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Alaskan Photography & Adventures by

Stock Images for Publication

Prints Available

 By Appointment for Portraiture / Event / Assignment

Specializing in Outdoor Travel & Adventure Sports

A Virtual Alaskan Experience

The people, places, and activities of Alaska


Kent's Nav Bar

Serum Run Tracking
Serum Run
Stock Images
Tear Sheets
Photo Trips
Future Adventure
Cabin Project
GPS Page
Gear Page
Scrap Book


Stay warm and dry with Wiggys bags and clothing!


Turned Alaskan Crafts


Your Site Can be Here

Photo Trips

Alaska is a very large and vastly remote state.  Photo opportunities abound, as do hazards to life and limb.  My goal is for you to have a safe and rewarding Alaskan experience.

The image to the right gives you an idea of the size of Alaska compared to the 'lower 48'.

Years of Alaskan travel and adventures enables me to suggest how to prepare & plan for your Alaskan Adventure.  While I do not offer photo tour packages or guiding, I will consider assisting with logistics and/or accompanying an individual or group.  

You can find many Alaskan Travel related sites on my Links Page.

E-mail me if you have any questions that I may be able to assist with.

If you are going to visit Alaska, leave your lawyer at home.

As a visitor to Alaska you should be aware of,  and, accept any and all hazards to life and/or limb that naturally exist in Alaska.  Warning signs are not posted at every hazard.  If you exercise poor judgment, whether by choice, or due to lack of knowledge, the responsibility of any injury or death remains yours alone.


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This site was created on Recyclable Web Space.  No Animal Testing was involved

Copyright Notice: All images and content of this web site are copyrighted and remain the sole property of the owner and may not be used or reproduced in any form without express written consent of the owner.  Images are intended for web viewing only.  To inquire about image usage digitally or printed, please send request to

Site created by Kent A. Kantowski, KAK Design's, Anchorage, Alaska  Copyright © 2000

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Updated 02/18/2009