All Of Us Christians Together Are The Body Of Christ. Each One Of Us Is A Part Of That Body~!

(1 Corinthians 12:27)


Even So Send I You~!

John 20:21-23
Yahoshua Therefore Said To Them Again,
Peace Be Unto You: As The Father Has Sent Me,
Even So Send I You.

Luke 10:1-9
1 Now After This The Lord Chose And Appointed Seventy Others And Sent Them Out Ahead Of Him, Two By Two, Into Every Town And Place Where He Himself Was About To Come (Visit).
2 And He Said To Them, The Harvest Indeed Is Abundant [There Is Much Ripe Grain], But The Farm Hands Are Few.  Pray Therefore The Lord Of The Harvest To Send Out Laborers Into His Harvest.
3 Go Your Way; Behold, I Send You Out Like Lambs Into The Midst Of Wolves.
4 Carry No Purse, No Provisions Bag, No [Change Of] Sandals; Refrain From [Retarding Your Journey By] Saluting And Wishing Anyone Well Along The Way.
5 Whatever House You Enter, First Say, Peace Be To This Household~! [Freedom From All The Distresses That Result From Sin Be With This Family].
6 And If Anyone [Worthy] Of Peace And Blessedness Is There, The Peace And Blessedness You Wish Shall Come Upon Him; But If Not, It Shall Come Back To You.
7 And Stay On In The Same House, Eating And Drinking What They Provide, For The Laborer Is Worthy Of His Wages.  Do Not Keep Moving From House To House.
8 Whenever You Go Into A Town And They Receive And Accept And Welcome You, Eat What Is Set Before You;
9 And Heal The Sick In It And Say To Them, The Kingdom Of God Has Come Close To You.


Does Yahweh Have Favorites?

Yahweh Is No Respecter Of Persons, (Acts 10:34).

However, Yahweh Is A Discriminator Of Faith, Anyone Can Get This Favor… {Whosoever}, And Be His Favorite But Even Though God So Loved The World; But, Only Those That Believe In Yahoshua Are Going To Heaven, {They Found Yahweh’s Favor}; (John 3:15 ~ “That Whosoever, {No Respecter Of Persons}, Believeth In Him Should Not Perish, But Have Eternal Life”)..

Luke 18:8~
“Nevertheless, When The Son Of Man Comes, Will He Really Find Faith On The Earth?”

2 Chronicles 16:9 ~
9 For The Eyes Of Yahweh Run Back And Forth Throughout The Whole Earth,
To Show Himself Strong In The Behalf Of Them Whose Heart Is Perfect Toward Him.

There Was / Is A Favoritism Towards Faith …

Daniel 10:12b ~
I Have Come As A Consequence Of [And In Response To] Your Words.”

Daniel 11:32b
The People That Do Know Their God Shall Be Strong, And Do Exploits”.

Matthew 8:5-13; Luke 7:2-10 ~
8 But The Centurion Replied To Him,
Master, I Am Not Worthy or Fit To Have You Come Under My Roof; But Only Speak The Word, And My Servant Boy Will Be Cured”.
9 For I Am A Man Under Authority, Having Soldiers Under Me: And I Say To This Man, Go, And He Goes; And To Another, Come, And He Comes; And To My Servant, Do This, And He Does It.
10 When Yahoshua Heard It, He Marveled And Said To Those Following Him,
I Tell You The Truth, This Is The Greatest Faith I Have Found, Even In Israel”, (Luke 7:9).
11 Then Yahoshua Turned To The Centurion And Said, “You May Go Home.

Proverbs 3:4 ~ So You Will Find Favor And Good Success In The Sight Of God And MAN, {Humans}.

One Person Receives and Believes This Word Above At Proverbs 3:4 and Goes For A Job Interview and Gets The Job.  We Might Say That Person Found Favor.  But, The Holy Ghost Led Both Of Them To Yahweh’s Word and One Mixed That Word With Faith, (Hebrews 4:2); And The Angels Responded To That Word, (Psalm 103:21-22).  This Same Faith Is Available To All Believers In Christ, As Yahweh Is Not A Respecter Of Persons, Yahweh Does Not Discriminate About Who Can Use Faith and Who Can Not, {Read About The Syrophoenician Woman, A Woman from Canaan Land Who Was Not A Hebrew, But Yahoshua Said She Had Great Faith, (Matthew 15:21-28)}~!  So, If You Mix Faith With The Word Of Yahweh, Then You Will Find Favor With Yahweh, {God}, and Man, {That Others Won’t Find}.  Then, Since You Find Favor With God, It Could Be Said That You Are God’s Favorite~!

Luke 4:16-20
16 And As Was His Custom He Went To The Synagogue On The Sabbath Day, And He Stood Up To Read. 17 And The Scroll Of The Prophet Isaiah Was Given To Him.  He Unrolled The Scroll And Found The Place Where It Was Written, 18The Spirit Of Yahweh Is Upon Me, Because He Has Anointed Me To Proclaim Good News To The Poor.  He Has Sent Me To Proclaim Liberty To The Captives And Recovering Of Sight To The Blind, To Set At Liberty Those Who Are Oppressed, 19 To Proclaim The Year Of Yahweh’s Favor”.  20 And He Rolled Up The Scroll And Gave It Back To The Attendant And Sat Down, And The Eyes Of All In The Synagogue Were Fixed On Him.  21 And He Began To Say To Them, “Today This Scripture Has Been Fulfilled In Your Hearing”.

Ephesians 4:29 ~ Let No Foul or Polluting Language, Nor Evil Word Nor Unwholesome or Worthless Talk [Ever] Come Out Of Your ‘Mouth’, But Only Such [Speech] As Is Good And Beneficial To The Spiritual Progress Of Others, As Is Fitting To The Need And The Occasion, That It May Be A Blessing And Give Grace (Yahweh’s Favor) {Strong’s Concordance # NT:5485 ~ Favor Done Without Expectation Of Return; (From The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament © 1992 by AMG International, Inc. Revised Edition, 1993)} To Those Who Hear It.

Zechariah 2:8 ~ For Yahweh Of Armies Says: ‘For Honor He Has Sent Me To The Nations Which Plundered You; For He Who Touches You Touches The Apple Of His Eye.


Matthew 28:18-20
18 Yahoshua Came To Them And Spoke To Them, Saying, “All Authority Has Been Given To Me In Heaven And On Earth19 Therefore Go, And Make Disciples Of All Nations, Baptizing Them In The Name Of The Father And Of The Son And Of The Holy Spirit, 20 Teaching Them To Observe All Things That I Commanded You.  Behold, I Am With You Always, Even To The End Of The Age”.  Amen.

“The King Will Answer And Say To Them, ‘Truly I Say To You, To The Extent That You Did It To One Of These Brothers Of Mine, Even The Least Of Them, You Did It To Me’”, (Matthew 25:40)}.


The Saints Movement

It Is The Saints Movement, Where The Movement Is Going Out On To The Streets And Where We Prayed For One Another.

1) I Think That The Miracle Of The Oil Is The Signs & Wonder Drawing Card For Us To Hear Brother Johnny, Otherwise Probably Not Many People Especially From All Over The World Would Come To Hear Him Preach And Even Though He Is Like A Modern-Day John Wesley.

Mark 16:20 ~ They Went OUT, And Preached EVERYWHERE, The Lord Working With Them, And Confirming The Word By The Signs That Followed.  Amen.

2 Samuel 5:10; John 14:16; Acts 10:38; Hebrews 13:6 Says, “Yahweh Is My Helper; I Will Not Fear.  What Can Humans Do To Me?”  Not “I Am Yahweh’s Helper”.

2) Probably No One Would Be Interested In Hearing Me Preach Either, So I Think We Are To Duplicate What They’re Doing.  “Don’t Respect Giants More Than You Respect Yahweh’s Promises In His Word For Your Life”.

3) We Are To Talk About The Goodness Of God And What He’s Done In Our Lives And Talk About This Oil To The Lost Person And Just Tell Them The Story Of The Oil And That Yahweh Is Not Mad At You, And Let The Conversation Go From There.  So, I Only Let My Fingertips Dip Into The Oil And Then Went Back And Immediately Felt Like I Should Go And Give Sharon’s Some Of This Oil And Rub Oil On Her Hands And So I Held My Hands Up Like A Doctor or Surgeon Would Do.  But I Walked To The Back Where Sharon Was And I Turn My Hands Pointing Down And By The Time I Got There My Whole Entire Hands Were Just Covered With Oil And I Only Had To Gotten My Fingertips On The Oil.  Sharon Put Both Of Her Hands Out And She Got So Much Oil That She Thought That I Had Like A Container With Oil And That I Carried Oil. You Can See Me Going To Dip My Fingertips Into The Oil At 47 Minutes 23 Seconds Into The Video Clip Below & Coming Back From Getting The Oil At 47 Minutes 49 Seconds Into This Video Clip.

My Wife Had So Much Oil On Her That Her Whole Hands Got Covered Up With Oil And We Realized Later That This Was A Multiplication That Yahweh Created Oil From The Time That I Went From The Front To The Back Into Sharon’s Hands And Then Later Sharon Went Up Front And Dipped Her Hands In The Oil Personally Herself.

Psalm 145:9 That “Yahweh Is Good To All.  His ‘Tender Mercies’ Are Over All His Works.”, {Enter Here To Read More About The Compassion Yahoshua Showed}.  Notice The Gift Store Is Called “Grace 251”; & My Definition Of Grace, Is To Not To Box Them In, But To Give Them A Way Out… This Is Best Explained In Ephesians 4:29 ~ Let No Foul or Polluting Language, Nor Evil Word Nor Unwholesome or Worthless Talk [Ever] Come Out Of Your Mouth, But Only Such [Speech] As Is Good And Beneficial To The Spiritual Progress Of Others, As Is Fitting To The Need And The Occasion, That It May Be A Blessing And Give Grace (God’s Favor) To Those Who Hear It.  Enter Here To Learn More About Grace and The Words We Say.

 So, If 1 = X & 1 = Y, Then X Must = Y… If We Are Supposed To Talk About The Goodness Of God, & The Goodness Of God Equals The Fact That God Is Not Mad At You … Notice The 251 & 52:1 Psalm 52:1 Says, “The Goodness Of God Endures Continually” (KJV).

And It Is By “Grace” That We Are Saved By Faith, (Ephesians 2:8).

Mercy Is Not Getting The Bad You Deserve,
and Grace Is Getting The Good That You Don’t Deserve~!

Mercy Is Like Forgiving Your Past,
And Letting You Get In The Movie Theater When You Don’t Have A Ticket.
But, “Grace” Advances Your Future and Is Like You Get To Star In The Movie~!

4) Johnny Taylor Said The Harvest Is Ready…But We Are Not.  I Think I Caught This On The Morning Afterwards Having Breakfast At A Hotel Where We Had A Young Pakistan Girl Serving Us And I Went To Witness To Her And I Could Instantly Feel Her Pulling Away Knowing That If She Accepts What I’m Saying That It Will Make Her And Her Parents Be Enemies; But I Could Have Talked About Oil, or I Could’ve Talked About The Fact That God Is Not Mad With Her; And I Did Tell Her That God Loves Her And Wants To Be Her Father, But This Is Far As I Got.  But, Had I Talked About That When We Were Enemies God Loved Us And Talked About The Goodness Of God And The Oil I Believe She Would Have Listened To Me Because I Did Persuaded Her To Try Grapefruit Juice For The First Time In Her Life And Of Course It Yielded A Face Of Drinking Something Very Tart. 

It Is Us That Is Not Ready For When She Told Me That She Was Pakistani And I Wanted To Shun Her And Make The Symbol Of A Cross With My Fingers To Her… Get Back, Get Back, You Devil.  Some Of The Scriptures That Brother Johnny Used, (That Directly Apply To Witnessing To This Young Woman).

Romans 5:10 ~ For If While We Were Enemies We Were Reconciled To God Through The Death Of His Son, It Is Much More [Certain], Now That We Are Reconciled, That We Shall Be Saved (Daily Delivered From Sin’s Dominion) Through His [Resurrection] Life.

Colossians 1:21 ~ Once You Were Alienated From God And Were Hostile In Your Minds Because Of Your Evil Deeds.

But God, Being Rich In Mercy, 4 Because Of The Great And Wonderful And Intense Love With Which He Loved Us, 5 Even When We Were Dead In Our Trespasses, Made Us Alive Together With Christ—(By Grace You Have Been Saved),  6 And Raised Us Up With Him, And Made Us To Sit With Him In The Heavenly Places In Christ Yahoshua, 7 That In The Ages To Come He Might Show The Exceeding Riches Of His Grace In Kindness Toward Us In Christ Yahoshua; 8 For By Grace You Have Been Saved Through Faith, And That Not Of Yourselves; It Is The Gift Of God, 9 Not Of Works, That No One Would Boast, (Deuteronomy 4:31; 1 Peter 1:3; 1 John 3:1; Ephesians 2:4-8, 12)}.

Matthew 5:43-45 43 You Have Heard That It Was Said, You Shall Love Your Neighbor And Hate Your Enemy;
44 But I Tell You, Love Your Enemies And Pray For Those Who Persecute You,
45 To Show That You Are The Children Of Your Father Who Is In Heaven; For He Makes His Sun Rise On The Wicked And On The Good, And Makes The Rain Fall Upon The Upright And The Wrongdoers [Alike].

Luke 8:1-2 The Parable Of The Sower (Luke 8:4-15)(Matthew 13:2-23; Mark 4:1-20).
1 After This, Yahoshua Traveled About From One Town And Village To Another, Proclaiming “The Good News Of The Kingdom Of God”.  The Twelve Were With Him,
2 And Also Some Women Who Had Been Cured Of Evil Spirits And Diseases: Mary (Called Magdalene) From Whom Seven Demons Had Come Out;

Matthew 6:15 ~ But If You Do Not Forgive Others Their Sins, Your Father Will Not Forgive Your Sins.

Galatians 6:1-3, 10 Doing Good To All ~
1 Sisters And Brothers, If Someone Is Caught In A Sin, You Who Live By The Spirit Should Restore That Person Gently.  But Watch Yourselves, or You Also May Be Tempted.
2 Carry Each Other’s Burdens, And In This Way You Will Fulfill “The Law Of Christ”.
3 If Anyone Thinks They Are Something When They Are Not, They Deceive Themselves.

10 So Then, As We Have Opportunity, Let Us Do Good To Everyone, And Especially To Those Who Are Of The Household Of Faith.

 Here Is Why Abba Father Is Using Johnny Taylor And Why Yahweh Will Use You And Me…

Psalm 25:9 ~ He Guides The Humble In What Is Right And Teaches Them His Way, (NIV).

2 Corinthians 3:5
5 It Is Not That We Think We Are Qualified To Do Anything On Our Own.  Our Qualification Comes From God~!

Ability Yahweh Can Give You,
But Attitude Of The Heart,
He Can Not Give You~!

I Didn’t Think I Was Qualified To Work For Motorola And When TekSystems Called Me About The Job Interview; I Didn’t Even Go In January 1997; Even Though I Felt The Holy Spirit Telling Me To Go; Because I Thought, “I Don’t Know How To Do This Stuff And I’ll Just Look Bad And Get Fired”.  I Reasoned That TekSystems Was Just A Bunch Of Headhunters And They Make Money When They Can Match Up The Computer Geek Guy With A Job, {Which Is True}.  But It Might Not Mean That I’m Really Qualified, So I Dismissed It.

So, TekSystems Called Me Back In May 1997 And I Heard The Holy Spirit Tell Me Again To Go To That Job Interview And I Had To Take A Really Hard Test And The Test Asked Stuff Like How Close To A Diode Should A Resistor Be.

I Said To The Lord, “See, I Told You That I Don’t Know How To Do This Stuff~!” The Holy Ghost Dropped It Into My Spirit That Most Of The Answers To Multiple Choice Questions Are “C”.

So I Just Started Answering “C”, But Then I Would Feel LED To Answer “D” or “A” or “B”.  So, I Just Went With What I Felt Like Was Supposed To Be The Right Answer For These Multiple Choice Questions All The Way Down And Apparently I Did Real Well.  I Remember Meeting A Guy Also Taking The Test Named Wayne There And He Just Really Captivated My Attention And I Didn’t Know Why.  I Thought He Was Really A Smart Guy And He’s The Kind Of Guy That Should Be Hired Here, And Not Me.


Call Answered~!

Prior To This Time, I Had Worked At Boeing Computer Support Systems And I Don’t Even Know The Number Of Times That I Solved A Computer Problem When I Worked For Boeing Based On Something The Lord Had Showed Me And Not Of My Own Intelligence.  I Have A Word Of Knowledge Gift.

But I Believe I Was Called To Work At Motorola Because My Next Door Cubicle Mate Was Wayne Whom I Took The Test With; And He Was Heavily Into Pornography, And He Would Get Online With Lesbian Websites And Pretend That He Was A Girl So That He Could Exchange Pictures From Other Girls To Get Pictures Of The Girls He Was Chatting With.

Our Cubicles Were Only 4 Ft High So We Could Hear And See The Others And It Was Noisy All The Time With All Of Us Talking On The Phones.

And One Day Wayne Just Blew Up And Got Super Extremely Mad And So Loud That Everybody In Our Cubicle Space Of About 25 or 40 Of Us Got So Quiet You Could Hear A Pin Drop & Frightened And Didn’t Know What To Do, And I Let Him Get Completely Through With His Tyrant And Then I Turned To Him And Said, “Well Wayne If You Got Something To Say, Go Ahead And Say It, And Don’t Hold Back”, And Everybody Just Burst Out Laughing Including Wayne.  It Was A Stress Relief We All Needed.  I Very Often Quoted The Verses Out Of Proverbs That Says That I Have The Words Fitly Spoken At The Right Time That Avails Much Like Apples Of Gold In Settings Of Silver, (Proverbs 25:11; Proverbs 15:23).

I Always Believe That If I Had Not Been There To Calm That Storm That Wayne Would Have Gone Out To His Car And Got Some Sort Of A Weapon And Come Back And Killed A Lot Of People.



They Had To Work With High-End Motorola Modems And At The Time Windows 3.1 Was Just Coming Out And It Was So Difficult To Get The Dial Up Modems To Connect.

During The Same Period Of Time That I Turned Down This Job The First Time On My Own Computer At Home, Every Day I Was Going After Trying To Mess Up My Windows Connection And Then Try To Get It To Re-Establish And I Had To Put It On Different Interrupts And It Was Extremely Hard And It Didn’t Always Work And I Just Kept Doing It Over And Over Because I Liked A Challenge And I Was Determined To Become Good At Solving This Problem.

So, When I Finally Went And Interviewed And Took Their Test And Did Good On The Test By Using The Word Of Knowledge To Guess The Right Answers, I Got That Job At Motorola And Folks Would Call In With Windows 3.1 And Had Connectivity Issues With Their Dial-Up Modems And They Had These Other Clients With Business Modems That Were Very Sophisticated Modems And I Never Figured Them Out At All.


Deficiency Becomes An Asset~!

So, One Of The Business Modem Technical Support Staff Would Say Out Loud Over The Cubicles, “Oh Rats, I Got One Of Those Windows 3.1 Modems”; And At The Same Time I Would Have Just Have Received A Business Modem Call.

And I Would Say, “Hey, I’ll Take It If You’ll Take This Business Modem Call”, And We Would Swap And Trade Our Phone Calls.  I Would Put Them On Hold And Advise Them That I Had A More Experienced Expert That Would Solve Their Problem.  I Would Say Mine’s On Line Four And They Would Say Yours Is On Hold On Line One And We’d Swap.

It Got So When Anybody Had A Windows 3.1 Problem They Would Ask Me To Exchange With Them And I Became An Expert In That Field Only, While They Were The Experts In All The Other Modems Except That Field.

So That Was An Interesting Coincidence That The Lord Directed Me To Take That Job When I Didn’t Think I Was Qualified and From My Point Of View That Made Me Disqualified For All Aspects Of This Technical Arena.  I Wasn’t To Work On Commercial Modems, But It Turned Out That I Wasn’t The Only One That Had A Hard Time Setting Up Modems On Windows 3.1 and Instead Of Being A Zero, God Made Me A Hero and The Main Guy Solving The Windows 3.1 Modem Connectivity Issues.

Colossians 1:12
12 Giving Thanks To The Father, Who Has Qualified You To Share In The Inheritance Of The Saints In The Light.

2 Corinthians 3:5
5 It Is Not That We Think We Are Qualified To Do Anything On Our Own.  Our Qualification Comes From God~!


Letting Go & Letting God~!

After A Few Months, Motorola Came To Me One Day And Said They Had To Let Me Go Because They Were Making Budget Cuts.

I Really Didn’t Work For Motorola, As I Was A Sub-Contractor.   I Worked For TekSystems, (Which Was A HeadHunter Company Finding Jobs For Computer Geek Types).

Sub-Contractors Get Paid More Than Regular Employees, But We Didn’t Have Any Benefits Or Long Term Guarantees.  However, Since I Never Get Sick As I Believed For Healing All The Time, Then I Didn’t Need Their Benefits.

My Motorola Boss Was Very Remorseful And Told Me He Had That He Had To Let Me Go, And That If I Needed Any Time Off To Go For A Job Interview To Let Him Know.

But, Before I Preach Something To Somebody Else I Wanted To Prove Out Mark 11:24 That Says…

When I Decided That I Wanted To Know If (Mark 11:24), Was Valid Before I Preached It, “For This Reason I Am Telling You, Whatever You Ask For In Prayer, Believe (Trust And Be Confident) That It Is Granted To You, And You Will [Get It]”, (Mark 11:24, (AMPC)),  The Word, “Ask” Is Strong’s Concordance #G0154, And It Means Among Other Things To, “Demand,” (* See My Notes About That At The Bottom Of This Website).

My Supervisor Came By To Check On Me More Than Once In The Next Two Weeks And Repeatedly Asked Me If I Had Any Job Interviews Lined Up And He Was A Christian; So I Told Him I Was Believing Mark 11:24 For God To Give Me A Job.  He Tried To Be Understanding But As The Termination Date Drew Near, He Was Really Urging Me To Get A Job Interview.


Yahweh’s Word Proven True~!
“Every Word Of God Proves True;
He Is A Shield To Those Who Take Refuge In Him”,
(Proverbs 30:5).

On Purpose, I Didn’t Line Up Any Job Interviews, Because I Wanted To Prove Mark 11:24 Works And I Believed God Would Give Me A Job Without Me Even Missing A Day Of Work or A Paycheck.

My Job Ended Two Weeks After He Told Me That On A Friday And On Thursday Before That Friday, I Got A Call At 11:24 a.m. {I Had A Digital Clock That Would Convert To A StopWatch Timer The Moment I Picked Up The Phone.  I Was In The Habit Of Always Glancing At The Time Just Before I Answered The Phone Because The Time Would Disappear And Show The StopWatch Timer, And I Would Use This To Gauge How Long Of A Time I Was Spending With Folks.  The Time Struck Me Right Away And I Was Immediately Reminded Of Mark 11:24}.  Also, It Was Thursday, The 5th Day Of The Week, {Five Is the Number For Grace}.  It Was TekSystems And They Wanted Me To Go For An Interview At Intergraph For Tech Support On Video Cards, (I Was Doing Tech Support On Modems).  They Stipulated That I Had To Go Right Then and Meet With Them at 3:00 p.m.

I Had Been Trying To Get On At Intergraph For Four or Five Years And You Probably Never Even Heard Of That Company, But They Were Real Big In Huntsville.  I Went And Saw My Motorola Boss And He Said Go To The Interview, “Go”.

I Went To The Interview And The Potential Intergraph Boss Took Me Around From Desk To Desk To See If The Other Help Desk Techs Had A Warm Fuzzy Feeling About Me.  During That Time, I Saw A Certain Man, And I Knew That I Knew Him From Some Place, But Could Not Recall From Where.  TekSystems Called Me Back The Next Day And I Got Hired On Friday, My Last Day At Motorola And Would Start To Work On Monday.  I Didn’t Miss A Day’s Work Nor A Paycheck, {Just Exactly What I Prayed In Mark 11:24}.  Then On Monday, Larry Realized That I Was The Same Guy That I Had Gone To The Hospital To Pray For Him When He Had Got Hurt On A MotorCycle And His Mother Had Stayed At My Home.  Larry and I Became Close Friends.

I Believe My Real Assignment At Motorola Had Been To Keep Wayne From Going Ballistic, And I Had Completed That Assignment.

But The Interesting Thing Was I Still Working For The Same TekSystems Company As A Sub-Contractor For Intergraph And My Direct Deposit ~ Pay-Check Was Never Interrupted.



But, Still There’s More.   Years Before This Homeless Lady That No One Knew What To Do With Came To Huntsville, Alabama.  A Young Lady At Our Church Encountered Her At The Baptist Bookstore and Didn’t Know How To Handle Her.  So, This Young Woman Brought Her To Me, As I Was The Only One That She Knew That Was Also Spirit-Filled.  This Older Woman Said She Had Been In Chattanooga, Tennessee; And Heard The Holy Ghost Say That Her Son Was In The Hospital In Huntsville.  We Called The Hospital And Sure Enough Her Son Was In The Hospital.  We Went To The Huntsville Hospital Together And Prayed And I Knew There Were Two Angels Beside The Elevator At The Hospital, But I Didn’t Say Anything, {I Couldn’t See Them, But, I Knew In My Knower That They Were Two Angels Guarding The Elevator, (Genesis 32:1)}.  She Suddenly Got Excited And Said There Were Two Angels Guarding The Elevator, (I Think Yahweh Was Doing This For My Benefit So That I’d Know She Was Hearing From Yahweh). 

Her Son Had Been In A Motorcycle Accident And Seriously Injured His Knee.  But I Laid Hands On His Leg On His Thigh And On His Calf And Prayed For Him (Mark 16:17-18).  And She Danced Around And Raised Her Hands Like A Nut.

Then We Went As We Prayed For This Young Man, And Wouldn’t You Know It, The Chairman Of Deacon’s Wife At Southside Just Happened To Be The Head Nurse, (Gift Of Administrator Type); And Came In The Room After We Came, (Someone Probably Alerted Her That There Were Some Folks In There Dancing Around).  This Mother Started Acting Really Flaky After I Prayed And Laid Hands On This Young Man And She Started Jumping Up And Down And Full Of Joy And Excitement.

Southside Baptist Church Had Asked Me To Resign A Sunday School Class Because I Got Spirit Filled and To Resign As A Deacon.  They Were Concerned That I’d Start Speaking In Tongues And Teach Others To Do So Also.  They Had Been Watching Me Like A Hawk.  Every Week Someone Would Come To Me Requesting Prayer And We’d Go Into A Sunday School Room and Pray For Them And They’d Get Healed.  So I Wasn’t Really Too Happy About This Woman Acting So Strange.  So, After We Got Home And Ate, I Went Back To Check On This Young Man And Pray For Him In A More Private Setting.  I Got To The Hospital, (Less Than 2 Hours Later), He Was Gone And There Was Another Nurse In The Room.  I Asked Her What Happened To The Young Man.  She Said, “He Went Home”.  I Thought For A Moment She Meant He Died, Because It Was A Serious Injury To His Knee and They Were Considering Taking His Leg Off.  I Said, “But, I Just Prayed For Him”.  Then She Said, “I Guess He Got Healed, Because The Doctor’s Released Him”.  I Was Astonished~!

But, When I Went To Intergraph To Interview For A Job And They Took Me Around To Introduce Me To The Rest Of The Technical Folks, This Same Son, {Larry}, Was One Of Those That Had To Evaluate Me To See If They Had A Warm Fuzzy Feeling About Me.  He Told Me Later On, That He Had Gotten Healed After I Prayed For His Leg And The Doctor Dismissed Him.  Not That I’m The Healer, But I Am The Believer And I Believed Mark 11:24 & James 5:15.

Mark 11:24 Therefore I Say Unto You, Whatsoever Things You Desire, When You Pray, Believe That You Receive Them, And You Shall Have Them.

James 5:15 And The Prayer Of Faith Shall Save The Sick, And The Lord Shall Raise Him Up; And If He Have Committed Sins, They Shall Be Forgiven Him.


Yahweh Gave Me Favor~!
So Shall You Find Favor And Good Understanding
In The Sight Of God And People, (Proverbs 3:4).

Back To Motorola… During This Time I Was Not As Close To God As I Should Have Been And Was Tempted To Going Back To Just Being A Normal Average Everyday Christian or Worse, (Back Then When I Stood Up To Believe Stuff Like Mark 11:22-24; Mark 15:16-17; James 5:13-18.  I Became Very Unpopular In The Baptist Church, And Sometimes I Just Wanted To Fit In).

But While I Was At Motorola I Was In One Large Room With Several Cubicles With About 25 or 35 Of Us Sub-Contractors In There All Talking On The Telephone As We Were The Technical Support Staff Trying To Correct Problems With People’s Modems Having Connectivity Issues.

But There’s Another Part Of The Same Motorola Where Other People That Were Actually Employed By Motorola Worked.  And We Were Welcome To Walk Over There And Have Friends Over There.

Eventually, I Got A Desk In That Area Also And They Had Someone Screening The Calls And Would Route All The Windows 3.1 Calls To Me.  I Found Favor.  Instead Of Being Shown That I Didn’t Know What To Do, I Was Promoted and Given My Own Desk As The Hero That Could Solve Windows 3.1 Connectivity Problems.


Encouraged And Activated~!

And I Never Told Anyone I Was A Christian, But This Young Black Woman Suddenly Appeared In Front Of My Desk And She Had A Lot Of Unusual Confidence.  And She Told Me I Was A Christian And She Started Drawing Out The Gift That’s Within Me And Wouldn’t Let Me Just Go Back To Being A Normal Christian.

I Always Say She Activated Me.  She Would Bring Me Different Prayer Requests Every Day From Somebody In Her Church or Somebody She Knew And I Asked Her Why Are You Coming To Me? She Would Said, “Because You Are A Man Of God”.

So, Shortly After She Activated Me, I Even Went In The Bathroom Of That Section Of The Building When I Was Alone, And I Claimed Out Loud This Building For The Kingdom Of God In The Name Of Yahoshua Ha Mashiach And This Will Be A Place Where Yahweh Is Worshipped.

During That Time I Used To Listen To A Lot Of Hosanna~! Integrity Music, But I Didn’t Like Everybody That Worshiped.  I Only Liked A Few Handful And One Of Those Was “I’m Forever Grateful” Sung By Marty Nystrom.

Or “I Hear Angels” By Gerrit Gustafson.

Or Any Praise & Worship By Bob Fitts,

Or Rusty Nelson, {Take The City}.


“… Calling Into Existence The Things That Do Not Exist~!”
(Romans 4:17).

Well, Shortly After I Left Motorola, They Started Dismissing The Rest Of The Sub-Contractors And Motorola Moved To A Different Location.  I Always Thought It Was Interesting That I Was One Of The First That Got Dismissed, But It Was God’s Timing.  The Rest All Had To Compete Against One Another For Jobs Because They Got Dismissed All At Once.  Again, I Realized Later That I Had Found Favor With The Supervisor and I Was Let Go Ahead Of The Crowd.

Well, This Building Was Now Vacant And Rusty Nelson Had Moved Up From Gainesville, Florida To Come To Huntsville And Had Been Praying Over Everybody In The Phone Book And He Started A New Church In Huntsville Called The Rock And The First Place They Started Was The Exact Building Where Motorola Had Been Including The Bathroom Where I Had Claimed This Place For The Kingdom Of God.  Sharon And I Went And Visited ”The Rock” While They Were In That Building And Saw The Choir Singing Exactly In Front Of That Bathroom And It Was Kind Of Cool Because I Had Claimed That Place For The Kingdom Of God And Said “This Place Is A Place Where God Will Be Worshipped”, And It Literally Became That.

And Rusty Nelson Was One Of Those People That I Had Liked To Listen To On The Hosanna~! Integrity Worship Music Cassette Tapes.


Music Replaced~!

There’s Even More To This Story Than This Because When I Was On The Navy, I Used To Listen To A Lot Of The Beatles And Steve Miller Band And Anybody Else But When I Got Out Of The Navy And Moved To Mobile, Alabama, I Felt LED To Burn All Of My Secular Music Cassette Tapes According To Acts 19:19.

But I Asked The Holy Ghost Since I’m Sowing The Seed Of ‘Getting Rid Of Stuff You Don’t Like’, Then I Ask That You Provide Me Back With Good Praise Music That We Both Like And Hosanna~! Integrity Music Was Born Right Here In Mobile, Alabama With Don Moen Who I Also Like.  I Don’t Think That Was A Coincidence.

So All These Worship Leaders Also Including Eugene Greco And Ron Kenoly, And Lenny Leblanc From Muscle Shoals, Alabama; Started Singing With Hosanna~! Integrity Music At The Same Time That I Got Spirit-Filled And I Don’t Think That Can Be A Coincidence At All.

At Faith Chapel “Gerrit Gustafson” One Of The Praise Leaders From Hosanna~! Integrity Music, Called All The Singers To The Front.  I Felt The Holy Spirit Telling Me To Go Down There.  He Prayed For Our Voices And For Our Throats And Said That We Would Never Have Any Kind Of Throat Problems For The Rest Of Our Lives.  I Have Had Sore Throats Trying To Get On Me, But I Would Tell The Devil Talk To Gerrit Gustafson As He Prayed This And If You Got A Problem You Go Talk To Him About It or God, But Don’t Talk To Me About It And I Never Have Had Any Throat Problems And That’s Been Probably 34 Years Ago.


Passing Down The Healing~!

But Shortly After Rusty Nelson Came To Huntsville And Started “The Rock Church” In The Old Motorola Building; They Got A Better Building And Brother Rusty Would Preach Two or Three Times A Day And His Voice Went Out On Him, And I Went And Talked To Rusty After The Morning Service And I Said, “I Don’t Know How To Pronounce This Man’s Name And I Wrote It On A Piece Of Paper, ’Gerrit Gustafson’; {From Hosanna Integrity ~ “I Hear Angels”}.  Do You Know Him?”  Bro. Rusty Said, “Oh Yeah We’re Good Friends”.  {Rusty Had Also Sang With Hosanna Integrity, [Take The City]}.

I Told Bro. Rusty The Prayer That Gerrit Gustafson Prayed For Me; And How I Tell The Devil That If He’s Got A Problem Trying To Get Me To Have A Sore Throat or Any Kind Of Throat Problems, That I Always Go Back And Respond To The Devil And Say, “You Need To Go Talk To Gerrit Gustafson About This, Or Talk To God But Don’t Talk To Me About This”.  Then The Devil Leaves Me Alone; {Resist The Devil And He Will Flee From You, (James 4:7)}.

Rusty Received What I Was Saying About His Throat And I Asked If I Could Pray That Over Him.  He Said “Yes” & I Put Both Hands On His Hands And Prayed The Prayer Of Faith And Within A Month He Was Back To Preaching And His Voice Came Fully Back He’s Never Had Any Throat Problems Since That I Know Of.

But Still That’s Not All As My Good Friend & Prayer Partner Paul Jablonowski Had Moved Back To Atlanta, To Take Care Of His Father For A While.

But Paul Had Just Moved Back To Huntsville And Got A New Job And His Building Was Within 400 Ft Of My Motorola Building.  In Between Our Two Buildings Was A Nice Picnic Area With Picnic Tables Surrounded By Large Oak Trees And We Would Meet There Every Day For Lunch And Pray, And Sometimes We Would Bring Our Guitars And Play Out There Together.


Suppose That I Had Not Obeyed God and Gone To Motorola…

I Would Not Have Met That Young Black Woman, and A Lot Of Prayers Would Have Gone Unanswered.

I Would Not Have Claimed That Building For The Kingdom Of Yahweh and The Rock Would Have Had To Go Someplace Else.

I Wouldn’t Have Relayed The Message From Gerrit Gustafson To Rusty Nelson, Nor Prayed For His Loss Of Voice and He Would Have Missed Preaching Some Sermons Or Had Recurring Throat Problems.

Paul & I Would Not Have Praised Yahweh In The Park.

I Would Not Have Gotten The Job At Intergraph.

Wouldn’t Have Re-Connected With Larry.  Larry Was Taking Intergraph 21” Monitors Out Of Their Trash and Repairing Them and He Gave Me One.  I Would Have Had To Buy A Smaller Monitor.  Then Two Years Ago, and Some 25 Years Later, Larry Sent Me $500 Out Of The Blue Because He Just Felt The Lord Telling Him To.  At Intergraph, It Was Another Stepping Stone Where I Was Encouraged To Build My Own Computer.  I Have Now Built Probably 25 and None Of That Would Have Happened and Given A Lot Of Them Away, {and None Of Those Folks Would Be Blessed}.

And Most Importantly, Wayne May Have Hurt Some Folks~!


Mark 11:22-24 Examined

Mark 11:23 ~ “For Assuredly, ‘I Say To You’,* Whoever SAYS To This Mountain, ‘Be Removed And Be Cast Into The Sea,’ And Does Not Doubt In Their Heart,** But Believes That Those Things You SAY Will Be Done, “You Will Have What You Say~!

{Enter Here To Read More About Having What You Say}

Mark 11:24 Works.  They Are Not The Ones That Tell Me When My Employment Expires And Runs Out.  I Am And So Are You.

*“Therefore I Say To You, (Mark 11:23), Whatever Things You Pray, {To Ask, Beg, Call For, Crave, Desire, Require, or ‘Demand’ ~ The Same Word Used At Luke 1:63}, When You Pray, Believe That You Receive Them, And You Will Have Them,” (Mark 11:24).

The Word Used In Mark 11:24 For Ask Is From The Greek Strong’s Concordance # G0154.  This Is Like When You Are At The Supper Table And You Say, “Please Pass The Salt”.  It Could Be Interpreted That You Are Begging Because You Said ‘Please’, But It Would Be Understood That You Are Really Calling For, Desiring, Requiring’, Making A Request With The Understanding That They Will Do What You Are Asking For, A Demand, (You’re Placing A Demand On The Word To Do What It Said It Would Do).

Bonus: Most Translations Read At Mark 11:22 Reads, “Have Faith In God”.  However, This Should Have Read, “Have The Faith ‘Of’ God”.#

# The Genitive Tense Meaning of Theos, {God ~ <G2316>}, As Used In Mark 11:22 Is Possessive As In “Charlie’s Car”. But, It Could Also Be Said, “The Car Of Charlie”. “God’s Faith” or “The Faith Of God”. To Read More In-Depth In The Greek On This Subject Matter, Enter Here or Here:

  Same With Galatians 2:20 ~I Have Been Crucified With Christ, And It Is No Longer I That Live, But Christ Living In Me.  That Life Which I Now Live In The Flesh, I Live By Faith In The Son In God, Who Loved Me, And Gave Himself Up For Me”.  Should Have Read, “I Live By Faith ‘Of’ The Son Of God,” As The “In” Was Added By The Translators, (You Can Prove This With The Strong’s Concordance By Looking Up The Word, ‘Of’ And See Where It Is Used, And In The Middle Of The Book It Will Show In The Appendix Where ALL The Places The Prepositions Were Used, And Out Besides, ‘Of’ It Will Show Galatians 2:20).  {The Faith OF Yahweh, (Opens in A New Window) Enter Here For Proof That It Is Yahweh’s Faith}.

Since Yahoshua Said, “Most Assuredly I Tell You, He Who Believes In Me, The Works That I Do, He Will Do Also; And Greater Works Than These Will He Do; Because I Am Going To My Father”, (John 14:12).  Just Say, “Yahoshua Said It, So It Is So.  I Will Do Greater Works Than Yahoshua Did, Yahoshua Said It; And I’m Allowing His Faith To Flow And I’m Not Going To Trample On What He Put In Motion,” And Just Use The Faith Of The Son Of God~!

In Light Of That, I’m Saying It.  Your Job Will Not End.  Someone Is Going To Call You Up And Offer You A Better Job With More Benefits, And More Money.  Who Me?  Yes, You.  I Wrote This Without Even Knowing You, But I’m Not Saying This Because I Heard From Yahweh.  I’m Saying This Because I Read It In Mark 11:22-24 And Proved It Out~!  If You Want To Stay At Your Job And Not Go To Another Company, You Can Have That Also.  I’ll Join With You In Faith.


In The Same HouseHold

The Writers Of The Scriptures Often Refer To James As The Half-Brother Of Yahoshua Because Yahoshua Was Conceived By Yahweh And So His Father Was Yahweh; Whereas James’s Father Was Joseph.  But From Our Point Of View, We Would See Them As Brothers Raised By The Same Parents, Spoke With The Same Dialect And Had The Same Background; Knew The Same Jokes And Maybe Even Looked A Lot Like.

Mark 6:3-4
3 Is Not This The Carpenter, The Son Of Mary And The BROTHER Of James And Joses And Judas And Simon?  And Are Not His Sisters Here Among Us?  And They Took Offense At Him And Were Hurt [That Is, They Disapproved Of Him, And It Hindered Them From Acknowledging His Authority] And They Were Caused To Stumble And Fall.
4 But Yahoshua Said To Them, A Prophet Is Not Without Honor (Deference, Reverence) Except In His [Own] Country And Among [His] Relatives And In His [Own] House.

This Tells Us Many Things Including The Name Of Yahoshua’s Siblings And That He Had Sisters {Sisters ~ More Than One), {Or Technically ~ Half-Sisters}. But This Also Gives Us Some Other Insight From All Other Indications. Just As Yahoshua Said A Prophets Is Not Known In His Own Country And Among [His] Relatives And In His [Own] House.  James Apparently Did Not Receive Yahoshua As The Son Of God While Yahoshua Was Alive In His Earthly Ministry.

Because There Is Strong Evidence Like In Mark 3:21:
21 And When Those Who Belonged To Him (His Kinsmen) Heard It, They Went Out To Take Him By Force, For They Kept Saying, He Is Out Of His Mind (Beside Himself, Deranged)~!

John 7:5
5 For [Even] His Brothers Did Not Believe In or Adhere To or Trust In or Rely On Him Either.

Matthew 12:47
47 Someone Said To Him, Listen~!  Your Mother And Your Brothers Are Standing Outside, Seeking To Speak To You.

Yahoshua Had Four Brothers, James, Joses, Judas And Simon.  So, Since It Said Brothers, {Plural}, At Least Two Them Were Present.  Perhaps, All Four And Their Mother, {Kind Of Puts A Dent In The Catholics Point Of View That She Behaved Like A Saint}.  They Apparently Wanted To Have A Word With Yahoshua , {Privately Or They Would Have Come Inside ~ There Is No Indication That Yahoshua Went Outside To Hear Their Negative Words.  Actually, Quiet The Opposite ~ (Matthew 12:48-50)}.  Yahoshua Was Rocking The Boat And Ruffling Feathers, And Maybe Yahoshua’s Mother And Brothers, {No Sisters Mentioned}, Perceived That His Was Putting Their Lives In Peril With The Roman Government.

I Said All Of That To Say This, Whenever You Are A Old Testament Priest You Come From The Tribe Of Levi And Whenever You Are A Praiser And A Dancer You Come From The Tribe Of Judah, {Twirling King David Came From The Tribe Of Judah, And Judah Means ‘Praise’}.  Yahoshua Was Also From The Tribe Of Judah.

Even Today, If Your Lineage Is From A Family Of NASCAR Race Drivers, (Like Lee Petty Father Of Richard Petty Who Is The Father Of Kyle Petty Who Is The Father Of Adam Petty); Or {Ned Jarrett ~ Father Of Glenn and Dale Jarrett}; or {Ralph Earnhardt Father Of Dale Earnhardt Who Was The Father Of Dale Earnhardt, Jr.}; or {Ward Burton Father of Jeb Burton}… Then You’re Probably Supposed To Be A Race Car Driver.  Tony Stewart’s Father Is Nelson Stewart Who Was A Former Sprint Car Racer.  {There Are Exceptions Like Jeff Gordon, Who Credits His Stepfather, John Bickford, For Coaching Him Toward Success}.  And Bickford Has Known Gordon Since The Driver Was Six Months Old.  {It Was Bickford Who Put Gordon On The Race Track At Age Five}.

So In The Same Way I Think Today.  James Was In The Same Household As Yahoshua With The Same Experiences.  Similarly, Just Like Today Yahoshua Was Their Elder Brother As He Our Elder Brother, Who Is The First Born Of Many Sisters And Brothers, (Romans 8:29).

Somewhere Along The Route After Yahoshua Was Crucified And Rose Again From The Dead; James Repented * And Realized His Mistake And Became The Pastor Of The New Church.  They’re In This Congregation Where Peter And Paul And Barnabas And All The Other Apostles And It Would Be Pretty Intimidating To Be A Pastor To Have Those People Underneath You Unless You Have The Pedigree Of Knowing “I Am Yahoshua’ Brother”.

Paul Mostly Started Trouble With The Words He Spoke, But James Must Have Had The Compassion Of A Pastor And The Calling Of A Shepherd, (His Same Personality Trait Of Not Wanting To Ruffle Feathers Is Now Being Used To Pacify And Bring People Together).

1 Corinthians 15:6-7
6 After That, He Was Seen Of Above Five Hundred Brethren At Once; Of Whom The Greater Part Remain Unto This Present, But Some Are Fallen Asleep.
7 After That, * He Was Seen Of James; Then Of All The Apostles.

Yahweh Knows What Each Of Us Needs, And Apparently James Needed To Have An Encounter With Yahoshua After His Resurrection, To Substantiate That Yahoshua Was The Messiah, Not Just His Brother.

James Was Probably Among Those That Said or Thought That Yahoshua Is Out Of His Mind.  But After Having An Encounter With Yahoshua After His Resurrection Went On To Be In Someone According To Josephus That In 62 AD Was Stoned To Death For The Same Exact Thing They Accuse Yahoshua Of ~ Blasphemy.

Galatians 2:9
9 And When They Knew (Perceived, Recognized, Understood, And Acknowledged) The Grace (God’s Unmerited Favor And Spiritual Blessing) That Had Been Bestowed Upon Me, James And Cephas (Peter) And John, Who Were Reputed To Be Pillars Of The Jerusalem Church, Gave To Me And Barnabas The Right Hand Of Fellowship, With The Understanding That We Should Go To The Gentiles And They To The Circumcised (Jews).

Acts 12 ~ (James Was A Leader)

Acts 15:13
13 When They Had Finished Talking, James Replied, Brethren, Listen To Me.

Galatians 2:16 ~ Knowing That A Man Is Not Justified By The Works Of The Law, But By The Faith Of Yahoshua Ha Mashiach, Even We Have Believed In Yahoshua Ha Mashiach, That We Might Be Justified By The Faith Of Christ, And Not By The Works Of The Law: For By The Works Of The Law Shall No Flesh Be Justified.

James Said That We Are Not Justified By Works Of The Law But By Faith In Christ Yahoshua.  James Probably Felt Shame That While Yahoshua Was On Earth He Did Not Get Behind Him and Support Him.  The Only Reason James Was Able To Say With Humility That He Was A Bond Servant Of The Lord And Not Brag About Being The Brother Of Yahoshua Was Because He Had An Encounter With Yahoshua. 

Sermons {Where I Got My Scriptures From}: David Bullock At Luke 4:18 Fellowship.



Colossians 1:12
12 Giving Thanks To The Father, Who Has Qualified You To Share In The Inheritance Of The Saints In The Light.



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