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Ancient Wisdom Taught in a Modern Way!

What Is the World We Would Like to Leave Our Great-Grandchildren?



God is infinite Mind and is not the possessor of anything material.  What God gives us is an abundance of intelligent, spiritual ideas and when we become receptive to them, they provide us with the means to meet every legitimate need.

Pg.4, What Does God Want?

Dr. Thomas Hora


Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”

James 1:22, 27


Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God.

Holy Bible


What Is the World We Would Like to Leave Our Great-Grandchildren?

          Recently, I was reading a letter from Jean Houston and found the question, “What is the world that we would like our great-grandchildren to inherit?”  The question stopped me dead in my tracks.  It brought immediately to mind many ideas I have picked up from studying Native American cultures.  It also brought a demon idea:  FEAR.  The idea that we would be living our lives with so little thought to the world that we would leave those who will follow us little of the beauty and majesty of Mother Earth, this shot an arrow through my heart and I was stung.  I look out the window from my perch high up in this building and I see the port and the industry it represents, I see the enormous new development by the Bay and know that in some way both of these represent the future just as powerfully as the body of water beside which they sit.  I see the ocean fog banks curling over the hills and know that the beautiful sea is not so far away.  These are things that in my heart of hearts I want to be sure that we leave for our great grandchildren.  I cannot truly say that any part of it is inappropriate, I can only ask was it done with both heart and intelligence, keeping in mind who it will serve when we are gone from here.  I see beauty in what we have done with what was given us.  I see beauty greater still in the earth out of which all things that we know seem to be made.  I am reminded once again, of what Matisse said about holding his work up against what God had made to measure if it could stand the test.  We seek to live on heaven now, not waiting for someday, when we earn our just reward.  Heaven is created now in how we live our lives; in the ideas we carry within consciousness, in the ways that we express Love.  All of it comes to us from a divine source over which we have little power, yet, God does share some part of that creativity with us and it is up to us, it is the fulfillment of our self-expression to choose how it is that we would use the gift of divine creativity.  This creativity is something to which we are given access, but it truly is God acting as and through us.  Therefore, it is our task, as suggested by Ralph Waldo Emerson, to “get our bloated nothingness off the divine circuits” and to create of ourselves divine conduits for the sweetest Love available.  It is ours to allow God free access within our being.  There is a reality that is beyond our material existence.  It is not trapped in these forms, which we have called real.  All of these things change and that is the measure of their absence of reality.  The only thing that is changeless is God and those qualities that come to us through God.  This is Grace, or the self-givingness of God to God’s own creations.  As the Bible tells us “If a child asks her Father for bread would he give her a stone?”  We know that God is intent on sharing the good of the universe with us in the same way that a parent shares whatever good she can avail herself of for the benefit of her child.  Are we receiving these gifts with the deep respect, gratitude, and Love that they so completely deserve?  Have you ever watched a child squander what it is given?  Are we receiving our gifts as mature spiritual beings knowing that the supply is endless can we ask for what we truly need and allow the flow to continue on to another?  This is a wonderful generosity of Spirit.  When there is enough, there is no need to stockpile.  But the world does not tell us that we live in an endless flow of good.  We hear on the radio, read in the news and see on the nightly news a series of stories of one horrifying disaster after another, one emergency arises on the shoulders of another and we are led to believe that life is pretty terrible affair with the rich getting richer, and the poor still losing their shirts shot full of holes.

          Sometime last year I got a wonderful quotation from Rev. Michael Beckwith that applies here very well:

“To paraphrase Einstein, you cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war.  Likewise, you cannot simultaneously prepare for heaven consciousness while attempting to prevent hell from breaking loose in your life.  You cannot have it both ways!”

“Take a stand with yourself and determine to embody spiritual empowerment by consciously living an intentional life.  Not setting a conscious intention to take possession of your inner dominion causes you to be tossed about on the waves of life while claiming it is the "will of God" that you drown in your own lack of spiritual backbone.  Again, you cannot have it both ways!”

Just listening to the local news will scare the hell into you if you let it.  At the top of the news, they are always giving us the gloom and doom that we should stay tuned in to hear.  It’s as if Chicken Little has been put in charge of the headlines!  “The sky is falling, the sky is falling, news at 11!”  We are encouraged to buy into the idea that things are now worse than they have ever been before.  Listening to this stuff causes us to be torn in two directions if we are not paying attention.

 My teacher, Dr. Bill, would periodically suggest from the pulpit or in counseling that people take a break, a vacation, from listening to the news or reading the newspaper and then, take the opportunity to intentionally observe what affect this had on ones consciousness.  Invariably, people would report being less stressed out and more optimistic about the future. 

This is not a suggestion that we act like happy idiots, paying no heed to what is going on in the world, but simply to stop and notice how much mindlessly negative information we allow to carom around within our minds.  The design of this exercise is that we might develop our own powers of discernment if we observed within ourselves what is really going on in the world rather than simply sucking up the dramatic way it is presented in the press.  How much do we allow a walk around our neighborhood to affect our consciousness?  Do we notice the trees, the plants, the temperature and qualities of the air we breathe? 

Do we notice the trash on Highway 101?  I was driving over to Palo Alto this week and I could not believe what I saw.  How weird is it that people are driving around in $50,000 cars and there is a ton of trash on the road?  Perhaps practicing this kind of observation of life the way it presents itself in the moment, this practice of regular discernment would aid us in our inquiry. 

When I was growing up my grandmother taught me rhyming homilies that I still remember, here is one:

When a job is first begun

Do it well until it’s done

Be the labor, great or small

Do it well or not at all.

Now I know that may sound like a perfectionist mantra, but it is not the intent with which it was taught me.  What she was saying is that if I was going to do something that I would be happiest if I really threw myself into it.  Half-assed efforts were not encouraged in my grandmother’s house.  She was the one who taught me to garden, to love flowers, to bake and how to clean, all things for which I am still remembered by my friends.  The great energy that she taught me to put into what I do has been a mainstay of my character.  So with that in mind, I wonder, what kind of world am I leaving behind for my great-grandchildren?  Have I been sharing these values and others that I have learned with those for whom they might make a difference?

I ask again, “What kind of world would we like our great-grandchildren to inherit?”  I don’t think I want that world to be so very different from the world we live in now.  This may seem a surprising thing to say, given crime, racism, and gender and sexual-preference discrimination.  These are our most difficult areas of growth for this time and these are the areas that we have discovered the greater depths of our selves.  Each generation will have its own spiritual challenges.  These challenges call for us to fully engage in our spiritual practices. 

As metaphysicians, we are challenged to become fully aware of the invalid thoughts plaguing us so that we might change our thinking.  Ernest Holmes spoke of humility very little in either version of the Science of Mind.  In the 1926 version, which he wrote when he was still a young man, he said in a section entitled “Factors Necessary for a Dynamic Personality,” “SUITABLE HUMILITY, SIMPLICITY AND GENUINENESS These attributes keep one from being over-ambitious and from being too aggressive.”

Perhaps, it is in the later version, when Holmes teaches what Science of Mind has to say about Jesus that we find the proper attitude and its purpose:

“To the illumined, has ever come self-realization and I-AM-NESS.  Who could proclaim himself to be the way, the truth, and the life, unless he had understood that God indwelt his own soul?  The Christ Spirit comes to all alike, proclaiming itself as the Child of God, even unto the humble in spirit.  Proud of his divinity yet humble before the greatness of the Whole, Jesus spoke from the heights of spiritual perception, proclaiming the deathless reality of the individual life, the continuity of the individual soul, the unity of Universal Spirit within all person.  This was the Christ speaking, the Child begotten of God—the Son of God.  Humble in his humanity, compassionate in his tenderness, understanding the frailties of the human mind, he let the Great Spirit speak through him, in words of love and sympathy.  He proclaimed his divinity through his humanity and taught that all humanity is our brothers and sisters.  No man ever lived who valued the human soul more than Jesus, for he knew it to be the personification of God.” [1]

We know that the lazy ways, the difficult and thoughtless ways, that we continue to think, these are the mental equivalent for the negative conditions we experience in our lives.  This will also be the case for our great-grandchildren.  The kind of humility that Jesus demonstrated is required, for to effectively pray, to effectively reconcile ourselves to the errors in our thinking, we have to set aside any notion that we already know the answer.  We have to set aside any embarrassment about being “wrong” in our thinking.  We must forgive ourselves and anyone connected to our errors as we set them aside and return to the what the mystics have always said about self-discovery.  This is the most important thing that we can leave our great-grandchildren, our spiritual practices, an open and developing consciousness in a world in which to practice them.  This material world in which we live requires that we be conscious stewards, just as we have been conscious stewards of our selves.  Our regrets for our mistaken ideas make us terribly uncomfortable, embarrassed and it is hard to know what to do with those kinds of feelings.  I will suggest to you that the very best thing you can do with these vexations is to use them as a motivation for deepening your spiritual practices.  After all, the troublesome nature of such thoughts leads us to abandon these ideas, which have been the mental equivalents of our greatest challenges.  Troublesome feelings serve us for our highest good and we can be equally grateful for the role they have played in our awakening once again to the divine within ourselves, the deeply beautiful, mystical truth of our being.  These same amazing and wonderful challenges that have strengthened our characters and brought us closer to knowing ourselves are the true legacy that we leave our great-grandchildren.  Here is something more from Holmes, entitled:


All of the great mystics have taught practically the same thing.  They have all agreed that the soul is on the pathway of experience, that is, of self-discovery; that it is on its way back to its God's House; and that every soul will ultimately reach its Heavenly Home.  They have taught Divinity to Humankind.  "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.”  They have told us that our destiny is Divine and sure; and that Creation is Complete and Perfect NOW.  The great mystics have all agreed that our lives are ours to do with as we choose; but that when we turns to "The One," we will always receive inspiration from on high.

They have told us of the marvelous relationship which exists between God and the individual, of a close Union that cannot be broken; and the greatest of the mystics have consciously walked and talked with God, just as we talk to each other.  It is difficult to realize how this could be; it is hard to understand how a Being, so Universal as God must be, can talk with an individual; here, alone, the mystic sense reveals the greater truth and knows that, Infinite as is the Divine Being, It is still Personal to all who believe in Its Presence.  It is entirely possible for an individual to talk with the Spirit; for the Spirit is within humanity, and "He who made the ears" can hear.  [2]

This will be the case for our great-grandchildren.  Be ye of good cheer and deep intention for the future of our great-grandchildren.  Visualize them discovering who they truly are.  See them recognizing the truth in every situation.  Jesus said “Ye shall know the truth, and the Truth shall set you free.”

          By compassionately engaging in our own spiritual practices, by continuing to discover what we will through living our lives conscious of the essential spiritual nature of each individual, we create a ready environment for all those who will follow us.  Take a break from the common knowledge of doom and gloom, return to the interior awareness that knowing the good that God already always is brings and know that this awareness, this consciousness is a gift of the divine that will be there for each who follows us here.  There is nothing that we must fix, there is nothing that we must “want” the perfection of the Divine is ever-present, ever-available across all time, all space, for all who shall ever be. 

          Allowing God to move through us on a daily basis, this is how we prepare the world for our great-grandchildren.  By engaging all our innate and divine capacities and fully expressing the divine individuality bestowed upon each of us, we prepare a sacred place in which the future can be born.  It is in allowing ourselves to fully become present to the Love of God for all of creation; it is in this way that we allow the expression of the divine ideas necessary for the world into which our great-grandchildren will be born.  This is a sacred activity, a divine responsibility and through conscious co-creation with God, through our spiritual practices of prayer, mindfulness, and meditation we turn to God.  In so doing we prepare a perfect place for the future to unfold.  We can now allow into our hearts the love, the peace, and the fertile ground in which we know once again the Truth of our eternality reveals itself to us.  This Truth is timeless.  This Truth has ever been and shall ever be.  Responsibility comes of honoring this Truth without squandering the gift of life now or in the future. 


There is a power for good in the universe, greater than we are, and we can use it.  Let us now and forever remember that it is in this holy moment that our opportunity to consciously co-create with this sacred power exists.  Join me in knowing fully and peacefully that the future is, and ever shall be, the now and has always and shall ever been secure.  There is no other moment and we affirm our intention to live in the moment responsibly, lovingly, peacefully, and wholly. 

Release with me now any worries, concerns and fears.  Affirm with me now that we are the worthy stewards of the earth and that we shall honor its beauty and bounty by accepting what we need, when we need it, and leaving in the divine flow that which can be better used by another, knowing fully that our supply is endless.  Our supply is within the divine and not merely in things.  God is Infinite Supply and cannot be limited.  We release all greed and grasping and affirm God in me, as me, is me.  We accept this healing of our thinking with great thanksgiving.  Join with me now in saying, And so it is!

          Thank you for being here today.

[1]  Ernest Shurtleff Holmes, 1938 Science of Mind (with some gender-inclusive editing)

[2]  Ernest Shurtleff Holmes, 1926 Science of Mind



Warmly Celebrating Spiritual Growth and Abundant Life in an Open Community

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Last modified: August 23, 2002