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Emerson Center for

Spiritual Awakening

New Thought based in ancient wisdom ... 

the timeless teachings of

Religious Science


Dr. Susanne Freeborn, Senior Minister

Rev. Linda S. Siddall, Assistant Minister




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Ancient Wisdom Taught in a Modern Way!


all the news at emerson center!


This is where we'll announce the most recent additions to our web site and post the sermon titles each month. If you've visited us before and want to know what's changed, take a look here first. There's an e-mail link at the bottom of this page so you can ask for any information you might need too!

Popular New Thought Book Club - Second Monday of the Month

         Begins Soon.  Book Club Page


Emerson Center for Spiritual Awakening Announces Peace Vigil on first Saturday of every month until Peace ensues.  Join us 1 PM to 5 PM.
See the Invitation in the Newsletter Article for more details.
Emerson Center for Spiritual Awakening Announces the Publication of its First Newsletter, The Bridge.
See the The Bridge at  Newsletter to learn more about us and Affiliated New Thought Network and Emerson Institute, the organizations who we are associated with!
Emerson Center for Spiritual Awakening Appoints Rev. Linda Siddall Assistant Minister
See the Assistant Minister Appointed! Press Release for more details.
Emerson Center Spiritual Discovery Trip
None planned at this time, stay tuned!

Sunday Service Program

Sundays at 10:30 A.M.

141 Wellesley Crescent Circle #312, Redwood City, California 94062


Order of Service


Candle Lighting

Congregational Song - "And So are We" by Daniel Nahmod

Meditation , Dr. Susanne Freeborn

Treatment, Rev. Linda S. Siddall

Minister declares:  

We are Emerson Center for Spiritual Awakening, and this is our Statement of Purpose:

Those committed to deepening their connection with Spirit, please repeat:

We declare our purpose as friends dedicated to the spiritual growth and abundant life experience of each without exception. We choose to demonstrate this purpose in both this community and those communities in the world in which we participate.

We know that we are each Divine Perfect Spirit.

We recognize and affirm now: God is in each of us, God acts as each of us, and God is all there is.

Today’s Lesson


 Dr. Susanne Freeborn or Rev. Linda Siddall


Offertory, Dedication and Blessing of the Offering

Congregation:  I inherit the Wealth of the Creator

My gift is Divine Wisdom in Action

Minister:   "From you I receive, to you I give, together we share and from this we live."

Congregational Song - "The Breath of God" by Dr. Rickie Byars Beckwith

Closing Treatment, Practitioner of the Day

Our services are followed by a brief fellowship with tea, coffee and a light offering of fruits, pastries, or cookies. There is always an opportunity to request prayer, either in private session or by simply making a written request.

ANTN's Building Bridges Affirmation

There comes a new humility
with the dawning realization
that the Spirit of God
is found in our conscious mind.

There is a gathering
taking place right now
of courageous souls
who have agreed to share the work
in fulfilling the promise
of peace on Earth.

I know that deep within every person
the Divine Pattern of perfect peace
is already implanted.

In this moment
I invoke the Power of God
to fill my mind and heart
with clarity and boundless love.

Filled with this love
I reach out in Divine Mind
and embrace the souls
who now consciously reach toward me.

We invite Divine Guidance
as today we support each other
in the fulfillment
of our spiritual destiny.



Warmly Celebrating Spiritual Growth and Abundant Life in an Open Community

Send mail to Dr. Susanne Freeborn with questions or comments about Emerson Center or this  web site.
Copyright © 2000-2002 Emerson Center for Spiritual Awakening
Last modified: August 23, 2002