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stuck002.jpg (38686 bytes) KentInTheHills.jpg (401743 bytes) ShermStuck.jpg (350764 bytes)
Patty Sticks it between the trees Kent enjoying a great day Sherman testing Kim's machine.  Yes, it does get stuck. 

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Events & Rides


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Also see my machine & modifications, plus Serum Run expedition gear, on my gear page Click here to go to my Gear Page

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Events & Rides

Artic Man The Artic Man So-Go Classic.  The largest snowmobile event in the state.  Thousands of people camp for days for a 2 hour event involving a skier being towed up hill at 80mph+.  You have to see it to believe it.
Iron Dog At 1900 miles it is the longest most Extreme Snowmobile Race in the world.  From Anchorage to Nome, then to Fairbanks.  Non competitive riders can enter to ride one leg of the course at a slower pace.
Trek Over The Top Ride 190 miles across wilderness, from Tok Alaska to Dawson City in the Yukon.  1 Day over, 3 nights in Dawson, then a day back.  
Serum Run 25 Organization Serum Run 25:  A 14 day dog sled / snowmobile journey from Fairbanks to Nome.  Also see my Sponsor Page and my Serum Run Page.
Extreme Alaska Adventures For guided snowmachine tours & outdoor adventures.



Anchorage Snowmobile Club Anchorage Snowmobile Club Home Page
Alaska Snowmobile Association Alaska Snowmobile Association Home Page
Fairbanks Snowmobile Club Fairbanks Snow Travels Home Page


Lodges & Roadhouses 

Beaver Point Lodge Greg & Patricia own the Beaver Point Lodge located remotely off the Tanana River on Tolovana Slough.  Can be access by air, snowmobile, dog team, or long ski trip in from the Elliott Hwy, or Nenana, or Fairbanks, depending on how far you want to travel.
Thompson Pass Mountain Chalet Located in Thompson Pass near Valdez, Matt McKinney posts snow and avalanche reports on-line.
Gate Creek Cabins Gate Creek Cabins.  Cabins on Petersville Road.
Denali View Chalet Denali View Chalet.  Cabins on Petersville Road.
Lake Louise Lodge Lake Louise Lodge, near Glennallen.  Lodging, Cabins, Food, Bar, Trails. Musher and machiner friendly.  
Yentna Station Roadhouse

Good day trip from Deska Landing, Willow,  or Big Lake for those who want a nice river ride. Generally a pretty well traveled trail.

Remote Roadhouse 18 miles from the mouth of the Yentna River, 35 miles from Deska Landing.  Serves as the 1st checkpoint for the Iditarod Sled Dog Race.  Gas, Rooms, Cabins, Food (great burgers).  Stop by, sit back, relax, and enjoy Alaskan hospitality thanks to Dan, Jean and family.  Somewhat rustic, musher and machiner friendly.  Great stop on the winter trail with a warm wood stove and the big house dogs lounging about! They do have e-mail if you have questions or want to make reservations via the net.   Caution: Often visited by dog teams, and active runway on river in front of lodge, so stay off the run way and watch for dog teams and other traffic.  
Northwoods Lodge Nice lodge located on the Yentna River between Yentna and Skwentna.
Bentalit Lodge Perhaps the plushest wilderness lodge around, complete with racquetball court.  Lodging and services for guests, by reservation only. Located up the Yentna River drainage.
Skwentna Roadhouse Skwentna Roadhouse.  A good place to get food, gas, or a bed on the Yentna/Skwentna River Junction.  The web site list address and phone.  (75 miles from Deska Landing) 
Maclaren River Lodge Year round lodge at mile 42 of the Denali Highway.
State Public Use Cabins State DNR Public Use Cabins on line. For locations and reservations.




Thompson Pass Mountain Chalet

Located near Valdez, Matt McKinney posts snow and avalanche reports on-line.

Trail Conditions

Trail Reports for all over, organized by state.  Frequent Alaska data. Good site to check before a ride, or share your ride report.

Cyberspace Snow & Avalanche Center

CSAC is the most comprehensive avalanche site on the internet.  Listing of all reported events and conditions.  Education, equipment, information




Passenger Sleds

Trailrider USA, Manufacturer of pull behind snowmobile sleigh's. Use them to haul family or ice fishing fun. We have pictures of our open Discovery sleigh and enclosed Voyager sleigh. Spec. sheet and FAQ page.

Siglin Sled


Light weight near indestructible sleds made in Fairbanks. Also makes Ski Pulks.  Now being sold by David Doudna of Northern Sled Works in Fairbanks. He also makes other sleds, check the site!

Dave does respond to e-mail.  While Roger Siglin isn't making sleds anymore, he is still doing major snowmobile expeditions. Worth checking his site to see what he has done, or might do.  

Equinox Boggen Sleds & Trailers Passenger Pods, Rescue & freight sleds and ATV trailers.
 Alaskan Bush Sleds Mike at Mike's welding makes these Heavy duty aluminum sleds that ride on large skis.  Easy to tow, and can be customize to use as a sleeper.  Hard to beat on the trails! See photos of Mike hauling 4 of his sleds to Nome on the Serum Run Click here for Serum Run Page
Shappell Sleds & Ice Fishing Shelters Sled contained Ice Fishing Shelters, and a nice smaller cargo sled at a good price.  Look down the price list for the Jr. sleds.

Floe International

Polaris Trailers

Floe Trailers, makers of quality aluminum trailers for hauling snow mobiles and ATV's.  They also make the Polaris trailers and floating docks.  Here's links to both.
Colllett Electronic - Helmet Communicator Two way communication systems, they say work up to 2 miles away.  However beware of engine & wind noise keying the mic.






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Updated 02/18/2009