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Ethiopia: History & Cultures
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Mother, 1976


My mother's photo (at the top) was taken in Addis Ababa on March 1969 (Ethiopian calendar). It was 1976, according to our calendar. She died in prison.

There are a few photographs I have from my mother's wedding in 1955. She is on the right with the girls. And the wedding cake western style.

Wedding Cake
They gave birth to six of us, three boys and three girls. All are in the States. In New York, California, Las Vegas and in Alaska. We don't see each other that often. As if we live in different countries on different continents.

Here is my grandmother. We lived with her during the Red Terror, when both our parents were in prison. We were rescued in 1978, this story is on another page.
GrandmotherShe was married to the Crown Prince in her teens, and she divorced him.
The rest of her life she lived like a nun and painted big canvases.

We are not only descendants, we are also ancestors! It's hard to remember it, but time won't forget to remaind us this fact.

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by William Butler Yeats
May God be praised for woman
That gives up all her mind,
A man may find in no man
a friendship of her kind
That covers all he has brought
As with her flesh and bone,
Nor quarrels with a thought
Because it is not her own.
                            Though pedantry denies,
                          It's plain the Bible means
                            That Solomon grew wise
                        While talking with his queens,
                           Yet never could, although
                        They say he counted the grass,
                           Count all the praises due
                           When Sheba was his lass,
                         When she the iron wrought, or
                           When from the smithy fire
                          It shuddered in the water:
                           Harshness of their desire
                       That made them stretch and yawn,
                        Pleasure that comes from sleep,
                          Shudder that made them one.
                           What else He give or keep
                          Go grant me - no, not here,
                             For I am not so bold,
                            To hope a thing so dear
                             Now I am growing old,
                         But when, if the tale's true,
                            The pestle of the moon
                            That pounds up all anew
                          Brings me to birth again -
                            To find what once I had
                       And know what once I have known,
                            Until I am driven mad,
                           Sleep driven from my bed,
                            By tenderness and care,
                             Pity, an aching head,
                          Gnashing of teeth, despair;
                          And all because of some one
                         Perverse creature of chance,
                             And live like Solomon
                            That led Sheba a dance.

MY DAUGHTER Sasha, 1998 -- click & see kids 1999 web-project In the Fall she goes to High School. Sasha plays violin and already takes some college class. (For more on our life in Alaska, please, visit "4X4 Family" Page).

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....Arranged by the dying Menelik in 1911 at the age of nineteen Dedjazmatch Tafari was married to weyzero Menen who was the grand-daughter of Negus Mikael of Wello and niece to Yassu, heir to the throne. The Power was a family business and family was a business of power....

Check the Addis Tribune on-line for Pankhurst's articles on Women in Ethiopian History.
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(c)2004: Fall 2004 show -- The Taming of the Shrew