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Emerson Center for

Spiritual Awakening

New Thought based in ancient wisdom ... 

the timeless teachings of

Religious Science


Dr. Susanne Freeborn, Senior Minister

Rev. Linda S. Siddall, Assistant Minister


Emerson Online Studies
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Ancient Wisdom Taught in a Modern Way!

     Our Director, Dr. Susanne Freeborn, with assistance from  Pastoral Care Director, Linda Siddall, RScP, is available for spiritual counseling and prayer, as well as weddings, baby blessings, and memorial services.  

Affirmative Prayer Requests

Click on the link and email your request to Dr. Susanne. Please include contact information and times when you are available to discuss your request.

What Is A Religious Science Practitioner? 

The Religious Science Practitioner is a person of high spiritual consciousness and deep understanding.  Practitioners are trained through the study of the Science of the Mind, in the art, science and skill of spiritual mind treatment and are dedicated to the cause of helping others.  Practitioners are licensed to practice professionally and are bound by a high code of ethics to respect your confidence. 

What Is Spiritual Mind Treatment?

"In its more simple meaning, treatment is the time, process and method necessary to the changing of our thought. Treatment is clearing the thought of negation, of doubt and fear, and causing it to perceive the ever-presence of God." 

Dr. Ernest Holmes 

 Must I Be Present For Treatment To Work?

No, treatments are just as effective if your Practitioner is in your presence, on the telephone, or around the other side of the world. There is only One Mind, and that Mind is everywhere present. It is into this Mind that treatments are given. 

Can I Treat Myself?

Most certainly. The following words are a simple treatment that will raise your consciousness and your level of acceptance. 

There is One Universal Life, and I am unified with that life. I declare that within this Divine Life is contained all that I need for a healthy, happy, prosperous life. I accept this good gladly, turning away from any appearance to the contrary. In deep gratitude I give thanks to God. And so it is. 

Do I Need A Practitioner?


Am I too close to my own problem to see the situation clearly? 


Do I feel that something is blocking that which I am seeking? 


Do I feel that I lack the experience with, the training in, or the under-standing of the Science of Mind principles necessary to resolve the difficulty? 

 How Do I Cooperate With My Practitioner?


Have faith in the Mind of God. It is Omnipotent, and it does the work.


Release your problem. Give it to your Practitioner. Do not dwell upon it nor hash it over with a friend. If it comes to mind, or crops up in conversation, dismiss it with a simple positive statement such as "Through treatment all things are possible."


Use the affirmations given to you by your Practitioner. Use them in the early morning and before retiring, and as often as is appropriate in between. Put feeling into them.


Endeavor to keep a positive attitude. Be expectant, accepting every good thing as part of your demonstration.


Be thankful. Give thanks to God for the wonderful change that is taking place in your life. 

Emerson Online Studies

Accredited classes are offered for both personal fulfillment and professional advancement

Spiritual Counseling

Dr. Susanne Freeborn is available for counseling and remembers the Truth about you when you forget. 

Classes and Study Groups

Third Thursday lunch book discussion group. Have a book you would like to discuss with others?

For October - This Thing Called Life - Ernest Holmes

This book discussion will begin on October 19th

Book Club meets on the third Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM.  E-Mail for location.  Love Offering Basis

Women's Groups, Men's Groups
Peer spiritual support groups are planned for the near future!  Please let us know if you wish to participate in such a group.


Warmly Celebrating Spiritual Growth and Abundant Life in an Open Community

Send mail to Dr. Susanne Freeborn with questions or comments about Emerson Center or this  web site.
Copyright © 2000-2002 Emerson Center for Spiritual Awakening
Last modified: August 23, 2002