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people who hurt healing

when healing it is helpful to stay away from people who hurt you. they might seem like your friend. if they are negative they can hurt your healing

what to look for in people who will hurt you.

evil people need to look good because they are not good. they work very hard at making themselves look good. they need you to make them look good. they find other people to believe the lie they live in.

they will manipulate. they will find others to blame for thier problems. nothing is ever wrong with them. they feel they can do wrong. they don't care who they hurt just as long as they look good.

they can not look into thier own souls. that is too much light for them. they need the darkness to fool people.

these people always put down your ideas and feelings. they undermind you. they need you to be needy and weak. anything creative they might go along with for a while however if they can not stop you they will work hard to put you down and make you feel as if you can not do anything. a true friend stands by you and wants you to do well.

how to cope with them

they can not stand the light of the truth. if you do not let them bully you. if you are honest and have a good soul. if they can not manipulate you. they might get very nasty with you. they might have people they use to be nasty about you. they might tell lies about you. after all you know the truth about who they are. they can not allow that. if you stand in the light of the truth they can not hurt you.

in time when you are healed and your soul is free, you shall be able to see them a mile away. this is one of the gifts of healing

do not be a doormatt. do not let evil people manipulate and scare you. they are powerless over you if you walk in the truth. do not fear to take a stand. you can not change them. they have to do that on thier own. always remember Gandhi was a lawyer. if he had not gotten on a train in south africa and been told he could not sit in first class because of the color of his skin, he might not have found out how repressed so many people are. india might have never been freed.compassion and love and understanding does not mean be a doormatt. in fact the more compassion the deeper the love of people, the more you will be willing to stand up to the people who have done a wrong and something hurtful. when you stand up to them, they will work hard to look right and good. in time the truth and great love will stop them.

healing emotions
belief system
inner voice
things to do
people who hurt healing
self love

much thanks to joan and baby and caroline who have helped me so much. a true friend.