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Puzzles 7 & 8

Puzzle 7 : Mystery of the lighter Soverign
(Correct Answers and winners)
This happend in England quite some time back. This was when 'Pound Sterling soverign' as a coin was very popular. Each was made of pure gold 8 grams in weight and with the Kings head on it. Those days there were no autmatic coin making units and inividual coins were hand made by goldsmiths. There were 36 goldsmiths doing this job. Every month treaury used to issue enough gold to each to make exactly 144 gold coins and all coins made, as stated previously, were exactly 8 grams in weight.
Then came this rumor that one of the 36 goldsmiths was actually making 7 gram coins taking the remaining 1gram per coin for his personal use. Obviously king got furious. But he was not sure whether the rumor was true or even if it is true, who exactly the odd man is. There was a balance at the court which could weigh in the metric system (i.e grams, Kilo grams etc.) King wanted to find the truth by just one weighing.

The question is how do you do it ?

Puzzle 8 : The Two Squares Problem
(Correct Answers and winners)
Here is a simple puzzle before you go on to the next tough one I have in mind. Below is a picture of three connected squares made of match sticks.

You can change the positions of only two match sticks end up in only two squares. Remember, you cannot remove any match stick from the picture.

Puzzles 1&2

Puzzles 3&4

Puzzles 5&6

Puzzles 7&8

Puzzles 9&10

Puzzles 11&12

Ans 1&2

Ans 3&4

Ans 5&6

Ans 7&8

Ans 9&10

Ans 11&12


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