My 2000-2001 Calendar

AUGUST 27 * Fishing/movie w/ Brandon & Mike

AUGUST 28 * Painting my room w/ Brandon

AUGUST 29 * PartyLite @ Becky's house

AUGUST 31 * Swimming & Dinner w/ Brandon

SEPTEMBER 1 * mOvIe: Autumn In New York & Party @ Ryan's house

SEPTEMBER 2 * Burnet Park Zoo & Carousel Mall (syracuse)

SEPTEMBER 4 * Labor Day (Dave's birthday!!)

SEPTEMBER 5 * My first day of college!

SEPTEMBER 6 * First day of high school/middle school

SEPTEMBER 8 * Arrowhead's back to school BASH!!! (Paul comes to visit!)...(Adam, Brandon, Becca, Dave, Mike, Paul, and Rakel)

SEPTEMBER 9 * Chillin with Mike & Adam (uno's, etc.)... Brandon's party (Brandon & Leah's birthday!)

SEPTEMBER 10 * Church/S.S. dinner/hanging out with Dave, Mike, & Adam

SEPTEMBER 11 * Mike's jv football game w/ Rakel: Tioga Center @ 4pm

SEPTEMBER 12 * Lunch w/ Cory: BK @ 11pm (meet in atrium! lol)...chilllin w/ brandon...Rakel's soccer game: RCCA @ 3:30pm...Benny's soccer game: RCCA @ 5:30pm...chilllin w/ Benny & Dave @ Friendly's afterwards!

SEPTEMBER 13 * Mini golf w/ the ever-ludicrous Justin at 4:30 (ISH)!

SEPTEMBER 14 * meet cory in atrium @ 11am...chillin w/ Brandon after school

SEPTEMBER 15 * Nicole's birthday!!!!!!!!!...Leah's party!!! (it's about time! haha)

SEPTEMBER 16 * First Day of weekends @ the ranch!! with Brandon

SEPTEMBER 20 * meet cory in front of S.S. cream w/ Brandon

SEPTEMBER 22 * Chick Flix w/ Rakel...

SEPTEMBER 23 * Mike's JV football game w/ w/ Rakel

SEPTEMBER 24 * lunch @ Outback w/ fam...Church w/ Brandon

SEPTEMBER 26 * My 18th birthday!!!!!!...Dunkin w/ Brandon...RCCA soccer games (Rakel & Benny) w/ Dave...Friendly's w/ Dave & Benny

SEPTEMBER 28 * Leah's soccer game w/ Brandon @ 4:30...chillin w/ Brandon (TOPS! lol)

SEPTEMBER 29 * my awesome birthday party!!!!!! (Brandon, Caroline, Tim, Josh, Nicole, Dave, Rachel, Benny, Leah, Mike & Adam)

SEPTEMBER 30 * Punchbug concert!!!! (w/ cory, dave, leslea, tim, matt, caroline, all those "Rossy high" people, etc.)...Denny's w/ the Chrysalis gang (and dave!)

OCTOBER 1 * church w/ hut w/ Mike & w/ Brandon

OCTOBER 2 * deathly ill (well, close enough) :(

OCTOBER 4 * lunch at Subway w/ Cory

OCTOBER 5 * Leah's soccer game w/ Brandon @ 4:30

OCTOBER 6 * deathly ill (yet again, woohoo)

OCTOBER 7 * New York City Aquarium/Cony Island w/ family

OCTOBER 8 * New Jersey outlet mall w/ family

OCTOBER 9 * Boscoves...Lunch @ Lost Dog @ Oakdale mall...movies @ French's...w/ Brandon, Leah, Mrs. French, & Mrs. Pepin

OCTOBER 10 * lunch w/ Leslea at Nirche's (11am)...chillin w/ Leslea

OCTOBER 11 * Friendly's/Greene Central Schools soccer game (Timotay's) w/ Leslea @ 5pm

OCTOBER 12 * lunch w/ Sean

OCTOBER 13 * lunch w/ Sean @ Nirches...shoppin w/ Brandon @ 5pm

OCTOBER 14 * movie (Remember The Titans)/Friendly's w/ Rakel, Mike, & Brandon (6:30pm)...SORRY DAVE!!!!!!!

OCTOBER 15 * Calvary Baptist Church w/ Brandon, Mike, & Tim Kolmel...evening church w/ Brandon

OCTOBER 16 * breakfast w/ Sean

OCTOBER 17 * lunch @ Nirchi's w/ Gina & Cory

OCTOBER 19 * RCCA soccer w/ Dave (Rakel & Benny)...Friendly's w/ Dave

OCTOBER 21 * good luck w/ your game, Mikey!...Central Baptist vs RCCA w/ Dave (Rakel & Benny)...chillin w/ those homies afterwards @ Original Italian & beyond...Pauli's b-day party!

OCTOBER 23 * movie (Fight Club) w/ Cory @ 4:30pm

OCTOBER 24 * picture-scanning party w/ Dave (lol)...Skating @ Bonin Lake w/ Church @ 7pm

OCTOBER 27 * Word of Life SUPERBOWL!!!! w/ Youth Group from 6pm-6am

OCTOBER 28 * Soccer Tournament @ RCCA 1:30-forever! lol (Rakel, Brandon, Dave, & Mike)...Friendly's w/ all of the above after the guys' game that ROCKED and went into Triple Overtime!

NOVEMBER 3, 4, & 5 * Staying the weekend at PSU Hazelton w/ Becca!!!!...movies, computer games, food, sleeping in late...I love dorm life! LOL

NOVEMBER 10(-11) * working at camp! (Jenna, Jake C, Rakel, Dave, Nick, Justin, Amy, & Tyler)

NOVEMBER 11 * watching movies w/ my buds (Rakel, Mike, Dave)...

NOVEMBER 12 * church/Original Italian (Rakel, Mike, Dave)

NOVEMBER 13 * DVD's w/ Cory @ 5:30...Volleyball from 8:30-10:30pm

NOVEMBER 18 * Wegmans (lol) & Biodome/Monty Python (Dave, Brandon, Rakel, Mike, & Adam)

NOVEMBER 19 * church...Applebees...WAL*MART...Applebees (lol)...Target (to torture Tim) (Dave, Rakel, Mike & Adam)

NOVEMBER 20 * Volleyball from 8:15-11

NOVEMBER 21- 22 * Caroline, Nicole, & Paul come home from college!!! WOOHOO! :)

NOVEMBER 22 * Denny's @ 12 (carolyna, caroline [the lispian! lol], gina, nicole, leslea, tim, rich, kevin, anna, kevin [yes, another one], john, & mike) ...Oakdale mall @ 3 w/ everyone above...Friendly's w/ everyone above except for Gina& Mike - with the addition of Eric! lol ... wow that is a lot of people!!! :)


NOVEMBER 24 * shopping @ 3pm (dave, rakel, mike & adam)...Games/Movies at Nicole's house @ 7pm (Kohl, Leslea, John, Tim, Caro, Carolyna, Liz, Crystal, & Yetter)

NOVEMBER 25 * Thanksgiving #2 in Ithaca w/ my relatives

NOVEMBER 26 * studying for Bio :)

NOVEMBER 27 * Volleyball @ 8:15pm

NOVEMBER 30 * Christmas shopping with Jessie @ 2pm

DECEMBER 1 * Christmas shopping with Mom & Rachel

DECEMBER 2 * Christmas shopping with Rachel & Laura...Pizza Hut w/ Leslea @ 9pm

DECEMBER 4 * Volleyball @ 8:15pm

DECEMBER 6 * Christmas shopping with Jessie @ 5pm

DECEMBER 7 * RCCA varsity guys basketball game

DECEMBER 8 * RCCA varsity girls & guys basketball games

DECEMBER 9 * RCCA varsity girls & guys basketball games

DECEMBER 10-22 * let's not go there

DECEMBER 23 * shopping with (CLUTZY!) Leah & Rachel

DECEMBER 24 * Christmas Eve!!...Chillin with my service at SOBC

DECEMBER 25 * CHRISTMAS DAY!!! (Did I mention that my name means Christmas Child?? Well it does!)

DECEMBER 26 * Bible Study @ Cory's church...Friendly's/movie w/ Aaron (note to readers: do NOT watch the movie "being human"! it is POINTLESS)

DECEMBER 27 * The Band formerly known as Punchbug (now MONEYBAGS GRAM)/Josh Smith's concert! (oh and that other band we didn't listen to! lol)...chillin @ Denny's w/ Caro, Tim, & Leslea

DECEMBER 28 * totalling chillin with Caro! (video games til 6pm WOW)...Arby's/movie (Remember The Titans) with Caro

DECEMBER 29 * chillin in PA w/ more relatives

DECEMBER 30 * don't remember! lol

DECEMBER 31 * New Year's Eve!! @ Becca's in PA

JANUARY 1 * Happy New Year!!!...snowmobile-riding/driving at Becca's..."dance party" at liz & caro's (What Women Want) with caro, liz, and matt...Game Night @ the Lofti household! lol (caro & I kicked your butts!! mwuah ha ha ha!)

JANUARY 2 * Chillin at my house @ 8pm (Aaron & Caro)

JANUARY 3 * Syracuse mall! (Caro, Aaron, Liz, & Brian)...stay overnight & the Lofti household

JANUARY 4 * chillin at lofti's

JANUARY 5 * lunch w/ Aaron at Original Italian...PARTY AT MY HOUSE @ 7pm!!! (Caro, Dave, Rakel, Paul, Rachel, Nate, Mallory, & Mike [adam])

JANUARY 6 * shopping w/ Rachel @ 3...Party at Aaron's @ 10pm (Caro, Aaron, Margot, Morgan, Matt, Kristen, Megan, Carissa, JoEllen, & Melissa)...[caro gets locked out! lol]

JANUARY 7 * Friendly's/Wal*Mart/ somewhat highway scopeageing @ 8pm (Caro & Liz)

JANUARY 8 * Dunkin for brunch (Caro)

JANUARY 9 * RCCA Girls basketball game at 5:30pm...Movie @ 7:40-Miss Congeniality (Caro & Kohl)

JANUARY 10 * Movie @ 9:40 - Family Man (Caro)


JANUARY 12 * Girls' night at my house! (Caro Liz Gina Kohl & Rachie) videos! "Whatever It Takes" (told ya it wouldn't be so bad!)

JANUARY 14 * movie "Save the Last Dance" (go see it!!!!)...chillin at my house (Rakel, Dave & Mike) the roads were icy...

JANUARY 15 * shopping with whitney & rachel

JANUARY 16 * Varsity Girls' Scrimage...Varsity Guys' basketball game (RCCA-5PM)

JANUARY 17 * chat w/ Missy at Barnes & Noble @ 6pm

JANUARY 18 * babysitting Holly

JANUARY 19 * sorry justin!! :(

JANUARY 20 * Varsity Guys' & Girls' basketball games @ 2pm...scanning pics @ Dave's house afterwards

JANUARY 22 * chilling at Missy's apartment @ 6:30pm

JANUARY 24 * leaving my house @ 1am for Philly...leaving Philly (via plane) @ 6:10am...arriving in Chicago @ 7:25am...leaving Chicago @ 11:35...arriving at Minneapolis @ 12:45pm! Hi, are-n :)

JANUARY 25-28 * chillin in Minnesota! (Mafia, Hubert's, Weiner, Heart of the City Worship, Deeper Life, etc. etc. etc.!!!)

JANUARY 28 * leaving Minneapolis @ 8:35pm (DELAYED:bleck!)...leaving in Philly @ 1:20pm

JANUARY 29 * arriving home at 5:30am...first day of school, wahoo! lol

JANUARY 30 * lunch w/ Casey & leslea & 11

JANUARY 31 * lunch w/ leslea...RCCA varsity guys b-ball tournament at central (4:15pm)

FEBRUARY 1 * lunch w/ Leslea & Casey

FEBRUARY 2 * got pulled over for speeding (LOL)

FEBRUARY 6 * lunch w/ the girls...RCCA Varsity Guys/Girls Basketball Game @ 4:30pm

FEBRUARY 8 * lunch w/ Cory & Julie

FEBRUARY 9 * dinner @ the Lost Dog Cafe w/ my moma

FEBRUARY 10 * chillin w/ adam from 10:30am-12am...(Applebee's...Gone in 60 seconds & Loser @ my house...The Wedding Planner)

FEBRUARY 14 * HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! (yeah, you go burn those hearts aaron & kyle! lol)

FEBRUARY 16 * My daddy's birthday!...Red Lobster w/ the fam & my grandma

FEBRUARY 17 * movie @ my house w/ Dave (X-Men)

FEBRUARY 19 * chillin @ Missie's apartment

FEBRUARY 20 * RCCA guys & girls Varsity b-ball games...5pm (pick Mike up at OFA @ 3:45pm)

FEBRUARY 21 * CHILLIN WITH JUSTIN!!!!!!! (Friendly' Saving Silverman...nobody go see it! hmm...unless no one else is in the theater...LOL) [Love you, hun! "you're not, like, annoying" either! lol]

FEBRUARY 22 * Happy 19th Birthday Becca!! :)...recouperating from my BUSY week...resting up for my BUSY weekend ;)...lunch w/ James

FEBRUARY 23 * dessert w/ Mom & Blue Dolphin...chillin w/ Leslea (movie: Down to Earth, then Denny's)

FEBRUARY 24 * CHAOS w/ becca (lol) "too many white cars!!", then movie w/ her and Jesse (her boyfriend...not the Jesse you think i'm talking about! BLECK! lol): Miss Face Off (Rakel picked it out! lol) w/ my favorite lil clique ;) (Dave, Rakel, & Mike)

FEBRUARY 27 * pick up mike @ OFA (3pm)...Junior High Boys' Game @ 4:30pm...then Varsity Guys' Game @ 6:30pm (at RCCA)

MARCH 2 * lunch w/ Kohl!!!! (and leslea and gina and eric!)

MARCH 2 * RCCA tournaments @ Practical Bible College...Friendly's w/ Rakel, Dave, & Mike "we're making out just fine!"

MARCH 3 * RCCA tournaments @ Practical Bible College...DVD's and such at my house (Rakel, Dave, & Mike)...i really hope those pics come out!...chillin @ Dave's house w/ Mike

MARCH 5 * Mid-semester break!! (chillin w/ my darling sister, Rachel)...Pauly Shore Marathon @ NiKOHL's house!!!!

MARCH 6 * still chillin at kohl's...lunch w/ kohl & yetter @ Subway (SNOW DAY!! Wow BCC is actually closed! Mark it on your calendars!!!)

MARCH 9-10 * Visiting Paul at Baptist Bible College in PA!! (see I told ya i love you pauli!! hehe)

MARCH 10 * moooooovie w/ my clique! (Dave, Rakel, & Mike)

MARCH 12 * Lowe's and Town Square Mall w/ Caro @ 7:30pm

MARCH 14 * Old Navy & Arnott mall w/ Caro & Rachel @ 5:30pm

MARCH 17 * Playstation II party! lol (Caro, Welchy, Rakel, & Mike)

MARCH 18 * church @ South Owego w/ my clique

MARCH 23 * lunch @ RCCA @ 12pm (Welchy you are so mean)...workin at camp with my homies :)

MARCH 24 * workin at camp...Denny's & Wallyworld with my awesome clique!

MARCH 25 * chillin at Mike's house with him & Adam (thanx for not killin me on the 4wheeler! hehe)

MARCH 26 * dinner @ Friendly's w/ Missie @ 6:30pm (meet at missie's at 6pm)

March 27 * scanning pics @ Welchy's house

MARCH 29 * bathing suit shoppping with Jessica!

MARCH 30 * Choir Festival @ 7pm!...Moneybags Gram Concert@ 8:30pm!!

MARCH 31 * working @ the Children's Fair: 8-10am...girls rock!!!!! chillin with rakel!!!! (Brothers II, both malls, Kohls, etc.) Love ya, girl! hehe...movies with Welchy, Rakel, & Wags (wags you're my angel! LOL)

APRIL 1 * chillin with Missie @ 6:30pm

APRIL 4 * mall w/ wags @ 3:30 pm (i'm so glad your parents didn't kill you for coming home so late!)

APRIL 6 * Youth Rally @ 7pm! (Welchy and Rakel...oh my gosh rakel and casey, you should be professional choreographers! lol)

APRIL 7 * PS2 night at my house!! (Welchy, Wags, and Maxam! "You are so girly..." lol)

APRIL 8 * First day of work at the Stockroom!!! (2:30-6:30pm)

APRIL 11 * chillin at the mall with Wags (look at all the pink shirts! haha)...Stockroom 5-9:30pm

APRIL 12 * Stockroom 6-9:30pm

APRIL 13 * on call 5-9:30pm...dinner at Aunt Etta's house with family

APRIL 14 * Stockroom 10-4...dinner @ Cracker Barrel (with the "other bedells")

APRIL 15 * Happy Easter!!...Rachel's 14th birthday!!! (my sis)

APRIL 16* Happy Birthday Mikey!!! :)...working at the Horse Lover's Retreat (at camp) with my homies @ 7:30pm...

APRIL 16-27 * WAAAAAAAAAAY too much stuff to write down! lol (movies, chillin with friends, etc. etc. etc.)

APRIL 28 * Happy Birthday Wags!!!! (i knew because of my mad i did not steal them from you, you had none to begin with! ha!)

MAY 18 * Junior/Senior Banquet w/ Welchy :)

MAY 19-31 * lots more stuff that caused me to be much to busy to write it all down! (i have this calendar to remember my appointments and such - therefore, i ended up being late or missing most of them! lol)

JUNE 1 * relatives (the Stams) visit from North Dakota! ... chillin with rach & duncan and the fam at our house

JUNE 2 * my cousin Jessie's wedding!!!!!!!!!!! (i have a new cousin-in-law, mike! haha)

JUNE 3-7 * yet more stuff i was too busy to write down! :) (chillin with becca and caro and wags and maxam and rakel and mikey and wags wait i said wags and and and and rachel and kohl and liz and thats all i can remember! lol - all at various times)

JUNE 8 * swimming & movie ("Coyote Ugly"-do i look like the main character chick in that movie?? state your opinion in my guestbook!) at maxam's house (Maxam, Wags, Welchy, Caro, Kohl, & Ben O)

JUNE 9 * work, then Syracuse mall baby!!! [after about 3 hours in the car, that stupid parade!] (Caro, Wags, Welchy, Maxam, Adam, & his cousin Chad)

JUNE 10 * chillin with Becca!!!! (movie: Pearl Harbor - you HAVE to see it! We were bawling but it can still be considered to be a guy movie cuz lots of things were shot and blown up!...TGI Friday's: ooooooh hot guy galore! we'll have to go there again sometime soon, bec! Traffic - wow that movie sucked! lol)

JUNE 11 * Taco Bell & movie (Evolution: go see it, it's funny!) with Wags (hey, way to lock your keys and your cell phone in the car! i LOVE walking in the rain! haha - excuse me but next time you'd better just let me keep my body spray and not try to keep it away from me! lol)

JUNE 12 * lunch with Kara @ 12 @ friendly's in Endicott...tanning w/ Caro @ ummmmm this is what i have a calendar for! i guess i should have written it on here sooner! haha...change of plans: Aaron drives my car onto the side walk and we spend all day figuring out how to get it fixed! LOL...6pm(ish) chillin w/ caro aaron & liz at my house...tanning, then wal*mart w/ caro & aaron

JUNE 13 * shopping @ the mall w/ caro @ 12...arby's w/ caro & adam...tanning w/ Caro @ 4:30...dessert w/ missie @ friendly's at 6:30pm

JUNE 14 * first day of staff training for camp! (i'm dying today, wags! lol)

JUNE 16 * Rakel leaves for California :( Have fun!! Get a nice tan!!! Don't hurl on the plane!!! "Shrek" w/ Welchy, Mike, Chad, Chris, Kara, Preston, & Pauli

JUNE 17 * chillin @ Wags' house w/ him and w/ them - "Tomb Raider" (good movie!)

JUNE 17-22 * more staff training at camp...Chad's birthday! :)

JUNE 24 * Adam's birthday! :)...back to camp at 9:30pm

JUNE 25-29 * Day Camp!...JUNE 26 * Rakel's birthday! :)

~*~*~*~REMINDERS 4 ME~*~*~*~


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I love my wonderful friends


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sHeEr SiLlInEsS

For Women ONLY!


Quote Of The Month

Lotsa Stuff You Don't Care To Know About Me