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Emerson Center for

Spiritual Awakening

New Thought based in ancient wisdom ... 

the timeless teachings of

Religious Science


Dr. Susanne Freeborn, Senior Minister

Rev. Linda S. Siddall, Assistant Minister



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Ancient Wisdom Taught in a Modern Way!

What is Religious Science?

September 24, 2000

The world is tired of mysteries, does not understand symbols, and longs for reality. What is Reality? Where may it be found? How may it be used? These are some of the questions we should like to have answered.
Dr. Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind

In Religious Science we say and believe some specific things about reality.  Important among them are certain ideas that you probably already accept.  Let me quickly state four of the most significant of them here:


As a Divine Being, you are the master of your destiny.


The second one is something that Ernest Holmes used to begin each of his radio broadcasts:  “There is a power for good in the Universe, greater than you are—and you can use it!”


And here is what you might call our Mantra: “Change your thinking and change your life!”

bulletThe part you play in ultimate reality is integral to the whole of its make up.  You are as important to what God is as God is to you!

Religious Science is a metaphysically based form of spiritual expression, There is nothing mysterious or supernatural about metaphysics. A typical New Thought definition is: "Meta" means above or beyond, and "physical" means material or that which is experienced by the five senses. Metaphysics is simply the study of ultimate reality, or God, also known as the Grand Overall Design, as Creative Intelligence or Universal Mind, which is everywhere present, in and through all that we see, touch, smell, hear, taste...and beyond!

Story about Grand Overall Design

Someone shared this story with me when I was studying for ministry, and it points to something about the nexus between science and Spirit.  We believe that Spiritual Laws work as reliably as any law of Physics, so this story was a welcome relief.

Apparently this happened a few years ago, and it was at either USC or UCLA, I no longer remember which.  In any case, somewhere near the end of a grueling semester in Physics during a review, the professor teaching the class was asked by one of the students, known for asking troublesome questions, about how he would explain about all that remains unexplained in Physics, he walked over to the blackboard, and wrote "G.O.D." underlined it, and then explained that it was all a part of the "Grand Overall Design."

Albert Einstein said:

"The most beautiful and most profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer stand rapt in awe is as good as dead.  That deeply emotional conviction of the Presence of a Superior Reasoning Power as revealed in the incomprehensible Universe forms my idea of God."

Einstein saw the same Creative lawful Mind that Ernest Holmes wrote about!  So we call this Grand Overall Design, Creative Mind.  By "Mind" do we mean God's mind? Yes. We also mean our own mind: we believe that we are all one in God. We don’t believe that there is actually such separate things as your mind and my mind, his mind or her mind, and God's mind. There is just one Mind in which we all live, move, and have our being. 

This mind is both conscious and subconscious. Conscious mind is the spirit either in God or man, and unconscious mind is the law of conscious mind in action and is, therefore, subject to Conscious mind. Spirit moves through the Law of Mind to create. That which we call our mind is simply that point in God-consciousness where we are aware of Self.


What or where is consciousness?

Our consciousness is our mental awareness. Some refer to consciousness or awareness as the ability to observe life from the highest viewpoint available to us.  It is both the conscious and subconscious mind and all it contains. 


In essence, our consciousness is guided by the sum total of everything we have ever believed and accepted to be the Truth about ourselves from the moment we were born until this moment in time. Our consciousness is how we make individual use of Universal Mind. Our consciousness forms a belief system into which life pours Itself. We can change our consciousness through a form of affirmative prayer that we call Spiritual Mind Treatment. The ultimate conscious we want to develop would embrace an awareness that God is all there is.

What is the "Principle" upon which Science of Mind is based?

Science of Mind is the study of the Principle of Being. Some from a more philosophical background might call this Ontology.  What we cal “Principle” is defined as "a fundamental Truth or Law upon which other Laws are based". We might say that because God is All There Is, Principle is the Intelligence of God or Ultimate Reality in action.

How does Principle operate? By means of each of us, the Intelligence of God, as conscious mind, moves through a field of subconscious mind creating a result or an effect. Knowing that we all exist within the Mind of God, we each individualize this Principle every time we coordinate what we think and feel. As we understand Principle and how it operates, we can then choose to rely upon it to change our lives in desirable ways. In Religious Science we say that “Principle is not bound by precedent!”  This means that history does not determine what will happen in our lives, it is our conscious and committed direction of our thoughts and feelings that determines our experience!

Let’s do some experiments with how this works


Select a chair that you can easily lift. Lift it up. Notice its weight and the degree of effort required to lift it. Put it down.

Say to yourself , " I hate lifting this chair. Every time I lift this chair, I get tired and something awful happens. It seems like every time I lift this chair, the bank makes mistakes in my checking account and charges me extra. When I lift this chair, I feel discouraged and tired, I have fights with my friends, and my car makes funny noises. I really hate to lift this chair." You can make up something awful yourself if you like, and make it terrible, and say it like you mean it.  Now, lift the chair. 


Notice its weight and the degree of effort required to lift it. Just let yourself be with the weight of that chair. Then, put it down.


Now say to yourself, "Cancel! Cancel! That's not what I believe! I love lifting this chair. Every time I lift this chair, my taxes go down and I get a refund. When I lift this chair, the profits on my investments increase and my future is financially more sound.  I feel great! I look great!  I am healthier and happier and sexier! I lift chairs for fun and profit! My life improves every time I lift this chair!" Now lift the chair. 

Notice its weight and the degree of effort required to lift it?


Put it down. Lift it again, if you like.


Please notice: the effects on you did not require that you really believe what you were saying nor did it matter that the statements were not true. The consciousness was transient, yet for most people, the effects are noticeable.

Now imagine for yourself what statements you could make right now to yourself that would make your life easier, better, and more fulfilling? I recommend that you create it, test it and begin to harness the technology of consciousness. 


Another Experiment to Try at Home 


Have you thought of a friend you haven't seen in a long time only to run into them or have them call? This is called many things, but let us use the holographic model and call it the One Mind operating in us and also in our friend. Write the names of five or six people that you know on slips of paper. 

Put the slips into a cup or jar. Select one at random. Begin to think about that person. See them in your mind's eye. Hear them saying hello to you. Picture yourself meeting them at an expected place and then at an unexpected place. Then put the name aside. How long does it take for them to call or show up in your life?


Experiment #3


Now, think of some piece of information that you would like to have. Think about it already being in existence. Picture it coming to you in several different ways. Assure yourself that it is now known and revealed to you. Do this several times each day with the expectation that it will be so. 

As you practice, the information will arrive faster and often in amazing ways.


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Here is metaphor  that serves as a description of Truth:  Each of us knows, for instance, that each day the sun shines more light on us than we can use or even begin to see.  We use the light where we are to see what we are focused upon, but this in no way negates the Truth of the overwhelming light that is all around us that falls in places where we haven’t had the time to look.  We have even found ways to take light into places that sun light wouldn’t naturally fall, but this still does not give us the complete experience of light.  In the same way, Truth is available to each of us and the more that we look, the more our grasp of what Truth means expands. 


It takes each and every one of us to comprehend this Truth together.  Collectively, without consideration for Time and Space you might say that it takes all that we have been, all that we are now, and all that we will ever be to comprehend the Infinite Truth.  And yet it is in our willingness to engage in the process of living fully, taking advantage of its laws that gives us a great life.  We do not share in any belief which says that all of Truth has already been given.


The Ultimate Reality is the absolute truth, that behind all form is the formless energy and intelligence of the one God. The apparent reality, that which we see, touch, and smell, is just that–it appears to be something, and is always subject to change. The Ultimate Reality is changeless perfection; therefore, the Real Self is perfection, for god could not know anything unlike itself. The spirit of God within us and all around us is the only true reality. As we begin to get in touch daily with this perfect principle, we can then demonstrate it in our daily lives. Perfect God, Perfect Person, Perfect Being – this is the Absolute Truth!


Affirmative Prayer


In Religious Science we communicate in thought and speech with God through a process we call spiritual mind treatment, or affirmative prayer. We believe that by Divine birthright, God has already given us all that we ever will need to live a complete, healthy, whole, and prosperous life; all we need to do is to accept it! The communication always takes place within our own consciousness and mind.

Spiritual mind treatment is simply a process used to change our consciousness or belief system. Treatment acknowledges to Mind that that idea which we are praying both already exists and is already ours. There is never any asking, begging, or supplication, only acceptance. The Law of Cause and Effect makes it so.  It is done unto us as we believe!

Affirmative prayer, or spiritual mind treatment, is a simple process, really. It requires persistent thinking in ways that will naturally, lawfully, create what we desire. Praying the way that Buddha prayed, the way that Jesus is said to have prayed. It's using the spiritual laws of this Universe to unfold in our lives the experience we desire. Once you know more about these Universal laws, it's simple to practice using them. 

Affirmative prayer, then, is most importantly about shifting our belief. We believe that by following certain principles we can create a change in consciousness. Each step is an ingredient for change, but keep in mind that this is not a Betty Crocker mix for prayer, it calls for authentic experimentation! The best way to pray is the way that causes you to feel profoundly and deeply connected with, and loved by, Spirit.


God Is All There Is!

One of the things that makes us miserable in life is the thoughts we have about our preferred ways for life to be.  This sets up some things as “good” and some things as “bad” and our selves as arbiters.  In Religious Science we say “There's not a spot where God is not!”

The entire premise of Science of Mind rests solely on the fact that God is All There Is; the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End and everything in-between. You are an essential part of this too!  This cannot be the truth without all that you are!

Because Truth is Infinite, It must be continuously unfolding in our consciousness and no one currently has a complete understanding of Truth. We believe that a complete understanding of Truth would be a complete understanding of God, and a complete comprehension of God would be to become God. We know that our experience of Truth, of ultimate reality grows and will continue to be given as we use that which we already have. We do not hold any belief which says that all of Truth has been given.  This openness to the development of our knowledge of Truth, in itself, distinguishes and honors what we believe in Religious Science. 


We Believe that Love is the Greatest Power


Called or not called, God is present.

Carl Jung

Spirit is the One Infinite Presence, the Source of all Love, all-knowing, all-powerful and everywhere-present. Spirit is in every country, on every continent and in every heart. Spirit can be found within every religion, resting in smiling repose. 

I know that the inhabitants of our world now evolve to a great, new understanding of ourselves and of each other. All hearts now awaken to an awareness of the Presence of God in all things. This awakening touches every endeavor and lets in the Light of Pure Consciousness. This enlightened state allows all people to work together harmoniously, respectfully and lovingly. 


Repeat with me now:

I am a light to the whole world. 

My choices and actions are aligned with the soul: harmless, loving and clear. 

I am a global citizen, thinking in terms of the universal, rather than merely the particular or personal. 

I choose to call upon the Infinite Wisdom of the Beloved to inspire my choices and guide my actions. 

This prayer creates a doorway to a greater, freer, richer experience for everyone without exception. 

We cross the threshold together; all is well!  And so it is!

Thank you for being here today.



Warmly Celebrating Spiritual Growth and Abundant Life in an Open Community

Send mail to Dr. Susanne Freeborn with questions or comments about Emerson Center or this  web site.
Copyright © 2000-2002 Emerson Center for Spiritual Awakening
Last modified: August 23, 2002