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Welcome to the PricewaterhouseCoopers

2005 Winter Intern Website


As interns during the 2005 busy-season, we were challenged in every aspect of the word.  We endured long hours and difficult client assignments, however; we gained the knowledge and experience necessary for success because of our internships with PwC.  Interning during the winter season gave us insight into what auditing is like at it most crucial moment in the year.  The winter internship has allowed us to accurately evaluate whether or not to pursue a career in public accounting.  As PwC interns, we were constantly learning both on the job and in training, while performing meaningful work that was on par with that of other first year associates.  We have been given the chance to meet and work with a motivated and diverse group of people through our internship with PwC.  This has been one of the best experiences we’ve had during our university career, and as the 2005 winter interns, we are all proud to say that we not only survived but prevailed over our first busy season interning at PricewaterhouseCoopers.


For more information about the Winter Internship Program visit the PwC website.