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2009 Serum Run GPS Tracking

2009 is our first attempt at real time GPS tracking from the trail.  We should have several SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger Units on the trail with us this year.   The SPOT units will attempt to transmit our location as messages every 10 minutes.  Depending on Satellite reception, which can be spotting in areas of Alaska, we hope to see our location updated hourly while we are actually traveling the trail, however it could be more or less often depending on the satellites.   The SPOT units require that the "Tracking Feature" be re-activated every 24 hours, so we will more than likely shut the units off once we are all in off the trail for the day, restarting them in the mornings before we begin travel.     If you don't see the units moving or updating, or off course, don't panic, it's more than likely an issue with accuracy, satellite reception.  We should be sending a 'Check In' message in the morning before activating the Track Mode.

Kent's SPOT  Track

Click Here to go directly to the SPOT Share Page to track Kent directly.


Serum Run SPOT Units #1 and #2

Click Here to go to the SPOT Share page for these two SPOT units. 

Marylou Fraham's SPOT Unit

Click Here to go to Marylou's SPOT Page



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Site created by Kent A. Kantowski, KAK Design's, Anchorage, Alaska  Copyright © 2000

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Updated 02/18/2009