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Emerson Center for

Spiritual Awakening

New Thought based in ancient wisdom ... 

the timeless teachings of

Religious Science


Dr. Susanne Freeborn, Senior Minister

Rev. Linda S. Siddall, Assistant Minister




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Ancient Wisdom Taught in a Modern Way!

Emerson Center for Spiritual Awakening, New Thought based in ancient wisdom ... the timeless teachings of Religious Science -- Redwood City, CA - Dr. Susanne Freeborn, Senior Minister

bulletEmerson Center News
bulletEmerson Center Book Club
bulletSunday Services Begin 9/10/00
bulletSunday Lesson Index
bulletThe Brighter the Light - Rev. Dr. Susanne Freeborn
bulletLiving a Fascinating Life - 01-21-01 - Dr. Susanne Freeborn
bulletREALITY and APPEARANCES, How do we tell the difference?  Rev. Dr. Susanne Freeborn
bulletThe Mastery of Love Begins in a Dream - Rev. Dr. Susanne Freeborn
bulletThe Mastery of Love is Part of a Successful Way of Life
bulletThe Mastery of Love
bulletLaw, Servant of the Word - Rev. Dr. Susanne Freeborn
bulletThe Practice of Wrestling With Angels - Dr. Susanne Freeborn
bulletFerreting out the Fraud and Loving the Child Within - Dr. Susanne Freeborn
bulletSelf-Reliance, A sermon by Dr. Susanne Freeborn
bulletUsing Your Power for Good - Rev. Linda S. Siddall
bulletRiding on an Ass, The Metaphysical Meaning of Palm Sunday - Dr. Susanne Freeborn
bulletRising Again - Easter 2001 - Dr. Susanne Freeborn
bulletThe Spiritual Tourist's Guide to Casual Spiriutality - Dr. Susanne Freeborn
bulletStepping Up Our Spiritual Practice - Dr. Susanne Freeborn
bulletWisdom of the Ages:  Forgiveness as a Place to Begin - Dr. Susanne Freeborn
bulletWisdom of the Ages: The Valley Spirit - Dr. Susanne Freeborn
bulletWisdom of the Ages: Four Noble Truths - Dr. Susanne Freeborn
bulletStepping Up to Higher Ground - Rev. Linda S. Siddall
bulletWhat Is the World We Would Like to Leave Our Great-Grandchildren? - Dr. Susanne Freeborn
bulletTrying is Lying - Dr. Susanne Freeborn
bulletBeing Smart and Having All the Answers - Dr. Susanne Freeborn
bulletThe Great Belonging - Rev. Linda S. Siddall
bulletReal Freedom - Dr. Susanne Freeborn
bulletPersistence, Courage and Responsibility: The Three Primary Elements of Success - Dr. Susanne Freeborn
bulletGratitude for New Beginnings
bulletCreating New Spiritual Relationships
bulletWhat is Religious Science? - Dr. Susanne Freeborn
bulletThe Key to the Universe is Choice
bulletLife Changes, Growth is Optional.  Choose Wisely!
bulletCelebrate What You Want to See More of
bulletCreating A New Life 10-29-00 Linda Siddall, RScP
bulletDiwali -- The Hindi Season of Light
bulletThe Supremacy of Consciousness
bulletBeing Grateful for Simple Things: Ordinary Grace
bulletLiving an Abundant Life - Dr. Susanne Freeborn
bulletSimplicity - December 10, 2000 - Dr. Susanne Freeborn
bulletChristmas Service
bulletAbout Us
bulletAbout Dr. Susanne Freeborn, Emerson Center for Spiritual Awakening
bulletAbout Rev. Linda S. Siddall
bulletEmerson Center Links to New Thought
bulletClasses and Study Groups
bulletCurrent Class Offerings
bulletTuition and Fees for Classes
bulletEmerson Online Studies
bulletEmerson Center Site Directory
bulletDirections to Emerson Center in Redwood City, California
bulletWhat is Time?
bulletLAWS OF SUCCESS - Dr. Susanne Freeborn
bulletA little light in a dark room is still a great illumination - Collected Quotations
bulletWhat We Believe
bulletSpiritual Services
bulletEmerson Center Feedback Page
bulletThe Bridge - Pages 5 and 6
bulletEmerson Center Search Page
bulletThe Facilities at UCLA Conference Center
bulletActions in Faith
bulletWalking Calculator - For Your Good Health!
bulletMetaphysical Study Hall Page
bulletMy Home Page
bulletNew Page 1


Warmly Celebrating Spiritual Growth and Abundant Life in an Open Community

Send mail to Dr. Susanne Freeborn with questions or comments about Emerson Center or this  web site.
Copyright © 2000-2002 Emerson Center for Spiritual Awakening
Last modified: August 23, 2002