1st - Choose your character by choosing one from our biographies and e-mail us to tell us who you want.
2nd - Their abilities are with their biography so you can use those attacks on your opponent.
3rd - You pick out a fighter, (that is not busy and is up to fighting) e-mail them to battle you in one of the rooms. Also you must e-mail one of us your story from the room you have battled in, telling us the characters, time, date, and the whole dialogue.
4th - You can also train in different areas with another person to practice your skills.
5th- You must complete you quest within two days, and e-mail it to me. When completed you earn money, depending on the quest you are given. If failed it will be given to another member.
6th - You build-up your power levels which is your HP(Hit Points). To build up your power level by training and fighting.
Power Earning
Room of Spirit and Time - 1000
Gravity Room - 250 Each Time
Kaio-sama, Dai Kaio, or Kaioshin's Planet - your powerlevel doubles (Only if you died and have dragonballs to be revived. But you must e-mail me to use your dragonballs).
Every battle your powerlevel goes up by 2,500.
Every battle lost your powerlevel goes up by 1,500.
Every five training sessions your powerlevel goes up by 500.
7th - You die only twice, unless you have Namek or Blackstar Dragonballs.
8th - You must e-mail your story to us to proove that you have trained, or fought someone.
9th - A certain amount of battles you win straight, you earn money for battles.
Killing A Character - 15,000$
Other Person Gives Up - 5,000$
Defeat - 1,500$
+ every staright win = 1,600$
Draw - 750$
10th - No hitting below the belt, poking in the eyes, or showing bad sportsmanship if you have lost, and if you didn't lose you will lose because of these reasons.
11th- In a battle if you do a storyline you can earn extra money if you win or lose. Both people will be given 500$ extra. Killing someones henchmen each person killed is 20$, and you must e-mail me.
12th- To learn attacks you must train with someone, and e-mail me your training.
And that's it.