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Emerson Center for

Spiritual Awakening

New Thought based in ancient wisdom ... 

the timeless teachings of

Religious Science


Dr. Susanne Freeborn, Senior Minister

Rev. Linda S. Siddall, Assistant Minister



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A Little Light: Quotations Collection ]


Ancient Wisdom Taught in a Modern Way!


Metaphysical &  New Thought  Book Club

Emerson's Summer House  

Ralph Waldo Emerson's Summer Home 

The Metaphysical & New Thought Book Club meets on the second Wednesday of the Month at 7:00  -  9:00 PM.

E-Mail Dr. Susanne for the current meeting location and  book title.

Popular New Thought Book Club - Second Wednesday of the Month

         Begins April  11, 2002.  

Love Offering Basis

Book Club Objectives

bulletProvide a casual atmosphere in which to discuss spiritual books
bulletIntroduction to and discussion of New Thought ideas
bulletOpportunity to develop spiritual and social community


Warmly Celebrating Spiritual Growth and Abundant Life in an Open Community

Send mail to Dr. Susanne Freeborn with questions or comments about Emerson Center or this  web site.
Copyright © 2000-2002 Emerson Center for Spiritual Awakening
Last modified: August 23, 2002