Mighty Warriors Are We, We Have Come To Fight And Refuse To Die~!


1 Chronicles 12:32 ~ Of The Children Of Issachar Who Had Understanding Of The Times, To Know What Israel Ought To Do, Their Chiefs Were Two Hundred; And ALL Their Sisters And Brothers Were At Their Command; {NKJV}.

I Saw Some Of The Youth On TV From Columbine High School Concerning The April 20, 1999 Shootings, And My Heart Cries For The Youth Of Our Time.  I Saw A Young Man With Blonde Hair, (Craig Scott), Telling How He Pretended To Be Dead While Another Girl Cried, And He Felt Bad For Not Doing More, Especially Learning Later That His Sister, (Rachel Scott), Was Gunned Down.  I Saw Someone Comfort Him, Telling Him That He Had Done The Best That He Could.  Somehow, I Think He Knows That He Could Have Done More, But He Doesn’t Know What More Could Be Done.

I Have A Daughter That Has Gone On To Be With Yahweh, And I Had Asked Myself The Same Thing.  I Discovered That I Was Just Not Properly Prepared.  I Write The Following Because It Is Time To Have Yahweh’s People Be Strong And Be Able To Survive An Attack.

Hebrews 2:14-16.  14 Inasmuch Then As The Children Have Partaken Of Flesh And Blood, He Himself Likewise Shared In The Same, That Through Death He Might Destroy Him Who Had The Power Of Death, That Is, The Devil, 15 And Release Those Who Through Fear Of Death Were All Their Lifetime Subject To Bondage. 16  For Indeed He Does Not Give Aid To Angels, But He Does Give Aid To The Seed Of Abraham, (NKJV).

I Would Really Like To Encourage You To Make An Allotted Time Where You Spend Time In Yahweh’s Word On A Daily Basis.  You Will Begin To Hear Yahweh’s Voice More As You Abide In His Word, And You Will Get Words That You Can Cling To And Really Grit Your Teeth Into, So That When d—Evil One Comes You Say With Authority, “It Is Written”.  Yahweh’s Word Said~!  Yahweh’s Word Being The Final Authority.  This Will Keep Fear or The Heebie-Jeebies At Bay.


I Believe That You Really Need To Have A Word Like This If You Are Attacked, (Something Like Psalm 91:11-12).  Or Knowing Your Authority And Knowing That Angels Are Here To Minister For You.  Faith Comes From Hearing, And Hearing From The Word Of Yahweh, “This Is A Good Place To Get On Some Safety Armor On About Angels, (Please Click On The Word Angels).

I Don’t Think I Would Be Credible In Telling You To Do Something That I Myself Have Not Already Experience Success In, My Strength Is In Yahweh.  Here Is The Verse That Sustained Me In My Hour Of Trial.  (Isaiah 54:17 ~ “But No Weapon That Is Formed Against You Shall Prevail, And Every Tongue That Shall Rise Against You In Judgment You Shall Show To Be In The Wrong. This [Peace, Righteousness, Security, Triumph Over Opposition] Is The Heritage Of The Servants Of Yahweh; [Those In Whom The Ideal Servant Of Yahweh Is Reproduced]; This Is The Righteousness or The Vindication Which They Obtain From Me [This Is That Which I Impart To Them As Their Justification], Says Yahweh~!”)

I Kept Pondering Over That Verse, Thinking How Can Someone Just Walk Up To Someone With A Gun, Shoot Them And They Die.  How Can That Happen When Yahweh Said What He Said In Isaiah 54:17.  How Can Even Good Christian Brothers Die At The Shot Of A Gun And That Verse Still Be The Truth.  After Praying About It, I Heard Yahweh Tell Me That In Every Instance That Someone Died, There Were Angels Standing By Ready To Assist, But Not One Person Called Out What Yahweh Had Said, And Therefore The Angels Had No Word To Act On, (See Psalm 103:20-21, And Daniel 10:12).


Robbery Foiled Because Of The Word Of Yahweh

Late At Night Around 10:30 p.m, I Was Coming Home From Buying Groceries And I Stopped By An ATM To Get Out Some Cash.  When Four People Tried To Rob Me.  They Followed Me Home At 10:30 p.m. At Night And As I Got Out Of The Car, Three Of The Guys Ran Up My Driveway While The Forth Remained In Their Car As The Get-Away Driver, And One Of The Guys Presented A Gun, And Said, “Give Me Your Money.  I Thought It Would Be Wiser To Lose ALL My Money Than To Forfeit My Life

So, Still Holding The Two Bags Of Groceries, I Tried To Get My Wallet.  When I Turned To Reach For My Wallet In My Rear Pocket, Their Eyes Got Big And The Guys Flinched, Like They Thought I Had A Gun.  I Tried To Turn Again Still Holding Two Paper Sacks Full Of Groceries And Their Eyes Got Big And They Flinched Again.  All I Could Think Of Was That I Do Have A Weapon With Me, I Have The Name Of Yahoshua.  Then This Thought Popped Up In My Head, “No Weapon Formed Against Me Shall Prosper”, (Isaiah 54:17), And Either This Was True or It Was Not, And I Decided To Trust Yahweh That What He Said Was Not A Lie.  I Walked Straight To The Boy With The Gun, And He Asked With A Lot Of Anxiety In His Voice, “What Are You Doing?”, And He Repeated, “Give Me Your Money”.

I Realized That I Was Not Unarmed, And That The Weapon That I Possess, Like When Peter Told That Man At The Gate Beautiful, “Silver And Gold Have I None, But That Which I Do Have, In The Name Of Yahoshua Rise Up And Walk”, (Acts 3:6).  I Knew I Had The Weapon Of The Name Of The Lord.  I Kept Walking Straight Toward Him, And I Started Shouting, “I Do Have The Name Of Yahoshua, And In The Name Of Yahoshua Of Nazareth Get Out Of My Yard”.

By This Time I Was Within 2-4 Feet Of Him, And He Turned And Started Running.  The Other Boys Ran Also.  I Chased Them To Their Car About 100 yards Away, Still Holding On To The Two Bags Of Groceries And They Joined The Other Boy In The Car And They Tore Out Of There.  My Wife Called The Police, And They Caught The Four Boys Within 30 Minutes And I Had To Go And Identify Them And They Were Disciplined.


Later, Someone Said, “How Did You Come Away From There Unharmed?”  They Thought I Was Just Fortunate, or Some Other Mysterious UnExplained Occurrence.  I Thought That Was Because They Had Not Taken To Heart The Verses That I Had Been Studying.  At Every Meal, For About The Past 5 Years Prior To This Incident, I Would Say This Blessing Over My Food.

Exodus 23:25-26 ~ “So You Shall Serve Yahweh Your God, And He Will Bless Your Bread And Your Water.  And I Will Take Sickness Away From The Midst Of You, “No One Shall Suffer Miscarriage or Be Barren In Your Land; I WILL Fulfill The Number Of Your Days”.

I Saw In The Word That Yahweh Said That He Would Fulfill The Number Of My Days.  {This Means That I Am Not Supposed To Die Before My Time, And It Also Means That I Have To Have A Life Filled To Fullness or Filled To Where The Measuring Cup Is Full, With Purpose, Love And Joy, (Fulfilled, Fulfill My Joy)}.  Then To Have The Verse Come Up At The Appropriate Time Earlier That Same Day That Says, “No Weapon Formed Against Me Shall Prosper”, (Isaiah 54:17), And I Believed Yahweh.  Well, This Can Be A Turning Point In Your Life; As From Now On, You Are Not Ignorant Of Yahweh’s Word.  I Invoked Angels When I Proclaimed Yahweh’s Words.

This Is Found In Psalm 103:20-21, And Also At Daniel 10:12.  As I Confess Yahweh Before Men, The Son Of Man Also Will Confess Me Before The Angels Of Yahweh, And Before The Father Who Is In Heaven.  For Yahoshua Is The High Priest Of My Confession, So I Hold Fast To My Confession, And What I Say With My Mouth{Luke 12:8, Matthew 10:32, Hebrews 3:1, Hebrews 4:14; 10:23}.  The Angels Were, “Voice Activated”.

Philippians 2:2 ~ You Fulfill My Joy, That You Be LikeMinded, Having The Same Love, Being Of One Accord, Of One Mind.  I Was LikeMinded And Of One Accord When I Confessed The Same Thing That The Word Of Yahweh Said When Testing Arose.


My People Are Destroyed For Lack Of Knowledge

Here Is What I Found From Yahweh’s Word, “My People Are Destroyed For Lack Of Knowledge”.  Because You Have Rejected Knowledge, I Also Will Reject You From Being Priest For Me; Because You Have Forgotten The Law Of Your Yahweh, I Also Will Forget Your Children”.  (Hosea 4:6 ~ NKJV).  Literally, Our People Perished At Columbine.  Cassie Bernall At Columbine High School Was Asked If She Knew God, And When She Responded, “Yes”, And She Was Shot.

However, Noble Her Answer Was, A Christian Should Respond As Yahoshua Did When He Was Asked By d-Evil One If He Was The Christ.  It Would Have Been Better To Have Responded With Yahweh’s Word, And To Have Said, “No Weapon Formed Against Me Shall Prosper”, (Isaiah 54:17).  We Have Been Duped To Believe That We Are Somehow Denying Christ, If We Do Not ♪, “Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus”. ♪  The Greatest Stand That We Can Take Is Stand On The Word Of Yahweh, Just As Jesus, (Yahoshua), Did, And Also The Three Hebrew Boys About To Be Tossed Into A Fiery Furnace, (And They Replied, “On This We Need Not Answer You Oh King” ~ Daniel 3:16).

If Someone Had Known That 2 Samuel 22:2 Said Yahweh Is My Rock And My Fortress And My Deliverer; The God Of My Strength, In Whom I Will Trust; My Shield And The Horn Of My Salvation, My Stronghold And My Refuge; My Savior, You Save Me From Violence”, {I Didn’t Make This Up, It’s In The Scriptures, Yahweh Said This, And Yahweh Is Not A Human Being That He Cannot Lie}, “I Will Call Upon Yahweh, Who Is Worthy To Be Praised; So Shall I Be Saved From My Enemies”.  (2 Samuel 22:2-4 ~ NKJV), or, “The Angel Of Yahweh Encamps ALL Around Those Who Fear Him, And Delivers Them ”.  (Psalm 34:7 or Psalm 91:1-16 Below).


He Who Dwells, (Who Remains Steadfast, Who Has A Permanent Resident And Stands And Not Being Moved By What He Sees or Hears, Who Abides), In The Secret Place Of The Most High Shall Remain Stable And Fixed Under The Shadow Of The Almighty [Whose Power No Foe Can Withstand].
I Will Say Of Yahweh, “He Is My Refuge And My Fortress; My God, In Him I Will Trust”.   For [Then] He Shall Deliver You From The Snare Of The Fowler And From The Perilous Pestilence.  He Shall Cover You With His Feathers, And Under His Wings You Shall Take Refuge; His Truth Shall Be Your Shield And Buckler .

When?  When You, “Say” What Yahweh Says About You, (For [Then] He Shall Deliver You ).
Rehearse The Curse, And It’ll Grow Worse And Bring The Hearse~!

Anytime You Find Yourself ‘Talking The Problem’, Then You’re Going In The Wrong Direction,
(ie, “How Are We Going To ????).

Start Talking The Answer, Which Is The Word Of Yahweh.  Here’s Our Part, “I Will
Say Of Yahweh Whatever The Word Of Yahweh Says About Me or The Circumstances Surrounding Me or The Situation”.


You Shall Not Be Afraid~!

You Shall Not Be Afraid Of The Terror By Night, Nor Of The Arrow That Flies By Day, Nor Of The Pestilence That Walks In Darkness, Nor Of The Destruction That Lays Waste At NoondayA Thousand May Fall At Your Side, And Ten Thousand At Your Right Hand; But It Shall Not Come Near You.  Only With Your Eyes Shall You Look, And See The Reward Of The Wicked.

Because You Have Made Yahweh, Who Is My Refuge, Even The Most High, Your Dwelling Place, No Evil Shall Befall You, Nor Shall Any Plague Come Near Your Dwelling; For He Shall Give His Angels Charge Over You, To Keep You In All Your WaysIn Their Hands They Shall Bear You Up, Lest You Dash Your Foot Against A Stone.

You Shall Tread Upon The Lion And The Cobra, The Young Lion And The Serpent You Shall Trample Underfoot, “Because You Have Set Your Love Upon Me, Therefore I WILL DELIVER You ; I WILL Set You On High, Because You Have Known My Name , (Indicating You Know Your Covenant Rights~!).  You Shall Call Upon Me, And I WILL Answer You; I WILL Be With You In Trouble; I WILL DELIVER You And Honor You.  With Long Life I WILL Satisfy You, And Show You My Salvation”.  (Psalm 91:1-16).

This Man Below Was Falsely Sent To Prison For A Murder That He Did Not Do, However His Spending Time In Prison Allowed Him To Paint 10 Hours A Day and To Develop A Talent That He Had That Also Got Him Exonerated~!

Valentino Dixon: Wrongfully Convicted Of A Murder, Proved Innocence With Sketches Of Augusta National~!

This Testimony Above Reminds Of The Story Of Joseph Who Was Also Wrongfully Sent To Prison, (Genesis 39:6-21).  Here’s Another Interesting Thought ~ We Pray Sometimes For God To Stop Things And Instead He Lets Us Go Through These Things And He Did Not Stop Daniel From Being Thrown Into The Lion’s Den And We Hear This Story So Much That We Can Kind Of Romanticize It.  But If You Can Imagine That You Are The Person That’s Suddenly Confronted With A Whole Bunch Of Hungry Lions As That Has Got To Be A Defining Moment.  Either You Trust God or You’re Scared Out Of Your Gourd.

But The Results Of Daniel Being Falsely Accused and Thrown Into the Lion’s Den Was That The Enemy’s Of Yahweh Who Planned This Scheme Were Themselves Tossed Into the Lion’s Den Along With Their Families and Then A Decree Went Out From The King Stating, “I Issue A Decree That In Every Part Of My Kingdom People Must Fear And Reverence The God Of Daniel”.

For He Is The Living God
And He Endures Forever;
His Kingdom Will Not Be Destroyed,
His Dominion Will Never End
”, (Daniel 6:1-28).

28 Nebuchadnezzar Spoke, Saying, “Blessed Be The God Of Shadrach, Meshach, And Abed-Nego, Who Sent His Angel And Delivered His Servants Who Trusted In Him, And They Have Frustrated The King’s Word, And Yielded Their Bodies, That They Should Not Serve Nor Worship Any God Except Their Own God~!
29 Therefore I Make A Decree That Any People, Nation, or Language Which Speaks Anything Amiss Against The God Of Shadrach, Meshach, And Abed-Nego Shall Be Cut In Pieces, And Their Houses Shall Be Made An Ash Heap; Because There Is No Other God Who Can Deliver Like This~!
30 Then The King Promoted Shadrach, Meshach, And Abed-Nego In The Province Of Babylon~!

Yahweh Did Not Prevent Them From Having This To Happen To Them But He Came Through Victoriously.


Angels Are Employed As I Speak Out Loud By Giving Voice To The Words Of God.  I Know That From The First Day That I Set My Heart To Understand, And To Humble Myself Before God That The Angels Have Come Because Of My Words.  Bless Yahweh, You His Angels, Who Excel In Strength, Who Do His Word, Obedient To The Voice Of His “Spoken Word.  Bless Yahweh, ALL You His Hosts, You Ministers Of His, Who Do His Will And His Pleasure.  {Daniel 10:12, Psalm 103:20-21, (NKJV & AMP)}

The Angel Of Yahweh Encamps ALL Around Those Who Fear Him, And Delivers Them.  I Trust What Yahweh Has Written, (The Holy Spirit Of Promise).  Are They Not ALL Ministering Spirits Sent Forth To Minister For Those Who Will Inherit Salvation?  I Inherit Salvation, And I Have A Fear Of Yahweh Who Is The Mighty Awesome One, Terrible In Power.  Go Angels.  I Bless You Angels Of Yahweh Who Hearken To The Voice Of God’s Word; I Charge You To Minister To My Family And Myself, To Those That I Speak Over.  {Psalm 34:7, Hebrews 1:14}

God Who Is Our Salvation / Safety, Horn Of Our Salvation Will Give His Angels [Especial] Charge Over My Family And Myself To Accompany Us And Defend, (Guard, Protect) And Preserve Us In All Our Ways [Of Obedience And Service].  The Angels Shall Bear Us Up On Their Hands, So That None Of My Family Nor I Will Even Dash Our Foot Against A Stone.  {Psalm 91:11-12 ~ Amplified Bible Classic Edition)}

Let Those Be Put To Shame And Brought To DisHonor Who Seek After My Life.  Let Those Be Turned Back And Brought To Confusion Who Plot My Hurt.  Let Them, (The Above) Be Like Chaff Before The Wind, And Let The Angel Of Yahweh Chase Them~!  Let Their Way Be Dark And Slippery~!  Let The Angel Of Yahweh Pursue And Persecute Them~!  {Psalm 35:4-6}.


While It Seems Great To Stand Up For Christ Even To The Point Of Death, The Correct Answer Should Have Been, “No Weapon Formed Against Me Shall Prosper”, Making It Clear, “Why”, She Trusted Yahweh, Instead Of Dying For A Lack Of Knowledge.

And I Can’t Fault Cassie Bernall At Columbine High School.  I Have Been ‘On The Warpath’ About This Matter Since The Shootings At Colorado.  I Prayed About It, And Yahweh Said That He Felt The Same Way About The Matter, (That He Has Provided His Word, And Nobody Knows It, or Teaches It To Their Children).  Yahweh Said That I Was Not Mad, But Filled With Righteous Indignation, Like Yahoshua Was When He Cast Out The Money Changers In The Temple.  I Don’t Want Anyone Else To Believe That They Have To Die In A, “Noble” Way Of Answering A Question.

Who Told Cassie Bernall At Columbine High School That She Had To Answer At ALL?  Why Should She Play The Game By The d—Evil One Rules?  I Remember Reading About Three Young Teenage Boys, [Hananiah, {Shadrach}, Mishael, {Meshach}, And Azariah, {Abed-Nego}, (Daniel 1:7)], That Were About To Be Thrown Into The Fire If They Didn’t Deny Yahweh, And They Answered And Said To The Raging King, “O Nebuchadnezzar, We Are Not Careful To Answer Thee In This Matter”, (Daniel 3:16).

I Still Believe That We Have Been Fed A Bad Beliefs System, That If We Were Standing At A Firing Squad In China And They Asked Us If We Were Christians, Would We Deny Yahweh, And We Are Supposed To Answer Humbly, And Then Be Killed.  This Is Not Faith~!  My Witness That I Don’t Deny Christ ;Would Be By The Angels That I Would Be Calling, (Enter Here To Read How The King Of Assyria And His Spokesman In Essence Told The Israel Folks “Do You Have Any Last Request Before We Annihilate You”, And Their Response Was Not To Tuck Tail And Run; But To Turn To Yahweh For Help).  Yahoshua Already Defeated Death For Me.  It Is Not My Part To Be The Savior.  I Am Just The Believer.

The True Test Is, “By This Shall ALL Men Know That You Are My Disciples, By The Love That You Have One For Another.  I Suspect That These Boys Needed To Be Loved Right In The Middle Of The This, And It Wouldn’t Surprise Me If The Very People That They Shot At Columbine Were The Very Ones That Were Supposed To Be Showing The Love, And Praying For Them, (Before This Time).  I Would Encourage Those That Know Yahweh To Show The Love Of Yahweh Towards Those That Are Not Like Ourselves.  Investigate This Further And You’ll Find That These Boys That Attacked Columbine, {Eric Harris And Dylan Klebold}, Were Raped By A Jefferson County Deputy Sheriff And They Were Probably Questioning Where Is God When We Were Raped?  Where Were The Prayer Warriors And Intercessors?  So, It Is Not Surprising That They Targeted Christians.

This Is Not The First Time That Someone Got Offended And Then Took That Thought Captive And Retaliated On Others To Do d—Evil One Bidding And Why Darth Vader Came To Be Such An Evil Force.  Did You Know That Clyde Barrow Of Bonnie & Clyde Fame Was Raped In Prison By Ed “Big Ed” Crowder, And Wanted Revenge So Bad That He Went Back To Eastham Prison Farm North Of Huntsville, Texas; And Raided It Helping Others To Escape And Ended Up Taking The Lives Of At Least Nine Law Enforcement Officers Throughout His Short Life, And Then Ultimately His Feeling Offended Cost Him His Own Life And That Of His Associates, (Including Bonnie).


The Other Three Amigos~!

At The 08/2015 Presidential Debate, It Was Asked, “Does Anyone Have A Word From God”. (This Website Is A Reply To That.  This Is A Word From Yahweh).

(Daniel 1:1-21; Daniel 3:1-30)

But, I Have To Tell The Other Part Of The Story Of Hananiah, {Shadrach}, Mishael, {Meshach}, And Azariah, {Abed-Nego}.  The King Was, “Hot”, (Pun), And Had Just Finished Saying With A Lot Of Strong Emotions, (Including Rage And Fury, [Daniel 3:13, 19)] And Scorn, (Daniel 3:15);And Who Is The God Who WILL Deliver You From My Hands?”, The King Mocked Loudly.  This Precisely Sounds Like Eric Harris And Dylan Klebold Said To Cassie Bernall At Columbine High School On April 20, 1999; And They Were For The Most Part Asking, “Where Was God When The Police Raped Us”, (And The Young Folks At The School Found Out About This, Some  Laughed At Them And Tossed Tampons At Them.  Investigate This Out To See If I’m Telling The Truth or Not, Although It Is A Lot Harder To Prove Than It Once Was As Most Every Website That Told How The Police Raped Them Has Now Been Removed, But I Am An Eye Witness That I Have Seen These Web Sites).  And The Answer Was, And Should Have Been For Us Today As Hananiah, {Shadrach}, Mishael, {Meshach}, And Azariah, {Abed-Nego} Answered And Said To The King, “O Nebuchadnezzar, We Have No Need To Answer You In This Matter .  If That Is The Case*, Our God Whom We Serve Is Able To Deliver Us From The Burning Fiery Furnace, And HE WILL DELIVER US From Your Hand, O King”, (Daniel 3:15-18).

Hananiah, {Shadrach}, Mishael, {Meshach}, And Azariah, {Abed-Nego} Declared That Yahweh WILL DELIVER US From Your Hand .  There Were No If’s, And’s or But’s About It… There Was No Doubt.  According To The Words Of Their Mouth, There Was No Question About This Deliverance~!   They Made It Further Plain By Saying That They Don’t Even Need To Answer You On The Matter.  In Some Translations, The Wording Used Is, “We Are Not Careful To Answer You In This Matter”.  I Think We Would Understand This Better If We Could Feel The Heat Close By, (Seven Times Hotter Than Normal), And See Yourself About To Be Tossed Into The Fire And Knowing Being Politically Correct, Then You Will Go Into The Fire~!


Care Free ~ Not A Worry In The World~!

So, The Word, “Careful” Might Just Go Over Our Heads Today.  In The King James Translation, Philippians 4:6 Gives A Great Insight Into This, When It Says, “Be Careful For Nothing; But In Every Thing By Prayer And Supplication With Thanksgiving Let Your Requests Be Made Known Unto God”.  The New King James Version Say, “Be Anxious For Nothing…” And The Amplified Bible Classic Edition Says, “Do Not Fret or Have Any Anxiety About Anything…”

Full Of Care”; Full To The Top To The Point Of Overflowing, When You Get To Your Wits End, And Just Want To Scream, or Pull Your Hair Out… That Would Be Full Of Care, or, “Careful”, or, “Anxious”, or, “Full Of Anxiety”, or, “Full Of Fright”, or, “Worried”, or, “Full Of Fear” Might Give Us A Better Understanding.  So, What These Three Young Men Were Saying In Today’s Terminology Was, “We Are Not Anxious About It”, or Better Said, “We Are Not Worried About It”, Of “You Can’t Scare Us”.

And We Have Been Taught Wrong About The Next Part For As Long As We Have Been Hearing This Story.  Folks Have Tried To Use Their Own Minds And What They Would Say If They Were In This Precarious Situation, And Have Come Out Mis-Reading That These Three Hebrew Boys Were Saying, “If Yahweh Does Not Save Us, We Still Will Not Bow”.  A Closer Look Will Find That Interpretation Directly Contradicts The Fact That They Just Empathically Said That, “Yahweh WILL DELIVER Us From Your Hand”.  So, What Does This, “If” Statement That The Three Hebrew Boys Said Go With?


Behold Our God

Look Back At What The King Just Said.  They Were Talking About What The King Said Would Happen In Daniel 3:15-17.   *If By Chance, You Don’t Throw Us Into The Fiery Furnace, Then We Still Will Not Bow Down.  You Can Actually See It Better In The Original Translation.  Both The Douay-Rheims Bible And The Young’s Literal Translation Lets You See Right Off, That There Were Some, “If’s” That Could Have Just As Easily Been Interpreted To Say, Lo, {Behold, Look}, or, Whether.  You Can See This For Yourself By Right-Clicking, (And Selecting Open In A New Tab), or Tapping This Link  {Daniel 3:17} or Reading Below.

For Behold Our God, Whom We Worship, Is Able … To Save Us From The Furnace Of Burning Fire, And To Deliver Us Out Of Thy Hands, O King, (Douay-Rheims Bible).  We Would Say, “For Look”, Our God Is Able, {‘Country Speak’ Would Say, “Now, Look-ee Here, Sonny Boy, Our God Most Certainly Can Deliver Us From The Fiery Furnace As There’s Nothing Impossible To Yahweh”) … This Was In Direct Response To The King Asking Who Is That God Who Will Deliver You Out Of My Hands?

I Saw A Movie That Had These Lines In Them:

Would You Like To Have Dinner With Me Tonight, Unless You Have Other Plans
Oh… No.
I Mean Yes~!
Is It Yes or No?

This Is Sort Of What The Hebrews Boys Were Doing Here.  Answering Two Separate Questions.  First, We Need Not Have To Think About Our Answer, Our God Most Is Able, {Certainly Can}, Deliver Us Out Of The Fiery Pit, And Our God Will Deliver Us From Your Hand~!

But, Since Most Other Translations Use The Word, If”; Let’s Look At The Strong’s Definition Of The, If”, As It Was Used Here In Daniel 3:17, (Strong’s Interlinear Lexicon) ~ {H02006 <hen (Aramaic) (Hane)> ~ “Behold”, “If, “Whether”}.  Notice, Behold And, Whether Are Two Other Choices The Translators Could Have Used.  However, The Douay-Rheims Bible And The Young’s Literal Translation Get Their Interpretation Possibly From The Strong’s Lexicon Definition H02006 That Is Corresponding To {H02005 ~ <hen (Aramaic) (Hane)> ~ Lo~!”, Also, There [-fore]”, “[Unless]”, “Whether”, “But”, “If”}.

KJV— (That Hebrew Word), (Interpreted As, If, In Other Places In The Scriptures ~ Was 12 Times), or, (That Exact Hebrew Word Interpreted as “Whether” In Other Places In The Scriptures ~ Was 16 Times).  Essentially, They Were Saying Whether You Throw Us In The Fire, And We Have To Rely On Yahweh To Save Us, or Whether You Don’t Throw Us In, We Will Not Bow~!   This Only Got The King, “Red Hot, Fighting Mad”, And Just Read Daniel 3:10-27 To Find Out That The Boys, “Had What They Said”, Just As We Have What We Say According To Mark 11:23.  It’s The Highway’s Principle, (Have What You Say ~ Hwys).  {If You Get On A Highway Headed For A Certain Designation Long Enough, You Are Going To Arrive At That Designation}~!


This Below Is The InCorrect Way People Interpret This:

18 But If Not, (If Yahweh Doesn’t Deliver Us), Be It Known Unto You, O King, That We Will Not Serve Your Gods, Nor Worship The Golden Image Which YOU Have Set Up.  Which YOU, (Not God) Have Set Up.

This Interpretation Of The Scriptures In Verse 18 Cannot Possibly Be True Because Then The Sentence Would Make No Sense As They Would Be Dead~!  So They Wouldn’t Be Able To, “Not Serve Your Gods”, In The First Place As They Would Be Dead~!  But, If You’re Taking This Stance, {You’ve Already Used Up The Only, “If”, Available For Verse 18}; So, You Are Saying Tossing Them Into The Fire Was A Certainty.  So, You Also Have To Say That The, ‘If’, In Verse 17, Has To Also Be Talking About, “If Yahweh Does Save Us From The Fire”, And That Defies Logic As Well, For They Would Be Saying, “If Yahweh Saves Us Right In The Middle Of The Fire While It’s Blazing Hot When There Is No Chance Of Survival, Then We Will Not Serve Your Gods, Nor Worship The Golden Image Which You Have Set Up”.  Well, Duh, If Yahweh Saves Them From The Roaring Fire, Then Of Course They’re Not Going To Bow To Another~!

This Is The Way Daniel 3:17-18 Should Be Read:

17 If It Be So (That You Throw Us Into The Fire, The “It”, Has  To Be Talking About Tossing Them Into The Fire Because This Is The Very Context Of Which They Were Talking About In Verses Daniel 3:15-16), {“Now, Look-ee Here, Sonny Boy, Our God Most Certainly Can Deliver Us From The Fiery Furnace As There’s Nothing Impossible To Yahweh”}, Our God Whom We Serve Is Able To Deliver Us From The Burning Fiery Furnace, And He Will Deliver Us Out Of Your Hand, O King.  (This Is What Got The King So Furious To Start With).

18 But If Not (If You Don’t Throw Us Into The Fire), Be It Known Unto Thee, O King, That We Still Will Not Serve Your Gods, Nor Worship The Golden Image Which YOU Have Set Up.

The Scriptures Read In Full Context Will Themselves Clear Up Our Misconceptions.  If Someone Just Quotes Part Of Daniel 3:17 And Says, “Our God Whom We Serve Is Able To Deliver Us From The Burning Fiery Furnace, And HE WILL DELIVER US OUT OF YOUR HAND, O King”… Then Immediately Quotes The Next Verse At Daniel 3:18,  “But If Not, Let It Be Known To You, O King, That We Will Not Serve Your Gods or Worship The Golden Image Which You Have Set Up”.

Then This Makes It Sound Like The Three Hebrew Boys Said, “Our God Will Deliver Us, But If He Doesn’t, Then We Will Not Bow” And That Unfortunately Is How This Has Been Taught And It Is Inconsistent With The Lessons Of Faith, For Hebrews 6:12 Tells Us It Is Through Faith And Patience That We Inherit The Promises.

{See Also (Romans 10:8-10; Hebrews 3:1;
Hebrews 6:12; Hebrews 10:23; 1 Timothy 6:12

Now Read Daniel 3:15-18 In It’s Full Context…
15 “Now If You Are Ready Whenever You Hear The Sound Of The Horn, Flute, Zither, Lyre, Harp, Pipe, And All Kinds Of Music To Fall Down And Worship The Image Which I Have Made, Good; But If You Don’t Worship, You Shall Be Cast The Same Hour Into The Middle Of A Burning Fiery FurnaceWho Is That God Who Will Deliver You Out Of My Hands?”
16 “Shadrach, Meshach, And Abednego Answered The King, ‘Nebuchadnezzar, We Have No Need To Answer You In This Matter”.

17If It Happens, Our God Whom We Serve Is Able To Deliver Us From The Burning Fiery Furnace; And HE WILL DELIVER US OUT OF YOUR HAND, O King”.

{“Now, Look-ee Here, Sonny Boy, If You Throw Us Into The Fire Our God Most Certainly Can Deliver Us From The Fiery Furnace As There’s Nothing Impossible To Yahweh”; And HE WILL DELIVER US OUT OF YOUR HAND, O King”}.

18But If Not, Let It Be Known To You, O King, That We Will Not Serve Your Gods or Worship The Golden Image Which You Have Set Up.”

One Can Clearly See That The “But If Not” Is Directly Coordinated With The Previous Antecedent Of “If It Happens” In Regards To “But If You Don’t Worship, You Shall Be Cast The Same Hour Into The Middle Of A Burning Fiery Furnace”.

They Were Saying Whether You Throw Us In The Fire, And We Have To Rely On Yahweh To Save Us, or Whether You Don’t Throw Us In, We Will Not Bow~!   This Only Got The King, “Red Hot, Fighting Mad”, And Just Read Daniel 3:10-27 To Find Out That The Boys, “Had What They Said”, Just As We Have What We Say According To Mark 11:23.  It’s The Highway’s Principle, (H ave W hat You S ay ~ Hwys).  {If You Get On A Highway Headed For A Certain Designation Long Enough, You Are Going To Arrive At That Designation}~!

So, You May Be Asking Me, “Are You Saying That If It Is Interpreted That They Had Just Said, If We Burn, We Burn’, {Which Is NOT What They Said—If They Had Said That Then They Would Have Perished?”, The Word Of Yahweh Is Saying This, (In Places Such As Proverbs 18:20-21; Matthew 12:37; Matthew 15:11; Mark 11:23).  If I Am Saying This, And You Come Up Against A Similar Situation And You Put Your Faith In My Words, You’ll Perish.  Howbeit, If You Say, “It Is Written”, By Yahweh, And Put Your Faith In Yahweh’s Words, Then You’ll Get Delivered As These Boys Did~!  (Romans 10:11).

*David Said The Same Exact Thing When Confronting The Giant“Your Servant Has Killed Both Lion And Bear; And This UnCircumcised Philistine Will Be Like One Of Them, Seeing He Has Defied The Armies Of The Living God”.  Moreover David Said, “Yahweh, Who Delivered Me From The Paw Of The Lion And From The Paw Of The Bear, HE WILL DELIVER ME From The Hand Of This Philistine”. And Saul Said To David, “Go, And Yahweh Be With You~!”, (1 Samuel 17:36-37).


I Have Filled Him With The Spirit Of God In Wisdom, In Understanding, In Knowledge~!

Often, We Just Read Something To Mark It Off Our Daily Bible Reading Plan, Even So, Daniel 1:1-21 Is An Excellent Background For What Happens In Daniel 3:1-30; And One Both Part Sets Up The Story For The Other Saga Very Much Well Worth Reading~!  In Studying Daniel 1:8-20; You’ll Find That Not Only Were These Four Hebrew Youth Already The Cream Of The Crop Without Blemish, (They Didn’t Wear Glasses, And Were Like The Athletes Of Their Time Period, They May or May Not Have Been Not Like Large Football Players Because They Were Youths, But Perhaps More Like The Guys Of Our Time Period That Play Soccer or More Like Those Folks That Do Amazing FreeStyle Stunts In The Air On MotorCross DirtBikes), But Daniel 1:17 Tells Us That God Gave Them Knowledge And Skill In All Learning And Wisdom, And Daniel Had Understanding In All [Kinds Of] Visions And Dreams.

This So Reminds Me Of When Yahweh Had Sacraments Built For The Tabernacle In Moses’ Time With Bezalel & OholiabI Have Called By Name Bezalel, The Son Of Uri, The Son Of Hur, Of The Tribe Of Judah.  And I Have Filled Him With The Spirit Of God In Wisdom, In Understanding, In Knowledge, And In All Kinds Of Craftsmanship, To Make Artistic Designs For Work In Gold, In Silver, And In Bronze, And In Cutting Of Stones For Settings, And In The Carving Of Wood, That He May Work In All Kinds Of Craftsmanship. (Exodus 31:1-11; Exodus 35:10-19, 30-35; Exodus 36:3a; Exodus 38:22-23).

I Am Mentioning This To Show That Talents Come From Yahweh, (Attitude Of The Heart As He Will Not Force On You, But Abilities He Can And Does Give To Us).  Now, I Point Out That They Had To Be In The King’s Academy For Three Years Before They Could Stand Before The King, (Daniel 1:5, 18).  Hananiah, {Shadrach}, Mishael, {Meshach}, And Azariah, {Abed-Nego} Were Part Of An Elite Ground.  Daniel 1:3-7 Describes These Four Young Men As Royal Family And Of The Nobility — Youths Without Blemish, Well-Favored In Appearance And Skillful In All Wisdom, Discernment, And Understanding, Apt In Learning Knowledge, Competent To Stand And Serve In The King’s Palace.  They Would Be Considered, “Cool” In Their Day.  They Were Already This Way Before They Were Taken Into Captivity—In Other Words They Were The Cream Of The Crop, The Finest, Most Popular, Beautiful Folks With Poise And Wit, {Crème De La Crème}.  This Will Be A Key Factor Later On.


Yahweh Gave Them Knowledge And Skill In All Learning And Wisdom, And Daniel Had Understanding In All [Kinds Of] Visions And Dreams.

But These Youths, (Daniel 1:4, 13), Did Not Come From Babylon.  They Were From Israel.  Daniel Determined Not Defile Himself Nor His Companions And To Eat Pork or Other Meat That Was UnClean, (Not Kosher), And To Drink The King’s Wine.  This Is All Important And So Significant That I Really Wanted To Put This Part First.  However, Because Of The Tradition Of Men That Has Made The Word Of Yahweh Of No Effect, (Matthew 15:6; Mark 7:8-9, 13; Colossians 2:8); I Had To Explain The, If Statement The Boys Made From A Different Perspective.

It Is My Conjecture That Daniel Was Probably A Little Older Than The Other Three Youths, For It Was He That Talked To He Stewart Whom The Chief Of The Eunuchs Had Set Over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, And Azariah.  However; The Problem With Conjectures Is They Are Just Not In The Scriptures And We Could Be Starting A Transition Of Man Based On Our Opinions.  Daniel Might Even Have Been The Youngest Of These Youth.  But, How Did Daniel Persuade The Stewart Over Him To Disobey The King’s Orders When They Were Commanded To Eat The King’s Finest Food And Wine?  Well, He Didn’t Do It In The Works Of The Flesh or By Creating A Big Scene With Drama.  Daniel Did This Quietly By Favor~!

Favor Is One Of Our Benefits & Perks In Our Covenant Relationship With Yahweh, (Proverbs 3:4; Proverbs 16:7; Psalm 103:2,4) ~ Now God Made Daniel To Find Favor, Compassion, And Loving-Kindness With The Chief Of The Eunuchs.


TEN TIMES BETTER THAN ALL THE [Learned] Magicians And Enchanters

Now, I Said All Of This About Favor To Let You Know When They Talked To King Nebuchadnezzar, This Was Not By Far Their First Time To Converse With The King, (Daniel 1:19-20)~!  The King Found None Like These Young Men, (They Are Probably 15-17 Years Old Now, And Were Probably 13-14 Years Old When They Were Captured, But Have Been In The King’s Court For Three Years).  In Fact, They Are The Best Of The Best And Found Them TEN TIMES BETTER THAN ALL THE [Learned] Magicians And Enchanters Who Were In His Whole Realm And Had Been Chosen To Stand Before The King~!

19 And The King Conversed With Them, And Among Them All None Was Found Like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, And Azariah; Therefore They Were Assigned To Stand Before The King.
20 And In All Matters Of Wisdom And Understanding Concerning Which The King Asked Them, He Found Them Ten Times Better Than All The [Learned] Magicians And Enchanters Who Were In His Whole Realm.

And The King Liked Them~!  Then Found Favor~!  This Is Not To Be Glossed Over ~!   Yahoshua Himself Grew In Stature And Wisdom And Found Favor Also, (Luke 2:52).  Esther Later On Also Found Favor, (Esther 2:15,17; Esther 5:8; Esther 7:3), And Surely She Knew These Boys Testimony, (I Wonder If They Had Not Acted In Faith How It Might Have Changed Her 109 Years Later).

Henry Blackaby, (Author Of Experiencing God), Says Something Like, “To See Where Yahweh Is Directing You, Look To Where Yahweh Has Used You In The Past”.  So, Yahweh Had Granted Favor To Daniel Before, Maybe Not The Other Boys, Just Yet.  But, They Had To Know About The Favor That Daniel Had Received And As Their Diet Was Changed.  Daniel 1:9.  So, When They Said, If You Do Not, They Were Thinking That The King Likes Us And There Was A Strong Possibility That They Might Find, Favor And Not Be Tossed Into The Fire.  This Is Another Proof That When They Said, But If Not”, They Were Not Talking About If Yahweh Won’t Save Them, That’s A Conjecture Based On A Person’s Thoughts.  They Were Saying, “But If Don’t Throw Us Into The Fire Because You Like Us, We Are Still Not Going To Bow To Any Other God Than To Yahweh”~!

But, They Also Did Not Defile Themselves, And They Were The Only Ones In All Of Babylon That Did Not Bow, And They Would Not Bend.  They Were Other Captives, But All The Rest That Had Defiled Themselves With The Babylon Mindset Also Bowed To This Image.


Nebuchadnezzar The King [Saw And] Was Astounded, And He Jumped Up~!

The Story Is Still Not Over .  Because These Three Youngster Did Not Bow And Remained Steadfast, And Would Not, Go Along To Get Along”, They Caused The King To See The Most High God~!

Daniel 3:24-25
24 Then Nebuchadnezzar The King [Saw And] Was Astounded, And He Jumped Up And Said To His Counselors, Did We Not Cast Three Men Bound Into The Midst Of The Fire? They Answered, True, O King.
25 He Answered, Behold, I See Four Men Lose, Walking In The Midst Of The Fire, And They Are Not Hurt~!  And The Form Of The Fourth Is Like A Son Of The Gods~!

But, Wait, They’re Still More To This Story.  After Seeing One Like The Son Of God, (He Didn’t Know Yet If They Were Burned or Not), The King Acknowledges That This Is The Most High God, [Even Higher Than His Authority}, And He Ordered Them Out From The Fire Pit~!  (And They Obeyed)~!

Even So, There Is Still A Better Part Of This Story, The King’s Degree Was Recanted~!  And The Young Men Got Promoted~!  If We Stand Up For The What Yahweh Says In The Scriptures, Then We Can Change Laws, And Be Promoted.  But, Do It In Faith, And Believe That Your God Will Deliver You Also~!


Their Faith Changed A Nation~!

Daniel 3:26-30
26 Then Nebuchadnezzar Came Near To The Mouth Of The Burning Fiery Furnace And Said, Shadrach, Meshach, And Abednego, You Servants Of The Most High God, Come Out And Come Here.  Then Shadrach, Meshach, And Abednego Came Out From The Midst Of The Fire.
27 And The Satraps, The Deputies, The Governors, And The King’s Counselors Gathered Around Together And Saw These Men—That The Fire Had No Power Upon Their Bodies, Nor Was The Hair Of Their Head Singed; Neither Were Their Garments Scorched or Changed In Color or Condition, Nor Had Even The Smell Of Smoke Clung To Them.
28 Then Nebuchadnezzar Said, Blessed Be The God Of Shadrach, Meshach, And Abednego, Who Has Sent His Angel And Delivered His Servants Who Believed In, Trusted In, And Relied On Him ~!  And They Set Aside The King’s Command And Yielded Their Bodies Rather Than Serve or Worship Any God Except Their Own God.
29 Therefore I Make A Decree That Any People, Nation, And Language That Speaks Anything Amiss Against The God Of Shadrach, Meshach, And Abednego Shall Be Cut In Pieces And Their Houses Be Made A Dunghill, For There Is No Other God Who Can Deliver In This Way ~!
30 Then The King Promoted Shadrach, Meshach, And Abednego In The Province Of Babylon~!

Just In Case You’re Still Clinging To What You’ve Probably Been Taught About These Boys Saying, “If We Burn, We Burn”, The King Just Said The Very Opposite Stating Who Believed In, Trusted In, And Relied On Him~!”


My People Perish For A Lack Of Knowledge~!

 ~ Hosea 4:6 ~

What About, “But No Weapon That Is Formed Against You Shall Prevail, And Every Tongue That Shall Rise Against You In Judgment You Shall Show To Be In The Wrong. This [Peace, Righteousness, Security, Triumph Over Opposition] Is The Heritage Of The Servants Of Yahweh; [Those In Whom The Ideal Servant Of Yahweh Is Reproduced]; This Is The Righteousness or The Vindication Which They Obtain From Me [This Is That Which I Impart To Them As Their Justification], Says Yahweh~!” (Isaiah 54:17).

If You Believe You Are To Be Martyred, It’s Perhaps You Just Lack The Word Of Yahweh In That Area.  For Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> or Revealed Word From Yahweh , (Not By Having Heard Some Scriptures Once), But By Hearing And Hearing The Word Of Yahweh Over And Over Again Until Yahweh’s Word Gets So Deep Down On The Inside Of Us That It Becomes More Real Than The Circumstances That We Can See, (Romans 10:17).  I Can Prove This Further, That Yahoshua Said, In John 14:12 That 12, “Most Assuredly, I Say To You, He Who Believes In Me, The Works That I Do He Will Do Also; And Greater Works Than These He Will Do, Because I Go To My Father”.

And Yahoshua Was Not Killed~!  No One Forcibly Took Yahoshua’s Life, (John 10:15-18; Luke 4:29-30; John 8:59), And If No One Can Take Yahoshua’s Life And We Can Do Greater Things, No One Can Take Our Lives Either~!  Folks Have Been Fooled Into Laying Down Their Lives, But We Don’t Have To Pass On To The Other Side That Way~!


Yahoshua Said, No Person Takes My Life From Me.
In John 10:15-18, And Furthermore, I Lay Down My Life.

John 10:15-18
15 Even As [Truly As] The Father Knows Me And I Also Know The Father—And I Am Giving My [Very Own] Life And Laying It Down On Behalf Of The Sheep.

16 And I Have Other Sheep [Beside These ] That Are Not Of This Fold.  I Must Bring And Impel Those Also; And They Will Listen To My Voice And Heed My Call, And So There Will Be [They Will Become] One Flock Under One Shepherd.

17 For This [Reason] The Father Loves Me, Because I Lay Down My [Own] LifeTo Take It Back Again.

18 No One Takes It Away From Me.  On The Contrary, I Lay It Down Voluntarily.  [I Put It From Myself.] I Am Authorized And Have Power To Lay It Down (To Resign It) And I Am Authorized And Have Power To Take It Back Again.  These Are The Instructions (Orders) Which I Have Received [As My Charge] From My Father.


Yahoshua Unscathed

Want Further Proof That Yahoshua Was Not And Could Not Be Killed, Without Yahoshua’s Consent.  Luke 4:29-30 — They Were ALL Filled With Wrath In The Synagogue, As They Heard These Things; And They Rose Up, And Threw Him Out Of The City, And Led Him To The Brow Of The Hill That Their City Was Built On, That They Might Throw Him Off The Cliff.  But He, Passing Through The Midst Of Them, Went His Way.

It Would Contradict The Word Of Yahweh If Some Of Those Of Whom Yahoshua Paid The Price For Are Supposed To Be Martyred, (For Example, We Are Promised To Be Delivered From Trouble And To Have, “Long Life” In Psalm 91:15-16, And That The Angel Of Yahweh WILL DELIVER US, Psalm 34:7, Psalm 35:4-6).

Yahoshua Was Executed, But It Was A Voluntary Execution.  Yahoshua Willingly Laid Down His Life, Which Is The Definition Of The Word Martyr.


If You Are Supposed To Lay Down Your Life, Then You Must Also Have Been Charged To Do So

  1. If You Are Supposed To Lay Down Your Life, Then You Must Also Have Been Charged To Do So, (Remember Yahoshua Pleading With Yahweh, “Let This Cup Pass From Me”, (Matthew 26:39), I Never See Anyone Else Reasoning Together, (Isaiah 1:18), With Yahweh To Lay Down Their Life, They Just Falsely Assume That It What They Are Supposed To Do).  But, Yahoshua Was Commanded, (John 10:18), To Lay Down His Life, But He Was Also Just As Much Commanded To Take It Back Again.  No One Killed Yahoshua ~ He Laid Down His Life.  Yahoshua Could Have Enforced Psalm 4:7, Psalm 35:4-6 And Called Ten-thousand Angels, But He Chose To Lay Down His Life ~ Matthew 26:52-53). Yahoshua Paid This Price So That We Don’t Have To Pay The Same Price.

  2. Myth Buster:  If You Lay Down Your Life, Yahweh Will Love You More or You’ll Gain ‘Saint’ Status, or Move Up The Ladder In Yahweh’s Kingdom  Please Read The Whole Verse, “For This [Reason] The Father Loves Me, Because I Lay Down My [Own] Life – To Take It Back Again”.  How Many People That Lay Down Their Life’s Have The Power To Take It Back Again And Do So? 

  3. Yahoshua Is Our Example, (John 13:15; 1 Peter 2:21).  No One Killed Yahoshua~!  Yahoshua Passed Through The Midst Of Them Unscathed And We Can Do Greater Works Than Yahoshua Had Done, (John 14:12).


The Good Confession

If Someone Had Known That 2 Samuel 22:2 Said, “Yahweh Is My Rock And My Fortress And My Deliverer; The God Of My Strength, In Whom I Will Trust; My Shield And The Horn Of My Salvation, My Stronghold And My Refuge; My Savior, You Save Me From Violence”, {Enter Here To See That I Didn’t Make This Up, It’s In Yahweh’s Word, Yahweh Said This, And Yahweh Is Not A Human Being That He Can Lie ~ (Numbers 23:19)}. 

I Will Call Upon Yahweh, Who Is Worthy To Be Praised; So Shall I Be Saved From My Enemies.  (2 Samuel 22:2, or THE Angel Of Yahweh Encamps ALL Around Those Who Fear Him, And Delivers Them~!   (Psalm 34:7 or Psalm 91:1-16 Below).

You Can’t Say That You’re Fighting The Fight Of Faith, If Your Mouth’s Not Talking Because 1 Timothy 6:12 Goes On To Explain That Is Precisely What The Good Fight Of Faith Is Taking About, “Confess The Good Confession”.  ‘Calling Those Things That Be Not As Though They Were’, (Romans 4:17).  Then We See In Luke 17:5-6, Where Yahoshua Essentially Said, “Boys, If You Had As Much Faith Even As Small Of Amount Of A Mustard Seed; Your Mouth Would Be Moving, And Since It’s Not, Then We All Know That You Don’t Have Faith In Your Heart”.

“Fight The Good Fight Of Faith”. Lay Hold Of The Eternal Life To Which You Were Called, And You Confessed, (G3670), The Good Confession, (G3671),In The Sight Of Many Witnesses, {1 Timothy 6:12} Confess Means To Say The Same Thing As Yahweh Has Already Outlined In His Word, (Strong’s Concordance #3670).  Then We Can Boldly Do And Say As Did Hananiah, {Shadrach}, Mishael, {Meshach}, And Azariah, {Abed-Nego} 

One Of Those Totally Rocked My World From Bill Johnson, (Four Minutes Long)


Never Surrender, Never Give Up~!

By The Way, According To Tertullian, (In The “Prescription Of Heretics”), John Was Banished After Being Plunged Into Boiling Oil In Rome And Suffering Nothing From It.  It Is Said That The Entire Coliseum Was Converted To Christianity Upon Witnessing This Miracle~!

Apparently, They Tried To Boil John In Oil And He Wouldn’t Die, So They Sent Him To The Island Of Patmos So That He Could Never Be Able To Communicate With Anyone Again, And That Wasn’t Effective Either As Somehow He Wrote The Book Of Revelation And It Got To Us To Read.  Only John Came To The Cross To Witness How Yahoshua, Laid Down His Life, And Only John Witnessed Yahoshua Saying, “It Is Finished”~!  {Since It Is Finished, Then We Don’t Have To Die To Help Out The Cause ~ Our Part Is To Believe, (Hebrews 4:2}.)

Martyr Indicates ‘Voluntary’, But Yahoshua Already Volunteered, And We Should Never Agree To Pay The Penalty For Something Yahoshua Already Paid For.  (Our People Perish For A Lack Of Knowledge, Including Marian And Barbara Fisher, 13 And 11, Requested That They Be Shot First That The Others Might Be Spared At West Nickel Mines School, An Amish One-Room School House), {Thankfully Barbara Fisher Survived, Marian Did Not}.

Now, We Are To Lay Down Our Lives For The Sisters And Brothers, (Enter Here To See More On This or Enter Here To Discover How To Respond When You Are Offended), So If They Are Not Sisters And Brothers, You Are Not To Lay Down Your Life.

However, Laying Down Our Lives Does Not Mean Dying Physically, That Death Has Already Been Paid For.  We Are To Have Victory, And To Prove The Will Of Yahweh, (Romans 12:2).  Look Up The Word  Propitiation, By Clicking Here, Then On The Strong’s Concordance Number, (2345).  Or Read More About Propitiation On This Website About Love.


Paul Unscathed ~ Not Even A Flesh Wound

In The Days Ahead.  I Mean If Those Liars, (Ananias And Sapphira), Could Not Stand Before Peter, How Much More So Can These Folks Not Stand Against Us.

Acts 14:19-20
But Jews Came There From Antioch And Iconium And Won Over The Crowds.  Then They Stoned Paul And Dragged Him Out Of The City, Supposing That He Was Dead.  But When The Disciples Surrounded Him, He Got Up And Went Into The City.  The Next Day He Went On With Barnabas To Derbe.

Turns Out That There Was Not Even A Mention Of A Scratch On Paul, Not Even A Flesh Wound’.

Acts 5:38-39
Now I Tell You, Refrain From These Men, And Leave Them Alone.  For If This Counsel or This Work Is Of Men, It Will Be Overthrown.  But If It Is Of God, You Will Not Be Able To Overthrow It, And You Would Be Found Even To Be Fighting Against God.



The Word Of The Month For Me Is, “Transformed

I Have Overlooked This Word And Not Understood What It Meant When I Read It In Romans 12:2And Be Not Conformed To This World: But Be You Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind, That You May Prove What Is That Good, And Acceptable, And Perfect, Will Of God”.

I Have Been Meditating On This Word, And Thinking About, “Transformers” And How They Change From One Thing Into Another.  Perhaps, I Haven’t Got The Full Message Because, “Transformers”, (The Toy Cars That Change Into Robots), And Then Change Back Into What They Were Before Hand, (Sort Of Like I Think That Underneath My ‘Clark Kent’ Outfit Is This ‘Super Christian’ Ready To Rescue And Pray For Someone In An Emergency Situation And Then Change Back Into A Normal Christian With A Low Impact On Society).

However, I Believe I Should Have Been Looking At How The Metamorphosis Of A Caterpillar Changes Into A Butterfly.  The Change Is Permanent.



The Butterfly Doesn’t Go Back To Crawling On Their Belly.  The Frog Never Goes Back To Being A TadPole Without Arms And Legs, (But Can Leap Up Above His Circumstances).

I Want To Be ‘Transformed’ Into The ‘New Man’ In Christ.

I Am Now Transformed Into The Image Of Christ~!

2 Corinthians 3:18 ~ But We ALL, With Open Face Beholding As In A Glass The Glory Of Yahweh, Are Changed Into The Same Image From Glory To Glory, Even As By The Spirit Of Yahweh.


A Mighty Man Of Valor~!

Gideon Was Called A, “Gibbowr”, A Mighty Man Of Valor, A Brave Champion Warrior Of Great Strength In Judges 6:12, (Same Word Used When Spoken Of Kind David’s Three Mighty Men In 2 Samuel 23:8).  But When Gideon Saw Himself As A, “Gibbowr”, A Mighty Man Of Valor, A Brave Champion Warrior Of Great Strength, He Became Transformed To Reform, And Proved That It Was Not Yahweh’s Will For The Midianites To Oppress Israel.

Gideon Never Had To War In His Own Flesh, {For Yahweh Put Him On Like A Suit Of Armor ~ But The Spirit Of Yahweh Clothed Gideon With Himself And Took Possession Of Him, And He Blew A Trumpet ~ Amplified Bible Classic Edition ~ (Judges 6:34)}.  The Strength That Gideon Had To Hold A Sword In One Hand And A Jar In The Other Hand Was Sufficient Enough To Rid The Midianites~!  Like Yahweh Said To Gideon, “Go In This Your Might”, (Judges 6:14), ~ That Was Enough.  Same For Us~!

Gibbowr’, (Strong’s Concordance # 3339), A Mighty Man Of Valor, A Brave Champion Warrior Of Great Strength

Does It Sound Too Much To Say, I Am A Mighty Champion Warrior Of Great Strength And I’m Here To Save America~!



Prayer Of Saint Francis

A Friend Sent Me This, And In My Quest To Be ‘Really Transformed’, This Stood Out To Me, And Took The Emphasis Off Of Me, (Self).

Yahweh, Make Me An Instrument Of Your Peace

— Where There Is Hatred, Let Me Sow Love
— Where There Is Injury, Let Me Sow Pardon
— Where There Is Doubt, Let Me Sow Faith
— Where There Is Despair, Let Me Sow Hope
— Where There Is Darkness, Let Me Sow Light
— And Where There Is Sadness, Let Me Sow Joy.

O Divine Master,
— Grant That I May Not So Much
— Seek To Be Consoled As To Console
— To Be Understood As To Understand
— To Be Loved As To Love.
For It Is In Giving That We Receive.
It Is In Dying That We Are Born To Eternal Life.

Saint Francis Of Assisi ~ Italian Monk (1181 - 1226)

Here Is What Yahweh Says About The Matter“

Romans 1:17 ~ For In It The Righteousness Of Yahweh Is Revealed From Faith To Faith; As It Is Written, ‘The JUST Shall LIVE By Faith.’

(Psalm 103:1-6 ~ NKJV)

Bless Yahweh, O My Soul; And ALL That Is Within Me, Bless His Holy Name~!

Bless Yahweh, O My Soul, And Forget Not ALL His Benefits:

Who Forgives ALL Your Iniquities, Who Heals ALL Your Diseases,

Who Redeems Your Life From Destruction, Who Crowns You With Loving-Kindness And Tender Mercies,

Who Satisfies Your Mouth With Good Things, So That Your Youth Is Renewed Like The Eagle’s.

Yahweh Executes Righteousness And Justice For ALL Who Are Oppressed.

Psalm 91:7-11

  • 7 A Thousand May Fall At Our Side, And Ten Thousand At Our Right Hand, But It Shall Not Come Near Us.

  • 8 Only A Spectator Shall We Be [Ourselves Inaccessible In The Secret Place Of The Most High] As We Witness The Reward Of The Wicked.

  • 9 For You, Yahweh, Are Our Refuge~!  Because We Have Made The Most High Your Habitation.

  • 10 No Evil Shall Happen To Us, Neither Shall Any Plague Come Near Our Dwelling.

  • 11 For Yahweh Will Give His Angels Charge Over Us, To Guard Us In ALL Our Ways.


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In Righteousness You Shall Be Established; You Shall Be Far From Oppression, For You Shall Not Fear; And From Terror, For It Shall Not Come Near You. Isaiah 54:14

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