Alaskan Photography & Adventures by

Stock Images for Publication

Prints Available

 By Appointment for Portraiture / Event / Assignment

Specializing in Outdoor Travel & Adventure Sports

A Virtual Alaskan Experience

The people, places, and activities of Alaska


Kent's Nav Bar

Serum Run Tracking
Serum Run
Stock Images
Tear Sheets
Photo Trips
Future Adventure
Cabin Project
GPS Page
Gear Page
Scrap Book


Stay warm and dry with Wiggys bags and clothing!


Turned Alaskan Crafts


Your Site Can be Here

Tear Sheets:

Here you will find copies of some of my images that have been published.

Click on the photo to see larger view.



tear01.jpg (201082 bytes)


Scholastic News Magazine

April 1998 - Cover







Artic Circle Enterprises

Post Card

Postcard.TIF.JPG (95491 bytes)

tearSeaLion.JPG (72482 bytes)


Sea Lion Sports 1998

Market & Advertisement 










Wind Surfing Magazine

May 1996 pg. 30,31,32

tearWind1.JPG (270349 bytes)

tearWind2.JPG (18855 bytes)   tearWind3.JPG (21982 bytes)

tearOutside.JPG (32764 bytes)




Outside Magazine 

June 2000, pg 124 inset





World Extreme Ski Championships 

Web Site Photo Album 1998

56617Eric.jpg (63991 bytes)


Tear Sheets and more stock Images Available at Ken Graham's Stock Photo Agency, Accent Alaska



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Copyright Notice: All images and content of this web site are copyrighted and remain the sole property of the owner and may not be used or reproduced in any form without express written consent of the owner.  Images are intended for web viewing only.  To inquire about image usage digitally or printed, please send request to

Site created by Kent A. Kantowski, KAK Design's, Anchorage, Alaska  Copyright © 2000

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Updated 02/18/2009