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Classic Rock/Rock/Blues/other Genre's AWARD
"You've Got Another Thing Comin'"..Judas Priest

The Award

Since you are now here.....just send me an e-mail below.
You too could be the next recipient of the famed "Squeal of Approval" Award!
MAKE SURE YOU STATE THE CATEGORY (from previous page)in which you are applying for!
Even if you are a Pro... and are still "snickering" at the layout & design errors on my pages,
you too are welcome to apply for this coveted award!
I look forward to visiting your site/pages soon! Also...I kindly ask that you sign
the GuestBook provided below. It certainly can't hurt your chances of winning my award!!

Please provide your URL, Site/Homepage Title, and a few brief details about it!
"NOT TO WORRY"!!...None of the info you provide will be used for anything but application
for my award, and a visit to your site, of course! NO SPAM-ING HERE!!! (I only like spam on a sandwich!)

ALMOST FORGOT! Porno site GEEKS & Sexually explicite SCUM, along with Raceists and Hate Mongers...
don't even ATTEMPT to sign the GuestBook or apply for this award! If you do....%$@#*&^$#@%


View My Awards...(this won't take long!)

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"Thee" Rock n Roll Oasis
Visions 2000-Lake Applet Lounge & BluesHouse Bistro

The Classic Rock ClockShoppe
The InFlight Tribute
Terrors' of the Tundra