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Blood Lines

Ethnic break-down: The Emperor was Amhara from Harrar and Shoa and Menze, the Empress was also Amhara from Wollo. I am working on ethnic lines of the family. Come back for updates, or go to Royal Ethiopia

Family Tree II
Names of the people in the photograph above (1964), and their relationship to the Emperor. Front row (left to right): HRH Crown Prince Asfa-Wossen Haile-Sellassie (eldest son), Emperor Haile-Sellassie, Prince Beide Mekonnen & Prince Ermias Sahle-Sellassie (grandsons), Hannah Dereje & Sebestie Samson (great-grand children). Second row: HIH Princess Tenagne Worrk (daughter), HRH Princess Sara-Gezaw (daughter-in-law), Seum Mengesha (great-grand son). Back row: Istefanos Mengesha (great-grand son), Prince Zere-Yakob Asfa-Wossen (grand son), HRH Princess Mahezente Hapte-Mariam (daughter-in-law). (Other figures are not in full view).


(I'm still working on it)

The Off-springs of Emperor Hail-Selassie I

HIM Haile-Selassie + Empress Menen

Princess Romane Worq (eldest daughter) + Dejazmach Beyene (sons) Lej Samson Beyene + Weizero Koromtit Andargachew (their son) Lej Sebeste Samson Lij Getachew Beyene Lij Merid Beyene Princess Tenagne Worq + Ras Desta Damtew Princess Aida Desta + Leul Ras Mengesha Seyum Lij Michael Mengesha Lij Yohannes Mengesha Lij Istifanos Mengesha Lij Jaliye Mengesha Lij Seyum Mengesha + Mrs. Jill Seum (their daughter)Zena Seum Weyzero Menen Mengesha + Mekonnen (their son) Alex Mekonnen Lij Amaha Desta Princess Hirut Desta Princess Seble Desta + Dejazmach Kassa Wolde-Mariam Weyzerit Jote Kassa Weyzerit Yeshi Kassa Weyzerit Debritu Kassa Weyzerit Kokeb Kassa Lij Amaha Kassa Princess Sofia Desta + Lij Derege Haile Mariam Weyzero Hanna Derege + Ato Aklok (son) Desta Aklok Commodor Eskender Desta + Weyzero()(daughter) Weyzerit Nayomi Eskender Crown Prince Asfa-Wossen Haile-Selassie + Princess Wolete Israel Seyum Princess Edjigayehu Asfa-Wossen + Dejazmach Fikre-Sellassie Lij Samson Fikre-Sellassie + Weyzero Adanech Bekele Sebene S. Fikre-Sellassie Loza S. Fikre-Sellassie Weyzerit Rahel Fikre-Sellassie Weyzero Meheret Fikre-Sellassie Weyzero Aster Fikre-Sellassie + Mr. Anatoly Antohin Edjigayehu Alexandra Antohin Teferi Alexey Antohin Prince Bekere Fikre-Sellassie (Viceroy) Lij Yesehak Fikre-Sellassie + Weyzero Asqual Teferi Edjigayehu Yesehak Lesan Yesehak Crown Prince Asfa-Wossen Haile-Selassie + Princess Medferiash Worq Abebe Princess Mariam Sena Asfa-Wossen + Lij Seyfu Zewde Lij Sora Seyfu Lij Eyoha Seyfu Princess Sehen Asfa-Wossen Prince Zere Yacob Asfa-Wossen + Weyzero Nunu (daughter) Wezerit () Princess Sefrash Bezu Asfa-Wossen + Ato Fasil Araya Aida Fasil Rebecca Fasil Princess Zenebe Work Haile-Selassie + Ras Haile-Sellassie Gugsa Princess Tsehai Haile-Selassie + Lt. General Abiy Abebe Prince Mekonnen Haile-Selassie + Princess Sara Gezaw Prince Wesen Seged Mekonnen (Paul) Prince Michael Mekonnen Prince Mekonnen Mekonnen (David) + Weyzero Adey Imeru and two sons Prince Teferi Mekonnen (Philip) + wife() two sons 2nd wife Weyzero () daughter Prince Beide Mekonnen + Weyzero Mahelate Blaine Beide (daughter) Prince Sahle-Sellassie Haile-Selassie + Princess Mahesente Habte-Mariam Prince Ermias Sahle-Sellassie + Weyzero Gelila Fesseha Christian Ermias Rufael Ermias

Notes: Teferi Mekonnen: born 1892, died 1975, Ras Teferi Mekonnen, Regent and Crown Prince: September 1916 - March 1930. King (1928-30), Emperor: November 1930 - September 1974. Empress Menen: born 1890, died 1962.
Lij - a title given to a noble youth (male), Ato - Mr., Weyzero - wife, Mrs., Weyzerit - Ms. Ras - prince. Dejazmach - the army leader. Commodor - naval officer.

"Green" -- my immidiate family members.

Family before the War -- see Family Directory!
The old photo. The Royal Family before the Italian War (left to right) Front row: Princess Ida Desta (grand-daughter), Empress Menen, Lij Amaha Desta (grandson), Emperor Haile-Sellassie, HRH Princess Wolete-Israel Seum (daughter-in-law), HRH Prince Mekonnen Haile-Sellassie (son) Back row: HRH Zenebe Worrk Haile-Sellassie (daughter), HRH Crown Prince Asfa-Wossen (son), HRH Princess Tenagne-Worrk Haile-Sellassie, (daughter), Ras Desta Damtew (son-in-law), and HRH Princess Tsehaye Haile-Sellassie (daughter).

HRH - His/Her Royal Highness - a title given to the children and spouses of the Emperor only. HIH - His Imperial Highness a title mostly given to the Emperor & Empress, as well as HIM His Imperial Majesty. Janhoy - an Amharic reference only to the Emperor.

This tree-line is broken up in colors. The colors are meant to represent each of the Emperor's children and their offsprings. Note: HIH Asfa-Wossen was married twice and has descendants from both marriages.

My father Dejazmach Fikre-Sellassie (1927-1996)in offical attire (right). He represents the Oromo blood line.

Father -- see page on Oromo and Ethiopia
With children in Palace: see History Directory
With his children in the palace garden.(Far right 1.Crown Prince Asfa-Wossen 2.Princess Zenebe Worq 4.Princess Tsehai 5.Princess Tenagne Worq Front 7.Prince Mekonnen seated HIM Haile-Sellassie

Imperial Family
The imperial family in the Jubilee Palace, 25th aniversary of Haile Sellassie's reign.(r-l) Back row: HIHs Prince Sahle-Sellassie, Prince Mekonnen, Crown Prince Asfa-Wossen, Princess Tenage Worq, Princess Medferiash Worq, Princess Sara, Princess Aida, Princess Herut. (r-l) Front row: Princess Sihen, Prince David, Prince Michael, Empress Menen, Prince Wosen Seged, Emperor Haile-Sellassie, Prince Zere-Yakob (on Empror's lap), Princess Mary, Lij Michael, Lij Yohannes.

NEW PAGE: Family Tree 2

FIRST page History I: photos (old) Writings I Paintings I Academic Page H.S. Foundation News of Our Site New Generation OUR PROJECTS WOMEN OF THE FAMILY Reggae Page DEM (fiction) Traditional Cooking History II. Exile History III. Revolution History IV. 25 years later Ethiopia in 19th century Religion and Churches GIFTS eBOOK Africa Page Children Prayers: Scrolls HIM Addis Memorial Our Daily Life in Alaska 1995 visit to Ethiopia Politics Black & White Languages Ethiopia The Beautiful Electronic Life Rasta Reading Room Birth of Tafari 1960: Lost Sons Awards HISTORY GuidePage TRADITIONS: GUIDE ART GUIDE WRITINGS: GUIDE FAMILY: GUIDE


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(c)2004: My Life and Ethiopia's Progress: The Autobiography of Emperor Haile Sellassie I