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Puzzles 5 & 6

Puzzle 5
(Correct Answers and winners)
In a bank, I gave a cheque for some amount. The clerk, by mistake, interchanged dollars and cents, and gave me the money. I donated 5 cents to a charity box at the bank. Later, I realized that I have exactly double the money I asked for. Find the amount.
---Umesh PN---

Puzzle 6
(Correct Answers and winners)
Here is a simple puzzle from my childhood days. A man with a lion, a goat and a big heap of fodder wanted to cross a river. There was a boat which could take one of this along with the man any time. Now he had problems with this. If he takes the fodder along with him, then the lion will kill the goat; If he takes the lion with him the goat will eat the fodder and so on. How can he take the lion, goat and fodder to the otherside without losing anything ?


Puzzles 1&2

Puzzles 3&4

Puzzles 5&6

Puzzles 7&8

Puzzles 9&10

Puzzles 11&12

Ans 1&2

Ans 3&4

Ans 5&6

Ans 7&8

Ans 9&10

Ans 11&12


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