courage to write it for other people to see. I'm proud of you, son." NOR THE BATTLE TO THE STRONG

Jules darling (didn't you just love him here!!): "You used to be my father. Now, you're my architect: the man who designed a better son, to replace the defective one he was given." DOCTOR BASHIR I PRESUME.

Worf: "Then why all of the deception?"

Garak: "Because lying is a skill like any other, and if you want to maintain a level of excellence you have to practice constantly." IN PURGATORY SHADOWS

Odo: "Sir, have you ever reminded Starfleet Command that they stationed Eddington here because they didn't trust me?" Sisko: "No."

Odo: "Please do." FOR THE UNIFORM

Quark: "And the only constant in the universe is that females are trouble!" BY PURGATORY'S SHADOW AND IN INFERNOS LIGHT

Garak: Very good Doctor. You've come a long way from the naive young man I knew 5 years ago. You've become distrustful and suspicious. It suits you.

Julian: I had a good teacher.


Dukat: The man is a heartless, cold blooded killer!

Kira: Like I said, he's Cardassian!


Worf (about Tain): What's wrong with him??

Martok: It's his heart.

Garak: Really, there are many people who'd say he doesn't have one.


Jadzia (about Dominion ships): There sure are a lot of them.

Kira: That'll just make it harder for us to miss.


Sisko: I think they're trying to indimidate us.

O'Brien: It's working!


Kira (talking to Ze'al): Right now I wouldn't believe your father if he said rain was wet!


Dukat: I freely admit, you saved my life on more than one occasion.

Sisko: Don't remind me!


Dukat: That Space Station you're so fond of was build by Cardassia.

Sisko: Funny I thought it was built by Bajoran slave labour.


Martok: Seven battles and seven victories. What hero of legend could have done so well.

Worf: Hero's of legends don't ache so much!


Martok: There is no enemy greater than ones own fears.

Worf: It takes a brave man to face them.


O'Brien: Four weeks! Are you telling me I've been hanging around a changeling for over a month.

Julian: And you never even suspected it wasn't me.

O'Brien: Nahh. And the worst part is the clues were right in front of me.

Julian: What clues?

O'Brien: Well for one thing he was a lot easier to get along with.


Julian: You're very kind, mr. Garak.

Garak: Oh, it's just Garak. Plain, simple...

Julian: ...Garak.


Julian: You know, some people say that you remained on DS9 as the eyes and ears of your fellow Cardassians.

Garak: You don't say! Doctor, you're not intimating anything that I'm some sort of spy, are you?


Garak: Now, good day to you, doctor. I'm so glad to have made such an interesting new friend today.


Garak: Ehm, doctor, I think it's time for you to take advantage of my shop. If you'll be there at exactly 20.55 hours tonight I promise to show you a suit that will make you into a new man.
Julian: A suit! We're talking about terrorists and you want me to buy a new suit?
Garak: Doctor, am I making myself clear? I want you to buy a new suit tonight at 20.55 exactly.
Julian: Yes, I see. Well, if you'll excuse me.



Tom: I'm in trouble

Harry: What's new?
Tom: I think I'm in love.
Harry: What's new? PARTITION

Janeway: You're supposed to blow out the candle.
Tuvok: That is not a Vulcan tradition.
Janeway: Humour me........well??
Tuvok blows out the candle, Janeway smiles.
It was a fire hazard. FURY

Da Vinci: We will awake the Abbot...visit the Chapel...and appeal to God.
Janeway: Somehow, I don't think that's gonna work for me...but what if I made an appeal to the Devil....?? SCORPION PT.1

Janeway: The first rule is: don't be afraid of the clay.
Seven: I fear nothing! THE RAVEN

Janeway: Do you have a better idea.
Seven: We are Borg. SCORPION PT.2

B'Elanna: Seems like everyone's coming down with race fever.
Seven: Maybe you can persuade the Doctor to develop a Vaccine. DRIVE

Janeway(to Harry): We're Starfleet officers. Weird is part of the job. DEADLOCK

Chakotay: B'Elanna is the only person I know who tried to kill her spirit guide. THE CLOUD

Chakotay(to Tuvok): You were working for her, and she was working for them, was anyone on the ship working for me? STATE OF FLUX

B'Elanna: Get the cheese to sickbay! LEARNING CURVE

B'Elanna (shouting to Tom): I am not hostile!

Doctor: With lieutenant Torres, upset is a relative term. BLOOD FEVER

Doctor: "I'm a Doctor, not a bartender" TWISTED

Doctor: "I'm a Doctor Mr. Neelix, not a decorator" PHAGE

Doctor: "Captain! I'm a Doctor, not a voyeur" PARTITUTION

Doctor: "I'm a Doctor, not a performer" INVESTIGATIONS

Doctor: "I'm a Doctor, not a counter-insurgent" BASICS PT2

Doctor: "I'm a Doctor, not a database" FUTURES END

Tom: "I'm a pilot, not a Doctor!" MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE

Neelix (about Tom): "He' s just one giant hormone walking around the ship!" PHAGE

Tom (to Tuvok): "Has anyone ever told you your a real freakasaurus?" FUTURE'S END

Doctor: "By the way, Denara, I find myself romantically attracted to you and was wondering if you felt the same way?" LIFESIGNS

B'Elanna: "I was just too angry to think straight. Not the first time, I know." REMEMBER

Mrs Q: "I don't think you understand. It's imperative that I get back to the continuum before Q mates with your captain."
B'Elanna: "I understand perfectly. You aren't the first female who's ever had a male run out on her." THE Q AND THE GREY

Doc: "Please state the nature of the medical emergency."
Alien: "Your ship is being devoured... I'd say that's an emergency." BLISS

Naomi: "My mom says two heads are better than one. Isn't that the Borg philosophy, too?"
Seven: "Simplistic, but accurate." BLISS

Doctor: "You're too stubborn to die, Mr. Paris" THRESHOLD

Chakotay: "Trapped on a planet, and you're stuck with the only Indian in the universe who can't start a fire by rubbing two sticks together." BASICS

Janeway (to Chakotay): "Three years ago, I didn't even know your name. And now, I can't imagine a day without you." SCORPION PT1

Harry: "Hi. My name is Harry 'read me like a book' Kim." ALTER EGO

Doctor: "Mr. Paris, I assume you have a great deal of experience being rejected by woman?" LIFESIGNS

B'Elanna: "Listen, I don't care which one of you is writting this thing, all I'm saying is that there is room in every good story for a little bit of passion."
Tom:"You know, maybe your onto something. I could add a steamy love scene between the Starfleet con officer and the Maquis engineer..."
B'Elanna:"Oh, that's realistic." WORST CASE SCENERIO

Doctor (to Tom): "The Captain has has authorized me to recruit someone with advanced medical training to help out in sickbay.Unfortunately, the most qualified person is you." REVULSION

Tom: "Are you telling me I'm impossible to resist?" BLOOD FEVER

Seven: "Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres, chief engineer-Klingon-human hybrid. She possesses extensive knowledge of this vessel's systems--as well as a volatile temperament."
One: "Volatile: English adjective meaning 'readily vaporizable at low temperature;' 'easily aroused;' 'tending to violent eruption."
B'Elanna:"Very good. You get a gold star." DRONE

Doctor: "Pure fiction! This is absurd!"
Alien: "Halt recreation. This is a reasonable extrapolation from historic record, but if you would like to point out any inconsistencies..."
Doctor: "Inconsistencies!? I don't know where to begin! Granted, this looks like the briefing room, but those aren't the people I knew. No one behaved like like this!" (Pauses) "Well, aside from Mr. Paris." LIVING WITNESS

Tom: "Well, you've done it again, Harry."
Harry: "What?"
Tom: "Fallen for the unattainable woman. First it was a hologram, then a Borg and now its the wrong twin."
Harry: "At least I'm consistent." 30 DAYS

Alien: "Captain Proton?"
Doc: "Defender of the universe, scourge of intergalactic evil. And a competent medic to boot... but don't say I said so." BRIDE OF CHOATICA

Seven: I am no longer Borg, but the prospect of becoming human is unsettling. I don't know where I belong. 'Hope and Fear'.

Seven: This drone is small now - alone. One voice, one mind. The silence is unacceptable. We need the others..... take me back to my own kind. I don't know what it is to be human. 'The Gift'.

Seven: I am finding it a difficult challenge to integrate into this group. It is full of complex social structures that are unfamiliar to me. Compared to the Borg, this crew is inefficient and contentious. 'Day of honour'.

Seven: I am Annika Hansen, human. 'Dark Frontier'.

Seven: "I may be new to individuality, but I'm not ignorant of human behavior. I've noticed your attempts to engage me in idle conversation. And I see the way your pupils dilate when you look at body. Obviously, you've suggested a visit to the holodeck in order to create a romantic mood. Are you in love with me ensign?" REVULSION

Seven:"Take off your clothes."
Harry:"Uh... Seven..."
Seven:"Don't be alarmed. I won't hurt you." REVULSION

Seven:"Describe the nature of your sexual relationship with Lieutenant Paris."
B'Elanna:"OK, thats it." ONE

Seven:"You are fatigued and concerned that I will defeat you."
Janeway:"Tired, yes. Concerned, no." HOPE AND FEAR

Seven: (To Tom, after he escapes several ships.) "Captain Proton to the rescue." NIGHT

Naomi:"How do we get out of the monster?"
Seven:"It is not a monster, it's a bioplasmic organism, and we will find a way out."

Janeway: "Gentleman, welcome aboard Voyager. Mister Kim, at ease before you sprain something." CARETAKER

Tuvok (to Neelix): "I cannot imagine that there are visible emanations which allow you to interpret my mood." LEARNING CURVE

Paris: "When a bomb starts talking about itself in the third person, I get worried." DREADNOUGHT

Janeway: "Who would've thought we'd be considering a generational ship when we were ordered on a three week mission?" ELOGIUM

B'Elanna (to Harry after he tells her he can deal with anything she can deal with): "Don't make me laugh Starfleet...and don't make me pull rank on you either." PROTOTYPE

Okay that's all for now. They will be constantly updated so check back. If you have any others E-MAIL ME