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Emerson Center for

Spiritual Awakening

New Thought based in ancient wisdom ... 

the timeless teachings of

Religious Science


Dr. Susanne Freeborn, Senior Minister

Rev. Linda S. Siddall, Assistant Minister



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Ancient Wisdom Taught in a Modern Way!

We Believe

bulletThat each individual can be powerful, happy, healthy, successful and at peace with all.
bulletThat learning and understanding Life and its Laws is a basic requirement for realizing this experience.
bulletThat the correct application of this knowledge provides fulfillment of these qualities.
bulletThat each individual can experience and express these qualities through the power of choice. (This is an activity of Mind.)
bulletThat there is only One Mind, One Essence, One Substance in which we live, move and have our being.
bulletThat Mind is Consciousness, Spirit, Goodness- GOD.
bulletThat this Mind knows all, and is the only Presence and Power.
bulletThat this Mind is my mind also.
bulletThat this Mind is Truth, the only Reality.
bulletThat Truth is three dimensional: Spiritual, Mental, and Physical. At the Spiritual level- Truth Is. At the Mental level- Truth is experienced. At the Physical level- Truth is expressed.
bulletIn the Unity of Life: Mind IS-I AM. All the drops in the ocean are of the same substance and quality as the ocean. The individual drop and the ocean are ONE, but the ocean is greater. So it is with us and the ONE MIND.
bulletThat there is only ONE LIFE and that Life is God's life and that is my life now.
bulletThat peace is experienced by knowing Truth (which sets us free).
bulletThat MIND, SPIRIT has two aspects- TRUTH, that which is and LOVE, the activity of TRUTH. Truth never changes; however, Love is infinite in its ways of expression. (It fulfills Truth.) Love is a feeling of goodness, joy, caring. and acceptance.
bulletThat all creating is accomplished through the combining Truth and Love (thoughts and feelings).
bulletThat a creative experience in Mind is expressed in form and/or action.
bulletThat conditions may be created, through our free choice, that are not the truth (2+2=5). However, we have the power through our free choice to change this by choosing or learning Truth and experiencing Its Qualities ( 2+2=4).
bulletThat you are Divine Perfect Spirit, being a Divine Perfect Spiritual Being. However, the free choice of ideas of who and what you think you are, is what you experience and express.
bulletThat Enlightenment is the realization of your true nature and through understanding Truth and expressing It in Love, your pathway is illumined.
bulletThat to the open mind, learning Its ways is simple and easy. The language of the Mind is twofold: reasoning based on Truth, and visualization and imagination based on Love.



Warmly Celebrating Spiritual Growth and Abundant Life in an Open Community

Send mail to Dr. Susanne Freeborn with questions or comments about Emerson Center or this  web site.
Copyright © 2000-2002 Emerson Center for Spiritual Awakening
Last modified: August 23, 2002