Dumb Jokes for Dumb Ass People

Yo Mama

-Yo Mama 2

-Yo Mama 3

Perverted Jokes for perverted people.

Asian Jokes... Damn Asians!

Blonde Jokes

Pick-up Lines

-Pick-up Lines 2

The Best Place in the World to Make fun of your Friends!

dumbass jokes

hey this is LiL' J here keepin it real right here on the down lo yo diggity. i dont have any jokes that black people would understand so i feel racist.

you know jokes like why did tha motha fucka cross tha motha fuckin road?? to bust a cap in tha motha fucka on the otha side of tha motha fuckin road!!

but im not racist against black people. just asians. if youre an asian and youre reading this good. i hate you. but only if you live in virginia if you dont then i love you. because you guys make good sushi. and i like sushi.

i only have 2 asian jokes because not many other people are racist against asians. and then i found a webpage i forgot the address but i thought it was going to have all these asian racist jokes but no. they were like what was the wannabe bruce lee asian guys name?? Boos Wee!! haaaa no. sorry but not funny.

but asian women are pretty cool too but only the good looking ones the only problem with them is they dont shave. you get hair stuck in your teeth after you go down on them. but it straight. its cool to make an asian bitch moan something in japanese and you dont know what theyre saying. theyre probably praying to their sun god or their rice god or something. ok well have fun here.