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The Playaz

Animated gifs poll
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Cap. Ginyu

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Animated Gifs

Thanks to JkWok44, Gogetto (Super_Nova Vegetto), Freezer, Piccalohd, and EVOT for all of these animated gifs. I also made some of the animated gifs. My animated gifs will have a FREEZA beside them.

If you use any of these animated gifs on your site dont forget to thank them and me! If you find any broken links please e-mail me so that I can try to get them fixed. And dont forget to take my animated gifs poll while you are here.

My newest Animated gifs will have a (NEW) sign beside them.

Cell doing a combo of kicks (FREEZA)
Cell doing a combo of moves
Cell fires a Kamehameha in HD
Cell flying
Cell doing a Kamehameha
Cell shoots a Big fireball

Freeza kicking in HD
Freeza kicking in HD (2)
Freeza kicking in HD (3)
Freeza laughing in HD
Freeza Moving Fast!(FREEZA)
Freeza shooting ki in HD
Freeza shoots a swirling disc of energy
Freeza throws another disc of energy
Freeza shooting a laser
Freeza shooting another laser
Freeza punching
Freeza punching again
Freeza swinging his tail
Freeza powering up
Freeza swinging his tail again

Ginyu Force
Captain Ginyu doing a pose
The Ginyu Force pose

Gohan entering in HD
Gohan going SSJ than SSJ2(Gogetto)
Gohan going SSJ2(Gogetto)
Gohan lifting his hand
Gohan's Masenko
Gohan powering up(Gogetto)
Gohan shooting a Kamehameha
Gohan shooting a Kamehameha (2)
Gohan shooting a Kamehameha in HD
Gohan fighting Kai

Evil Goku (new)
Goku flips
Goku flying
Goku flying (2)
Goku going SSJ
Goku going SSJ (2)(Gogetto)
Goku going SSJ3
Goku going SSJ4
Goku going SSJ4 while shooting a Kamehameha (new)
Goku HD electric
Goku powers up ALOT,then shoots a Kamehameha
Goku powers up a little bit to much(FREEZA)
Goku takes to long powering up(FREEZA)
Goku throwing Vegeta around (new)
Goku throws a huge spirit bomb
Goku shadow kick (new)
Goku shooting a fireball(Gogetto)
Goku shooting a Kamehameha
Goku shooting a Kamehameha (2) (new)
Goku shooting a one handed Kamehameha(Gogetto)
Goku shoots Ki at Freeza,and the explosion knocks Freeza into the air
Goku shoots three fire balls

Krillin shooting two fire balls! (FREEZA)
Krillin dizzy
Krillin doing a solar flare
Krillin doing another solar flare(FREEZA)
Krillin shooting a Kamehameha

Piccolo's cape spins around him.
Piccolo shooting his special beam cannon
Piccolo looking around
Piccolo powering up then shooting his special beam cannon
Piccolo fighting Kai
Piccolo fighting one of the Saiba men
Piccolo fighting one of the Saiba men (2)

Raditz going SSJ (new)
Raditz shooting ki

Recoome Boom (new)
Recoome flying
Recoome punching
Recoome shooting Ki (new)

Trunks draws his sword and swings it around.
Trunks goes SSJ.
Trunks jumps up in air and swings his sword.
Trunks slices Cell with his sword.
Trunks swinging his sword at ground,causing an energy blast.

Vegeta doing a combo of moves
Vegeta doing his big bang attack.
Vegeta doing his meteo attack on Goku.
Vegeta elbowing his own son
Vegeta goes SSJ
Vegeta goes SSJ (2)(Gogetto)
Vegeta goes SSJ (3)(Gogetto)
Vegeta goes SSJ (4)(Gogetto)
Vegeta mad.
Vegeta shoots a beam causing an explosion.(FREEZA)
Vegeta fighting Recoome(FREEZA)
Vegeta's Final Flash
Vegeta glowing.
Vegeta's Kienzan (Disco Destructo)
Vegeta lifts his hand and Ki comes out of the ground
Vegeta shoots a fireball at goku
Vegeta shooting fireballs over and over
Vegeta shoots Ki in HD
Vegeta jumping around

Vegetto going SSJ(Gogetto) (new)
Vegetto shooting a Kamehameha(Gogetto) (new)

Other Animated gifs
Scouter: an animation of a scouter