The Fear Of Yahweh

(This Doesn’t Mean That We Have To Be Afraid Of Yahweh)

The Fear Of Yahweh

The First Thing That Yahweh Imparted To Me When I Got Close To Yahweh, Was A Desire To Have A Fear Of Yahweh.   So, That Prompted Me To Find Out What Is A Fear Of Yahweh?

And That Question Drew Me To Go To Yahweh’s Word, And I Ended Up Finding Psalm 34:7.  I Kept Reading And Psalm 34:9 Stuck Out, And Then Verse 7, 8, 9, 11, 17, & 19 And I’ll Come Back To That.  But, Then Yahweh Led Me To The Teachings Of John Bevere, So I’ll Share What John Taught Me First.


Those Who Honor Me, I Will Honor
And They That Despise Me Shall Be Lightly Esteemed
(1 Samuel 2:30).

Heeding These Words Affects Every Area Of Our Lives.  How We Choose To Esteem and Treat His Things Is How We Will Be Treated.  The Measure Of Respect We Give His Words Determines The Degree Of Results We Will See, (Mark 4:24).

Psalm 89:7
Yahweh Is Greatly To Be Feared In The Assembly Of The Saints, And To Be Held In Reverence By ALL Those Around Him.

You Will Never Experience Intimacy With Yahweh Without This Foundation.  Yahweh Is To Be Held In Reverence By ALL Those Around Him

Yahweh Will Never Come To A Place Where He’s Not Held With The Utmost Respect ~ John Bevere

Leviticus 10:1
Then Nadab And Abihu, The Sons Of Aaron, Each Took His Censer And Put Fire In It, Put Incense On It, And Offered Profane Fire Before Yahweh, Which He Had Not Commanded Them.

Profane, (Some Translations Call This Strange Fire, But The Best Definition Is, “Profane”).  To Treat What Is Sacred As Common, or To Treat What Is Holy As Ordinary, To Lightly Esteem, Irreverence.

Leviticus 10:2:
So Fire Went Out From Yahweh And Devoured Them, And They Died Before Yahweh.

Leviticus 10:3
And Moses Said To Aaron, This Is What Yahweh Spoke, Saying:

By Those Who Come Near Me
I MUST Be Regarded As Holy;
And Before ALL The People
I MUST Be Glorified
So Aaron Held His Peace.


There Are Two Kinds Of The Presence Of Yahweh~!

There Is The Omni-Presence,
(Psalm 139:7-8, Where Can I Go, “But You Are There”).

But, There Is Also The Manifest Presence Of Yahweh. 

And To Have The Manifest Presence Of Yahweh, We MUST Regard Yahweh As Holy By Having A Fear Of Yahweh.

    The Manifestation Of The Fear Of Yahweh Has These Five Coinciding Characteristics:

    • Instant Obedience

    • Obedience When It Doesn’t Make Sense

    • Obedience We When It Hurts.

    • Obedience When You Don’t See The Benefits

    • Obedience To Completion.

The Two Men In The Scriptures That Were Called The Friend Of Yahweh Were Abraham & Moses,
{Isaiah 41:8; Exodus 33:11}.

Yahweh Was About To Destroy Sodom & Lot Lived In Sodom.  Lot Was Said To Be Righteous. 2 Peter 2:7.  However, Lot Even Though He Was Righteous; He Was About To Have His City Wiped Out And He Did Not Know It.  He Wasn’t A Friend Of Yahweh; And Yahweh Did Not Manifest His Presence With Him, And Show Him His Secrets.


The Secret Of Yahweh Is With Those Who Fear Him~! [CWSB]

The Word “Secret” Is The Hebrew Word Sod <Strong’s Concordance #5475>,
Which Can Mean: Confidential Conversation, Close Friendship, Intimate Knowledge.

Friendship With Yahweh Is Reserved For Those Who Fear Him”, Psalm 25:14,l [WEB].

Abraham On The Other Hand, Was Called Yahweh’s Friend, (James 2:21-24), And Yahweh Said, “Shall I Hide From Abraham What I Am Doing”, (Genesis 18:17). 

Two Righteous Men Living In The Same Time Period.  One Whose City That He Lived In Was About To Be Destroyed By Yahweh, Had Not A Clue, While The Other Yahweh Was Chasing Him.

This Friendship That Yahweh Had With Abraham Started In Genesis 22:2 When Abraham Was Commanded To Go And Sacrifice His Only Son Of The Promise, “In Isaac Your Seed Shall Be Called”, {Genesis 21:12}, {Abraham Believed Yahweh Would Raise Him From The Dead And Still Fulfill His Promise~ Hebrews 11:17-19}, And We Read In Genesis 22:3, So Abraham Rose Early The Next Morning”.

How Many Times Have We Heard Folks Say, “I Heard Yahweh Tell Me To Do Something Six Months Ago” And Yet They Still Have Not Done The Thing That Yahweh Told Them To Do.  That’s Not A Fear Of Yahweh.

And Look How Yahweh Responded To Abraham’s Actions In Genesis 22:12, “For Now I Know That You Fear And Revere God”.


A Friend Of Yahweh?

Moses Got To Know Yahweh’s Ways, And Why Abba Father Did Stuff In A Particular Manner or In A Certain Order, (Like Learning Comedic Timing or How To Make A Cake).  But, The Children Of Israel Only Got To View Yahweh By What He Did, (Psalm 78:11-22).  Both Are Great Methods.  However, One Involves A Relationship That Is More Personal, And Intimate; Whereas The Other Is Just By Observing.  If I Make You A Carrot Cake, You Can See It, But If I Show You How To Make A Carrot And Explain Why I Wait Before I Put The Cream Cheese Icing On The Cake, (The Cake Is So Hot The Icing Melts And Gets Thin And Runs Off); or Why Pausing Just Before Delivering The Punch Line Of A Joke Works Better ~  I Am Giving You What Works For Me And Will Work For You Also, So You Can Be A Good Comedian or Cake Maker Too.

Psalm 103:7

He Made Known His Ways To Moses, His Deeds To The Children Of Israel”.

Are You A Friend Of Yahweh, (God)?  Does Yahweh Reveal His Secrets With You?  If Not, Perhaps It Is Because You Do Not Have A Fear Of Yahweh.

Bow Your Head Right Now And Say This Prayer.

Father, I Repent Of Not Having A Fear Of Yahweh.  I Ask You Reveal Yourself And To Show Me Where I Have Put Idols Up In Your Place.  To Show Me Where I Have Allowed Rebellion To Come In And Crowd You Out.

Psalm 97:10 (NIV)

Let Those Who Love Yahweh Hate Evil, For He Guards The Lives Of His Faithful Ones And Delivers Them From The Hand Of The Wicked.


Teach Us The Fear Of Yahweh~!

Psalm 34:1-22

A Psalm Of David When He Pretended Madness Before Achish The King Of Gath, Who Drove Him Away, And He Departed, (1 Samuel 21:1-15).
1 I Will Bless Yahweh At ALL Times; His Praise Shall Continually Be In My ‘Mouth.
2 My Soul Shall Make Its Boast In Yahweh; The Humble Shall Hear Of It And Be Glad.
3 Oh, Magnify Yahweh With Me, And Let Us Exalt His Name Together.
4 I Sought Yahweh, And He Heard Me, And Delivered Me From ALL My Fears.
5 They Looked To Him And Were Radiant, And Their Faces Were Not Ashamed.
6 This Poor Man Cried Out, And Yahweh Heard Him, And Saved Him Out Of ALL His Troubles.
7 The Angel Of Yahweh Encamps ALL Around Those Who Fear Him, And Delivers Them.
8 Oh, Taste And See That Yahweh Is Good; Blessed Is The Man Who Trusts In Him~!
9 Oh, Fear Yahweh, You His Saints~!  There Is No Want To Those Who Fear Him.
10 The Young Lions Lack And Suffer Hunger; But Those Who Seek Yahweh Shall Not Lack Any Good Thing.
11 Come, You Children, Listen To Me; I Will Teach You The Fear Of Yahweh.
12 Who Is The Person Who Desires Life, And Loves Many Days, That He May See Good?
13 Keep Your Tongue From Evil, And Your Lips From Speaking Deceit.
14 Depart From Evil And Do Good; Seek Peace And Pursue It.
15 The Eyes Of Yahweh Are On The Righteous, And His Ears Are Open To Their Cry.
16 The Face Of Yahweh Is Against Those Who Do Evil, To Cut Off The Remembrance Of Them From The Earth.
17 The Righteous Cry Out, And Yahweh Hears, And Delivers Them Out Of ALL Their Troubles.
18 Yahweh Is Near To Those Who Have A Broken Heart, And Saves Such As Have A Contrite Spirit.
19 Many Are The Afflictions Of The Righteous, But Yahweh Delivers Him Out Of Them ALL.
20 He Guards ALL His Bones; Not One Of Them Is Broken.
21 Evil Shall Slay The Wicked, And Those Who Hate The Righteous Shall Be Condemned.
22 Yahweh Redeems The Soul Of His Servants, And None Of Those Who Trust In Him Shall Be Condemned.


Fear Of Yahweh OutLined~!

Psalm 19:9

  • The Fear Of Yahweh Is Clean, Enduring For Ever [And Ever]: The Judgments Of Yahweh Are True And Righteous Altogether.

Proverbs 29:25

  • The Fear Of Man Brings A Snare, But Whoever Trusts In Yahweh Shall Be Safe.

Proverbs 29:25 Says About The Same Thing As Psalm 34:1-22.  I Really Think That The Fear Of Yahweh Is Important For Our Success.  I Would Define Faith As Believing Yahweh’s Word Would Do What He Said That It Will Do, (This Is More Like A Revealed Word That You Hear Directly From Yahweh Called By The Greek Name For, “Word” Is “Rhema’, <4487> or ‘A Revealed From Yahweh Word ”, As Compared With A Written Word Of Yahweh Also Called In The Greek Logos”, <3056>).

However, I Would Define, “A Fear Of Yahweh” As A Trust That What Yahweh Wrote Will Work For You.  A Good Example Is Where Yahweh Says, “You Just Don’t Understand That Adultery Will Destroy Your Soul, (Mind, Will & Emotions ~ Ability To Reason, Your Intellect, Whether You Are Decisive or Indecisive ~ Stable or Unstable), (Proverbs 6:32).

This Can Be Found At Proverbs 6:32

  • Whoever Commits Adultery With A Woman Lacks Understanding; He Who Does So Destroys His Own Soul.

You See The Reason Yahweh Is Not Wanting Us To Commit Adultery Is For Our Own Benefit.  Adultery Will Destroy Our Soul, (Our Mind, Our Will, Our Emotions ~ Our Ability To Make Decisions Without Our Emotions Confusing Us).

Later On, The Wise Solomon Who Got His Wisdom From Yahweh Specifically For Leading The People Of Yahweh, Says, “That The Integrity Of The Upright Will Guide Them, But The Perversity Of The UnFaithful Will Destroy Them”, (Proverbs 11:3).  A Person Is Led By The Integrity Of Their Heart And If Your Heart Has Some Junk In It… It’ll Come Out At The Most InAppropriate Time.

However, I Can Be Out And Out Rebellious And Say I Don’t Want No Part Of That.  Or I Can Excuse My Lusting After Women, But, Until I Have A, “Fear Of Yahweh”, Meaning A Reverence For What He Is Saying, Then I Am Double-Minded.

It Would Be Like Me Telling You That The Best Way To Drive To A Certain Designation Is To Go Down A Particular Highway.  But, If You Don’t Trust My Judgments, (And After ALL, I Am Only A Human Being), Then You Might Decide To Go Up What A Appears To Be A Short-Cut, Only To Discover Too Late That This Is A Two-lane Road With Slow Tractors, Looking Directly Into The Sun Heading East In The Morning, And Looking Into The Sun Heading West In The Evening.  It Doesn’t Mean That I Would Be Mad At You If You Went This Route, But You Would Not Benefit From My Advice.


Benefits Of A Fear Of Yahweh~!

Let’s Look Up ALL The Benefits Of Having A, “Fear Of Yahweh”, In Proverbs, And Decide That Even If We Can’t Understand It, That We Will Follow As Yahweh Leads, And The Next Time Our Eye Starts To Wander To Look At Women, “We Say, Whoa, I Want To Have A Fear Of Yahweh, And If Yahweh Says Not To Do This, Then That Settles It For Me, (After ALL, Yahweh Has Only Good Purposes For Me, And He Knows What Is Best For My Life).

All My Needs Are Met In Christ Yahoshua, And Actually Allowing Our Needs To Be Met Through Lust, Just Short-Changes Us From Finding That Out, And Hides The Fact That There Really Is Something To Intimacy With Our Spouse~!

But, Yahweh Does Have A Plan For You, And Here’s The Way You Get It Done.  You Find Out What Yahweh Says About A Situation And Then You Believe That, And Start Saying It Out Loud, And Fully Persuading Your Heart, And Once Your Heart Is Convinced, Then Faith Takes Over And It’s A Job Complete.

So, Let Me Give Some Quick Scripture References On The Truth Of Yahweh’s Word.  For You Shall Know The Truth, And The Truth Makes You Free, (John 8:32).

I Like To Use This As A Barrier Warding Off Sexual Temptations.  Proverbs 5:19; & Matthew 19:5.  Same Numbers, Just The Inverse Of Each, And Actually You Will Have To Start With Proverbs 4:18-19 & Matthew 19:4-5 To Get The Whole Picture, But These Memory Joggers Will Get You Pointed In The Right Direction.

Just Read These Verses Over And Over To Yourself Every Day For A While, And The Next Time You See A Pretty Girl, {If You’re A Male And If You’re Not Married Say It Anyhow, Calling Those Things That Be Not As Though They Were, (Romans 4:17), Say Out Loud, (If Ogling From Your Car), “My Wife’s Bosom Satisfies Me At ALL Times, And I Am Enthroned By HER Love.

How Would You Like To Make The Right Decision Every Time?
Look At This Passage Taken From, “The Living Bible”.

Proverbs 2:9-10 ~ He Shows How To Distinguish Right From Wrong, How To Make The Right Decision Every Time.  For Wisdom And Truth Will Enter The Very Center Of Your Being, Filling Your Life With Joy~!

 How To Get Yahweh’s Word In Your Heart~!


Search For Wisdom~!

Have You Ever Misplaced An Important Item In Your Home?  And Then When You Look For It, You Can’t Find It.  You Begin To Search Through The File Cabinet, And Through Books, And Finally You Search Through The File Cabinet One More Time, And Then Start ALL Over With The Whole House.  And When You Find It, “Whew, What A Sigh Of Relief”.  That Is The Manner In Which We Are To Seek After The Heart Of Yahweh On Every Matter.  Take A Look At These Verse Below To See If I’m Not Telling The Truth.

Proverbs 2:9-10, (The Living Bible).
1  Every Young Person Who Listens To Me And Obeys My Instructions Will Be Given Wisdom And Good Sense3, 4, 5  Yes, If You Want Better Insight And Discernment, And Are Searching For Them As You Would For Lost Money or Hidden Treasure, Then Wisdom Will Be Given You, And Knowledge Of Yahweh Himself; You Will Soon Learn The Importance Of Reverence For Yahweh And Of Trusting Him.  6  For Yahweh Grants Wisdom~!  His Every Word Is A Treasure Of Knowledge And Understanding.  7, 8  He Grants Good Sense To The Godly—His Saints.  His Is Their Shield, Protecting Them And Guarding Their Pathway.  9  He Shows How To Distinguish Right From Wrong, How To Make The Right Decision Every Time.  10  For Wisdom And Truth Will Enter The Very Center Of Your Being, Filling Your Life With Joy.

It Comes Out Of Your Heart.  As You Believe, So You Are.  If You Believe That You Are Prosperous, Then Prosperity Happens~!


Hearken’ Means To “Lean In” And “To Listen Closely”

I Heard A Remarkable Presentation The Other Morning From A Pastor Preaching About Having A Fear Of Yahweh, And Who Is The Real Authority, And What Submission Is Really ALL About Taken From Romans 13:1-7, And From Hebrews 5:1-9.  Boy, I Wish I Had That Message Recorded, So That I Could Listen To It Over And Over Again.

But, Since I Didn’t Have A Recorder Handy, I Had To ‘Listen Up’ As Intently As I Could.  I Had To ‘Hearken’.  I’m Not Sure That, “We ALL That Were There, Got The Message.  If, “Y’ALL Is A Contraction Of, “You ALL”, Then, “W’ALL Might Have Been A Contraction Of, “We All.  We Seemed To Have Had A, “Wall” Put Up That Made Us Want To Always View Authority And Submission As Outside Of Yahweh, (We Have Been Desirous Of Milk Only ~ Hebrews 5:11-14, Amplified Bible Classic Edition).

However; The Key Factor Is To Find Out If We Have A Wall Up Against Yahweh’s Authority, And Rather Than Cling To Our Independent, Controlling Rebellious State, Desire Earnestly To Be Submitted To Yahweh’s Authority In ALL That We Do, And Walk In His Blessings.

I Believe That We Are Now Beginning To Cross Over From Our Old Patterns Of Thinking, And Forget The Old “Paradigm”, or Old Mind-Set About What We Used To Believe Was The Fear Of Yahweh .  I Like The Word, “Paradigm, Best As It Conveys That We Theorize With ALL Our Heart That One Way Of Thinking To Be True, But In Fact It Is Not The Truth.  I Think That We Have This “Paradigm”, or Old Way Of Thinking, {Mind-Set}, About The Fear Of Yahweh .  I Believe That We As A Body Of Christ Will Begin To Understand What The Fear Of Yahweh Really Is.


Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice,
(1 Samuel 15:22)~!

A Fear Of Yahweh Is To Begin To Fervently Revere Yahweh’s Word As Coming From Yahweh Himself As The Ultimate Authority.  I Can Define A Fear Of Yahweh Better, By Describing What It’s Not.  Here’s What I See As A Fear Of Yahweh.

A While Back, I Received A Computer Monitor I Received As A Gift From Someone I Know.  I Was Busy Reaching Over The Screen Trying To Connect The Wiring, With My Stomach Clothed By My Shirt Pressing Against The Glass.  I Heard Yahweh Tell Me To Stop, And To Work On The Monitor From The Side, Instead Of The Glass Touching My Stomach.  Well, There Were Obstacles In The Way If I Went To The Side, And Besides I Am Almost Done.

When I Had Completed The Task, And Sat Down In Front Of The Screen, I Noticed A Scar On The Screen That Had Not Been There Before.  I Said To Myself And To Yahweh, “What Happened To Have Caused This”.  After Pondering This For A While, I Finally Came To Conclude That It Was The Button On The Front Of My Shirt, And I Stood Up, And One Of My Buttons Aligned Directly To The Disfigurement On The Screen.

My Stomach Rubbing Against The Screen Had Caused A Scratch Mark; My Flesh Had Gotten In The Way.  I Realized At Once That’s Why Yahweh Had Said To Me To Go To The Side Of The Monitor.  That Blemish On The Screen Remained As Long As I Had That Monitor.  It Makes Me Remorseful That I Disobeyed Yahweh.  I Didn’t Mean To Disobey The Voice Of Yahweh.  I Just Thought I Knew More Than Yahweh Knew.  I Didn’t Say That, But I Acted As If What Yahweh Said Was A Nice Suggestion From A Child, And I With My Vast Knowledge Of Experience Knew So Much More Than What Yahweh Knew.  Not~!


For Rebellion Is As The Sin Of Witchcraft,
And Stubbornness Is As Iniquity And Idolatry,

(1 Samuel 15:23)~!

Then On Another Week, While Tightening A Bolt With A Ratchet, I Heard Yahweh Direct Me To Put On My Work Gloves.  Again, I Thought I Knew Better Than What Yahweh Was Saying, And So I Did Not Put Them On.

In Just A Few Seconds Later, I Cut My Finger, Against A Protruding Bolt.  I Immediately Asked Yahweh Why Did He Not Warn Me About That.  Yahweh’s Response Was, “I Told You To Put On Gloves”.  I Was Taken Back.  I Did Not Have A Fear Of YahwehI Did Not Reverently Fear What Yahweh Had Told Me.  I Did Not Revere The Word Of Yahweh, To Hold His Words As Final Authority.

I Am Now Making Myself Stop Whenever I Hear The Word Of Yahweh, And I Know It’s Him, As I Am His Sheep And His Sheep Know His Voice.  Notice, I Didn’t Say, “This Is d-Evil One Telling Me To Put Gloves On”.  I Knew His Voice, So Why Didn’t I Obey?  I Thought That I Knew Much Better Than Yahweh.  I Didn’t Say That, But My Actions Spoke For Me.  I Ignored Yahweh’s Voice.

I Never Want To Do That Anymore.  I Am Exhausted At My Own Understanding Of Doing Things.  I Want His Way Of Doing And Being Right From Now On.  Matthew 6:33 From The Amplified Bible Classic Edition, Says, “But Seek, (Aim At And Strive After), First Of ALL His Kingdom And His Righteousness, (His Way Of Doing And Being Right), And Then ALL These Things Taken Together Will Be Given You Besides”.


Still Rebelling

Even So, One Morning, I Took Out The Trash Container, And Also The Recycled Bin To The Street, And Later Watched As The Sanitation Worker Emptied The Recycle Bin Into The Recycle Truck.  As Soon As The Recycle Bin Was Emptied Into The Truck, I Went Out To Retrieve The Recycle Bin, But I Heard Yahweh Say, “Wait”.

Again, I Reasoned To My Own Understanding, And Decided That I Did Not Want The Recycle Bin To Be Left Out In The Cold Weather To Possibly Crack, And So I Went To Get It Anyhow In Only My Jean Shorts, Undershirt And Red Bedroom Shoes, But I Left The Trash Container.

Just As I Got The Bin Back Inside My Garage, I Heard Another Trash Truck Coming By To Empty The Trash Container.  So, I Had To Once More Walk Back To The Street To Retrieve The Trash Container, And A Neighbor Came Out And Spotted Me.  I Sensed In My Heart She Had Spotted Me The First Time Also, And I Felt That I Had Become Something Of A Laughing Stock, And It Might Make It Harder To Try To Win Her To Yahweh And I Could Have Saved One More Trip Had I Been Obedient.

Why Am I So Rebellious To The Voice Of Yahweh?  If Ever I Were To Say, “Woe Is Me, I Am Undone”, It Would Be Because Of My Recent Choices To Go With My Thoughts, Rather Than The Voice Of Yahweh.

I Feel Like King David Must Have Felt, Even Though I Have Repented Of My Not Taking The Voice Of Yahweh To Heart, But As I Looked Upon My Computer Monitor That I Had For The Next Several Years…Saying “My Sin [Of Rebellion] Is Ever Before Me”.


Ignoring That Prompting

Yahweh Showed Me Right There, That It Was This Same Prompting Of The Holy Ghost, This Same Urging From The Holy Ghost That People Ignore, And Get Into Car Wrecks, And Sometimes Die.  Sometimes These Folks Are Maimed In The Car Wrecks, And Sometimes The Car Wrecks Hurt Others.  I’ll Bet These Folks Also Wish That They Had Obeyed The Voice Of Yahweh.  Right Now, I Wish That Screen Didn’t Have A Scar On The Screen.  But, Even More Than That, I Wish I Had Obeyed The Voice Of Yahweh.

This Computer Will One Day Burn, As It Is Temporary.  But, My Choices That I Make Have Eternal Ramifications.  Yahoshua Is Lord~!  Yahoshua Is Lord~!  Yahoshua Is Lord~!  I Want To Acknowledge That Yahoshua Is Lord In ALL My Ways Of Doing And Being Right.  I Renew My Mind, Transforming My Life From Living Like The World, To Living Like Yahoshua Wants Me To Live.  The Cut On My Finger Has Become Healed.  But The Cut On My Heart Remains Open.  I Do Not Want To Be In Car Wreck.  I Do Not Want Someone To Get Hurt In A Car Wreck Because I Did Not Hearken To The Voice Of Yahweh.

I’ll Tell A Funny Story To Lead Into My Next Point.  A Man Sold A Mule To Another Man At The County Fair, And When He Got To The Stall Where The Mule Was Kept, It Was Discovered That The Mule Was Dead. The Buyer Said, “Hey, The Mule Is Dead”, And So The Seller Said, “Sell Him Back To Me”, And He Did. So The Seller Raffled Off The Mule For A $5 Chance To Win A Mule..  The Winner Of The Auction Found The Mule Dead And Said, “Hey, This Mule Is Dead~!”, To Which The Seller Promptly Gave Him His $5 Back, (Keeping All The Other Profits From The Other Chances That He Sold. One More Funny Story.

In Key West, Florida They Have Garbage Trucks With This Written On The Sides Of Their Trucks: “Free Snow Removal”.

My Point In Both Funny Stories Is That Neither The Man Selling The Mule Nor The Garbage Trucks Had Any Intentions Of Making Good On Their Promises, (The Mule Was Already Dead, So The Chance To Win A Live Plowing Pulling Mule Were Out, And They Are Counting On It Never Snowing In Key West).


Pay Attention~!

But, That Is Not The Way It Is With Yahweh At All, And I’ll Come Back To This In A Moment.  To Avoid Horrible Things From Happening And Becoming A Reality In Our Lives, We Must First Begin To Hearken To The Voice Of Yahweh.  This Is My Conclusion That I Draw From Proverbs 4:20-24, (Especially Proverbs 4:23).

Proverbs 4:20-24,
20  My Child, Give, “Attention To My WORDS”; “Incline Your Ear” To My Sayings.
21 Do NOT Let Them Depart From Your Eyes; Keep Them In The Midst Of Your Heart;
22 For They [Are] Life To Those Who Find Them, And Health To ALL Their Flesh.
23 Keep Your Heart With ALL Diligence, For Out Of It [Spring] The Issues Of Life
24  Put Away From Thee A Forward, (Twisted, Deceitful ~ False And Dishonest Speech), Mouth, And Perverse Lips, {Willful And Contrary Talk}, Put Far From You.

{See Confess, Meaning To Say The Same Thing As}.


Give Attention

I Base This On This Four-Fold Revelation, That I Got From Mark 4:20.

My Child, {Could Be A Son or A Daughter ~ Now We Know That This Is Your Father Talking, And Your Father Wants What Is Best For You).

Give Attention To My WORDS.  Pay Attention To Detail Here, Incline Your Ear To My Sayings,” [Tilt Your Body And Lean In So That You Can Hear Better]    Let Me Give You An Example.  Once My Father And Two Brothers, And I Were Sitting On A Sofa Watching TV.  At That Time We Lived In A House About 100 yards From A Railroad Track.  The Trains Would Come By And Rattle Our House Until Everything Was Shaking.  I Mean It Was Literally Earth-Shaking~!  The “Porcelain Ornaments”, And, “Whatnots”, Would Rattle On The Shelves, And It Was Very Intense~!  At First We Couldn’t Even Sleep, “But We Learn To Accommodate By Adapting, And We Can Get Used To The Dark If We Stay There Long Enough”.

Well, The Train Came By, And My Mother Was Trying To Get Our Attention To Let Us Know That Supper Was Ready, (I’m From The South - That Would Be Dinner, If You’re From The North).  Try As Hard As She Might, She Barely Got Our Attention.  The Noise Of The Train Was Not Even Enough To Bring Us To React.  We Had So Tuned Out The Background Noises, That We Were Oblivious To The World, And The Shouts Of My Mother Also.  We Can Do Yahweh That Same Way.


“Lean In” Close

Okay, Here Is An Example On The Positive Side.  Once, My Brother-In-Law Had Car Problems.  He Asked Me To Help Him Solve The Problem.  I Don’t Know Much About Motor Mechanics, But My Father Did, And He Always Tilted His Head Back, And Listened Until He Detected Where The Bad Sound Was Coming From, And Then He Identified The Bad Part.

My Father Was An Excellent Motor Mechanic, And I Had Watched Him Detect Where The Sound Was For So Long, That Even Though I Knew Little About Auto Repair, It Just Seemed Natural For Me To Try To Find The Bad Part By Listening, Like My Father Had Done.

So, I Had To Listen Hard, But I Could Barely Make Out One Sound That Didn’t Belong.  Clunking Sound.  My Brother-In-Law Was About To Close The Hood And Call A Repair Shop, But I Focused On That One Sound, Forcing Myself To Not Hear Anything Else, And That Drew Me To One Side Of The Car.  After Listening A Little While Longer, I Put My Ear Right Down As Close To The Engine As I Could, Then I Pointed To A Part Of The Car And Said, “That’s The Problem”.

My Brother-In-Law Replied, “That’s The Water Pump”.  I’m Glad He Knew What It Was Called.  My Brother-In-Law Replaced The Water Pump, And Everything Worked Fine.  I Had Correctly Located The Source Of The Car Trouble Without Knowing How A Car Worked, But By Listening Only.

I Did So, By Inclining My Ear, “My Child, Incline Your Ear To My WORDS”.   Not Like The Locomotive Train Example, But Fine-Tune Yourself To, “HearkenUnto My WORDS.


“Listen Up~!”

A High School Football Coach Will Gather Up His Team and Say, “Grab A Knee”, Which Means “Listen Up”.  All The Players Will Put One Knee On The Grass and Support Themselves With The Other Knee.  This Is Not The Most Comfortable Position; However, It Prevents Them From DayDreaming, As The Coach Is About To Give The Team The Play, And If They Do This Maneuver, They Will Be Victorious … But To Do The Coach’s Plan, They Are Going To Have To “Listen Up, And Pay Attention

1 Samuel 15:22 Says It Best, “And Samuel Said, Has Yahweh [As Great] Delight In Burnt Offerings And Sacrifices, As In Obeying The Voice Of Yahweh?  Behold, To Obey [Is] Better Than Sacrifice, [And] To Hearken Than The Fat Of Rams”. (Amplified Bible Classic Edition).  And Also In Proverbs 4:20-24.

07181 ~ Qashab {kaw-shab’} A Primitive Root; The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, [TWOT] # ~ 2084; v
AV - Hearken 27, Attend 10, Heed 3, Hear 2, Incline 1, Marked 1, Regarded 1, Mark Well 1.

1) To Hear, Be Attentive, Heed, Incline (Of Ears), Attend (Of Ears),
Hearken, Pay Attention, Listen
1a) (Qal) Incline, Attend (Of Ears), Hearken, Pay Attention, Listen
1b) (Hiphil) To Pay Attention, Give Attention

1To Hear”, “Be Attentive”, “Heed”, “Incline”, (Of Ears), Attend (Of Ears), Hearken”, “Pay Attention”, “Listen
1a  (Qal) Incline, Attend (Of Ears), Hearken, Pay Attention, Listen
1b  (Hiphil) To Pay Attention, Give Attention

As You Can See, “Qashab” Is Translated More Times As Hearken Than As, “Attend”, “Heed”, “Hear”, or, “Incline”.  However, The Strong’s Concordance Number 07181, Used Here As Hearken, Is The Same Strong’s Concordance Number Found In Proverbs 4:20 For The Word, “Attend” or, “Incline”, (Depending On The Translation Used).  The Douay-Rheims Bible Translation Says, “Hearken” Instead Of, “Pay Attention”.  Note That The Word “Hear” Has The Word “Ear” In It~!  “HEar”~!  I Heard An Another Illustration That Will Make You Never Forget What “Hearken” Means; As I Heard A Famous Preacher Named “Ken” Say That “Hearken” Stands For “Hear Ken”.

An Illustration Of This Can Be Seen With A Dog or Cat.  Notice That In The Definition There Was Made Mentioned, “Of Ears”, Three Times.  {“Incline”, (Of Ears), “Attend”, (Of Ears), “Hearken”, “Pay Attention”, “Listen”, (Of Ears)}.  This Means To, “Prick Up The Ears”, Much Like A Deer, Cow, Horse, Dog or A Cat Do, When A Troublesome Sound Is Heard And They, “Incline” Their Ear In The Direction Of The Noise.  But, Humans Don’t Flair Our Ears Out As Much When We Listen, But Like Two Parents Talking And The Child Wants Something, We Stop The Conversation And Turn Towards The Child And Look Down and Sometimes Bend Down To Into Their Eyes To Give Attention To Them.

I First Got This Analogy From Bill Gothard.  The Word, “Hearken” or, “Pay Attention” Used In 1 Samuel 15:22 Above Comes From A Hebrew-Chaldee Origin, And Here Is Its Definition: A Primitive Root; To, “Prick Up The Ears”.  Like A Deer In The Woods, When The Deer Hears And Suddenly Detects A Sound or A Noise; Perhaps It Is Someone Stepping On A Twig, And Making A Snapping Sound.  The Deer Doesn’t Just Keep On Grazing On Clover, And Ignore The Sound.

The Deer Will Stop Abruptly.  Their Head Will Turn Towards The Sound or Lend Towards, or, “Incline”, And Their Ears Will Flair Out And, “Incline” Towards The Direction The Sound Came From, And May Even Wiggle Their Ears Trying To Fine Tune And Isolate Where And What Direction That Noise Has Come From, (It Could Be From A Fallen Limb, or It Could Raise An Alarm).  The Buck or The Doe’s Ears Prick Up, Ready To Go Into Flight~!  If There Is Even The Slightest Noise To Follow, That Deer Will Be Gone Before You Can Say, “Where’d He Go?”.  They Are Stayed On Alert, Ready For Flight If Danger Is Present~! That’s Extremely Attentive.  That’s, “Inclining Your Ear”. That’s Really, “Paying Attention”.

This Is How We Should Be Towards A Fear Of Yahweh.  Ever Listening, Ready To Act On A Moment’s Notice~!


Yahweh’s Words Are Life~!

People From Australia Pronounce Isaiah As, “I Say Ah”.… Like The Animated Cartoon Character Foghorn Leghorn Says, “I Say, I Say, I Say, Pay Attention Son”

So Isaiah 55:11, (So Shall My Word Be That Goes Forth Out Of My Mouth: It Shall Not Return Unto Me Void, But It Shall Accomplish That Which I Please, And It Shall Prosper In The Thing Whereto I Sent It).  How Do We Return His Words To Yahweh?  See Psalm 103:20-21 For A Big Clue or Click On This Link, About Our Voice That Is Spoken~!

Unlike The Garbage Trucks In Key West or The Man Selling The Mule, Yahweh Intends For His Words To Work.  They Are Our Promises.  We Overcome By The Blood Of The Lamb And The Word Of Our Testimony.  Let Them Not Depart From Your Eyes.  Get Some Of Yahweh’s Word And Some Of The Testimonies Of Old Down Into Your Heart.  Why?  Why Is It Important For Us To Attend To Yahweh’s Words?

Proverbs 4:22-24
22 For They [ARE] LIFE To Those Who Find Them, And Health To ALL Their Flesh.
23 Keep Your Heart With ALL Diligence, For Out Of It [Spring] The Issues Of Life. 
24  Put Away From Thee A Forward, (Deceitful), Mouth , And Perverse Lips Put Far From Thee.

For They ARE LIFE~!   Take Yahweh’s Word For What It Says. THEY ARE LIFE~!   Not, They Are Like Life, or They Help Build Life, But THEY ARE LIFE~! ~ “However A Condition Is Set, They Are Only LIFE To Those That Find Them~!


Every Word That Proceeds From The ‘Mouth’ Of Yahweh

Matthew 4:4.  But He Answered And Said, “It Is Written, ‘Man Shall Not Live By Bread Alone, But By Every Word That Proceeds From The Mouth Of Yahweh.’”

Luke 4:4.  But Yahoshua Answered Him, Saying, “It Is Written, ‘Man Shall Not Live By Bread Alone, But By Every Word Of Yahweh’”.

I Like To Take Yahweh’s Word Literally.  “Man SHALL NOT LIVE”, By Bread Alone.  Period.  End Of Story.  That’s It.  MAN SHALL NOT LIVE”, By Bread Alone, BUT By EVERY WORD OF YAHWEH.

I Don’t Just Mean To Limit That To The Written Word Of Yahweh.  Yahoshua Himself Said, “And The Father Himself, Who Sent Me, Has Testified Of Me.  You Have Neither Heard His Voice At Any Time, Nor Seen His Form.  But You Do Not Have His Word Abiding In You, Because Whom He Sent, Him You Do Not Believe.  You Search Yahweh’s Word, For In Them You Think You Have Eternal Life; And These Are They Which Testify Of Me.  But You Are Not Willing To Come To Me That You May Have Life, (John 5:37-40).

Yahweh’s Words Spoken To Me By The Holy Ghost In The Privacy Of My Heart Are LIFE~!


So How Do We Change?
{What Are The Practical Applications Of Yahweh’s Word?}

 So, If I Were You, I’d Find All The Words In The Scriptures About Healing, Because Yahweh Said, “MY WORDS” Are Healing To All Your Flesh~!  I’d Make This A Required Reading… It’s Not Important Right Now That You Encourage Others, So Just Wean Off FaceBook For A While, And Concentrate On, “Yahweh’s Words”; For They Are Life To ALL Your Flesh. Here’s Where I Put Together All The Scriptures That I Could Find About Healing… (They Are Others Even Romans 12:1-2, That I Have Included).

I’d Look Up All The “Words” In The Scriptures, (For The “Words” Are Life To ALL Your Flesh), And I’d Make These Pages Required Reading.  Or You Can Use My Study Notes To Go Faster.  Either Way, Set Your Heart And Ears To Hear The Word Of Yahweh, And Follow The Holy Ghost~!


Change The Way You Talk~!

Psalm 34:1,19,
1 I Will Bless Yahweh At ALL Times; His Praise Shall Continually Be In My ‘Mouth’
19 Many Are The Afflictions Of The Righteous, But Yahweh Delivers Him Out Of Them ALL.

{You Can’t Have Deliverance Apart From Your Mouth And What You Are Saying…
These Two Verses Are In The Same Chapter And Refer To The Same Occurrence}.

Though I Walk In The Flesh, I Do Not Warfare In The Flesh.  Our Weapons Are The One That Are Mighty To Yahweh To The Pulling Down Of Strongholds And Arguments, And Imaginations, (1 Corinthians 10:2-5).  Strongholds Are Thoughts And Patterns Of Thinking, Mind-Sets, And Paradigms.  Even So, Yahweh Told Me That When His Word Says To Guard My Heart Above ALL Else, (Proverbs 4:20-24; Psalm 101:3-4), That We Are To Be Careful For What We Watch, What We See, And What We Hear.

Keep And Guard Your Heart With ALL Vigilance And Above ALL That You Guard, For Out Of It Flow The Springs Of Life, (Proverbs 4:24).

But What About Those Times When The d-Evil One Puts Thought-Bombs In Our Head, Trying To Get Them Into Our Heart, Here Is How We Take Thoughts Captive.  We Have To Open Our Mouth.  Suppose, I Were To Tell You To Start Singing In Your Head, “Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer”.

Now, Sing Only To Yourself On The Inside Of You, “Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer”  Start Singing This In Your Mind Until You Get Down To The Chorus, But This Time Right In The Middle Of The Song, Say Out Loud, (And Make Sure That You Say It Out Loud), Say, “Yahoshua Is My Lord Forever More”.  Then Come Back To This Writing… I’ll Wait Here.  What Happened?

Were You Able To Keep Up In Your Mind Where The Song Was?  Did Your Mind Pause or Skip A Word, And When You Returned To Your Mind, Did Your Mind Pick Up From Where The Song Should Have Been, or Did You Go Back To Where You Last Left Off The Song?  I Know That Your Mind Had To Stop, And Pay Attention To What Your Voice Was Saying.  This Is How We Take ALL Thoughts Captive.


We Use Our Voice~!

When d—Evil One Comes In, Like A Flood Of Yahweh’s Word Flowing Out Of You, (Isaiah 59:19).  You Stop And Say What Yahweh Has Told You In His Word.  By The Way, Why Do We Know ALL The Words To, “Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer”, And, “T’Was The Night Before Christmas, And ALL Through The House”… And Don’t Know As Much About What Yahweh’s Word Says… (Roman 10:8 Says That We Get Stuff Down Into Our Hearts First By Using Our Voice, And That’s How We Got, “Poor Rudolph”, Down In Our Hearts; By Having It Sung Out Loud To Us By The Lips Of Others).

Then After It’s In Our Hearts, It Works In Reverse, And What’s In Our Hearts Then Comes Out Of Our Mouth, (See Matthew 12:34-35; Mark 11:23; Romans 10:9-10; Deuteronomy 30:9-19).  So, Maybe We Should Sing Scripture, Especially In The Areas That We Are Struggling With And Need To Renew Our Minds In.  You Might Need To Make Up A New Song.  Psalms Were Originally Designed To Be Sung…

We Are To Use Our Voice~!  Can I Back That Up In The Word Of Yahweh?  Most Certainly, I Can.  Yahoshua Said Five Times In Ten Verses To, “Take No Thought”, (Matthew 6:25-34), And Right In The Middle Of These Verses, Yahoshua Further Explained That We Take Thoughts By Saying, By Talking Out Loud, (Matthew 6:25-31), Where He Said, “Take No Thought, Saying.  If You Say Out Loud That Which d—Evil One’s Planted Into Your Mind, Then You Have Taken A Thought, But Not Captive.  However, We Can Interrupt Negative Thoughts As Well.  Sing This Inside Of You, “They Never Let Poor Rudolph Join In Any Reindeer Games”.  When You Get To The Poor Rudolph, Interrupt Yourself and Say Out Loud, “Yes Yahweh”.  What Happened To Your Internal Singing?  It Had To Stop And Pay Attention To Your Mouth.


Say What The Word Of Yahweh Says About Your Situation~!

Isaiah 59:19 ~ When d—Evil One Comes In, Like A Flood Of Yahweh’s Word Flowing Out Of You, You Stop And Say What The Voice Of Yahweh Has Said, (Either Written or Spoken).  Your Mind Has To Stop And Listen To Your Voice.  It Has To~!  You Have Stopped or Arrested That Thought.  Remember Interrupting, “Poor Rudolph”, And Saying, “Yes Yahweh”, {And Don’t Be Poor No More}.

So, The Next Time You Hear Yahweh Say, “Go Down This Lane”, When Looking For A Parking Space At Wal-Mart, Stop And Reply Out Loud Back Saying, “I Will Go Down This Lane”.  This Will Prevent Your Mind From Receiving A Thought And Your Own Thoughts, or The Devil’s Saying With A Forward Mouth, Something Like, “Aw, But There Are No Parking Places In This Lane”.

Learn To Revere Yahweh’s Spoken Word, As Well As Yahweh’s Written Word.  By Saying Things Out Loud, You Will Quench The Thoughts, And Take Them Captive Unto The Knowledge Of Yahweh.  You Will Begin To Have A Fear Of Yahweh, And You Will Have Good Success, With Victory Meeting You At Every Step, (Isaiah 41:2; Amplified Bible Classic Edition).  (Bonus ~ Read Isaiah 46:9-11).


Spend Time In Yahweh’s Word~!

I Went By A Nursing Home A While Back.  What I Saw Was An Old Lady, Gasping With Her Mouth Trying To Breathe Normally.  She Looked Healthy In Every Way, Except She Was Old And Wrinkled Up, And She Was Having A Hard Time With Her Body.  I Wondered To Myself Had She Fed Herself Well, And Neglected The Part That She Needed The Most To Endure Life?

Had She Had Much Life Left In Her?  She Looked Like She Was Going To Die Any Second.  I Wondered If This Was Because In Her Diet, She Had Not Included Yahweh’s Word.  Did She Neglect To Spend Time In Yahweh’s Word?  Man Shall Not Live By Bread Alone, But By Every Word That Proceeds From The Mouth Of Yahweh.  I Left Not Knowing.

I Found That Every Day, If Someone Asks Me How’s Work Going; And If I Reply Something To The Effect That I Am Covered Up In Work, “Then I Come Back To My Office To Find That I Am.  If I Answer Hectic or Frustrated Then I Come Back To Find Frustrations Await Me On My Hectic Ride.

Well, That’s The Way It Is.  It Is A Hectic, Frustrating Day.  What Would You Have Me Do?  Lie?  I Ran Across Yahweh’s Word One Day As I Pondered Yahweh’s Law Into My Heart.  I Read In Proverbs 30:8-9, “Remove Far From Me Vanity And Lies: Give Me Neither Poverty Nor Riches; Feed Me With Food Convenient For Me: Lest I Be Full, And Deny [Thee], And Say, Who [Is] Yahweh?  Or Lest I Be Poor, And Steal, And Take The Name Of My God [In Vain]”.



I Am Reminded Of The Story Of Goldilocks And The Three Bars.  There Was Always One Chair, or One Soup or One Bed That Was Just RIGHT.  Not Too Much, And Not Too Little.

So, After Reading Proverbs 30:8-9, When Folks Would Ask Me How’s My Day Going.  I Don’t Spout Off, “Well, I’m As Busier Than A Hound Dog With 60 Rabbits”, Nor Do I Say, “Things Are So Dry That I Could Dehydrate”.

Proverbs 30:8-9.
8 Remove Far From Me Vanity And Lies: Give Me Neither Poverty Nor Riches; Feed Me With Food Convenient For Me:
9 Lest I Be Full, And Deny Thee, And Say, Who Is The Lord? or Lest I Be Poor, And Steal, And Take The Name Of My God In Vain.

THINGS ARE Just RIGHT~!  Not So Bothersome That I Am Annoyed, And Not So Dull That I Bored, But Just Right, And You Know What?   Things Began Being Steady And At A Manageable Pace; Exactly The Way That I Was Saying It As, “Just Right”.  And I Am A Diligent Man, Not Overdoing It ALL In One Day, or Being Slack And Watching The World Go By; But, I Am Constant And Consistently Doing The Work That Is Set Before Me As I Go About My Way And My Work Is Not Overwhelming, But “Just Right”, With The Right Amount Of Breaks~!

Whatever You Believe In Your Heart And Say With Your Mouth Causes It To Happen Just That Way~!

  • Keep Your Heart With ALL Diligence, For Out Of It [Spring] The Issues Of Life, (Proverbs 4:23).

And Whatever Is In Your Heart Will Come Out Your Mouth~!  Luke 6:45 ~ “A Good Person Out Of The Good Treasure Of Their Heart Brings Forth Good; And An Evil Person Out Of The Evil Treasure Of Their Heart Brings Forth Evil.  For Out Of The Abundance Of The Heart Their Mouth Speaks”.

Mark 11:23 ~ “For Assuredly, I Say To You, Whoever Says To This Mountain, ‘Be Removed And Be Cast Into The Sea,’ And Does Not Doubt In Their Heart, But Believes That Those Things You SAY Will Be Done, “You Will Have What You Say~!


Folks Shall Not Live By Bread Alone,

So Get Your Heart Right By Giving Attention To Yahweh’s Words. Inclining Your Ear And Your Heart To What Yahweh Says, No Questions Asked.  Place Them Before You.  Sing Them Aloud.  Chat Them ~ Pray Them; But, Say Yahweh’s Word Aloud.  Let Your Own Self Hear You Saying Yahweh’s Word.

Proverbs 4:20-23 (NKJV)
20 My Child, Give Attention To My WORDS; “Incline Your EarTo My Sayings.
21 Do Not Let Them Depart From Your Eyes; Keep Them In The Midst Of Your Heart;
22 For They Are Life To Those Who Find Them, And Health To ALL Their Flesh.
23 Keep Your Heart With ALL Diligence, For Out Of It Springs The Issues Of Life.

Verse 21 Could Be Transliterated, Stick Them On The Bathroom Mirror, On The Refrigerator, Have Them In The Car On Index Cards, Put Them In Your Closets; So, That You Can See Them As You Dress.  Put Them On The Television Screen… Why Not Cover Up The Television?  This Is At Least The 3rd Time I’ve Advised You To Post This On A 3” x 5” Index Card All Over Your Home And Car.  Have You Done It?

It Is Very Important To Know Yahweh’s Word~!


Do NOT Let The Words Of Yahweh “DEPART From Your Eyes~!”

Proverbs 4:20-21:
20  Do Not Let Them Depart From Your Eyes; Keep Them In The Midst Of Your Heart;
21  For They Are Life To Those Who Find Them, And Health To ALL Their Flesh

Proverbs 27:19 ~ As In Water Face [Reflects] Face, So An Individual’s Heart [Reveals] The Person.

Proverbs 12:23 ~ A Prudent Man Conceals Knowledge, But The Heart Of Fools Proclaims Foolishness.

Have You Ever Heard Someone Say, “I Did Something So Dumb. You Wouldn’t Believe What I Did”, And Then Go On To Tell You Their Folly.  A Prudent Man, A Wise Man, One Who Knows How To Spot Danger And Take Cover, Conceals Even What He Knows.  You Don’t Hear This Man Proclaiming What Yahweh Has Told Him, Unless Yahweh Tells Him To Do So.  But, A Fool Proclaims His Follies

How Are You Doing At Work?

You Find Proverbs 30:8-9, And You Decide, (Make A Solid Decision), To Trust That It’s So.

Does Your Faith Save You?  No~!  It’s The Grace And Power Of That Verse That Saves You.  But, It Is Your Faith That Trusts That What Yahweh Says He Is Faithful To Perform It, (Jeremiah 1:12).


Saved By Grace~!

Ephesians 2:8 For By Grace You Have Been Saved Through Faith, And That Not Of Yourselves; [It Is] The Gift Of Yahweh, (Amplified Bible Classic Edition)

We Are Saved By Grace.  It Did Not Say That We Are Saved By Christ.  See What I’m Getting At, (Enter Here To See Ephesians 2:8 In Multiple Translations).

I Think That It Was Because Of Christ That We Have Grace To Save Us, {John 1:16-17 ~ And Of His Fullness We Have ALL Received, And Grace For Grace.  For The Law Was Given Through Moses, [But] Grace And Truth Came Through Yahoshua, (The Messiah).  (Amplified Bible Classic Edition)}.

It Occurred To Me While Reading Proverbs 10:4,He Who Has A Slack Hand Becomes Poor, But The Hand Of The Diligent Makes Rich” (NKJV), (Also Proverbs 12:24; Proverbs 13:4).  I Had Been In Commission Sales, “That I Was Being Diligent, And Therefore I Would See Money Come In Abundantly.  After That Point, My Finances In Sales Soared.

It Came From My Heart

My Heart Changed Because Of What I Read In The Word, And I Know That I Will Be Successful, So I Have Relaxed In Attitude And That Relaxation Has Helped Me Get More Sales.  I Sold For One Week, Half Of My Sales Quota For The Entire Month.  I Have People Calling And I Answer The Phone And It Is A Major Ticket Item.  I Find Favor.  I Reaped Where I Did Not Sow.  And I Reaped Where I Did Sow.  I Have So Many Stories To Tell That You Won’t Believe Even One, Let Alone Every Day.


Have What You Say~!

I Was Saying That I Am Selling Like HotCakes, But That Got Hard To Keep Up With, Being That I Have What I Say~! Coming From My Heart.  So, Now I Say Everything Is So Normal.  Not Too Slow, And Not Too Much.  Slow And Steady, Steady, Steady… Synonymous With Consistent or Constantly Continually Flowing, But Not Devastating.

I Felt Like The Solutions For Success Came Hot Off The Press From Yahweh.  I Could Hardly Type Fast Enough As I Felt The Holy Ghost Talking.  I Made An Extra Effort Not To Put Additives To What Yahweh Was Telling Me, And To Make It Only Yahweh.  For I Had Read In Proverbs 30:6,Do Not Add To His Words, Lest He Rebuke You, And You Be Found A Liar”. (NKJV).

In The Past I Have Been Known To Quote Yahweh And Then Add My Interpretation Of My Mini-Years Of Insight Like The Stuff I Know About Light And Then Adding What I Think Yahweh Really Meant.  Of Course, What I Add Always Turns Out Wrong, And Then Nobody Wants To Buy The Whole Song And Dance Anymore.  They Think I Did Not Hear From Yahweh, When I Did, But I Just Added What I Thought Was Going To Happen, “Well, I Repent From Discrediting Yahweh, And I Am Even Not Putting Some Stuff Down On Paper, Unless I Hear Yahweh Say It’s Ok, When I Feel The Urge To Write Down Everything.  A Wise Man Holds His Tongue.  I Am Wise~!

Proverbs 5:2 ~ That You May Maintain Discretion And Your Lips May Preserve Knowledge. (NIV)

Proverbs 12:23 ~ A Prudent Man Keeps His Knowledge To Himself, But The Heart Of Fools Blurts Out Folly. (NIV)


Cares And Anxieties~!

Look At What Mark 4:19 Says.

Then The Cares And Anxieties Of The World, And Distractions Of The Age, And The Pleasure And Delight And False Glamour And Deceitfulness Of Riches, And The Craving And Passionate Desire For Other Things Creep In And Choke And Suffocate The Word, And It Becomes Fruitless”.

What Is Yahweh Saying In Mark 4:23-25.  Here’s An Example To Show You More Of What Yahweh Is Saying.  One Time, A Little Girl About 4 Years Old Came Over With Her Folks, And We Ate Pizza Out On Our Back Yard Concrete Patio.  I Put My Glass Of Red Kool-Aid In Between My Legs On The Floor.  It Was Safe, Because I Knew It Was There.

Without Warning This Young Girl Came Running Over To Me To Jump In My Lap.  I Said, “Wait, Wait, Wait”.  But, It Was Of No Use.  She Kicked My Glass Over And Broke The Glass And Spilled Red Kool-Aid On My Patio Concrete.  Then She Looked Up At Me As If To Say, “Oh, That’s What You Were Trying To Warn Me About”.


Ears To Hear~!

If Anyone Has Ears To Hear, Let Him Be Listening, And Let Him Perceive And Comprehend.  If You Want To Locate The Knock In A Car Engine, Then You Must Listen To Isolate The Sound, And Find The Problem.  One Week Later, It Doesn’t Profit Me To Come To Yahweh, And Say, Okay, I’m Ready Now To Listen.

In Verse 24, Yahweh Goes On To Say In Essence Is That What You Hear Now, Will Propel You On To Where You Got To Go, But If You Do Not Stop And Hear This, Then You Want Have The Necessary Plans To Keep What You Got, And Even That Which You Have Will Be Stolen From You.

As Long As You Are Still On The Planet, Then It’s Not Too Late.  It’s Only Too Late Once You Die.  I’m Sure The People In Hell, Can Now See Their Error In Not Trusting Yahweh, And They Would Like To Repent Also.  However, They No Longer Have That Option.

Even If You Have Missed Yahweh ALL The Way, or Missed Yahweh’s Best, or Missed Yahweh Part Of The Time, As Long As You Are Still On The Earth You Can Repent, (Which Means To, “Change Your Mind” To Yahweh’s Way Of Doing And Being Right).  I Choose This Day To Repent.

For Yahweh Is At Work Within You, Helping You Want To Obey Him, And Then Helping You Do What He Wants.  (Not In Your Own Strength), For It Is Yahweh Who Is ALL The While Effectually At Work In You—Energizing And Creating In You The Power And Desire—Both To Will And To Work For His Good Pleasure And Satisfaction And Desire.  (Philippians 2:13 ~ Amplified Bible Classic Edition).


Yahweh Will Strengthen Us~!

Yahweh Will Strengthen You, (If We Have The Testimony Of Two or Three Witnesses, Then That Word Is Valid, (Deuteronomy 17:6; Deuteronomy 19:15; Matthew 18:16; John 8:17; 2 Corinthians 13:1; 1 Timothy 5:19; Hebrews 10:28).  So Take A Look At How Many Times Yahweh Said In Yahweh’s Word That He Will Strengthen Us ~ By Clicking Here On These Verses ~ Or Reading The Scriptures Below… (Philippians 4:13; 1 Peter 5:10; Isaiah 40:30-31; 2 Corinthians 12:9-10; 2 Corinthians 13:9; Ephesians 6:10; 2 Timothy 2:1; Joel 3:10).

Philippians 4:13 ~ I Can Do ALL Things Through Christ, Who Strengthens Me.

1 Peter 5:10 ~ And May The God Of ALL Grace Who Called You To His Eternal Glory In Christ Jesus (After Suffering A Little While) Himself Thoroughly Prepare You. He Will Establish, Strengthen, And Provide A Foundation.

Isaiah 40:30-31 ~ 30  Even The Youths Shall Faint And Be Weary, And The Young Men Shall utterly Fall: 31  But They That Wait Upon Yahweh Shall Renew Their Strength; They Shall Mount Up With Wings As Eagles; They Shall Run, And Not Be Weary; And They Shall Walk, And Not Faint.

2 Corinthians 12:9 ~ 9  And He Said Unto Me, My Grace Is Sufficient For Thee: For My Strength Is Made Perfect In Weakness. Most Gladly Therefore Will I Rather Glory In My Infirmities, That The Power Of Christ May Rest Upon Me.  10   Therefore I Take Pleasure In Infirmities, In Reproaches, In Necessities, In Persecutions, In Distresses For Christ’s Sake: For When I Am Weak, Then Am I Strong.

2 Corinthians 13:9 ~ For We Are Glad, When We Are Weak, And You Are Strong: And This Also We Wish, Even Your Perfection.

Ephesians 6:10 ~ Finally, My Sisters And Brothers, Be Strong In Yahweh And In The Power Of His Might.

2 Timothy 2:1 ~ Thou Therefore, My Child, Be Strong In The Grace That Is In Christ Jesus.

Joel 3:10 ~ Beat Your Plowshares Into Swords, And Your Pruning Hooks, (Pruning Knives) Into Spears: Let The Weak Say, I Am Strong.

Enter Here To See More Words Of Encouragement About What Yahweh Says About Being Dismayed, (Saved By Grace ~ Part III).


The Beginning Of Knowledge~!

Proverbs 1:7

  • The Fear Of Yahweh Is The Beginning Of Knowledge, But Fools Despise Wisdom And Instruction.

Proverbs 1:29-33

29 Because They Hated Knowledge And Did Not Choose The Fear Of Yahweh ,
30 They Would Have None Of My Counsel And Despised My Every Rebuke.
31 Therefore They Shall Eat The Fruit Of Their Own Way, And Be Filled To The Full With Their Own Fancies.
32  For The Turning Away Of The Simple Will Slay Them, And The Complacency Of Fools Will Destroy Them;
33  But Whoever Listens To Me Will Dwell Safely, And Will Be Secure, Without Fear Of Evil”.

Proverbs 8:13

  • The Fear Of Yahweh Is To Hate Evil: Pride, And Arrogance, And The Evil Way, And The Froward Mouth, Do I Hate.

Proverbs 14:26-27

  • In The Fear Of Yahweh Is Strong Confidence: And His Children Shall Have A Place Of Refuge.

  • The Fear Of Yahweh Is A Fountain Of Life, To Depart From The Snares Of Death.

Proverbs 22:3-4

  • A Prudent Man ForeSees The Evil, And Hides Himself: But The Simple Pass On, And Are Punished.

  • By Humility And The Fear Of Yahweh Are Riches, And Honor, And Life.


Accept My Words~!

Proverbs 2:1-9
1 My Child, If You Accept My WORDS And Store Up My Commands Within You,
2 Turning Your Ear To Wisdom And Applying Your Heart To Understanding,
3 And If You Call Out For Insight And Cry Aloud For Understanding,
4 And If You Look For It As For Silver And Search For It As For Hidden Treasure,
5 Then You Will Understand The Fear Of Yahweh , And Find The Knowledge Of Yahweh.
6 For Yahweh Gives Wisdom; From His Mouth Come Knowledge And Understanding;
7 He Stores Up Sound Wisdom For The Upright; He Is A Shield To Those Who Walk Uprightly;
8 He Guards The Paths Of Justice, And Preserves The Way Of His Saints.
9 Then You Will Understand Righteousness And Justice, Equity And Every Good Path.

Proverbs 8:12-13
12 I, Wisdom, Dwell With Prudence, And Find Out Knowledge And Discretion.
13 The Fear Of Yahweh Is To Hate Evil; Pride And Arrogance And The Evil Way And The Perverse Mouth I Hate.

Proverbs 9:10-11
10 The Fear Of Yahweh Is The Beginning Of Wisdom, And The Knowledge Of The Holy One Is Understanding.
11 For By Me Your Days Will Be Multiplied, And Years Of Life Will Be Added To You.


Prolong Days~!

Proverbs 10:27-30
27 The Fear Of Yahweh Prolongs Days, But The Years Of The Wicked Will Be Shortened.
28 The Hope Of The Righteous Will Be Gladness, But The Expectation Of The Wicked Will Perish.
29 The Way Of Yahweh Is Strength For The Upright, But Destruction Will Come To The Workers Of Iniquity.
30 The Righteous Will Never Be Removed, But The Wicked Will Not Inhabit The Earth.

Proverbs 14:26-27
26 In The Fear Of Yahweh There Is Strong Confidence, And His Children Will Have A Place Of Refuge.
27 The Fear Of Yahweh Is A Fountain Of Life, To Turn One Away From The Snares Of Death.

Proverbs 15:16
16 Better Is A Little With The Fear Of Yahweh , Than Great Treasure With Trouble.

Proverbs 15:31-33
31 The Ear That Hears The Rebukes Of Life Will Abide Among The Wise.
32 He Who Disdains Instruction Despises His Own Soul, But He Who Heeds Rebuke Gets Understanding.
33 The Fear Of Yahweh Is The Instruction Of Wisdom, And Before Honor Is Humility.


Mercy And Truth~!

Proverbs 16:6-7
16 By Mercy And Truth Iniquity Is Purged: And By The Fear Of Yahweh Men Depart From Evil, (KJV)
In Mercy And Truth Atonement Is Provided For Iniquity; And By The Fear Of Yahweh One Departs From Evil, (NKJV)
17 When A Person’s Ways Please Yahweh, They Make Even Their Enemies To Be At Peace With Them.

Proverbs 19:23
23 The Fear Of Yahweh Leads To Life, And He Who Has It Will Abide In Satisfaction; He Will Not Be Visited With Evil.

Proverbs 22:4
4 By Humility And The Fear Of Yahweh Are Riches And Honor And Life.

Proverbs 23:17-19
17 Do Not Let Your Heart Envy Sinners, But Be Zealous For The Fear Of Yahweh ALL The Day;
18 For Surely There Is A Hereafter, And Your Hope Will Not Be Cut Off.
18 Hear, My Child, And Be Wise; And Guide Your Heart In The Way.


Do What Yahweh Says To Do~!

Isaiah 11:3 Is A Working Description Of A Fear Of Yahweh … To Do What Yahweh Says To Do, When He Says To Do It, Without Having To Understand It With Our Mind or What We Can See or What We Can Hear~!

Isaiah 11:3 ~
Their Delight Will Be In The Fear Of Yahweh. They Will Not Judge By The Sight Of His Eyes, Neither Decide By The Hearing Of Their Ears.

I See The Fear Of Yahweh As This..  If An Adult Advises A Minor Not To Eat Something That This Adult Knows Will Cause Stomach Cramps, Such As Sour Ham, or Something So Simple Don’t Drink Orange Juice And Then Go Brush Your Teeth With Toothpaste.  Or Overeating, or Eating Salad And Vinegar And Then Drinking Milk.  Or Eating Dill Pickles With Chocolate, or Turning Up The Bag Of Corn Chips And Eating The Last Bit Where ALL The Salt Resides, And Then Wondering Why You’re Having Stomach Problems.  Ask Me How I Know All These Things.

Say That The Child Is Left Unattended, Without Adult Supervision, Left Only With Admonishment Of The Parent.  The Child Has The Option To Trust That The Parent Is Telling The Truth, And Refrain From Consuming That Product, Even Though He or She May Reason That They Have Eaten This Product Before Without Consequences, (Not Realizing That This Time He Has Already Consumed Something Else That Will Not Mix Well With This).

Or The Child Can Rely On His Own Understanding And Consume The Substance.  If The Child Does Not Heed The Warning, Then The Upset Stomach Will Happen, And This May Even Cause A Ripple Effect, (Delay In Going To School, Causing Parents To Be Late, or Other Obstructions That The Child Could Not ForeSee).


Experience Counts~!

Or Maybe, It’s Telling A Nine Year Old Child Not To Eat The Snacks Now, That They Need To Leave Room For The Real Food, And They Say, “I Can Eat Both”, And You Have To Throw Away What They Said That They Could Eat.

We’re Just More Experienced, From Having Done This Ourselves ~ At This Cause And Effect Routine, Going To Bed Real Late And Then Trying To Arise Early And Stay Awake ALL Day.  A Child Doesn’t Know or Believe That The Cause Will Affect Them, And That They’ll Be Able To, “Will Power, It Away.  Similarly, We Are A Child In The Way That The Kingdom Of Yahweh Operates.  There’s A Lot Of Stuff We Don’t Know, And Have To Trust Yahweh For.

So, To Me A Fear Of Yahweh, Is Not An Outright Fright Of Yahweh, But Rather A Respect And An Honor To Yahweh’s Word.  It’s Saying, Yahweh In My Own Understanding, I Don’t See Where This Is Wrong To Do Such And Such, or That It Will Hurt Me or Anyone Else, or I Don’t See Where This Will Profit Me To Do What You’re Saying.

But, Because I Trust That You Know More Than I Can Comprehend, And That You Can See The Far-Reaching Results Of This Action, I Will Trust You, And Because Of The Respect That I Have For Your Authority, And That You Are Superior To Me, I Am Going To Follow Your Course Of Action, (And This Includes The Following The Written Word Of Yahweh Such As In Proverbs And Other Places In The Scriptures).  More Simply Put, Trust The Unknown With What Yahweh Says Do.  It’s Like, It Would Take More Time To Explain It Than We Have Available, So Just Trust Me.

 (Read These Verse Instead And Allow The Holy Ghost To Talk To Your Heart, (2 Corinthians 7:15; Philippians 2:12).


Terms That We Can Understand~!

Here Is Something That I Heard Someone Say, And I Think This Puts The Fear Of Yahweh Into Terms That We Can Understand.

“Now, When I Talk About ‘The Fear Of Yahweh,’ Please Understand, I’m Not Saying You Should Be Afraid Of Yahweh.  He’s Your Father~!  You Should Be As Secure And unAfraid When You Come Before Him As A Child Who Knows He Is Dearly Loved.  But You Must Also Have So Much Respect For Him That Whenever He Reveals Something You Need To Do, You Do It Immediately—Even If It Goes Against Your Natural Desires.  That’s Walking In The Fear Of Yahweh”.

The Fear Of Yahweh Is Not Being Afraid Of Yahweh But Rather Respecting What He Says And Following That Course Of Action, Especially When That Choice Goes Against Our Own Rational Thinking.

1 Timothy 5:24, Colossians 3:6



The Fear Of Yahweh Bible References 1

Scriptures ~ New King James Version References
The Fear Of Yahweh Is The Beginning Of Knowledge, But Fools Despise Wisdom And Instruction. Proverbs 1:7
1  My Child, If You Receive My WORDS, And Treasure My Commands Within You, 2  So That You, “Incline” Your Ear To Wisdom, And Apply Your Heart To Understanding; 3  Yes, If You Cry Out For Discernment, And Lift Up Your Voice For Understanding, 4  If You Seek Her As Silver, And Search For Her As For Hidden Treasures; 5  Then You Will Understand The Fear Of Yahweh , And Find The Knowledge Of Yahweh.

6 For Yahweh Gives Wisdom; From His Mouth [Come] Knowledge * And Understanding.

Proverbs 2:1-6
The Fear Of Yahweh Is To Hate Evil; Pride And Arrogance And The Evil Way And The Perverse Mouth I Hate. Proverbs 8:13
The Fear Of Yahweh Is The Beginning Of Wisdom, And The Knowledge Of The Holy One Is Understanding. Proverbs 9:10-11



The Fear Of Yahweh Bible References 2

Scriptures References
So He Took A Yoke Of Oxen And Cut Them In Pieces, And Sent Them Throughout ALL The Territory Of Israel By The Hands Of Messengers, Saying, “Whoever Does Not Go Out With Saul And Samuel To Battle, So It Shall Be Done To His Oxen”.  And The Fear Of Yahweh Fell On The People, And They Came Out With One Consent. 1 Samuel 11:7
Then They Defeated ALL The Cities Around Gerar, For The Fear Of Yahweh Came Upon Them; And They Plundered ALL The Cities, For There Was Exceedingly Much Spoil In Them. 2 Chronicles 14:14
And The Fear Of Yahweh Fell On ALL The Kingdoms Of The Lands That Were Around Judah, So That They Did Not Make War Against Jehoshaphat. 2 Chronicles 17:10
“Now Therefore, Let The Fear Of Yahweh Be Upon You; Take Care And Do It, For There Is No Iniquity With Yahweh Our God, No Partiality, Nor Taking Of Bribes”. 2 Chronicles 19:7
And He Commanded Them, Saying, “Thus You Shall Act In The Fear Of Yahweh, Faithfully And With A Loyal Heart: 2 Chronicles 19:9
And To Man He Said, “Behold, The Fear Of Yahweh, That Is Wisdom, And To Depart From Evil Is Understanding”. Job 28:28
The Fear Of Yahweh Is The Beginning Of Wisdom; A Good Understanding Have ALL Those Who Do His Commandments.  His Praise Endures Forever. Psalm 111:10
The Fear Of Yahweh Is Clean, Enduring Forever; The Judgments Of Yahweh Are True And Righteous Altogether. Psalm 19:9
Come, You Children, Listen To Me; I Will Teach You The Fear Of Yahweh . Psalm 34:11



The Fear Of Yahweh Bible References 3

Scriptures ~ New King James Version References
The Fear Of Yahweh Prolongs Days, But The Years Of The Wicked Will Be Shortened. Proverbs 10:27
In The Fear Of Yahweh There Is Strong Confidence, And His Children Will Have A Place Of Refuge. Proverbs 14:26
The Fear Of Yahweh Is A Fountain Of Life, To Turn One Away From The Snares Of Death. Proverbs 14:27
Better Is A Little With The Fear Of Yahweh, Than Great Treasure With Trouble. Proverbs 15:16
The Fear Of Yahweh Is The Instruction Of Wisdom, And Before Honor Is Humility. Proverbs 11:2; Proverbs 15:33;
Proverbs 18:12; Proverbs 22:4;
James 4:6, 10; Proverbs 3:34
In Mercy And Truth Atonement Is Provided For Iniquity; And By The Fear Of YahwehOne Departs From Evil. Proverbs 16:6
The Fear Of Yahweh Leads To Life, And He Who Has It Will Abide In Satisfaction; He Will Not Be Visited With Evil. Proverbs 19:23
Because They Hated Knowledge And Did Not Choose The Fear Of Yahweh, Proverbs 1:29
The Fear Of Yahweh Is The Beginning Of Knowledge, But Fools Despise Wisdom And Instruction. Proverbs 1:7
By Humility And The Fear Of Yahweh Are Riches And Honor And Life. Proverbs 22:4
Do Not Let Your Heart Envy Sinners, But Be Zealous For The Fear Of YahwehALL The Day; Proverbs 23:17


Sevenfold Spirit Of Yahweh~!

I Pray For You That The Sevenfold Spirit Of Yahweh Would Rise Up In You And Give You.

The Spirit Of Yahweh (Love)
The Spirit Of Wisdom
The Spirit Of Knowledge
The Spirit Of Understanding
The Spirit Of Counsel
The Spirit Of Power
The Spirit Of The Fear Of Yahweh

 These Spirits Are Listed In Isaiah 11:2; Revelation 1:13, {Seven Spirits In Heaven}.

Don’t Be Afraid Scripture References:

Genesis 15:1;
Genesis 21:17;
Genesis 26:24;
Genesis 35:17;
Genesis 43:23;
Genesis 46:3;
Genesis 50:19;
Genesis 50:21;
Exodus 14:13;
Exodus 20:20;
Numbers 14:9;
Numbers 21:34;
Deuteronomy 1:21;
Deuteronomy 3:2;
Deuteronomy 3:22;
Deuteronomy 20:3;
Deuteronomy 31:6;
Deuteronomy 31:8;
Joshua 8:1;
Joshua 10:8;
Joshua 10:25;
Judges 6:10;
Judges 6:23;
Ruth 3:11;
1 Samuel 4:20;
1 Samuel 12:20;
1 Samuel 22:23;
1 Samuel 23:17;
2 Samuel 9:7;
2 Samuel 13:28;
1 Kings 17:13;
2 Kings 6:16;
1 Chronicles 28:20;
2 Chronicles 20:17;
Job 11:15;
Psalm 23:4;
Psalm 27:1;
Psalm 27:3;
Psalm 56:4;
Psalm 64:4;
Psalm 118:6;
Proverbs 3:25;
Isaiah 7:4;
Isaiah 8:12;
Isaiah 35:4;
Isaiah 41:10;
Isaiah 41:13;
Isaiah 41:14;
Isaiah 43:1;
Isaiah 43:5;
Isaiah 44:2;
Isaiah 44:8;
Isaiah 51:7;
Isaiah 54:4;
Isaiah 54:14;
Jeremiah 23:4;
Jeremiah 30:10;
Jeremiah 46:27;
Jeremiah 46:28;
Lamentations 3:57;
Ezekiel 3:9;
Daniel 10:12;
Daniel 10:19;
Joel 2:21;
Zephaniah 3:16;
Haggai 2:5;
Zechariah 8:13;
Zechariah 8:15;
Matthew 1:20;
Matthew 10:26;
Matthew 10:28;
Matthew 10:31;
Matthew 28:5;
Luke 1:13;
Luke 1:30;
Luke 2:10;
Luke 5:10;
Luke 8:50;
Luke 12:7;
Luke 12:32;
John 12:15;
Acts 27:24;
2 Timothy 1:7;
Hebrews 13:6;
Revelation 1:17;
Revelation 2:10;
Deuteronomy 20:1;
Joshua 1:9;
Joshua 11:6;
1 Samuel 28:13;
2 Kings 1:15;
2 Kings 19:6;

2 Chronicles 20:15
And He Said, “Listen, All Judah, And You Inhabitants Of Jerusalem, And You King Jehoshaphat. Yahweh Says To You, ‘Don’t Be Afraid, Neither Be Dismayed By Reason Of This Great Multitude; For The Battle Is Not Yours, But Yahweh’s.

The Battle Is Yahweh’s, (2 Chronicles 32:7-8), {But He Shares The Victory With Us~! “…And He Will Give You Into Our Hands(1 Samuel 17:45)} ~ 1 Samuel 17:47; 2 Chronicles 20:15; 1 Corinthians 15:57; 2 Corinthians 2:14; And Yahweh Will Fight For Us ~ Deuteronomy 1:30; 3:22; 20:4; Joshua 10:42; 23:3, 10; 2 Chronicles 20:29; 32:8; Psalm 35:1; Zechariah 14:3; Revelation 19:11-21).

(1 Samuel 17:47; 2 Chronicles 20:15; 1 Corinthians 15:57; 2 Corinthians 2:14); And Yahweh Will Fight For Us ~ (Exodus 14:14,25; Deuteronomy 1:30; 3:22; 20:4; Joshua 10:42; 23:3, 10; 2 Chronicles 20:29; 32:8; Psalm 35:1; Zechariah 14:3;

Proverbs 16:2, 7, 17, 25
2 All The Ways Of A Person Are Clean In Their Own Eyes; But Yahweh Weighs The Motives.
7 When A Person’s Ways Please Yahweh, They Makes Even Their Enemies To Be At Peace With Them.
17 The Highway Of The Upright Is To Depart From Evil.  He Who Keeps His Way Preserves His Soul.
25 There Is A Way Which Seems Right To A Person, But In The End It Leads To Death.

(1 Chronicles 28:20; 2 Chronicles 32:7; Proverbs 3:25; Proverbs 31:21; Isaiah 10:24; Isaiah 37:6; Isaiah 40:9; Isaiah 41:10-12; Jeremiah 1:8; Jeremiah 10:5; Jeremiah 42:11; Ezekiel 2:6; Joel 2:22; Joel 3:10;
Matthew 14:27; Matthew 17:7; Matthew 28:10; Mark 5:36; Mark 6:50; Luke 12:4; John 6:20; Acts 18:9; Ephesians 6:10; 1 Corinthians 16:13; Hebrews 11:23


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In Righteousness I Shall Be Established; I Shall Be Far From Oppression, For I Shall Not Fear; And From Terror, For It Shall Not Come Near Me. Isaiah 54:14

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